The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2704: Make an offer

With a look of Fox appearing at the intersection, these police officers had to cheer up and stop him.

The car window was opened, revealing Li Zedao's face that had completely changed to another face.

Killing these people could not imagine that the murderer they desperately wanted to find was sitting in the car at this time, looking at them with a harmless expression of humans and animals.

Tian Meng was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at a book in his hand with the reading light in the car.

When this woman was quiet, she was pure and pure like the girl next door, comfortable and quiet, without the slightest sense of coquettishness at all. This made Li Zedao feel very magical.

"Sir, please get off the car and show your ID to cooperate with our work." said one of the policemen.

Looking at Tian Meng's side face again, he was in a daze, and he felt an extremely amazing feeling in his heart, and quickly moved his eyes away.

Li Zedao pushed the door quite cooperatively and got out of the car to cooperate with the police.

Looking at those tired faces, Li Zedao felt guilty and felt that he was quite sorry for these police uncles.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao decided to talk to that **** Zhou Dafu for a while. As long as Zhou Dafu is no longer investigating the matter, these police uncles can go back and have a good rest.

Tian Meng didn't get out of the car, she moved her big beautiful eyes away from the book and looked at the lights and feasts around her through the car window, showing a look of wonder.

Even if she has been here for a while, she still marvels at the great changes in the mortal domain, marveling at the terrible creativity and imagination of the mortal people.

In Tianmeng's view, the reason why Fanyu's living standards can be so high and the joy of life can be so rich is because the aura here is so scarce that it can be ignored.

The severe lack of spiritual energy has caused the souls and souls of mortal people to be at an extremely weak level.

Mortal people don't have the conditions for cultivation at all, and they don't need to compete for those cultivation resources, so they start to use their brains and begin to enjoy life in just a few decades.

As a result, all kinds of high-tech products mentioned by Xiaodaozi have been created, making the lives of the people of Mortal colorful.

At the request of the police, Li Zedao took out the forged document and handed it over, then took out the cigarette again.

"Smoking?" Li Ze asked.

Several policemen glanced at him, shook their heads, checked the documents, checked the cars, and were surprised by the thrilling beauty of the co-pilot girl from time to time.

Li Zedao leaned against the car body, lit a cigarette, looked at the full moon in the sky, his eyes showed a dignified look again.

The moon was not as bright as I remembered, as if it was covered with a thin gauze, a little hazy.

"Sir, thank you for cooperating with our work." The police handed over the certificate, interrupting Li Zedao's thoughts.

Although the certificate is forged and any information in it is fake, they just can't find any problems.

Just as Li Zedao swiped the cards of Zhou Dafu and other wealthy businessmen, they knew nothing.

Li Zedao nodded, took the certificate and got into the car, and drove forward.

Tianmeng glanced at the solemn Li Zedao and gloated, "The crack in the imprisonment seems to have grown bigger again."

"Maybe a few hours later, Pangu will destroy the four domains on its own, giggles."

Li Zedao looked at the woman helplessly: "You think too much."

In fact, Pangu clearly told Li Zedao before bringing Tianmeng back to the mortal domain.

Imprisonment can last a hundred years, not a problem.

Of course, this is calculated based on the time of God's Domain, if it is calculated based on the time of Mortal Domain, it will be more than a thousand years.

In the limit of a hundred years, if Li Zedao could not grow to a height that could turn into a brand new imprisonment to protect the four domains, or use various methods to block the pace of the heavens, then he would personally destroy the four domains.

So this woman said that Pangu would destroy the four domains in a few hours.

Of course, Li Zedao couldn't grow to that height at all. According to Tianmeng's statement, the Lingyu Realm was already the highest height that Li Zedao could reach.

Unless he leaves the enclosed space of the Four Domains, he can gain a more abundant breath and enter the Great Realm.

What is even more tragic is that even if he has the slightest possibility of breaking into the great realm in this enclosed space, Pangu's soul ray seems not to sit idly by.

Because breaking through the great realm is equivalent to breaking away from his control.

The overbearing Pangu was afraid that he would not allow this to happen, and he would not allow his bred creatures to get rid of his control.

"Headache!" Li Zedao felt that he was too difficult.

He found that he had no luck at all, no matter how hard he tried, he was afraid that he would not be able to protect the four domains.

"Enjoy your nightlife."

Li Zedao ended this heavy topic for him, and he slowly stopped the car in front of a luxury bar.

"Old rules, don't kill." Li Zedao ordered another sentence.

