The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2675: Dreamland

At this moment, it was as if the sun appeared thick fog to disperse, and the thick black fog surrounding the cage was dispersed bit by bit.

Gradually, Li Zedao was able to see a cage that was exactly the same as the one he was in at this time.

The extremely irritable Chilong was trapped in that cage.

Li Zedao was even more horrified to find that this cage actually seemed to be floating in the endless night sky, with absolute darkness above his head and absolute darkness under his feet.

Li Zedao showed a trace of trepidation and swept the surrounding circle. Although the eyes were filled with endless darkness, Li Zedao was sure that someone had blended into the darkness perfectly, and he was looking at him and Chilong as monkeys. What is the explanation for the thick black fog?

Chilong naturally saw Li Ze who was trapped in the cage just like it.

If it had been in the past, it would have laughed authentically when it saw such a scene, but now, it can't laugh, it doesn't have any gloating, only a strong hatred.

Chi Long's huge eyeballs were round and scarlet, showing an extremely vicious gloomy light, and his whole body was even more entangled with a strong devilish energy.

"Damn idiot!" it gritted its teeth and roared, even if it threw the other side's bones into ashes, it would not be able to eliminate its monstrous hatred at all.

Li Zedao behaved quite coldly, ignoring the existence of Chilong.

Some people want to watch the two animals that are kept in separate cages shouting at each other. Li Zedao will naturally not let the other party succeed.

Besides, to say a few words to an idiot, it is a kind heart that will not discriminate against an idiot. But if I say a few more words, Li Zedao is afraid that he will be infected and become an idiot.

Li Zedao sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, began to comprehend the breath of heaven, and soon entered a state of deep sleep.

Li Zedao knew that he couldn't help this cage with his current cultivation base, but that wouldn't be the case when his cultivation reached a higher level.

So he chose to start practicing.

As for whether the person in the dark would come out to stop him from practicing... it would be better to jump out, better than being foolishly treated as a monkey.

Seeing that this **** idiot ignored him, Chi Long became even more angry, constantly calling Li Zedao an idiot.

At the end of the curse, his mouth was dry, and the **** idiot still ignored him, and he was dull and shut up quite depressed.

Randomly it also closes its eyes and starts to heal.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao, who was in his sleep, suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked down, his mind was directly confused.

However, at this moment, the stick made by his **** assembling something into his soul made a "click!" sound, like a wooden stick about to be unable to bear the weight and about to break.

Li Zedao was startled and stretched out his hand subconsciously, about to grab the sticks on both sides.


Li Zedao was completely idiot, and he was horrified to find that his two hands were actually empty!

The sticks were clearly standing there, and he had tried to smash them with one punch before, but now he couldn't catch them, as if the sticks were just a shadow, it didn't exist at all.


The sound of fracture came.

Li Zedao's body quickly fell towards the endless darkness below!


Li Zedao was so scared that his scalp numb violently, he madly reached out to grab the sticks on the cage, but the place he touched was still nothing!

His rapidly falling figure was instantly swallowed by darkness.

The Chilong in the cage not far away saw that the bottom of the cage where the idiot was located had leaked, and then the idiot plunged straight into the endless darkness, and the whole dragon was directly in a state of bewilderment.

It was too late to gloat. While it quickly glanced at the bottom of its own cage, the sharp claws were about to go over and grab the stick.

Nothing was caught, as if the stick was made of dyed air.

Chi Long was stunned and couldn't believe it was true.

It clearly remembered that it used to bite the stick crazily with its teeth before, and its dragon teeth had broken a few, and now it can't catch anything.

"Crack!" The stick below groaned-groaned.

Chilong's body tightened abruptly, and the whole dragon was so frightened that it fainted and didn't dare to move.

"Kacha!" This time it directly revealed the bottom.

"Damn Nuwa offspring, you are an idiot!"

Chilong screamed, and then its huge figure began to fall into the endless darkness uncontrollably, disappearing!


Li Zedao opened his eyes again, but what he saw was the extremely charming face of Tian Meng.

Li Zedao was stunned and rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

"No, it's not right, it doesn't make sense, so I must be dreaming." Li Zedao muttered in secret.

After rubbing it, Li Zedao opened his eyes again, and his eyes became wider and wider.

But seeing that charming and revealing face is still in front of me, and seeing her big funny eyes, it's not because he disappeared after rubbing his eyes.

Li Zedao widened his eyes, lowered his head to Tianmeng's feet, and didn't see the terrifying big hands formed by Chilong's soul.

