The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2744: Not trustworthy

Li Zedao extremely reluctantly put these two bags on the hand stretched out in front of him.

"The hidden weapon in this bag is the antidote to the equipment." Li Zedao looked at the dark shadow eagerly and retracted his hand, as if he couldn't help but want to take it back.

This is not all about acting, Li Zedao is indeed painful.

Naturally, he didn't silly hand over all the big idiots and the antidote, but he gave this guy more than ten, which was enough for him.

The black shadow nodded, opened the bag with the big idiot, and didn't ask "That's it?" "Have you kept it in private?" and similar words, seemed to trust Li Zedao's character.

Immediately, Sombra carefully took out a big fool and handed it to Li Zedao.

Naturally said: "You squeeze it."

Li Ze dumbfounded, and then had the urge to fight this guy for three hundred rounds, and said with difficulty, "It will be dead."

Naturally, he knew that this guy was worried that he would fool him with fakes, so he came out like this.

He was really angry, he was insulting his character!

Li Zedao was very clear, if he didn't do it, he was afraid he would insult his life.

Sombra comforted: "Don't worry, I have an antidote."


Li Zedao was breathing quickly, not only because of fear, but also because of anger.

He stared at the dark figure in front of him, and asked: "After I squeeze it, are you sure you will give me the antidote?"

"You must have integrity in your life. I have always done a good job in integrity." Said the shadow, and his figure stepped back a few feet to avoid being affected.

Li Zedao looked at the powerful guy in front of him with grief and helplessness, and asked, "What if I don't squeeze it?"

"Then you will be the same as the disciple of that medicine prescription pavilion.

The voice did not pretend to be terrifying and gloomy, but rather casual, but it made Li Zedao feel a deep fear.

"I hope your words count." Li Zedao could only tremble, not daring to look at the big idiot in his hand.

After trying hard for a while, Li Zedao closed his eyes and slammed hard.


The big idiot in his hand exploded violently, and then the strange black mist seemed to have life, and it immediately enveloped Li Zedao, who had been blown up.

Li Zedao fell heavily to the ground and his soul was extremely damaged.

Sombra was very satisfied with the power of this hidden weapon, and also satisfied with the character of this weak person. He didn't have a guy to fool himself.

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, he witnessed the golden ring saint throwing out these hidden weapons, and instantly solved a few thousand-legged spiders. The explosive power and the weird black fog were almost the same as what he saw before him.

Sombra glanced at another bag containing the antidote.

He groaned, but he didn't throw the antidote to Li Zedao as he said before. Instead, he turned around for a flash and disappeared instantly.

"Why... left? What about the antidote? What about the antidote promised to me?"

Li Zedao made an extremely weak voice, his extremely pale face was full of grief and anger, and he never expected to say that this guy who kept saying that he should be honest would leave like this.

"This **** liar!"

Li Zedao was really disappointed in the heavens to the extreme. This is a world without any morality and no bottom line.

The poison of the big idiot was not enough to kill Li Zedao, but it caused serious damage to his soul, and even the strength to raise his hand was almost gone.

The only thing that made Li Zedao a little bit thankful was that this was the outermost area of ​​Thousand Poison Mountain. The poisonous insects and beasts that lived there were not powerful. They didn't dare to attack humans at will.

In addition, along the way, those powerful poisonous insects and beasts didn't know how much they had been killed by the black shadow, which had caused a great deterrent to the surrounding poisonous insects and beasts, so he should be safe for the time being.

Li Zedao's guess was correct. Two days later, no poisonous insects came and swallowed him.

But always paralyzed here, the little life will eventually disappear, so the desperate color on Li Zedao's face has become more and more intense, he feels that he is afraid that he will die here.

He couldn't help but say with emotion, which guy is such a genius who can develop a hidden weapon that even the strongest of the Lingyu Realm can't resist, and it is really too awesome.

The power of the explosion, the poisonous smoke that resembles life, is really amazing, it's really amazing.

On the third day, an uninvited guest blew his head from the evil water below.

In an instant, a **** breath enveloped him, causing Li Zedao's scalp to become numb, but he didn't even mind crawling and fleeing here if he could crawl.

But his soul was so badly damaged that he couldn't even perform the climbing posture.

This is a huge, golden toad with three legs.

The golden toad made a "quack" sound, jumped out of the water and appeared in front of Li Zedao. His ferocious eyes released bursts of greedy light. Obviously, Li Zedao was the most delicious food.

Li Zedao was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he wanted to tell this golden toad that he had been infected with an extremely terrible poison, and he would definitely have diarrhea after eating.

