The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2700: Little emperor

Just on a beautiful mountain, there is an expensive cemetery.

In that cemetery, Li Zedao saw one tomb after another. The black and white photo of the remains on the tombstone could vaguely show that the owner of the tomb must have been a beauty when he was young.

That is the tomb of his mother Xiao Qiangwei and Nintendo.

Those women who were silently waiting for him to go back in the villa were all living in this cemetery at this time, not many, but not many.

The tomb in the north waiting for him on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau is also here.

A few days ago, with heavy rain, Li Zedao stayed in the cemetery for a day and a night.

During this day and night, he was like a neuropathy. He sat in front of a grave with a head, looked at the photo on the tombstone, and said the same things.

He will tell these women one by one about all his experiences in God's Domain.

He had to let them know that he didn't want to come back earlier, he simply couldn't get back.

He wants them to know how much he loves them.

Every day after that, Li Zedao was like a walking dead, shuttled in every corner of this luxurious city.

He walked slowly, he watched carefully.

Li Zedao tried very hard to find a trace of memory in this luxurious city, but in the end he found nothing. After a century and a half, there was nothing left.

"Oh, Xiao Daozi, seeing you so decadent, my sister is in a good mood." Tian Meng's mood is even more cheerful.

In addition to pressing him under his body and admiring his animality, what other things are more pleasant than the painful, rage, and sinking things of a small Taoist?

Tian Meng is in a good mood, she took out the thing called mobile phone that she couldn't put it down from the bag, turned on the camera, pouted and sold cute, clenched her small fist, and took several pictures of herself.

Li Zedao retracted his eyes and looked at the fragrant cat dung coffee in front of him, ignoring this gloating woman, just like a sculpture.

"Xiao Daozi, is this mortal domain still the mortal domain you want to protect?"

Tian Meng put away the phone and leaned forward slightly. Those coquettish eyes stared at Li Zedao's side face, but the voice was extremely gloomy, like a groan-groan.

Before Li Zedao responded, Tian Meng directly gave an unacceptable answer.

"No! The little **** waiting for you are gone, your relatives and your friends are long dead, and the streets you are familiar with have already undergone earth-shaking changes."

"The people you want to protect have turned into dust, so this is no longer the mortal domain you want to protect."

"So, now your heart is full of gloom and anger. You think it is a rather idiot and a rather irresponsible behavior for you to go to God's Domain under the banner of guardianship, right?"

"You can't wait to ruin everything here, right?"

A nervous smile appeared on Tian Meng's face, and her voice was full of temptations: "Little Daozi, let's vent! Let's vent! Sister will help you cheer!"

"It's even okay for my sister to help you destroy everything here."

Li Zedao came back to his senses, looking at this woman who was gloating and thinking about not being too beautiful.

Even if this place has undergone earth-shaking changes, even if the family is no longer there, what does this have to do with destroying this place? Really think everyone's hearts are as dark as you?

You help me? Don’t think your sister is the master, I don’t know that your fundamental purpose is to let me let you go!

Li Zedao silently clicked on a few likes for his tact to see through the vicious schemes of Heaven's Dream.

Li Zedao picked up the cup of cat feces coffee and said, "It really spoils my sister where can I drink this cat coffee? Where can I buy beautiful clothes and shoes?"

"Where can I go clubbing and fishing for triumphs at night?"

"Where are you killed? Are there fans leaving messages in your space to envy you, flatter you, praise you, or even kneel and lick you?"

Having been in this world for just over a month, Tian Meng used the fastest speed to familiarize herself with everything here and integrate into this unimaginable and extremely colorful world.

She already likes this extravagant life now.

She likes to go to the luxury brand stores, to change into a suit and take selfies, and then upload them to a currently quite popular app to share with those so-called exquisite women who are actually satyr netizens.

To put it plainly is to show off wealth.

She likes watching movies and racing cars. She likes to drive the dazzling Ferrari to feasting and feasting in the evening. She really enjoys the starving wolves around her. She likes the chatting or kneeling licks of the respectable men.

She even enjoys the scene of arrogantly rejecting the invitations of those men. She likes to see the longing emotions on the faces of those men who want to eat but can't eat.

Under Li Zedao's malice, she even fell in love with those **** toys, and from time to time she performed a hot and unusual **** temptation in front of Li Zedao. Today is a teacher, tomorrow is a nurse , The day after tomorrow is the little policeman or something.

