The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2726: Sting Python

Saying that, Li Zedao's desire in his eyes is even more hot.

Jin Huan sneered again and again, and said proudly: "It's right not to dare to delusion, but no one is eligible to join the Five Poison Sect."

Li Zedao was embarrassed and frustrated, and whispered: "The younger one knows, the younger one is not qualified."

Jin Huan feels that this weak person is quite self-aware, and said: "Although your strength is insignificant in the eyes of this saint, you can enter the spiritual realm and already have the qualifications to walk in the heavens, so you still have a little bit of it. Qualified to join my Five Poison Sect."

"Really?" Li Zedao's originally gloomy eyes widened and became hot.

Jin Huan waved his hand and said, "For your silly sake, you will stay with this saint for the time being and have a long experience. Of course, can you officially join my Five Poison Sect? It depends on your next performance."

It's not a question, but that's the matter.

Li Zedao's emotions became agitated, his body trembled, and the next moment he shook his nose and tears, and said with gratitude: "Little Li...Ning Feng, thank you Lord Saint, the younger one will be fine. For performance, strive to join the Five Poison Sect as soon as possible, and you will never disappoint you, Lord Saint."

This is depressed in his heart, if he couldn't really beat this woman, he would want to fight the opponent for three hundred rounds.

What do you mean for your stupid sake? You are a fool, what a saint, you don't even know how to be deceived.

"Get up." Jin Huan waved his hand.

"Thank you, Lord Saint." Li Zedao got up, his expression must be more respectful and respectful.

Usually humble and respectful, and Li Zedao’s acting skills are absolutely Oscar-level, and the details of the expression are well controlled, so this proud woman naturally didn’t see anything, but rather enjoyed Li Zedao’s "from the heart" "Respect and grateful.

"You will follow this saint to chase a **** woman." Jin Huan's eyes flashed with a terrible cold light, obviously there is a deep gap with the woman she said.

Li Zedao bowed his head slightly and said yes, and then filled with indignation: "Dare to ask Lord Saint, I don't know who that **** is? How did you provoke you to the Saint."

"If you let the little one meet, even if the little one is frightened, he will definitely make that **** pay a painful price, so that you can help the saint sir!"

Jin Huan smiled viciously and said: "If you meet that woman, this saint will naturally give you a chance to die with that **** woman, to show your loyalty to my Five Poison Sects."

"If you survive, you will officially become my disciple of the Five Poison Sect."

Originally, I wanted to throw this silly guy into the spider silk hole to lure the millipede out, but if I met that **** before that, let him go and fight with that woman.

Although he is definitely not that woman's opponent, but at least he is also a low-grade cultivation base in the Lingyu realm. At the price of being out of soul, he should be able to make that woman extremely embarrassed.

"Thank you, Lord Saint, the little one will not disappoint Lord Saint." Li Zedao was grateful, thinking that this woman was really upset and what kind of good intentions she wanted to make herself jump into.

A black cloud floated over, and the golden ring swept over the cloud. Li Zedao followed closely, standing behind the golden ring, with his head lowered, like the most loyal follower.

After half an hour, the black cloud took Li Zedao away from the chaotic place that enveloped the Pangu Region, and the surrounding area suddenly became clear.

But below, there are high mountains and dangerous ridges shrouded in dense miasma, dense jungles, and the roar of unknown beasts and beasts is heard from time to time, which is abnormally ear-piercing.

The bad waters that were blowing huge waves roared under the peaks, beating the peaks frantically, as if trying to destroy them.

In short, the whole world is gray, like a wild, full of primitiveness.

Li Zedao also vaguely felt that a violent aura swept away from below. It seemed that in the depths of Misen, which was enveloped by the dense miasma, there was a strong conflict erupting.

At this moment, a loud voice came from directly below.

At the same time, the black cloud under his feet was in a stagnant state.

Tianmeng, who was standing in the cloud, stared down and looked down. Her eyes became more and more hot, and she obviously encountered something that made her interested.

Li Zedao's small heart began to beat violently by the huge muffled noise, and he quickly looked down.

I saw that the extremely turbulent water below burst open unexpectedly, and the terrifying water splashed everywhere.

Immediately, a big golden fish broke out of the water.

This big golden fish looked similar to the golden carp familiar to Li Zedao, but it was too huge, almost the same size as the whale living in the ocean of the mortal world, with a head of thirty to forty meters.

Li Zedao's eyes widened all at once. He thought the beast he had seen in God's Domain was already huge, but he didn't expect the beasts in the heavens to be even more terrifying, and any fish was so huge.

More terrifying things happened immediately.

