The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2670: Soul Sword

If the appearance of the dragon's breath makes Li Zedao feel tricky and fearful, he instinctively wants to escape.

Then the appearance of this Jian Wang made him directly desperate.

He could barely stop the Dragon Breath, but he could not withstand the strangulation of this sword net, even if he was a master of making sword nets, even if he still possessed a defensive artifact like a golden shield.

No wonder, this woman desperately wants such a soul sword!

Such a soul sword can indeed double the power of those already powerful spiritual skills!


Just as Li Zedao sucked in the cold air, the horrible sword net was like the devil opening his blood bowl and mouth, and it swallowed the dragon's breath that was crazily crushed.

Immediately, a terrifying sound came, like a demon chewing the bone in his mouth.

That sword net frantically strangled the fireball burning with weird black flames.

In short, this kind of voice was so terrifying, it made Li Zedao's scalp numb, and it made him feel that the terrifying sounds he had heard in the past were so gentle.

After a few couldn't breathe, the blood red released by that sword net dimmed a bit, and at the same time, the horrible sound of gnawing bones disappeared.

As for the dragon's breath, it also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

In the distance, Chilong was so shocked that its ferocious eyes almost jumped out of its sockets.

It knows better than anyone how powerful the dragon's breath is when it is angry, and even Nuwa and Panlong don't dare to touch its edge easily.

But this woman had compiled such a terrifying sword net, and the sword net swallowed the dragon's breath and digested it.

How can this be? She is so powerful?

The strong are the strong after all!

Chi Long was shocked but took a few breaths. Its big brutal eyes suddenly fell on the soul sword in Tian Meng's hand. Those eyes widened again, revealing a hint of intense heat.

No, it's not that the woman is too powerful, but that there is a problem with the ugly sword in her hand.

Chi Long murmured: "What weapon is in your hand?"

"Hey, this is... the Soul Breaking Sword, a Soul Breaking Sword made from the Heavenly Stones you gave away, Lord Chilong, is it very powerful?" Tian Meng chuckled.

In midair, the huge body of the black dragon trembled violently, and the pitch-black dragon head was enveloped by a stronger devilish energy.

If the devil's betrayal made Chilong's anger almost reached its climax, then Tianmeng's heart-wrenching show off now made its anger directly reach its climax.

" **** it! **** it!"

Chilong looked up to the sky and roared.

Shenlong is angry, Longyin destroys the city!

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, the rich demon energy solidified into a ball, and the earth shook violently, as if experiencing a terrible earthquake.

In Chilong City, a huge crack appeared on the tall city wall, and the building collapsed suddenly. I don't know how many demons were attacked by this terrifying roar, and they rolled their eyes and passed out.

Li Zedao was affected by this terrifying Dragon Yin. He only felt that his ears were roaring very badly, and he couldn't help but stretch out his fingers and dig out his ears.

He stared at Chilong steadily. He knew that this huge wave in a state of rage was about to make a big move, and then he was afraid that a scene of the sky and the earth would break...

Damn it!

Li Zedao's pupils were suddenly rounded, and the small heart was trampled madly by Cao Nima, and he was almost powerless to complain.

Because this huge roaring wave turned its huge dragon head and ran forward!

It chose to escape!

Well, you just run, it's okay, if I face such a terrible sword net, I run too. The point is, what do you do to make such a big noise before running?

People mistakenly think that you are going to make a big move, you are going to work hard.

Tian Meng's eyes were full of ridicule, and Chi Long's act of turning around and running was within her expectation.

Although this guy is an idiot, he is not a fool. After feeling the power of that sword net, he will not continue to work hard.

"Just, can you run?"

Tian Meng once again clenched the extremely powerful soul sword in his hand, and a terrifying red gloom appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, the sky that was originally shrouded by the rich black demon gas turned blood red.

That is a blood red sword net! All sides are Jian Wang!

These sword nets were quickly woven into a huge sword net, which immediately blocked Chi Long's back and forth, left, and up and down retreats!

At this time, even if the Chilong possesses the power to enter the earth, it can't avoid it.

It is like a fish caught in a net, and the only thing it can do is struggle frantically to see if it can break free of the net.

Li Zedao's mind trembled violently again. He remembered that he used to weave a big net when he confronted Tianmeng in that big desert and in that ancient city.