But Jin Chan didn't give him any chance to speak at all. It had a huge mouth and a scarlet tongue sticking out, which immediately stuck Li Zedao's whole person and rolled it up.

Li Zedao is like the sausage in a hot dog, wrapped tightly by this tongue covered with a thick layer of disgusting and total mucus, let alone talking, it's just a fart, which can only burst in the crotch. Come, the stench won't spread.

Li Zedao was desperate.

The next moment, he felt that he was flying, he clearly felt a great wind in his ears, and a strong fishy wind hit him.

In a trance, Li Zedao also saw a **** abyss.

His body was rushing into the abyss uncontrollably.

Li Zedao knew that it was not an abyss, it was the mouth of a three-legged golden toad.

Jin Chan's tongue was retracting into its big mouth with an extreme speed. He was about to reach Jin Chan's mouth and then into its stomach.

Then, including his soul and this handsome flesh will be completely digested by this golden toad.

Just when Li Zedao began to use his life with only a few breaths to look back at his extremely short life, a terrible sound rang in his ears.


It was a sound similar to a piece of meat being cut by a sharp knife.

"Is my body cut into two pieces?"

Such a terrifying thought popped up in Li Zedao's mind, and then this thought was immediately rejected by him, because it didn't hurt.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that the speed of retracting the tongue that was firmly rolled up suddenly slowed down, and it seemed that it was not retracting.

Li Zedao felt right, Jin Chan's tongue was indeed not stretching back, but falling downward.


Jin Chan's rolled tongue fell heavily, and Li Zedao was still firmly wrapped in his tongue.

Its tongue was cut abruptly by a powerful breath that burst out suddenly!

At the same time, a large amount of blood spurted out of Jin Chan's big mouth.


The three-legged golden toad uttered an extremely painful roar, and his eyes became scarlet and cruel.

Another breath swept across fiercely, and blasted fiercely on the three-legged golden toad.

The huge body of the three-legged golden toad was like a huge rock rolling down the mountain, and slammed heavily into the black water, setting off a terrifying wave.

But for a moment, Jin Chan completely lost track, as if he had never appeared before.

Li Zedao tried his best to open the eyes covered by the disgusting viscous liquid, and then he saw a black figure that looked so aloof.

It was the guy who opened his mouth and said that he was a reasonable person, but who made the most despicable behavior.

Li Zedao's eyes were red, and there was no such kind of rejoicing and gratitude for escaping from death, but only anger and murderousness.

"You lied to me!"

He spoke with difficulty, his voice was extremely bad, but he was extremely wronged.

Before he finished his words, Li Zedao found that there was an extra pill in his mouth. He was familiar with this pill, and it was the antidote for the big fool.

Li Ze dumbfounded, and quickly swallowed it in.

However, after a few breaths, the poison of the idiot was completely relieved, Li Zedao was quite disgusting to get rid of the tongue that still entangled his body, and then kicked into the evil water below, then turned his head, his eyes staring angrily Look at the dark shadow.

"Didn't you keep saying that you must be honest?" Li Zedao angrily asked.

If he could, he wanted to fight this guy for three hundred rounds, but he couldn't, so Li Zedao could only greet this guy and the whole family in his heart over and over again.

"What you just swallowed, isn't it the antidote?" Sombra asked back.

"This... you should give it to me at the beginning, instead of letting me lie here for three days and three nights, and almost swallowed by that **** three-legged golden toad!" Li Zedao was irritated, and this guy was justified. Up?

"Have I said that I will give you an antidote immediately?" Sombra asked again.

Li Zedao's mouth opened, but he didn't know how to refute it for a while, so he became even more angry and continued to greet the women in his family.

The black shadow didn't care if Li Zedao was dying of anger, and said, "What is your name?"

"It's up to you." Li Zedao's attitude was extremely bad.

The anger made him temporarily forget, the figure in front of him was not a good stubborn at all, but a terrifying strong man who shot decisively and harshly.

The other party only needs to raise his hand, and his soul can be destroyed.

"Are you a shit? This name is rare and indecent." Sombra said seriously.


Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he felt that the guy in front of him seemed to have a problem with his brain.

At any rate, he is also the former of the quasi-high-level realm cultivation base. How could he say that there is no nutrition at all in pediatrics?

"My name is Hanguang." Sombra said again.

"It's my shit!" Li Zedao whispered.

He just wants to quickly find a place to clean up the disgusting mucus on his body.

"It really matters to you," Han Guang said.


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