The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2694: Cat feces coffee

Li Zedao continued to show off his knowledge: "Due to the rapid changes in the temperature, moisture content and pressure of the coffee beans, the chemical reaction speeds up at this stage, and the coffee beans accelerate to expand, causing the first burst..."

"Shut up!" Tianmeng was extremely irritable, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was no different from that of dead people.

She already realized that her curiosity was completely aroused by the tricks, which made her feel angry and even more ashamed.

How could she become interested in what Xiao Daozi said so easily?

How could she be so interested in this **** shit? How can she think that the smell of roast **** is actually quite charming? This is ridiculous.

This is the reason why Xiao Daozi forced her to go to Mortal Realm? He wants to use all kinds of new things that have never been seen before to attract her to make her fall in love with the mortal domain, infatuated with the mortal domain, and in the end he cannot bear to destroy or even want to protect the idea?

Li Zedao looked at Tianmeng, but there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, a hint of conspiracy success.

Catching the playfulness in Li Zedao's eyes, Tian Meng sneered extremely: "Xiao Daozi, do you think this can change my mind? You still don't know me well."

Do you think this will make me like Fanyu? Naive! naive!

Li Zedao blushed, lowered his head slightly, and said shyly: "Sister Tian Meng's unpredictability, the younger brother still knows."

Li Zedao was quite proud in his heart. This irritable woman hadn't realized that she was not so repulsive of civet shit, let alone going to the world.

Li Zedao dare to swear with his handsomeness that this woman is afraid that she has begun to dream about life in the mortal realm.

Li Zedao felt lonely and felt that he was so attractive that there was no woman he could not conquer.

You see how strong this woman is, how unpredictable, how hard that heart is, hasn't she been conquered little by little by herself?

Tian Meng's mouth twitched, is this being molested by naked-naked? **** it!

No, you must fight back fiercely! This **** shameless guy knew he was not easy to mess with at all.

So Tian Meng had an extremely charming smile, and there was a hint of contempt in those enchanting eyes: "Sister, I'm indeed unpredictable, you can't beat Xiaodaozi!"

"... Sister Tianmeng is mighty, and the younger brother is willing to go down." Li Zedao was extremely ashamed, and gave her a thumbs up.

Intentionally refuted, how can people tell the truth.

Li Zedao decided to ignore this powerful woman who dared to despise herself but couldn't resist, so he focused all his attention on the copper pot in front of him.

If the coffee beans are over-roasted, they may be battered, but the taste will be bad.

After roasting the coffee, Li Zedao easily turned it into a powder, and then added clean water to the copper pot and began to make coffee.

Brewing coffee is something Li Zedao is familiar with. Soon, the long-lost coffee aroma fills the whole nameless hole, and it constantly stimulates the nerves of Li Zedao and Tianmeng.

Li Zedao was so excited that his eyes were red.

He never dreamed that he could still drink a cup of steaming coffee when he came to God's Domain, and it was also the most expensive cat feces coffee for several thousand dollars.

Tian Meng felt incredible. She didn't expect to say that the **** of the **** raccoon can be washed, even if it is washed, it can be baked, even if it is grilled, it can be cooked, and even if it is cooked, it can be cooked. The flavor released afterwards is so rich, so unpleasant.

It doesn't matter if it is not annoying, she even had the horrible idea of ​​not trying a bite.

Tian Meng's face became quite embarrassed, and his murderous eyes stared at Li Zedao's face that had become extremely excited.

The **** little Daozi is afraid that when he hears that the so-called condition is to let him eat shit, he will be happy, right? It is pretending to be a heroic posture that is a bad habit but has to be done, really disgusting! Disgusting than shit!

Li Zedao didn't care what the woman was thinking, his eyes flashed a terrifying light, he couldn't wait to take out a gold cup, picked up the copper pot and poured himself a cup of cat dung coffee, which was so meaningful to him.

In an instant, the aroma of coffee became stronger.

Li Zedao picked up the coffee, gently blown away the heat that was rushing toward his face, and took a sip while watching Tian Meng's disgusting eyes.

Then he raised his head slightly, with a happy expression on his face, and big tears fell.

It's this kind of thick and mellow taste, this kind of taste from the world from home, it's too delicious, too **** delicious.

"He really drank it? He really ate shit? What does his expression mean? It's delicious and crying?"

Tian Meng was stunned and swallowed involuntarily.

The thought of trying to take a sip stimulated her nerves again.

Immediately, she was terrified by her disgusting and terrifying thoughts, and her eyes became even more angry. If her feet were not bound by this **** hand, she would even want to die with Li Zedao. .

