Although there has been a crack in the imprisonment, it would take hundreds of thousands of years for the powerhouses of the heavens and the dream of heaven to smash it to pieces.

Many people will die in God's Domain, but at least a small number of people will survive by chance.

That night, Li Zedao noticed many familiar and powerful auras.

That is the breath of the seven masters and the eight spiritual gods.

Li Zedao thought that these guys would raise their hands and surrender as soon as they saw Chilong appearing? Otherwise, how could Chilong and the Twelve Demon circumvent them?

Li Zedao didn't blame them for surrendering, nor did he have that qualification.

Has he surrendered few times over the years?

In order to survive, he had already stepped his dignity into the mud.

The Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Masters saw that they were huddled there, and Li Zedao, who had been tortured to a lesser degree, all of a sudden rounded his pupils, and his mind roared violently.

Although I had heard that this damned traitor had been beaten to the ground by the terrifying woman and Chi Long, it was precisely because he was beaten to the ground that Chi Long could lead the group of demons to bloodbath God's Domain again.

But when they saw it at this time, they still couldn't imagine it was true.

After all, that is no matter how to say that it is a strong person with Lingyu realm cultivation base, even if a strong Lingyu realm cultivation base faces two other Lingyu realm strong cultivation bases at the same time, the end should not be so miserable.

Wouldn't it be impossible to escape?

In the old days, Chilong faced both Nuwa and Panlong's attack at the same time. Even though he was embarrassed, wouldn't he also retreat from God's Domain?

Nuwa teamed up with Panlong, and couldn't stop Chilong's retreat at all.

It seemed that the strength of this damned traitor was just like that, with the breath of a strong spiritual world realm, but without his strength.

I sighed, the little heart that was originally full of nervousness also had a lot of gloating.

Damn traitor, do you have today too? Deserve it!

If it weren't for the guts, they would all want to jump over and kick him a few feet and spit a few saliva on him.

When the woman appeared, those figures were crawling on the ground, and those eyes that showed deep awe and awe looked at the incomparably powerful woman in front, and said respectfully: "See Lord Tianmeng! Thank you Lord Tianmeng for not killing her. Yep!"

Tian Meng didn't even look at these people, her gaze still fell on Li Zedao, who looked like a corpse not far away, as if she was speaking to him.

"I can make you like Chilong, a dog I raise!"

The seven main gate masters and the eight great spirit gods were so excited that their bodies trembled. They could actually become a dog raised by this terrifying woman? Does this mean that they have the same status as Chilong?

What a glorious thing is this?

Chi Long's dark face turned black again, and he only felt that he had been insulted to death, thinking that he must find a chance to kill all the **** eight spiritual gods and seven masters alive!

"In the next month, I want all people below the Spiritual Fairyland in God's Domain to die, and those above the Spiritual Fairyland will become a dog I raised... Whether it is a descendant of Nuwa or a person from God's Domain! Those who disobey will be killed, you Can a few do it?"

Those extremely hot eyes turned scarlet, and they shouted loudly without hesitation: "Small can be done!"

As long as their lives are preserved, as long as they can be honorably a dog for this woman, those garbage will die if they die.

Tian Meng pointed to Li Zedao and said: "I know that this person humiliated you to death before, as you are rubbish. Now, I give him to you, you can do anything to him, even if you have Being able to let him go frightened is also allowed!"

When the seven ambassadors and the eight great spirit gods heard the words, their pupils widened, and their bodies trembled more severely, revealing a more excited look.

Even if it can be said that the little tortoise who has the closest relationship with Li Zedao, the eyes of those tortoises are glowing hot.

It has been waiting for this moment, it has been waiting too long!

Damn little Daozi, great tortoise, I can finally scold your sister fiercely at you again!

I can finally hit your face with my cute tortoise paws, and I can finally spit on your rather annoying face.

The little tortoise was so excited that it almost got out of its shell.

Li Zedao's quiet heart still couldn't make any ripples, as if the brutal torture that was about to happen had nothing to do with him.

The following day and night, Li Zedao spent all kinds of inhuman torture and humiliation by the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Seven Great Lords, and even the little tortoise pulled a **** of **** on his face quite disgustingly.

After pulling, the little tortoise has an indescribable comfort all over his body. He only feels that he has reached the peak of tortoise life, and that he is the first tortoise ever!

I feel that the torture methods of other spirit gods and the Seven Great Masters are too pediatric and unsightly when compared with their own methods!

