The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2666: Soul Sword

The number of stones on this day was much more than Li Zedao had imagined, like a hill.

If it hadn't been for the soul cloud refined by Li Zedao had the function of becoming bigger, I was afraid that it would not be able to let it go.

Tian Meng's eyes suddenly opened, and she glanced at Tian Shi, and her charming eyes became more and more hot.

Just as Xiao Daozi had expected, Chilong really had a lot of sky stones in his hands.

Tian Meng was contemptuous in his heart, that Chilong was indeed an idiot, otherwise how could he be fooled by such a clumsy trick by Xiao Daozi?

She thought that she had to fight Chilong to death, to rack all her brains, to pay a great price, to spend a lot of time, and even to pay the cheap life of a small way, before she could get it from Chilong. This day stone.

But who ever thought that Xiao Daozi would only use a Demon Eye that was of little use to him, but it took just a few dozen days to **** the sky stone from Chilong's hands.

Tian Meng had to admire the fact that Xiao Daozi had too many ghost ideas, and it was really hard to guard against.

It seems that I should pay more attention to avoid falling into the pits he dug.

The demon took out the two ancient scrolls that it didn't understand, and respectfully returned them to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao didn't reach out to pick it up, and said with a smile: "These two ancient scrolls will stay with you, so that the great Chilong lord will suddenly have to study these two ancient scrolls on a whim, but you can't get them out...Of course. You can also try it and see if you can refine this...oh, sky stone pill and soul-breaking sword."

"Small...I can't refine it. This pill recipe and the refining scroll are too jerky and difficult to understand. The small one can't understand it at all."

A cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the demon. From its point of view, the reason why this descendant of Nuwa said such words was to test whether it secretly left the heavenly stone, and whether it secretly copied the two ancient scrolls. Copies.

Li Zedao hehe smiled: "It's right to be jerky and incomprehensible, because I made up this pill recipe and the refining tool illustration book."


The corners of the Tianma's mouth twitched violently, only to feel that the whole person was not good.

In fact, in its opinion, these two ancient scrolls should be true, otherwise I am afraid that Master Chi Long cannot be concealed.

So it secretly copied these two ancient scrolls, and also secretly left some sky stones, but he didn't expect that this ancient scroll was made at will?

Is Lord Chi Long blind? Otherwise, why can't I see any clues?

"This is the antidote."

Li Zedao threw a soul pill over, and the demon hurriedly caught it, gratifying: "Thank you, sir."

In my heart, I was still wondering if I was poisoned. If I was poisoned, why didn't I respond? Will it be directly poisoned after taking this detoxification pill?

If Li Zedao knew what the demon was thinking, he said with certainty: "You are really poisoned."

The demon managed to squeeze out a smile, not knowing what to say, how embarrassing it would be.

Can't you say thank you?

"Okay, our transaction is over now. From now on, we might be an enemy again. When you are careful, I will blow your Demon Eye with another punch. Now you can go." Li Zedao waved his hand.

The little sky demon's heart trembled wildly, thinking that it would be better for Major General Demon's eyes to come out in the future.

Deep in thoughts, his body turned into a strong devilish energy, and he quickly went away.

Tian Meng looked at the pile of sky stones with hot eyes, and said with a smile: "Hey, Xiao Daozi, next, you should fulfill your promise."

"Don't let Sister Tianmeng disappoint you." Li Zedao nodded seriously.

"haha, really?"

Tian Meng stood up, picked up a sky stone casually, and played with it carefully.

Li Zedao was quite dissatisfied with this woman's attitude of seriously skeptical of her own character, thinking that this woman must have never known that she had won the "most honest baby" award when she was in kindergarten...Although, every baby did There is a certificate.

Tian Meng did not continue to question Li Zedao's character, anyway, without questioning his quality, he could not change his shameless nature.

She smiled and asked, "Xiao Daozi, where are you going to refine it?"

Li Zedao pondered and said, "The nameless cave of God's Domain is a good place."

"But should we build up the colorful walls again first? We won't be disturbed by Chilong."

Tianmeng saw through Li Zedao's little careful thought, and smiled so charmingly: "It's up to you. Anyway, according to the agreement, those colorful stones are now yours. What you do with them has nothing to do with your sister."

After returning to the nameless cave through the broken conveyor belt, Li Zedao took out the broken eaves and the colorful stones and started to build the wall.

Although he had previous experience in repairing cracks, Li Zedao still spent nearly a year before reluctantly rebuilding the colorful fence.

Tian Meng kept watching with cold eyes, and did not stop Li Zedao from repairing the wall that she had finally destroyed it completely, nor did he urge Li Zedao to start refining the weapon she needed.

