"Of course, if in the end I feel that you still can't protect the Pangu Region, I will still completely destroy it." Pangu said again.

Li Zedao's complexion was extremely ugly, his eyes were scarlet, he said every word: "I will save the four domains! Not to try, but to do my best!"

"This is your own choice, you don't need to promise me anything." Pangu said, "you just need to remember that I can destroy everything in Pangu domain at any time."

Li Zedao took a deep breath: "I remember it."

The eyes full of vicissitudes and majesty looked at Chi Long and said: "Chi Long, from now on you are Li Zedao's mount. You must respect Li Zedao, and you must not have any wrong intentions."

"You should be clear, since I can nurture you, I can easily destroy you!"

Panlong crawled on the ground and nodded desperately to show that he knew it, so scared that he couldn't even speak.

Pan Gu didn't say anything more, those eyes were gradually shrouded in thick black fog. After a while, the huge figure disappeared completely into the endless darkness.

At the same time, Li Zedao and Chi Long felt that their bodies were once again uncontrollably falling into the endless darkness below.

After a few breaths, Li Zedao found that his figure came into the huge pit that was blasted out by the sword net weaved by the heavenly dream. Underneath, was the plain-looking Pangu stone.

At the same time, the ugly soul sword that originally didn't know where it was lost was floating there quietly.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and held it tightly. He wanted to see if Chilong smashed it with a sword. After all, Li Zedao suppressed this idea.

The expression on Chi Long's face looked so strange.

It doesn't even know what kind of expression it should show to face this shameless fanatic who should be the enemy of life and death, who wants to transform into its owner.

Mount? The muscles on Chi Long's face twitched wildly, and he felt like he was humiliated to death.

Thinking of living under this idiot's lewd power in the future, Chi Long has even the heart to die.

But Chilong didn't dare to have any resistance in his heart, because he knew better than anyone that even if only a ray of soul remained in Pangu, it was enough to completely destroy it.

For all the creatures from the four domains, Pangu is their most terrifying natural enemy, none of them! Pangu completely controls their life and death.

Li Zedao ignored the Chilong on the side, his scarlet eyes stared at the pangu stone, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, Li Zedao glanced at Chi Long: "Do you think I can successfully save the four domains?"

There were cracks in the colorful wall, and Li Zedao could find a way to repair it.

However, there was a crack in the imprisonment, and Li Zedao was unable to repair it, and even if Pangu was resurrected again, he could not repair it.

All he can do is turn into a new imprisonment again.

Therefore, Li Zedao wanted to save the four domains, and the best way would naturally turn into a new imprisonment.

It's a pity that he is not Pangu after all, he doesn't have that kind of strength at all.

Perhaps, one day in the future, he can reach the height of Pangu, but when that day arrives, the four domains have already returned to the most primitive chaotic state.

Chi Long was slightly shocked.

It originally thought that this **** Nuwa descendant would ridicule itself, would use various vicious methods to humiliate itself, would make itself become a dragon and learn how to bark, and would even pee on its dragon head.

But he didn't expect him to ask such a question so seriously.

This shameless idiot is so serious, and it is not very perfunctory, so he thought about it seriously and said, "Basically impossible."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "I think so too."

"But I hope you can." Chilong muttered after a pause, his eyes quite complicated.

If this **** idiot can't successfully save the four domains, then Pangu will destroy everything here with his own hands. By then, it will be deprived of its right to be a traitor.

"Actually, Pangu doesn’t really matter if I can succeed in the end. If I succeed, he can continue to feel sick, which is certainly good. If I fail, he destroys everything here, which is equivalent to nauseating. Up."

Chilong looked a little flustered, how could you disrespect Pangu so much? It motioned to stay away from this **** idiot. If a lightning strikes and one accidentally slashes itself to death, it would be wrong.

Li Zedao shook his head and laughed at himself: "But there is no way, I want to protect a few women, and I also want to protect the world from any intrusion, even if it is protected for one day, that is good. So I can only hold on Living this opportunity, knowing that I will die, but I can only do it hard."

Li Zedao looked at Chi Long, his mouth grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth.

He said very sincerely: "The only thing that gives me a trace of comfort is that you stand in front of me, which is good."


Chilong almost spit out a few breaths of dragon's breath at this **** Nuwa descendant without holding back. Is this what a **** man would say? How could he be so shameless?

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Although you are already my mount, you can rest assured that I will not see you as a mount, at most I will treat you as a shield."

"..." Chi Long was so angry that he couldn't speak.

