The entire Demon City was randomly piled up with irregular big rocks.

In the words of Tianmeng, who has extremely high attainments in architecture, that day the magic city stood like an ugly pig in the rich magical energy, except for the big, there is no beauty at all.

During this period of time, as he learned more about Tianmeng, Li Zedao was horrified to discover that the pyramid and the hanging garden seemed to be the place where Tianmeng lived in the mortal domain, just like the ancient city at the bottom of the great desert.

Therefore, Tianmeng is the legendary alien!

At this moment, two figures completely different from those of the demon were randomly shuttled around the city like ghosts, without even attracting any demon's attention.

Soon, these two figures came to a remote corner.

Li Zedao took out the Eye of Demon and inlaid it on his forehead, and transformed himself into the arrogant of the Sky Demon family who cultivated the Eye of Demon.

At the same time, his whole body was instantly enveloped by a powerful demon energy.

Of course, there are still flaws. For example, the Tianjiao of the Tianmo clan is too ugly, just as ugly as those **** God's Domain people.

You see that his skin is white, his eyes are round, his nose is straight, his mouth is not crooked, his teeth are as white as millet's so ugly!

Knowing that he was ugly, in order not to scare those demons, Li Zedao took out a black cloth to cover his face, revealing only the eerie eye of the demon on his forehead.

This is also quite in line with the characteristics of Tianjiao, a clan of demons who like to show off their eyes.

Tianmeng looked at Li Zedao's terrifying eyes that looked like a black hole on his forehead.

Can't help but admire the power and inclusiveness of the heavenly atmosphere.

In other words, Li Zedao can have the eye of the demon clan, thanks to the powerful and incomparable tolerance of the heavenly aura, otherwise he would never have the eye of the demon.

"Sister, please later, I will inquire about the news, and then plan what to do." Li Zedao said.

Tian Meng didn't bother to guess what Li Zedao was doing, waved his hand: "Go."


The Heavenly Demon Palace is located in the very center of the Heavenly Demon City, where the core figures of the Heavenly Demon family live.

At this time, the huge Heavenly Demon Palace was enveloped by a strong atmosphere of grief, fear and hatred.

The patriarch of the Celestial Demon clan, one of the twelve evil demons next to the great Chilong Lord, and the Celestial Demon who commanded the Celestial Demon Tribe, suffered extremely heavy damage in this bloodbath battle of God's Domain!

Its Demon Eye, which represents absolute dignity and strength, was smashed by the abrupt punch of that terrifying Nuwa descendant, and there was no possibility of healing again.

What makes the heavenly demons even more chilling is that after learning that the heavenly demon was seriously injured and there is no possibility of recovery, and that the heavenly demon really couldn't find any individual to replace the heavenly demon, Chilong actually issued an incomparable one. Desperate orders.

It only gave the Heaven Demon three months. After three months, if the Heaven Demon still fails to heal and there is no other person in the Heaven Demon Clan to take its place, then the Heaven Demon must give up the position of the Twelve Demon.

After that, the demon clan will have to move out of the city of demon. From then on, the demon tribe will no longer be the domain of demon, and the demon tribe will also be renamed.

Facing Master Chilong's command, the Tianma clan was panicked and helpless, turned into a pot of porridge, but did not dare to feel angry.

Even if there is hatred in his heart, he hates that terrifying Nuwa descendant, not the great Chilong Lord.

At this moment, in the huge stone chamber, a strong magical energy enveloped, the atmosphere solidified into freezing point.

The Heaven Demon sat there cross-legged, with a dark blood hole on his forehead, and the viscous liquid was constantly seeping out from the blood hole, and he couldn't stop it.

With every penetration of the liquid, the demon felt his breath weakened by a point.

After this reduction, it will eventually become waste.

The core figures of the Celestial Demon clan around them also looked extremely solemn.

At this time, the Celestial Demons were in a precarious state. Once the tribe moved out of the Celestial Demon City and the Celestial Mob was subsequently renamed, then the great Celestial Demons would become the laughingstock of the entire Demon Realm.

To be ridiculed or to be light, the key is that the demon clan has become arrogant and domineering, and naturally has countless enemies. Once they are down, those enemies should not start to move around?

In short, the demons had already been pushed to the edge of the abyss.

Therefore, they hope that the patriarch can quickly come up with a one-size-fits-all solution to prevent this kind of extermination from happening.

What makes them feel powerless is that the patriarch seems to be unable to protect himself.

The heavenly demon waved his hand weakly, there was no such arrogance as before, and there was indescribable fatigue and weakness in his voice.

But its eyelashes, hazy by the black blood, were still bloodthirsty and palpitating.

"Don't worry, I will figure out how to do this. I will never allow the demons to fall and become the prey of others. Now you all go out first. I need to be clean."