Tianmeng was stunned, and after serious consideration, he nodded his head approvingly: "Then wait for my sister to be tired of playing, and the freshness is gone, Xiao Daozi, you are killing me."

Tianmeng firmly believed that after a period of time, he would hate this kind of life.

Li Zedao nodded, but sneered in his heart, thinking that you were thinking too much.

Sister Tianmeng, you will not get bored, your freshness will not be lost, you will only fall deeply into this exquisite life of drunken gold and gold.

I use my handsome and character double guarantee.

Just when Tianmeng took out the phone again, and planned to upload the **** and cute photos that he took just now to an app to attract all kinds of envy, jealousy, hatred, and kneeling, one of them wore gold frame glasses and dressed The extraordinary man walked over with grace.

Li Zedao glanced at the man from the corner of his eye, and sighed softly in his heart, why do some people have to die if they are tired of their lives?

The man ignored the existence of Li Zedao, but rather politely looked at Tianmeng, made an inviting gesture, and said: "Hello, lady, our boss appreciates your temperament very much. Please go over and give a comment."

Although he was polite, his voice still contained power and pride that could not be concealed, especially when he said the word "boss", the man trembled slightly, his eyes became hot, and he looked admired, even more so. fear.

One can imagine the status and methods of his boss.

Tian Meng smiled slightly: "Your boss?"

Faced with such a charming and revealing smile, the man instantly lost his senses, and even started to move around somewhere, he quickly took a deep breath and tried to divert his attention.

Damn, this woman is really a stunner, she's so fascinating that she doesn't pay for her life. No wonder the boss loses her mind when she sees it, and the desire on her face can't hide at all.

With the corner of his eye, the man glanced at the little white face that seemed to have nothing happened, with some pity, thinking that this kid was about to grow grass on his head.

Who can escape the clutches of the woman whom the boss looks after?

He immediately responded: "Yes, our boss is in the elegant seat on the second floor, please."

"Listen to you, your boss is very powerful?" Tian Meng looked scared.

She didn't mind or even enjoyed the aggression of the hot gazes around her, she didn't mind being touched up, she didn't mind the men humblely kneeling at her feet and licking her feet.

But there was a man who was so rude to let his subordinates come over and let her pass instead of crawling over and kneeling and licking her, which gave Tian Meng a feeling of being humiliated, which made her want to kill.

If her feet were still tightly bound by those **** hands, and if the **** little Daozi was staring at her, she wouldn't be allowed to kill people at all. This humble ant would have disappeared long ago, and this family was extremely expensive. The cafe will also be replaced by a huge sinkhole.

This luxurious city will instantly become a **** on earth.

The man unconsciously raised his chest, his eyes flashing with intense heat and fear, and said, "It's true that our boss is the little emperor Zhou Shaotian in Phoenix City."

The man is full of self-confidence. When he speaks out his boss's name, these two people will definitely be scared directly.

But the man was a little dumbfounded because the reactions of these two men were completely different from what he had imagined.

Li Zedao almost didn't laugh out loud, thinking that he was so awesome back then, even the top elder brothers in Yanjing City had to call him tremblingly as Li Shao when he saw him. I didn't dare to say what he was like. emperor.

Zhou Shaotian, whose hair is not long, is quite arrogant.

"Little emperor, it sounds amazing." Tian Meng blinked with big eyes, where is the slightest fear?

The man felt that he had to remind him, he said seriously: "At least in this Phoenix City, Zhou Shao is the sky!"

"God?" Li Ze said, couldn't hold back his joy. Had it not been for Pangu's imprisonment, Zhou Shaotian, who dared to claim to be heaven, would have been struck by lightning long ago?

The man's expression was gloomy, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was rather unkind.

Tian Meng smiled and looked at Li Zedao and said, "Xiao Daozi, do you know Zhou Shaotian?"

Li Zedao shook his head. He knew another Zhou, but that Zhou had already left Phoenix City to go to Yanjing for development, and his business was doing quite a lot later.

Of course, grass grows on his grave now.

Li Zedao's eyes flickered and there was a trace of remembrance. How long has it been since this pretending to slap in the face?

I think back then, when I was going out with those women, there were always guys who didn't have eyesight came over to strike up a conversation or something, and then he slapped them in the face fiercely, and beat the so-called brother-in-law into a dead dog.

"Oh, you don't even know Xiao Daozi, a native of Phoenix. It can be seen that he is not a great person, maybe he is a delusional idiot." Tian Meng laughed.

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