"I have an idea."

The voice full of ancient mulberry warehouses lingered in Li Zedao's ears.

Of course, this is not a discussion, not expressing one's own opinions or ideas, but rather, this matter is set.

"What's your idea?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that his guess was correct. Pangu is brewing some conspiracy.

"Although the mortal domain is no longer the mortal domain in your impression, the people you want to protect have long since disappeared, but your original intention remains the same, which is good." Pangu said.

Li Zedao was silent.

He didn't agree with Pangu's extreme thoughts, even if all the lives here were bred by him, but what right did he have to ruin everything here?

But in essence, he seems to be qualified.

Therefore, Li Zedao is not qualified to comment on whether this approach is wrong, he just wants to say what way can he let this **** soul fly away.

"I am the creator of the four domains and the mother of millions of creatures in the Pangu Region, so I can easily turn back the clock." Pangu said again.

Li Zedao's pupils were suddenly rounded, his scalp became numb, and there was a violent wave in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

"I can even let Fanyu's time go back to the moment you left home and set off for the nameless cave."

Pangu said: "I can still give those women longevity!"

Pangu's voice was vicissitudes of life but indifferent, it seemed so casual, as if he was saying something trivial.

But for Li Zedao, it was like a boring thunder bursting apart in his ears, causing his mind to roar violently and his body to tremble continuously.

Time can go back, does that mean he can see Nintendo and others again?

He took a few deep breaths, calmed his extremely restless heart a little bit, raised his head to look at the huge cloud in front, and said, "So, what do I need to do?"

Li Zedao had speculated before whether Pangu had his own plan, and sure enough, he did!

"Leave the Pangu realm and go to the heaven." Pangu said.

Li Zedao's body shook slightly, his pupils widened, thinking that he had misheard.

Immediately, he understood Pangu's purpose.

"If you have a way to prevent the heavens from ruining this Pangu Realm, then I will let the Mortal Realm go back in time and completely hand over the Four Great Realms to your hands, making you the sole master of the Four Great Realms." Pangu said.

"Of course, if you can't stop the sky, before the sky destroys this place, I will personally destroy everything here and restore it to its original chaotic state."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, his eyes revealed an unprecedented determination: "I want to go to heaven!"

This was originally what Li Zedao had always wanted to do, but he couldn't escape this confinement at all. Now Pangu wants to let him go, he has no reason to disagree.

Not to mention, Pangu put such a huge temptation in front of him, and he had to work hard!

He was full of guilt and apology for Nintendo and them. If Pangu could turn back time and let them return to him, he would use his life to protect them, and he would not be separated anymore!

"Then go to the ghost realm, then I will send you to leave the confinement I set, and go to the heaven!"

The vicissitudes of life lingered in Li Zedao's ears, and then gradually disappeared. The huge cloud in front of him also disappeared bit by bit. At the same time, the oppression that enveloped Li Zedao also disappeared without a trace. Traced.

Li Zedao sat on the clouds, his face was already full of tears.

He looked up at the scorching sun, only feeling that he finally saw the real sun.

A few minutes later, Li Zedao appeared in front of Tian Meng.

The charm on Tian Meng's face had long been replaced by absolute gloom, and the terrifying murderous aura was constantly released from her. Her eyes looked at Li Zedao as if she were looking at a dead person.

Li Zedao wondered if this woman was the eldest aunt here or what happened. Why did she get so angry when she didn't see him in a blink of an eye? Doesn't she want to let herself leave Pangu Region and go to Heaven?

Immediately his pupils widened, and he clearly saw that the black hands that the pair of Pangu's soul strands had replaced had caught the woman firmly again, making her unable to move.

Li Ze dumbfounded, and immediately felt that Pangu was really thinking too thoughtfully.

If he left Pangu Region, he naturally had to take this woman away.

Pangu was not at all worried that this woman would bring blood and blood to the four domains, but wanted this woman to help him show the way so that he could avoid detours in the heavens.

But, does he think too much?

Sister Tianmeng hadn’t killed herself. How could she lead her way?

Li Zedao forced his smile, sat down in front of Tian Meng, and said in kindness: "Sister Tian Meng, this is not my work, you know, these hands are out of my control from time to time."

"Furthermore, you know me. Apart from being handsome, I am quite honest with this person. I said that if you don't keep trying to restrain you with these hands, you will definitely not do that."

Tianmeng gritted his teeth: "Go!"

Li Zedao was quite obedient, and quickly got up to roll into the sea to surf.

At this moment, he was in a good mood. He wanted to turn into a fish and swim happily in the sea.

