After a moment of silence, Li Zedao said: "Sister Tianmeng, it is okay not to leave, but these hands will not let you go, you will completely lose your freedom."

Tianmeng was silent, she knew Li Zedao was right.

Not leaving means that those who are bound by these hands will lose their freedom completely. Compared with the matter of leaving the Pangu Region, Tian Meng has no way to accept that freedom is completely restricted.

"Damn Pangu!" Tianmeng couldn't help cursing.

Li Zedao was not afraid of being struck to death by lightning, and he was quite a dogleg: "It's really damn! Except for God, he is the most **** thing."

Tianmeng turned white Li Zedao, his eyes flashed with a slightly complicated gloom, and he said nothing.

After a few breaths, the terrifying coercion that enveloped them sent them to the tiny crack, and then pushed them out of the tiny crack fiercely.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt that an earth-shaking change had taken place in front of him.

The surrounding area is still chaotic, but the majestic aura contained in the huge space is simply not comparable to Pangu Region.

Li Zedao understood even more, why Tianmeng would say that in the Pangu Region, there is no breakthrough to enter the Dao Realm.

At the same time, the tiny gap also disappeared without a shadow, and there was a sense of horrible oppression swept in.

Li Zedao stared at the front.

He could vaguely see that there was a dark and icy wall in the chaos ahead, from which the terrifying sense of oppression was released.

"Sister Tianmeng, is that the confinement imposed by Pangu?" Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing.

"What do you mean?" Tian Meng felt Xiao Daozi asked a rather idiotic question.

"Didn't it mean that there are terrorists who are constantly bombarding this imprisonment?" Li Zedao scanned the surrounding circle, and did not feel the powerful aura released by any strong.

God dreams of killing, feels Xiao Daozi's head is getting more and more idiot.

Want to stop the sky like this? Are you afraid that you will be beaten to death once you leave this area?

"Is the mortal domain big?" Tian Meng asked.


"Is Pangu Domain big?"

"That's bigger."

"Since the Pangu Region is very big, how can you be so idiotic that the imprisonment that covers this Pangu Region is very small?"


"Even if a strong person is bombarding this imprisonment in which corner at this time, you can't feel it at such a distance. This imprisonment is very big,"

Li Zedao suddenly realized: "So it is."

"Furthermore, the imprisonment was arranged by Pangu. He naturally knows better than anyone else which area of ​​the imprisonment is being violently bombarded by the strong, so he naturally tears open the area that is not bombarded by the strong, so that your **** idiot can get Come out safely, otherwise you are afraid that you will be bombed to death as soon as your head pops out!"

Li Zedao suddenly realized once again: "That's it."

No wonder Tian Meng's eyes were so contemptuous when he guessed that the imprisoned exit was somewhere weird.

It turns out that imprisonment has no exit at all, or in other words, imprisonment has exits everywhere.

So Li Zedao admired again: "Sister Tianmeng is too good, even this kind of thing is known."

The muscles on Tian Meng's face twitched, ignoring Li Zedao, an idiot with such a clumsy flattering technique.

Tian Meng didn't believe that this idiot didn't know these things, he was just trying to flatter himself in disguise.

Tian dreamed of a word he learned when he was soaking handsome guys in Fanyu, professional dog licking would not let go of any chance of flattering goddess.

Even if the goddess is picking her nose, the licking dog will even grow her mouth over there waiting to lick her nose.

She scanned her surroundings, feeling the majestic but unusually familiar breath between the heavens and the earth, and her expression became even more complicated.

After all, he came back.

Of course, because Pangu Region was strongly imprisoned by Pangu, there was a time difference between Pangu Region and Heaven.

Although she had been in the Pangu Realm for a long time, the time she had left the Heaven Realm was actually not that long.

"Xiao Daozi, withdraw these **** hands." Tian Meng took a deep breath and said.

It's time to kick this idiot licking the dog aside and let him follow him, fearing that it will only bring unnecessary danger to him and make people more suspicious of his origin.

Li Zedao sighed inwardly, nodded, and with a thought, the hands that had evolved from Pangu's soul released Tianmeng's feet.

"Go ahead and you will be able to walk out of this chaotic land. At that time, you will be able to see the real heaven." Tianmeng said again, his eyes clearly dim.

"As for where Youyu is located, I find someone to ask for the way." Tian Meng's voice became cold and ruthless, rejecting others.

"Whether you will be killed as soon as you go out depends on your luck."

"Sister Tianmeng, goodbye." Li Zedao opened his arms and gently embraced this woman whose relationship with him can be said to be quite complicated, with complicated inner emotions.

This woman used to be his worst enemy and used to drive him like a dog.

She humiliated him and tortured him at will, when he was a toy, tortured his soul at will, but sometimes brought him unprecedented tenderness and fun.

