Tian Meng naturally knows that Xiao Daozi has guessed something, but so what?

If the four domains were really destroyed, she would have to hide her traces in another chaotic land.

It's just that, there is really no way to be so carefree as it is now, and even once you are found, you will inevitably encounter the fate of being hunted down, and life will reduce a lot of fun.


Tian Meng wanted to kill Li Zedao, so what did she do to bring her to the world? She really likes this world that knows how to enjoy life so much.

Li Zedao said quickly: "So..."

"So, if you have a way to destroy Pangu's soul ray, my sister may consider working with you to find a way to protect these four domains." Tianmeng said with a smile.

In Tianmeng's view, the biggest enemy of the four domains is not the sky at all, but Pangu, who created the four domains.

Pangu can destroy the four domains at any time, that's all, he can even let Xiaodaozi's soul fly away at any time! This is also unbearable by Tianmeng.

If Xiao Daozi is gone, where can she find such a fun toy for a while?

Li Zedao was discouraged at once, full of powerlessness, how could he have eliminated the soul strand left by Pangu?

The sense of oppression from the depths of the soul released by that soul strand was enough to make him lose all his strength and become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Sister Tianmeng, do you have a way, right?" Li Ze said a hint of expectation in his eyes.

As for whether he would be instantly wiped out by Pangu's soul when he said such words, Li Zedao didn't care at all.

Tianmeng sneered: "Xiao Daozi, you value my sister too much, and you are insulting Pangu!"

"Although it is nothing but a soul thread that no longer threatens my sister, even if it is a powerful person in the great realm, don't even think of destroying it."

"It's not anyone, you can lower your eyelids in the sky, seal such an area, breed living creatures, and become king!"

Tianmeng admired again and again, even if Pangu was still a loser in the end, what he had done was enough to make all the powerhouses in the heavens dumbfounded and breathless.

Li Zedao continued to smile bitterly, his head was so painful, it seemed that he could only take one step.

And I'm afraid it is Pangu, he should have his own plan too?

Before the last step, he shouldn't have ruined all these four domains. After all, even if the four domains exist for a while, it can be more disgusting.

"Forget it, I don't want that much for the time being, let's enjoy the rest of life first." Li Zedao exhaled heavily.

"Hey, Xiaodaozi, if you can think so, it is naturally good."

Tian Meng smiled extremely charmingly: "For example, now, we should enjoy this beautiful morning, otherwise we are desecrating the beauty of this beautiful day, what do you think."

Li Zedao's body became hot all of a sudden, and said embarrassingly, "Sister Tianmeng is right."

Speaking of Li Zedao, lay down on the soft cloud, I am ready, come on.

Tianmeng chuckled, and the expensive dress slipped off her body, and it turned out to be a yellow-colored cat suit, and then she put a cat ear on her head.

Tian Meng's small hand was slightly clenched and placed in front of the sun to make a cat's paw movement, and he blinked cutely at Li Zedao, and made a very lazy sound.

"Xiao Daozi, this is the little yellow cat you have been trying to find all this time... Meow..."

Li Zedao couldn't hold back this time, his nosebleeds spurted out instantly.

A few hours later, a video hit the entire network.

In a certain park in Phoenix City, there was a **** rain!

From the video, we can clearly see that red raindrops fell from the sky. After testing, it turned out to be blood...

In the next few years, Li Zedao traveled all corners of the world with Heavenly Dreams.

They once left traces of love on the top of Mount Everest, and once dived into the deep seabed and turned into two merfolks, and shuttled through the great relics buried under the sea.

They left deep footprints in the pyramid.

Tian Meng laughed and said, a long time ago, when she was the queen of this land, the first pyramid was built by her, and the other pyramids were naturally imitations.

They also walked along the famous streets holding hands sweetly, buying a variety of high-end luxury goods at a very generous price.

As people in the upper class, they ride in luxury cars and go in and out of various high-end places.

They have also become a member of the slums, shuttled in the dark corners where the smelly water flows and the virus breeds.

They also witnessed a tragic and unusual local war. Li Zedao did not intervene to prevent the war from happening, because he knew he could not stop it, he could not eliminate the greed of the ruler, and the contradictions between various ethnic groups.

In short, their footprints have been printed all over the world, feeling all kinds of completely different lives.

During this period, Li Zedao still cared most about the yellow cat.

