"Let's go, you will now follow this saint to Silverback Mountain." Jin Huan pointed to a mountain that soared into the sky and was shrouded in terrifying poison.

As soon as the voice fell, the soul cloud under his feet quickly drifted towards the Yinbei Mountain.

Li Ze thought, and the weak asked, "My Lord Saint, what are we going to do when we go to Yinbei Mountain?"

"Catch the silverback ape." Jin Huan responded casually.

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Silverback Ape?"

Jin Huan knew that this newly-acquired entourage did not have much knowledge, and he felt good about him, so he explained patiently: "The silver-backed spirit ape is a very powerful beast, and it can even reach the top level of the spiritual world. Because even this saint is not willing to provoke easily."

"Lingyu Realm top grade?" Li Zedao uncontrollably twitched the muscles on his face, his scalp was extremely numb.

Are you sure you are right? Do you know if you scare me like this will really scare me back to Pangu domain?

Jin Huan added: "The magic is that the breath of this beast is extremely familiar with humans."

"It is rumored that the silverback apes were actually humans in the beginning. A long time ago, a certain family hid in the silverback mountain in order to avoid being chased by powerful enemies. After staying in the mountains for a long time, the appearance changed and became Silverback Ape."

Li Zedao widened his eyes and nodded: "That's it."

Unexpectedly, the theory of evolution does not apply to this heavenly realm, and even in the opposite way, monkeys have evolved from humans, which is really amazing.

Li Zedao was amazed. Heaven is really an unimaginable place. Such unimaginable places are really not suitable for him, who has received nine years of compulsory education, to grow and stay for a long time. Should he return to Pangu Realm soon?

"Looking at the entire celestial realm, only in the Silverback Mountain in the depths of the Medicine Valley, can there be traces of the Silverback Spiritual Ape. However, the number of Silverback Spiritual Apes is extremely rare, and it is difficult to find its traces. I tried my luck in the past, but I couldn't catch the silver-backed ape. I had to think of another way."

Jin Huan's eyes flashed with a sinister and vicious gloom, as if some conspiracy was brewing.

Li Zedao secretly took a cold breath, his scalp was extremely numb, and he really wanted to cry.

Heaven is too dangerous. He, who thinks he is one of the three strongest in Pangu Region, is as weak as a baby here.

What made Li Zedao want to cry even more was that he didn't know how to go back.

In other words, Pangu is afraid that he has not allowed him to step into the Pangu domain again, at least not now!

"Master Saint, did we capture the silver-backed spirit ape to get its spiritual core?" Li Zedao asked again.

Jin Huan shook his head: "Although the strength of the silver-backed spirit ape is terrifying, its spirit core is useless because of its aura's familiarity with humans."


Jin Huan smiled a little mysteriously: "In fact, the silverback ape was captured for use as bait."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Bait?"

"Thousand-legged spiders like to feed on people with strong cultivation bases, especially those who are strong at the spiritual level and above. Thousand-legged spiders can't help it. Using that silverbacked spirit ape as bait is just right."

Li Zedao suddenly realized that catching the silverback ape is equivalent to digging for earthworms before fishing.

Moreover, according to this statement, the thousand-legged spider is obviously stronger by the silver-backed ape.

There was a heavy rain in Li Zedao's heart. What kind of a ghost place is this heaven? How can any poisonous insect beast so powerful?

Jin Huan glanced at Li Zedao, showing a smile, a little playful: "I originally wanted to pick it up as the bait. For the sake of your performance, then forget it."


After all, Li Zedao didn't ask what to do to capture the thousand-legged spider, he felt that such a question was too stupid.

Moreover, asking these seemingly ignorant questions repeatedly, if it annoys this woman, it would be bad.

The towering Silverback Mountain seemed to be right in front of him, but it was not until half an hour later that the soul cloud came to the top of the Silverback Mountain, which made Li Zedao once again marvel at the vastness of the heavens.

Only in a small medicine valley in the medicine domain, it is so huge, not to mention having a total of 108 domains and even a lot of celestial realms that have not been opened up in the land of chaos.

Li Zedao thought that it is no wonder Tianmeng sister always said that she was the toad at the bottom of the well, and she didn't even know how wide the heaven was, or how dangerous the heaven was.

Seeing now, I am not a toad at the bottom of the well.

Li Zedao felt sour.

But after a few hours, Li Zedao found that he missed that woman strangely, and didn't know where she had gone. It was not safe.

What made Li Zedao even more concerned about was that all the toys she brought from Fanyu needed electricity. If the electricity went out, she couldn't find another toy?

Li Zedao was very depressed. He couldn't accept the fact that Tian Meng found another toy again.

"This is Silverback Mountain." Jin Huan's eyes flashed with a trace of fear. Obviously, this is a mountain full of dangers.