"Come back!" Tianmeng's voice was even worse.

Originally, as long as she was more vigilant, these **** hands don't want to restrain her feet, but only then listened to the dialogue between Pangu and Li Zedao, and heard that Pangu urged Xiao Daozi to leave the Pangu realm and go to the heaven. For a while, her vigilance fell. So gave these **** hands a chance.

She naturally knew that it was not the little Daozi who let this hand restrain her, but Tian Meng decisively put the account on Li Zedao's head.

Li Zedao hurriedly sat down and looked at this murderous woman with a smile on his face. He picked up the lemon juice rather doglegally: "Sister Tianmeng, calm down, calm down, hehe..."


Hearing this magical laughter, Tian Meng had an urge to die with Li Zedao.

"Little Daozi, listen carefully, I don't want to leave the four domains, let alone face the sky with you indistinguishable from an idiot!" Tian Meng roared in a low voice.

Li Zedao looked at Tian Meng's face earnestly, and said in silence: "Sister Tian Meng, to the billions of creatures in the Four Domains, you are also a huge threat, so you must leave."

Even if these hands didn't restrain this woman again, Li Zedao would find a way to ask this woman to leave Pangu Realm, at least, to leave Mortal Realm.

Not to mention that this woman is already immobile, and Li Zedao has no reason not to take her away.

"Of course, I won't force your sister. After I leave this confinement, I will let this hand let go of you. I will explore the rules of the heavens by myself, and I will just go the way of the heavens."

Li Zedao suddenly didn't want to involve this woman in any whirlpool.

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled coldly and said, "Little Daozi, can I trust you?"

Li Zedao was reluctant to listen to these words, and emphasized again: "Sister Tianmeng, don't you know me? You know me, besides being handsome, I am quite trustworthy..."

"To shut up!"

Li Zedao shut up quite obediently.

"I still want to stay in Fanyu for a few years." Tian Meng said in a bad voice.

"At most one night." Li Ze said weakly. He never dared to let this woman in a state of rage continue to stay in this mortal realm. God knows if she will continue to poison her shamelessly?

The yellow cat had been worrying Li Zedao for several years, and Li Zedao didn't want to see similar things happen again.

Tianmeng gritted his teeth: "One year!"

"One night, and you can only stay here." Li Zedao insisted.

On this deserted island, this woman can't make any waves.

Tianmeng's inner violent air boiled: "Go!"

Li Zedao rolled into the sea and turned into a mermaid, swimming freely.

Tianmeng looked at the blue sky, her complexion extremely gloomy.

One day later, whether Tianmeng likes it or not, or dare to how terrible the murderous intent in this woman’s eyes is, Li Zedao was in a moody bite on this woman’s lips, and then gently hugged her up. Flying above the clouds.

"Little Daozi, I will kill you!" Tian Meng said gloomily.

Damn little Daozi, dare to attack her when she is inconvenient, really should kill!

Li Zedao said with great interest: "Sister Tianmeng, I am going to the heavens now. Since I am your favorite toy anyway, should you tell me some of the most basic things about the heavens?"


Li Zedao didn't get out, humming the song so badly.

Tian Meng's mood is even more irritable, and she can't wait to find some **** to plug this **** idiot's mouth.

Soon, the cloud under his feet sent Li Zedao to the nameless cave.

Li Zedao immediately passed through the broken conveyor belt with his Heavenly Dream and returned to the Buzhou Mountain of God's Domain.

After arranging several formations on the broken conveyor belt that even quasi-spiritual realm experts would not even want to break it, Li Zedao directly left Tianmeng in this unknown cave, and he returned to the fog city.

In the small courtyard of Wucheng, there were also several women waiting for him to return.

The complete disappearance of He Xiaoyu and others made Li Zedao cherish the women Shui Feiling even more and feel more guilty.

However, just like when he left the mortal realm, he couldn't take these women to the heaven with him.

Fortunately, with the growth of their cultivation base and the blessing of some pills, as long as they did not encounter threats from the outside world, as long as God's Domain exists for one day, they will also exist for another day.

Li Zedao accompanied the women in the small courtyard for two years of peaceful and sweet lives.

During this period, he also helped Princess Long and Empress Boya, who had the strongest cultivation base, successfully break through and enter the Quasi-Spirit Universe. The cultivation bases of several other women have also improved a few steps.

At the same time, Li Zedao also took a chance to repair the Seven Ambassadors and the Eight Great Spiritual Gods, and completely frightened them. Each one was just like a little tortoise, and the tortoise dared not stick out its head.

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