The demon is not only disappointed, it is also discouraged.

The Eye of the Demon was destroyed, it was seriously injured, and it has since become waste. It is not unimaginable to be kicked aside by the dragon.

The key is that it has been injured so badly, but these people are not worried about its injury at all, but let it quickly find a way to help the heavenly demons get rid of the current predicament.

The low sentiment of these people is really chilling.

If it were in the past, the demon would have to kill a few members of the tribe to vent their anger.

But now, it only hopes that these people will not betray it and kill it instead.

Although the core figures of the Celestial Demon clan surrounding them were worried, they wanted the patriarch to follow them with a perfect plan, but they did not dare to violate the patriarch's meaning.

After making a lot of thoughts, they left this huge stone room.

As the last member of the Celestial Demon clan left the stone room, the door of the stone room slowly closed.

The huge stone room was shrouded in weird silence, and the eyes of the heavenly devil were hazy by the black liquid, revealing a trace of dead gray.

It didn't dare to violate the order issued by the great Chilong, but this did not mean that it did not have any complaints in its heart.

It fought for the great battle of the demon clan, and tried hard to fight against the powerhouses of the spiritual universe, but ended up falling into such a stubborn fate.

Now it is blamed by those people in it, thinking that it was the cause of the fall of the demons. How can it make it reconciled?

At this moment, the door of the stone room was pushed open, and a figure walked in.

The demon didn't even look at that figure, and said grimly: "I have already said that I will resolve the crisis of the demon clan."

In the past, who would dare to disobey its meaning? Even the other eleven evil demons must be polite in front of it.

But now, any junior in a family dare to violate its meaning. How can it not be angry?

"Your Demon Eye was shattered, your strength dropped rapidly, and it became a waste. What would you do to resolve it?" the person who came over responded with a sneer.

"what did you say?"

The demon was shocked, and then the evil spirit filled his eyes.

The magic energy of the huge stone chamber boiled and was extremely suppressed.

Even if I was injured, I was kicked away by Master Chi Long. Now my people dare to talk to me in this tone?

The demon's thread became so excited that more fishy and viscous liquid flowed from the terrible black blood hole on his forehead, which looked terrifying.

It started and wanted to take a good look at who this guy who dared to rebel against him was... Maybe because the wound was so painful, it didn't even hear its voice.

But it doesn’t matter who it is. The demon has decided to clean up the door first. It must let these people know that even if its eye is crushed and its cultivation base is severely damaged, its authority is not theirs. Provocative!

The demon first saw a charming eye that looked like a black hole, it was the eye of the demon!

Immediately afterwards, the demon saw a pair of eyes that looked like stars in the sky, which looked so bright, and it saw a rather disdainful smile at the corner of the mouth.

Then, the eyeballs of the heavenly devil were suddenly rounded, and his mind was directly blank.

Its mind roared violently, and an unprecedented monstrous wolf roused in its heart, and it couldn't believe what its eyes were seeing.

"so surprised?"

Li Zedao sat down in front of the demon, and drew down the demon eye on his forehead, playing with his hand.

"you you……"

The Heavenly Demon was speechless, not only because he was frightened by this powerful man of the same level as Chilong, but also because of the brutal punch of the terrifying man from the spiritual world. Devil's eye that shattered it.

It's even more because he actually possesses the Demon Eye that only the Tianjiao characters of the Demon Clan have!

That kind of possession is not just the possession of taking the Eye of the Demon as one's own, and turning the Tianjiao of the Sky Demon clan into his demon slave.

That kind of possession is the true sense of possession!

Could it be that this Nuwa descendant also has the blood of the demon clan? Are you kidding me?

"Master Tianma, I'm really sorry, someone accidentally beat you like this, I thought you could avoid it."

Li Zedao couldn't bear to look at the blood hole of the disgusting black scarlet liquid that was not stopping. The kind-hearted man felt that he was too cruel.

Impulse is the devil.


The Tianma's body trembled even more severely, and even more speechless, this time it was angry.

It seriously doubted whether this guy was a strong person in the spiritual universe, how could a strong person in the spiritual universe say such shameless words?

Li Zedao didn't bother to continue taunting the demon who made the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters so jealous, lest he be mad at him.

While playing with the Demon Eye on his hand with great interest, he said, "Don't worry, I am not here to kill you, let alone kill your family."

The demon's eyes were full of fear, and it was not at all relieved.

Killing my whole family... grit your teeth and endure it, but kill me... it's unbearable!

If you weren't here to kill me, why are you here? Could it come true to confess your crime?

Or is it because you have come to recognize your relatives? This Nüwa descendant really has the blood of the heavenly demons?

Otherwise, what is the explanation for this demon eye?

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