Li Zedao temporarily threw the woman aside and looked down.

However, he saw that the whole mountain was enveloped by a weird and full-bodied poisonous miasma, even if he could see extremely far, but under the poisonous miasma, he could not see the situation below.

The bottom of the mountain was still surrounded by the evil water that was throwing a huge wave, and the huge wave seemed to wash down the entire mountain at any time.

Vaguely, Li Zedao heard all kinds of horrible neighs coming from the poisonous miasma, and that sound made Li Zedao's scalp numb uncontrollably, and even caused him to get a disease.

It was a disease that didn't want to get this soul cloud at all.

"Be careful, there are many powerful poisonous insects and beasts living in this silverback mountain. With your cultivation base, I am afraid that it will not be able to deal with it." Jin Huan said solemnly.

Sect Master was quite fond of Ning Feng's method of arranging a powerful soul formation. It would be no good for him to die in this silverback mountain.

So he said more: "It's better not to be too far away from this saint."

Li Zedao's scalp became more numb, and he swallowed his saliva and said, "Thank you, Lord Saint for your concern..."

The revolution has not yet succeeded, so Li Zedao really cares about his own fate, so he hastened to add: "The little one will follow the Lord Saint."

Jin Huan couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that this Ning Feng was indeed loyal, but he didn't seem to treat himself as a follower at all.

At this time, shouldn't he go to the front to ensure the absolute safety of her, the Saintess?

Not to mention that you are still a man. Are you so embarrassed to hide behind a woman for protection?

But he didn't make any accusations, but thought he was so cute, sincere and not artificial.

Fear is fear, loyalty is loyalty, and all are true feelings.

The **** real Ziyun’s eyes were scared, otherwise, how could he think that Ning Feng is a big rapist?

Smiled and said: "Let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Huan's figure had already turned into a devilish energy, whizzing towards the dense poisonous miasma below.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed another mouthful of water, and hurriedly swallowed down.

Since he was already the woman's entourage, it was natural to carry out every order the woman gave without hesitation.

This woman said that he should not be too far away from her. Li Zedao must resolutely obey the order, even if he didn't dare to dare, he wanted to move his whole body closer to her.

However, after a few breaths, the two of them were already standing on the top of a big tree in the sky, but the leaves of the tree were actually blood-red and extremely sharp, as if the blood-stained steel thorn was stuck there.

The poisonous miasma around is so rich, the whole space is enveloped by an extremely pungent and decadent smell, even if Li Zedao is already invaded by the poison, he was dizzy for a while, and tears kept streaming down.

After taking a golden ring "gift" pill, I felt more comfortable.

Jin Huan's expression was slightly serious, and those eyes looked around to make sure that no powerful beasts were moving around, and then they swept down.

Li Zedao's little heart was mentioned in his throat, and he quickly followed, standing behind Jin Huan, his eyes scanned the surrounding movement vigilantly.

Feeling unsafe, he drew his long sword, looking like he was facing an enemy.

Jin Huan was a little bit dumbfounded seeing him so scared.

Here is the periphery of Yinbei Mountain, and life is only a few weaker poisonous insects and beasts, and powerful poisonous beasts generally live in the deep mountains.

Naturally, these weak poisonous insects and beasts dare not take the initiative to attack people unless their lives are threatened.

Of course, powerful beasts would occasionally visit this periphery to catch prey, but she only felt the surrounding moment for a while, and did not capture the powerful breath.

"No need to be nervous, there is no danger here." Jin Huan said.

Li Zedao smirked, and the sword was sheathed.

"Your injury is better?" Jin Huan asked again.

"Thank you Lord Saint for your concern, the younger one is fine." Being so concerned, Li Zedao was somewhat moved.

This woman is certainly not a good crop, but after all, she still cares about herself.

"Since it's all right, then you can also arrange a powerful soul formation." Jin Huan said, "If you can find the trace of the silver-backed ape and want to capture it, you have to rely on the powerful soul you arranged. Array, blocking its way."

Li Zedao was moved and directly fed the dog, nodded and said: "The little one understands that the little one will work hard to lay out a powerful soul formation and try to stop the silverback ape."

Jin Huan nodded quite satisfied: "Very well, let's go."

"Although the trace of the silver-backed ape is difficult to find, it still has its own range of motion after all. We only need to find its range of motion, and it is not difficult to find it."

Jinhuan swept forward while explaining briefly.

In order not to miss any traces of the silver-backed ape's activities, the two were not moving fast, and it could even be said that they were conducting a carpet search.

Li Zedao asked weakly: "Dare to ask Master Saint, how can we know that this is the range of movement of the silver-backed ape?"

"It's simple." Jin Huan said, "Yinbei Lingyu's urine has a very special sweetness. Once you smell that sweetness, you can probably know the range of movement of the silverback ape."

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