"Let him fly away."

Tian Meng looked at the still motionless figure, with complexity in her eyes, disappointment, and more anger.

She had exhausted every means, whether it was physical or mental torture, after all, she still couldn't change Xiao Daozi's mind, she failed!

Tian Meng's heart made a deafening roar. Since you are still uncompromising, go to death!

"Yes! Lord Tianmeng."

The Chilong behind him bowed his head, then turned into a dragon and hovered over Li Zedao.

Li Zedao felt the terrifying aura from Chilong above, knowing that his soul was about to disperse, and his heart was still calm as if water stopped.

Smiling faces appeared in his mind.

"I am a selfish scumbag after all." Li Zedao sighed softly in his heart.

Chi Long stared cruelly at the humble figure below. It decided to vent all the shame it had suffered during this time on this **** Nuwa descendant!

He took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and sprayed out a dragon breath fiercely at Li Zedao.

In an instant, a fireball burning with a weird black flame resembled a cannonball out of the chamber, blasting towards Li Zedao fiercely.

Dragon's breath possesses the power of sunlight and can destroy powerful souls!

This is why, after being hit by the dragon's breath, the demon with a powerful astral body becomes invisible.

But even so, it is naturally impossible to cause too much damage to the strong in Lingyu Realm.

But Li Zedao's cultivation was already restricted by those Pangu's hands, which meant that he couldn't run the heavenly aura in his body to resist.

Moreover, he suffered terrible torture during this period, and his soul was severely damaged, not to mention that he wanted to die.

Therefore, this dragon's breath is enough to destroy it.

Li Zedao clearly felt the terrifying temperature and felt his own soul melt.

But his heart is still as calm as water, because he has tried his best, because he has not betrayed his heart. Although he lost his dignity, he still guarded his bottom line after all.

In addition, the death of Nangong Meili and the others left Li Zedao's heart in darkness, without any sunshine.

Therefore, he accepted the arrival of death frankly, even if he waited for a moment, it had been a long time.

He is too tired, he hopes death will come soon.

Therefore, his always motionless body began to squirm, and he opened his arms hard, facing the terrifying dragon's breath, as if welcoming a bright future.

Tianmeng saw this scene, and the coldness in his eyes became a bit thicker again, and the anger in his heart reached its peak.

"Damn it!" She gritted her teeth and squeezed out these words.

There was a trace of movement in Chi Long's brutal eyes. He had never seen anyone who could meet disappointment so calmly. That person was still a powerful spiritual world realm master!

You must know that to become a powerhouse of their level, the last thing you want to face is death.

That's why, when he found a crack in the imprisonment, he couldn't wait to kneel and lick the woman from the heavens, then he wouldn't blink more when he turned into a dog to bark.


The dragon's breath fiercely blasted into Li Zedao's embrace, and it burst wildly.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth faded, and even the mountain of gods and demon not far away that was said to have evolved from the head of Pangu began to shake, and the roaring Heishui River fell into a more violent state, setting off a monstrous black wave.

When everything calmed down, a **** pit appeared on the ground, and a terrifying crack appeared around it, and a strong devilish energy continued to roll out of that pit.

As for Li Zedao, he was completely lost and no longer exists.


Li Zedao opened his eyes again, his mind in a state of absolute confusion.

"Isn't it supposed to be lost? Where is this? The cage?"

Li Zedao's eyes opened wider and wider, and the whole person looked silly, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what happened.

He should have been sprayed without a trace by the terrifying dragon breath that Chilong had sprayed. Even the moment the dragon's breath hit his arms, Li Zedao could feel his soul melted. Then he completely lost consciousness.

Therefore, he should have been fascinated and completely disappeared, but after opening his eyes, how did he return to this cage?

Li Ze reached out his hand, and he could easily touch the cold and terrifying aura released by the sticks.

And it’s not like before, you can’t touch it at all.

He looked down at his bottom again, the stick that traversed there was extremely hard, even if he was a strong person in Lingyu Realm, don't even think about discounting it.

Li Zedao turned around again and found that the Chilong who had transformed into a dragon was shrunk there, and his body was enveloped by a strong devilish energy, apparently healing his wounds quietly.

"What exactly is going on?"

Li Zedao grabbed the messy hair. He really didn't understand which scene was true and which was false?

Will not be trapped in this cage now, is it fake?

Of course, it is best if the scene of being trapped in this cage is real, and the scene that happened after the bottom of the cage is leaked is fake!

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