The bar is a place Tian Meng likes very much. She likes to twist and jump on that stage, enjoying the naked-naked-naked eyes of the hungry wolves around.

The naked-naked their eyes, the more excited she was.

She prefers to arrogantly refuse them when they send out invitations, and likes to see their expressions of extreme hunger and no water.

She prefers to use strong ones after she rejects them. By then, Tianmeng’s excitement value will reach a high level.

Killing is not enough, but she has a way to make these lives worse than death.

During this time, I don't know how many unlucky people with bad intentions were brutally destroyed by Heaven's Dream.

She also likes to drink, the sky-high champagne in the bar, she is drinking as water.

Tianmeng blinked at Li Zedao cutely, but her voice was like a ghost: "Damn little Daozi, do you think my sister is capable of killing? If it weren't for these **** hands, my sister would have turned this **** city into a corpse city Up."

After that, Tianmeng chuckled, teasingly printed a mouthful on Li Zedao's lips, pushed the door and got out of the car.

Stepping on high heels and walking towards the front door of the bar, the momentum is like a queen coming.

Li Zedao licked the sweetness at the corner of his mouth and drove the car into a dark corner.

After getting out of the car, I felt the surroundings, and after making sure that no one was near here for the time being, his figure flashed and disappeared in place instantly, like a ghost.


Zhou Family Villa.

Zhou Dafu, the richest man in Phoenix City, sat on the chair made of fine mahogany with a gloomy expression. In front of him, there was a tall woman.

This woman is Zhou Dafu's secretary, and one of Zhou Dafu's venting women. At this time, she was very anxious and whispered to Zhou Dafu to report the latest situation.

The so-called latest situation is the same as before, the investigation of the incident still has no substantial development, Zhou Shaotian is still in a coma, and Zhou Shaotian's mother is still in the ICU.

Therefore, the woman was very scared. She knew that Zhou Dafu was afraid that she would smash the study again.

"Rice bucket, it's a bunch of **** buckets!"

Zhou Dafu stood up suddenly, his expression distorted. While making a roar, he picked up the purple clay pot in front of him and slammed it on the woman's stomach, then fell to the ground and turned into a pile of debris.

The woman was in pain, but she didn't dare to hum, and there was a trace of fear in her big eyes.

At this moment, the woman's already wide-eyed eyes widened, her expression on her face was terrified, like a ghost.

She clearly saw that the curtain of the floor-to-ceiling window behind Zhou Dafu was slowly opened, and then a strange man who had been hiding behind the curtain walked out without knowing when.

The strange man looked at her with a faint smile and made a bragging gesture to keep her silent.

The woman didn't say a word, and the fear and doubts made her mind temporarily lose the ability to think.

She just watched stupidly at the strange man gently grabbing a chair, and watching the strange man holding the chair and gently walking behind the angry Zhou Dafu, and then towards Zhou Dafu’s head. Smashed down.



The woman halted and Hua Rong turned pale, and the document in her hand slipped from her hand and fell to the ground. The eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets, subconsciously screamed.


Even worse screams sounded almost at the same time, Zhou Dafu's fat body fell heavily on the ground, a big hole in his head, and constant screams.

Li Zedao looked like a okay person, put down the undamaged chair in his hand, sat down, took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

The smoky eyes looked coldly at Zhou Dafu, who was holding his head and screaming.

Zhou Dafu looked up hard, looked at the unexpected guest with horror, and exclaimed: "Li Rong, Li Rong..."

Li Rong is his personal bodyguard. At this time, he should be guarding outside the study. However, Zhou Dafu was surprised a few times, but the bodyguards outside did not rush in. In addition, this strange man could be quiet Came into his study silently...

Zhou Dafu's heart suddenly became cold, and his heart became even more panic.

Obviously, this is an organized and planned conspiracy against yourself.

In addition, would this bold guy be in the same group as the two murderers who ruined Shaotian?

"Don't shout, your bodyguards are already asleep." Li Zedao slowly let out a puff of smoke, and said indifferently.

"You...who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhou Dafu clutched his **** head and stood up with difficulty, trying hard to calm himself down.

Li Zedao raised his foot, put it on the table, and said, "Oh, it's okay. It's just that you can't sleep because of the sirens outside, so you talked to boss Zhou.


Zhou Dafu wanted to curse.

After a brief emotional adjustment, he recovered a little bit of the domineering majesty of being the richest man in Phoenix. He looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "You make a price!"

No matter what kind of conspiracy, he can't do without the word profit. It just so happens that he has money.

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