However, after several years, Li Zedao had not heard of where the terrible epidemic had occurred, and he thought that where the cat was afraid of dying, the poison was buried deep and never seen.

So he was slightly relieved.

On this day, Tianmeng went to the Werner Golden Hall to enjoy an extremely high-end concert. Li Zedao was not too interested, so he walked around at will.

On this trip, he unknowingly walked to the country of curry thousands of miles away, and he passed a village built on the hillside.

The village seemed calm and peaceful, but on the big tree at the entrance of the village, two **** corpses of a man and a woman were hung there. As the breeze drifted, blood continued to drip down.

This horrible scene seemed so incompatible with the quiet village.

A twelve or three-year-old child who looked so embarrassed knelt there, crying heartbreakingly, helpless and collapsed.

Judging from the child's appearance, this seems to be a Chinese, at least of Chinese ancestry.

Li Zedao looked at the two corpses hanging there, and they seemed to be two Chinese.

At this moment, a noise came.

More than a dozen villagers walked out of the village, and they all pointed at the kneeling young man with very unkind eyes, and said all kinds of malicious words.

The young man was so scared that he didn't even have the strength to kneel, and he didn't dare to cry. His thin body was curled up there, shivering.

"Found this little devil, kill him."

"Yes, kill him and hang him on a tree, and our village will be safe..."

"kill him……"

One of the men yelled with a face full of flesh, and raised his feet high, about to step on the thin body of the young man.

At this moment, a terrifying scene happened.

But I saw the big tree on the side trembling violently, and the leaves fell to the ground, as if it was being devastated by a violent storm.

At the same time, the two corpses hanging from the tree shook violently.

The man's body stiffened, his expression was terrified, and his raised foot could no longer be stepped on.

The other villagers also looked panicked. After all, what was happening before them was too weird. There was obviously no wind and no one was going to shake the tree. Why did the tree sway so violently by itself.


A strange voice sounded.

The rope that tied the corpse broke, and the two corpses fell from the tree almost at the same time. What is even more strange is that the fallen corpse was not lying but standing!

Where did the dozen or so villagers have seen such a terrifying picture, they were almost scared to death, and some even scared to pee.

"Devil, they are demons..."

"Quickly, go to Master Wizard..."

"I said that the corpse should be burned to destroy the devil..."


While they screamed in horror, they crawled and fled into the village without the courage to look behind them.

Almost at the same time, the two corpses standing upright fell to the ground, still two cold corpses.

The boy looked at this scene dumbfounded, his nose came out.

Then, he climbed up to the two corpses, pushed the corpse, and then the corpse.

"Dad... Mom..."

Without any response, the young man burst into tears again and almost fainted.

Li Zedao pushed a dilapidated bullock cart that had been thrown at the entrance of the village, and looked at the two horrible corpses with a slightly indifferent expression, and said: "At most half an hour, there will be a large number of villagers and wizards. Here, they are afraid they will burn your parents’ bodies and burn you alive.”

"If you don't want to die, quickly move your parents' bodies to this car and push them away."

The young man's head lifted up like a machine and looked at Li Zedao, wiped away the tears heavily, and stood up.

Afterwards, he dragged the two corpses one by one onto the bullock cart with great difficulty, pushing hard and walking forward.

From beginning to end, the young man did not ask Li Zedao to help.

Li Zedao didn't mean to take the initiative to help either, watching coldly, quietly following behind the young man pushing the bullock cart.


A muffled noise came from behind, and the big tree collapsed.

The boy turned a deaf ear, pushing the car dumbly, and walked forward step by step.

A barren valley lies ahead.

The boy pushed the car hard and shuttled in the valley without any purpose.

He didn't know where he should go, he only knew that the farther away from the cannibal village, the better.

"When are you going to push it?" Li Zedao, who had always followed, asked with interest.

The boy looked up and looked for someone who didn't know where he came from, but he was obviously a compatriot from the same place like him. His voice was hoarse and said, "I don't know."

"Would you like to listen to my advice?"

"Yes." The boy nodded.

Li Zedao thought this young man was more interesting than that Ning Feng.

At a young age, he has an extremely calm mind and a decent system. When he is an ordinary person, he is afraid that he can't even walk.

He knew what he needed, but he was calm and didn't take the initiative to ask for help.

In short, if this kid is trained a little, he will definitely become a very sharp sword.

"Find a place to bury it, of course, it can also be cremated." Li Zedao said.

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