Immediately his eyes with a look of astonishment swept the surrounding area and found that everything around him was quite familiar. It seemed that he was in the nameless cave in the Demon Realm, and walking outside was the Heaven Demon Realm ruled by the Heavenly Demon Clan.

In addition, Tian Meng was holding the extremely ugly soul sword he had refined.

"Xiao Daozi, have you finished your dream?" Tian Meng's eyes looking at Li Zedao are no different from looking at an idiot.

Li Zedao swallowed, and he was uncertain: "Sister Tianmeng, it's really you? This is the nameless cave? I'm not dreaming?"

He clearly remembered all the fragments that happened before.

They killed Chi Long City, Chi Long angered the dragon and spewed out the dragon's breath. Tian Meng used that soul sword to fabricate a terrible sword net and directly turned the entire Chi Long City into a huge sinkhole. I don’t know. How many demons were strangled into broken foam.

Immediately that pair of terrifying big hands appeared, restraining Tianmeng, and Li Zedao immediately chased Chilong into the ancient stone.

After much deliberation, Li Zedao found that it seemed the best ending to die with Chi Long, so he did not hesitate to shoot his sword against Chi Long.

Then the chaotic world inside Pangu Stone collapsed, and he and Chilong fell into endless darkness.

Strangely, when he woke up, he was shocked to find that he and Chilong were locked in that cage, just like animals in the zoo.

Immediately afterwards, something unreasonable happened.

The bottom of the cage that should have been quite sturdy leaked, and then he fell into the endless darkness again. When anyone wanted to open his eyes again, he was already in the nameless hole.

Tian Meng stood in front of him as if nothing had happened, where was the big hand that bound her?

Tian Meng's face was even more charming. She appeared in front of Li Zedao instantly like a ghost, her eyes staring at Li Zedao's eyes with extreme obsession, as if she were staring at her lover.

Then her Qianqiansu hand grabbed Li Zedao's crotch.

Li Zedao's body suddenly stopped, and his complexion suddenly became tense.

"Oh, Xiao Daozi, can you be more awake now?" Tian Meng gently spit out fragrance on Li Zedao's face, like a female pervert flirting with the little virgin who loves the first love.

Li Zedao nodded with difficulty, grabbing so hard, it almost broke, and it really made him fully awake.

He was 100% sure that he was not dreaming, otherwise the feeling could not be so strong.

But what is going on?

Tian Meng is so free from the shackles of those hands? Why did I return to this nameless cave after falling into the endless darkness? Where is Chi Long?

"Xiao Daozi, you really are an idiot. If you are not an idiot, how can you plunge into the maze?"

Tianmeng smiled and said: "If it weren’t for my sister, I really couldn’t bear to see the ecstasy, you thought about an idiot in the ecstasy formation, and shot the ecstasy to smash the ecstasy. You are afraid that you will be lost in the dream forever. Up."

"Magic Formation?" Li Zedao was stupid, "What's Lost Formation?"

After Tianmeng's explanation, Li Zedao knew that a powerful maze of the gods had been arranged in this nameless cave. Once he strayed into this formation, he would directly enter the endless dream.

Tian Meng gloated that Xiao Daozi you were too idiot. When you stepped into this Xumi Cave before, she noticed the existence of the maze, but Xiao Daozi plunged in.

Li Zedao was directly in a state of bewilderment, and couldn't believe it was true.

So against Chilong, Tianmeng’s feet are tied, the chaotic land inside Pangu Rock collapses, and the cage behind is what is called a dream?

They are indeed going to kill Chilong, but they haven't got out of the nameless hole yet?

Li Zedao always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. In the end, he could only blame himself because he was caught in an illusion, and his mind was confused.

Li Zedao swallowed his saliva, with lingering fears: "Sister Tianmeng, shall we not kill Chilong?"

Seeing Tianmeng’s eyes suddenly became cold, Li Zedao hurriedly explained: “Of course, it’s not as my sister thought. I still have the heart to work with Chilong to deal with my sister. The main reason is that I was lost in the maze. When I was stuck, I had a very real and real dream."

Tianmeng sneered and said, "What dream?"

Li Zedao swallowed again, trying to create that horrible atmosphere: "I dreamed of a pair of hands."


"That's a pair of hands condensed from Pangu's soul. Those hands firmly grasped Tian Meng sister's feet, and they couldn't break free at all." Li Ze said with lingering fear.

Immediately, Li Zedao's heart was not alive. He looked at Tian Meng's bright eyes, and suddenly felt that the woman's reaction seemed a little strange.

She didn't seem to be curious at all, on the contrary, she laughed quite playfully.

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