It feels that it should stay away from this **** idiot now, otherwise it really doesn't know what it will do.

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, and the muscles on his face were torn down: "Wait, Pangu seems to have said that he will give me the Sky Shaking Axe? Where's the Sky Shaking Axe?"

Chi Long didn't want to talk to this **** Nuwa descendant, but he couldn't help but respond, so he could only say in a loud voice, "I don't know."

Chi Long's eyes were red, and he was jealous of this **** idiot.

In fact, the lives created by these four Pangu were eager to get the Sky-Breaking Axe, but in the end no one was able to find the Sky-Breaking Axe.

Unexpectedly, the Sky Breaking Axe would eventually be acquired by this **** Nuwa descendant...Although Pan Gu seemed to just say so casually.

But no matter how you think about it, Pangu wouldn't have done such a dishonest thing.

Damn idiot, why is he so lucky? Are shameless people all lucky?

Chi Long was very sad, he found that he would never have such good luck.

Possessing a very good moral character is its fault!

Li Zedao looked at the Pangu stone and curled his lips. He was quite speechless. The dignified Pangu would even write a bad check, which was really shameless.

Li Zedao looked back at Chi Long and said, "Actually I once had a dream..."

Chi Long thought that you have a dream. Don't talk to Lao Tzu, because Lao Tzu has a habit of cleanliness.

"I dream that one day I will ride on the head of a dragon and swim above nine heavens..."

Seeing Chilong's disgusting expression on his face, Li Ze became angry, and his face sank and said, "I have already said that, why don't you hurry up and let me ride the dragon? Are you really an idiot and don't understand people?"

Only then did Chi Long react. The guy who said that the so-called dream was not looking for a chat topic, but to ride on its head.

She was so angry but couldn't resist, almost suffocating an internal injury and spewing a few mouthfuls of stuffy blood.

"Didn't you say you don't think of me as a mount?" Chi Long whispered kindly, his vicious eyes seemed to be looking at a corpse.

Li Zedao said speechlessly: "I said I don't see you as a mount, but did I say I don't ride on your head?"

Chilong's huge body paused, this **** Nuwa descendant did not say anything.

"Of course, you can also go against Pangu's meaning." Li Zedao said indifferently.

Chi Long was panting heavily, and his body was enveloped by terrible devilish air.

It felt that this **** Nuwa descendant was really bad. He was incapable of killing himself, so he tricked himself into disobeying Pangu's meaning, so that Pangu would destroy him, and his heart was shameful!

In order to prevent this **** idiot's conspiracy from succeeding, Chilong roared up to the sky, immediately transformed the dragon, and then lowered his arrogant dragon head.

Ride! You don't even look down on you if you don't ride Laozi!

Gritting his teeth and said: "Even if I die, I will definitely not violate Pangu's meaning!"

Li Zedao sneered, an idiot is an idiot. The figure stood on the giant dragon head for a moment.

For a while, Li Zedao felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life!

Who ever thought that in the past, the poor student, who was directly ignored by many teachers, who badly pulled the average score of the class every time in the exam, and the student who was bullied by classmates every day, would one day be riding on the head of a dragon!

Li Zedao remembered that famous saying.

Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, don't bully the young and poor!

"Let's go, save Tianmeng sister." Li Zedao patted Long's head as if he was photographing a pet.

Since Pan Gu gave him the hands that were enough to restrain a strong spiritual universe, it meant that he already had the ability to command those hands.

Chi Long wanted to avoid the idiot's hand, but felt extremely ashamed.

But in order for it to live longer, it thought for a while and said: "This is the time, shouldn't we kill that woman more?"

Li Zedao slapped the dragon's head and scolded: "Your sister, this son needs a mount to teach me how to do things?"


Chi Long was trembling with anger but was helpless. He could only decide to close his mouth in the future, and never want to say even a word to this **** Nuwa descendant.

With a muffled roar, the black dragon rose into the air.

Tianmeng, who was trapped there, saw the demonic energy gushing out of the huge pit below, her brows were slightly frowned, and then she saw a black dragon churning out from the pit.

"Xiao Daozi... was defeated?" Tian Meng's brows wrinkled in an instant, his expression extremely ugly.

It stands to reason that the strength of Xiao Daozi holding the soul sword is far higher than that of Chilong, but before that Chilong perfectly escaped the attack of that huge sword net and the appearance of the hands that Pangu’s soul evolved. Beyond the expectations of Heaven's Dream.

Tian Meng suddenly lost confidence in the little Daozi who was chasing Chilong.

"Wait, there is someone on the dragon's head...

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