After eating Meimei a cup of coffee, Li Zedao only felt that his energy was bursting, and his body was full of power, and he wished to let this woman who dare to despise herself know her own length now!

He poured another cup of coffee and looked at Tian Meng: "Sister Tian Meng, have a cup?"

"Go!" Tian Meng's expression was terribly gloomy, and his voice seemed to come from Jiuyou Hell.

Even if it is dead, even if the **** is really fragrant, she will never drink it.

Li Zedao didn't get out, and continued to taste the coffee in a moody mood, thinking that it would be better if you didn't drink it. This portion is too small, I can't bear to give it to you.

After drinking three cups of coffee in a comfortable mood, Li Zedao exhaled a blissful breath. He looked at the civet cat in the cage who looked at him with eyesight, and felt that this little thing was so cute.

If it weren't for the smell of the hair on his body, he would want to hold him in his arms and take a few bites.

He quickly took out a large amount of coffee cherries and put them in the cage for the civet to eat.

You are welcome, just eat, you can find as many as you want to eat, remember to pull out after eating.

After feeding the civet cat, Li Zedao turned his head to look at Tian Meng with the ugly face, and smiled: "Sister Tian Meng, according to the agreement, you should help me prepare a body."

"Damn it, you cheated!" Tian Meng was so angry that he felt cheated.

Li Zedao didn't want to listen to this, what is cheating? Although it is a bit opportunistic, it has nothing to do with cheating.

Retorted: "Sister Tianmeng means that the **** made by the raccoon is not shit?"

Tian Meng's mouth opened, speechless.

Even if she is unreasonable, no matter how shame she is, she really can't slander the raccoon and say that your **** is not **** at all.

Li Zedao squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Tian Meng: "Or, sister Tian Meng is going to break her promise?"

Tian Meng took a deep breath and said coldly, "What if you break your promise? Do you have any opinions?"

To deal with a shameless idiot like you who has no lower limit, it is no different from an idiot if you do not break your promise.

Tian Meng decided to use shamelessness to counter the shamelessness of the **** little Daozi.

Li Zedao nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

How could he be okay? If it weren't for embarrassment, he would want to press this woman who was planning to squander under his body, and release his domineering spirit.

Tian Meng sneered again and again, and said with disdain: "Then? What can you do?"

Li Zedao thought for a while, picked up the copper pot and poured the last half of the coffee into the golden cup, took a sip but didn't swallow it, but walked to Tianmeng.

Tian Meng's eyes widened slightly, revealing an extremely dangerous light: "Xiao Daozi, I think everything has a bottom line... Um..."

Tian Meng's eyes widened, and his head went blank, completely losing the ability to think.

Because Li Zedao ignored her threats at all, while holding her head with his hands, he even blocked her small mouth with his shit-eating mouth.

Immediately, something that made Tian Meng's mood almost collapsed happened.

In this way, all the "shit" in Li Zedao's mouth entered her mouth, and even under Li Zedao's force, she swallowed it.


I ate shit?

Tian Meng's buzzing mind kept repeating the extremely red and disgusting words "I ate shit".

Li Ze unswervingly let go of Tian Meng's fragrant Q's mouth, and said with a smile: "Sister Tian Meng, the taste is not bad, right?"

Tian Meng's eyes were red, covered with bloodshot blood.

She stared at Li Zedao, hissed: "Little Daozi, congratulations, you have completely crossed my bottom line."

Li Zedao smiled and said, "You don't even spit it out, it seems you still like it."


Tianmeng thought, yeah, why didn't I vomit? Even at a certain moment, I felt that this unprecedented and indescribable taste was really wonderful.

Then, thinking that it was the **** of the raccoon, she saw the raccoon pull it out with her own eyes, and then began to vomit, almost completely gone.

"Sister Tianmeng, after the raccoon **** tomorrow, we can enjoy this superb coffee again." Li Zedao looked forward to it.

Tianmeng hissed and roared: "Little Daozi...ooh..."

Tianmeng continued to vomit.

The next day, the raccoon lived up to Li Zedao's expectations and successfully pulled out almost as many papas as yesterday, and Li Zedao was so happy that a chrysanthemum appeared on his face.

He quickly collected it carefully, and threw a lot of coffee berries to the ling raccoon, stroking its little head gently, so that it would not be lazy, and make persistent efforts.

Then began to clean and bake.

After a short while, the strong aroma of coffee once again filled the whole nameless cave.

Li Zedao poured a cup happily, and looked at Tianmeng with extremely gray eyes and grimace, smiled and said, "Sister Tianmeng, have a glass while it's hot?"

"This cat feces coffee needs to be hot to have a richer aroma and taste better."

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