The net directly smashed the entire ancient city into dust, and it ceased to exist.

Now this net is even tens of thousands of times stronger than my own net!

Li Zedao doesn't know if Chilong can break free, maybe he can't?

Will Chilong die? Li Zedao thought for a while, no!

Because he was shrouded by this sword net instead, he wouldn't die, but at least he would lose half his life.

Li Zedao even knew that the Chilong City of Nuo Da would be crushed into powder foam, and a large number of demons would also be crushed into powder foam.

Li Zedao sighed softly, the killing that he didn't want to see happened after all.


Facing this terrifying sword net, Chi Long's eyes filled with more devilish energy, and he let out a more stern roar.

It showed its incomparably dark claws, and frantically grabbed at the sword net that was shrouded in it, trying to tear open a hole, but it failed.

Its claws are sharp and abnormal, but this sword net is more explanatory than it thought.

What makes Chi Long feel more powerless is that this sword net has not been completely destroyed at this time.

Tian Meng took a deep breath and slammed the soul sword in his hand again.

The extremely sharp sound sounded, as if the space was cut through countless pieces! That terrifying sword net was like that avalanche, pouring down like an avalanche, in an unstoppable posture.

In an instant, the fishy wind screamed, and the posture looked like the end of the world.

From a distance, the huge Chilong City is no longer shrouded in a strong devilish energy, but a **** one, which looks extremely strange.

Below, all the Demon Sword Nets sucked madly, almost frightened to death.

In the sword net, Chilong's face changed wildly, and it roared even more anger, and its sharp claws once again madly grabbed the sword net that had been completely activated by that woman.

"Crack! Crack!"

Its claws were cut off by Jian Wang!

Chilong became even more angry, and his voice became hoarse. It used its huge dragon head and its proud horns to slam into it!


Its extremely powerful horns have also been cut off!

Scarlet black blood continuously sprayed out from its broken corners, covering Chilong's eyes.

For the first time, Chilong felt heartbroken what is called pain you, and the anger in its heart was directly replaced by unprecedented fear.

It was scared, it didn't dare to try to tear this sword net to escape, it changed into a devilish energy, and swept towards the downwind frantically.


Chilong was like a cannonball, forcibly smashing a big hole in the ground.

Chilong is like an escaped mouse, drilling desperately into the ground.

The sword net followed the pouring down.


A terrifying voice sounded, and the entire land shook violently, the sky broke and the earth shook and the mountains shook.

"The end of the world!"

Li Zedao watched this horrible scene with a slightly dull eyes, and a few shining characters popped out of his mind.

He remembered the disaster movies he had watched, and the scenes of destruction and destruction seemed to be incomparable with the scene that was happening before him.

It turns out that human power can be so terrifying.

When all the dust settled, the huge Chilong City and the area around a hundred miles outside the city had been replaced by a terrifying pit.

Chi Long is gone, Chi Long City is gone, those demons who haven't had time to escape are gone, and the demonic energy that has never been dispersed is gone.

The whole world became so clear, so quiet, and there was no sound at all, as if everything in the past did not exist.

Li Zedao stared at the bottom dumbfounded, his scalp was numb and he didn't feel at all. He really didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

Tian Meng's body trembled a few times, and the originally charming face was indescribably tired.

Weaving such a huge net out really consumed a lot of her breath.

But her eyes were extremely bright, showing terrible heat, and she shook the soul sword firmly.

The soul sword refined by Xiao Daozi possesses the power of destroying the heavens and the earth. If this soul sword is replaced with the axe, what terrifying power will it produce?

It should be possible to split the **** moon and break the **** imprisonment then?

At this moment, Tian Meng's heart suddenly twitched, and his face became so ugly, I don't know why it suddenly lost all confidence in the axe.

If the Skybreaking Axe could really split the imprisonment, the imprisonment would have long ceased to exist.

You know, the heavens also have many terrifying weapon refiners, and the weapons they refine can't compare to the skybreaking axe?

If it is not comparable, how did the chaos be opened up?

Li Zedao saw Tian Meng's body trembling so much, his face was even harder to see the extreme, thinking that she was consuming too much aura, subconsciously stretched out his hand and supported her.

Tian Meng's body paused, an unprecedented emotion invaded her entire soul at once, numb and extremely comfortable.

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