Moreover, thanks to this woman, Li Zedao's cultivation level can reach the current height, and only then can he have the qualifications that Pangu is fond of, and only then can he win the opportunity to protect the mortal domain and the four major domains.

Only Fang can be qualified to leave the Pangu Region Station and come to the heaven where there are so many powerful people like dogs.

And because of this woman, Li Zedao was no longer so lonely in the mortal domain that had become completely unfamiliar.

Li Zedao thought for a while. He can't say that he loves this woman, but he is absolutely dependent on him. With her by his side, he will not be so lonely.

At least the body is not lonely.

Li Zedao knew that this woman must have become dependent on him, otherwise she wouldn't have headaches from time to time. This toy is too easy to use and can't bear to throw it away. What should I do?

Tianmeng pushed Li Zedao away fiercely, and said grimly: "Xiao Daozi, I will kill you next time I meet again."

Li Zedao smiled and said confidently: "You can't bear it."

Tian Meng had the urge to shoot this shameless guy immediately, and sneered: "Really?"

Li Zedao nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

"Idiot." Tianmeng sneered.

"Actually..." Li Zedao paused and said, "I can accompany you to face any danger."

Tian Meng's complexion froze slightly, and then he sneered, "Hey, it's really dangerous to be with you idiot."

Then turned around, leaving Li Zedao an absolutely indifferent back.

Li Zedao sighed softly, this woman still didn't believe in her own strength.

Li Zedao is extremely ashamed, because his strength is indeed not enough to make this powerful woman trust.

But before you leave, at any rate, you also believe that introducing you to the heavens will not delay you too much time, right?

After two breaths, the extremely indifferent figure stagnated, and Li Ze said with joy. Could it be that this woman found out her conscience and decided not to leave for the time being, and let her familiarize herself with the heavens first?

A piece of animal skin floated to the front, and Li Zedao reached out and grabbed it.

A cold voice came: "Xiao Daozi, if you don't want to die, you will use your best to hit that imprisonment with all your strength."

Li Ze was stunned, and didn't understand what Tianmeng meant for a while.

"Sister Tianmeng, what are you talking about?"

Tian Meng didn't explain much, after a breath, that back figure was completely swallowed by the chaos and ceased to exist.

Li Zedao's entire little heart became empty.

Looking up, except for the icy black wall in front of him, it was the chaotic land that had not yet been opened up. Li Zedao's little heart began to tremble, feeling dazed and alone.

He felt as if he had just arrived in the realm of God, the moment he woke up naked in the vast snow, so helpless, so lonely, so cold and insecure.

It was like when I was kneeling on the sky bridge that day, the darkness in front of me seemed to have no hope.

Li Zedao didn't leave this chaotic land immediately, he had to study the animal skin that was thrown over before the next day dream left.

I want to know that this is an animal skin that records the general situation of the heavens.

Although the woman's attitude was quite bad, she looked like she wanted to draw a knife to kill people from time to time, but Li Zedao knew that she was still worried about her life.

Li Zedao had to think about how he should go next.

He had naturally thought about this issue before, but he was at a loss and had no clue.

The premise of making a plan is that you have to be familiar with the big environment. Li Zedao is not familiar with the heavens at all, so naturally he can't specify the so-called plan.

Only one step can be counted as one step.

Li Zedao thought for a long time, and found that if he wanted to stop the sky, there were only two ways.

Either defeat the sky and replace the sky, or change the idea of ​​the sky.

But no matter which way, the prerequisite is to obtain the qualification to face the sky.

And if you want to get the qualification to show up in front of the sky, you must make yourself stronger. The powerhouse of the great realm is obviously not qualified to appear in front of the sky, so it must be the one state!

Only the strong of the return to the first stage can attract the heavens' attention.

And it must be a Return Realm stronger than Pangu! Otherwise, the end will be no different from Pangu, and it will be even worse.

"So, first find a place where there is no one to practice well, and wait until you become a strong person in the return?"

Li Zedao nodded in agreement, feeling that his thinking was undoubtedly right.

Opening the animal skin, frowning and scanning it several times, the frowning brows stretched slightly.

Through this animal skin, Li Zedao had the most basic understanding of the heavens.

Tianmeng said before that Tianmeng is composed of 36 big domains and 72 small domains, and there are more Pangu domains behind. Of course, this domain is not recognized.

The supreme ruler of this one hundred and eight domains is precisely that high heaven.

The domain name where Tian lives is Tianyu, located at the highest point of the heaven.

The remaining one hundred and seven domains are scattered in various places in the heavens.

In addition to the 108 domains that were opened up, there are still large areas of chaos in the heavens that have not been opened up. These chaotic places are home to some powerful ancient beasts.

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