Refining weapons and repairing this colorful wall belong to the scope of refining weapons. After all, they have the same goal in different ways, and some places are connected.

Li Zedao was repairing the colorful wall, in fact, he was honing his skill in refining, and later it was of great help to refining the soul sword, so Tian Meng did not object to Li Zedao repairing the colorful wall.

Besides, she has time.

Waiting for a year or two for her is not much different from one day or two days. She may have lived too long, so she doesn't have much concept of time.

Of course, such a colorful wall was repaired after all, and it was far less powerful than the colorful wall that Nuwa had built at the beginning, but it was enough to withstand Chilong for a long time.

After repairing the colorful wall, Li Zedao began to refine the weapon Tian Meng wanted.

For the sake of absolute safety, Li Zedao actually didn’t want to help Tianmeng refine such a sword weapon, let alone build the colorful wall again at this time, this woman did not continue to use Chilong to join hands to wash the gods. Threatened myself.

But Li Zedao finally began to refine, pouring into all his energy.

Men can be shameless, but they have to talk about credit... Well, after all, Li Zedao has a fear of Tianmeng from the depths of his soul, so he dare not continue to shamelessly perfuse her.

Otherwise, once the woman is angered, God's Domain will also be shrouded in blood and blood. ,

On the other hand, Li Zedao also eagerly wanted to improve his refining ability. He was eager to refining a Horcrux that was more powerful than the power of that sky-breaking axe.

He wants to be stronger than Pangu, even stronger than the day Tianmeng said!

This refining took two years!

In the end, a long sword that looked so ugly appeared in front of Li Zedao and Tian Meng.

From the outside, this long sword is like a stone sword polished with stone by a craftsman who is not skilled.

However, Li Zedao's pupils were hot, and Tian Meng's eyes were also hot. The faces of the two of them were full of joy, and they almost set off firecrackers.

They stared at the long sword, and their eyes seemed to melt it.

They clearly felt the terrifying and extremely cold aura released from this long sword, and that aura was not even weaker than the blow of a strong spiritual world realm.

Therefore, if there is a strong spiritual universe holding a sword like this to slash at the colorful wall that Nuwa has repaired, then that colorful wall will definitely be damaged.

Cut it a few more times, because the wall may be cut to pieces.

"Sister Tianmeng, fortunately not insulting her life."

Li Zedao looked at this woman who had unknowingly been with him for several years, with a happy smile on her face.

Seeing this woman so happy, he was also very happy.

"Xiao Daozi, your talent for refining tools is no weaker than your talent for pill medicine, and even if this sword is integrated into Pangu's soul, I am afraid it will be another heaven-shaking axe."

The eyes were facing each other, Tianmeng's big watery eyes seemed to melt Li Zedao, and the desperately **** red lips made Li Zedao have the urge to take a bite.

"It's just that the taste is too bad." Tian Meng giggled, with a look of disgust.

This sword is so ugly, and she is a woman with such a high taste, she is really embarrassed to take it.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm really embarrassed, the level is limited, it can only be like this."

"My sister really doesn't want it, then I will stay by myself."


The smile on Tian Meng's face was even worse. She reached out and picked up this long sword, which really didn't have any sense of beauty, but the uneven peaks were facing Li Zedao's throat.

Just like changing her face, all the charm on her face was replaced by a gloomy face, and she said coldly: "Xiao Daozi, do you think your sister should kill you now? lest you become the annoying piece at your sister's feet in the future? Stumbling block."

Li Zedao clearly felt the terrifying aura released from this sword, but there was no sign of fear. Instead, he smiled rather ambiguously: "Are you willing?"

Don't think that you have been conquered by my charm and technology, but you are not willing to admit it because of the reservedness of a woman.

In fact, there is nothing unwilling to admit, you admit I won't laugh at you, right? After all, this is a matter of course.

Tian Meng was flustered by Li Zedao, **** little Daozi, what kind of electricity is all right?

She gave Li Zedao an angry glance, and said with a smile: "Xiao Daozi, you value yourself too much. If you can't find a tool that can replace you for a while, or you haven't drained all of your value. My sister has already killed you with a single sword."

Li Zedao smiled, women are duplicity, and he knew this truth long, long ago.

Li Zedao probably forgot about the time. He came to this God's Realm, wondering whether it was almost ten years ago!

I don’t know how Nintendo and the others are doing.

Hearing Tianmeng's meaning is not very certain, there seems to be no difference between the time of God's Domain and Moral Domain.

"It's best that a year in God's Domain is equal to one day in Mortal Domain, and ten days is fine. If it doesn't work, it's just one month. It can't be more."

Li Zedao suddenly felt terribly uncomfortable.

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