But saw a giant python covered with sharp spikes coming out of the water, then opened its big mouth and swallowed the golden fish in one bite!


After swallowing the giant fish, the giant python roared at the black cloud above its head, and the **** smell instantly enveloped the entire space. It seemed that a golden fish was still not satisfied with its appetite, and it wanted to swallow the black cloud above its head. Go in.

Li Zedao was shocked by the roar of the giant python, his mind roared violently, his chest was dull and abnormal.

"Nima's, this heaven is terrible, just such a broken snake, the strength is not weaker than that of the dragon's Chilong?" Li Ze swallowed his saliva again and again, and once again felt the urge to escape far away.

He really regretted it. He didn't listen to Tianmeng's words. He could die in the Pangu Realm Zuishengmeng, so why did he have to go to the heavens to die?

Jin Huan glanced at Li Zedao's face full of horror, a little speechless.

Originally, he wanted this guy to kill the assassin, and take its core. It seemed that he had been thinking too much. This weak person was afraid that it was an opponent of the assassin, who was only a mere sub-level cultivation in the Lingyu realm.

Even, he hasn't even seen a stabbing python before?

Thinking like this in my heart, my mouth directly asked: "What? Have you never seen a stabbing python?"

Then Jin Huan realized that he had asked a rather idiotic question.

This guy had been cultivating in Departure alone. This was the first time he had left Departure. Once he left Departure, he was imprisoned in front of him. Therefore, it is normal to have never seen a stabbing python that only lives in the medicine domain One thing.

Li Zedao's eyes were full of fear, he swallowed his saliva again and again, and said, "Small, I haven't seen it."

Jin Huan was even more depressed. This kid answered that way, who didn't prove again that the question he had just asked was indeed quite an idiot?

In order to let this ignorant turtle gain some knowledge and avoid losing his face in the future, Jin Huan explained: "This is the medicine valley of the medicine domain."

"As for the beast named Sting Python, it is still a beast that is not powerful enough to live in this medicine valley."

"Medicine Valley? Sting Python?"

Li Zedao swallowed his saliva, nodded his head, and hurriedly tried to write it down, only to take out a notebook.

I felt that this woman's words were deeply shocked.

A stabbing python with the same strength as Chilong has become a beast that is not too powerful in this woman's mouth, and even Chilong is about to be defeated, and he needs a rather shameless sneak attack...

Li Zedao felt a strong sense of powerlessness, so he wanted to forget it, pretending to be a hero to save some Pangu domain, wouldn't he be fragrant when he went home and waited for death?

"Although the stabbing python is not powerful, its core is quite precious." Jin Huan's eyes became cruel.


The spiny python was still roaring at the rather nasty black cloud above its head, and it looked very upset at the two **** humans on the black cloud.

If it hadn't been able to jump so high, it would have swallowed it even Yun took a bite into its stomach.

Jin Huan jumped down, and while breathing, the whole person was already standing on the head of the stabbing python.

The stinging python is too big, so the golden ring standing there, like a butterfly falling on a person's head, looks so small.

The stabbing python became more irritable, it was very angry.

Not only was this **** human being not scared away by her own roar, she even dared to stand on her head, which really made it extremely hot.

As a result, it let out an even more angry roar, and its huge body swayed crazily. For a while, the bad water set off a more terrifying wave.

Even the mountain walls on both sides trembled, and huge stones continued to roll down, slamming into the evil water.

But no matter how hard the stabbing python struggled, Jin Huan still stood firmly on the snake's head.

The stabbing python was even more violent, and the next moment, its huge snake head slammed into the front mountain wall.

At this moment, Jin Huan made a move.

Her Qianqiansu hands were shrouded in a strong devilish energy, and the next moment, she fiercely grabbed the stabbing python's head.


That hand was inserted into the stinging python's extremely hard head without any hindrance, just like inserting tofu.


The stabbing python was in abnormal pain and issued a stern roar, and its huge body slammed into the mountain wall frantically.

Jin Huan sneered, and the hand continued to pierce the python's mind.


Unable to breathe, Jin Huan pulled out the blood-stained hand. What he grabbed was the core of the snake hiding in the depths of his mind.

The thorny python of Chilong, which is as powerful as the dragon, the core of its hard cultivation was taken away by the golden ring so easily and **** and overbearing!

Its huge body, which was about to madly crash into the mountain wall, suddenly stopped, and then the whole snake fell heavily into the rushing bad water below, and was instantly swallowed by the bad water and disappeared.

At the same time, the figure of the golden ring holding the pill core has returned to the black cloud, and he is in a pretty good mood to put the pill core away, then take out a golden silk scarf, and wipe it with his own Bloody hands.

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