The white-clothed man is a staff member of the Medicine Domain at first sight, but his complexion is not arrogant, but like a spring breeze, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

It was as if someone came to this medicine domain mansion, it was his honor.

"I'm receiving the envoy Yun Jiao in the Yaoyu Mansion. I don't know what happened to the two who came to the Yaoyu Mansion?" the man asked politely.

Such an attitude surprised Li Zedao. He thought that the eyes of the staff of the Medical Domain Mansion were probably on their foreheads, and they couldn't even see the people who came to the Medical Domain Mansion to do business. He didn't expect such a good attitude. .

Li Zedao felt that the staff of those institutions in Fanyu should learn from the Yunjiao receptionist what service is, instead of being lazy when they walk in and ignore them, and even if they can shirk it.

Naturally, Hanguang would not treat the other party with the attitude of the deputy suzerain just because the other party was a janitor. Even if he was the janitor, he would look at the gate of the Medicine Realm Palace, whose status is far from any sect force in the Medicine Realm Above the sovereign.

Quickly replied: "Under Hanguang, because I want to establish a sect force named Hanfengzong, I will apply for the sect token from the Medicine Domain Mansion."

Yun Jiao didn't feel surprised. Instead, he pointed to the Medicine Domain Mansion behind him and said: "So that's the case, then go in through the first small door on the left, and someone will welcome you naturally."

"Thank you, Master Yunjiao." Han Guang said with gratitude.

"It should be." Yun Jiao smiled, and walked away, letting Hanguang talk to Li Ze.

When Li Zedao appeared cautiously passing by Yun Jiao, Yun Jiao suddenly noticed that this weak person, who was not a mere lower grade of the Lingyu Realm, had such a familiar smell on his body. His eyes widened suddenly, and his expression was in a daze. Can't believe this is true.

How can such a breath exist in this weak person?

"Two, please wait a moment." Yun Jiao's complexion recovered as before.

Hanguang turned around and said, "I wonder what else Master Yun Jiao has to order?"

Yun Jiao responded politely: "I dare not, just a small request."

Hanguang was flattered, and quickly said: "Master Yun Jiao is polite. If you have any instructions, I will do my best."

Li Zedao on the side couldn't help but despise the Lord Sect Master severely. This guy should be so embarrassed to lick the Medicine Domain Mansion!

As the Deputy Sovereign of Han Fengzong, Li Zedao was quite contemptuous of Han Guang's behavior.

Yun Jiao glanced at Li Zedao with a gentle look. Li Zedao hurriedly lowered his head, with a more humble expression on his face.

Yun Jiao said, "Is this your subordinate?"

Li Zedao's heart shuddered, and his heart felt a trace of strong anxiety.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and it is not a good thing for the dignified Yaoyufu reception envoy to actively mention him, a weak person who is not a mere inferior grade.

Han Guang swept Li Zedao with the corner of his eye and nodded: "This is Ning Feng, the deputy master of the Han Feng Sect that I am about to establish."

"That's the case, can you let me have a few words with this Ning Feng alone?" Yun Jiao asked.

Hanguang was extremely surprised and couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Li Zedao's eyes widened, his heartbeat started to speed up, and cold sweat was coming out on his forehead.

Is it possible that this guy who doesn't know how strong he is, but is definitely strong, can see through his origins at a glance?

Hanguang was puzzled, but he didn't dare to refuse, and said politely, "Nature."

He looked at Li Zedao and said, "Ning Feng, you are here to accompany Master Yun Jiao. I will go to collect the sect token by myself."

Somewhat uneasy, so he confessed in a serious tone: "Remember, you must not be rude to Master Yun Jiao, otherwise, don't blame me and punish you."

In front of Yun Jiao, Hanguang could dare to call himself the Sect Master and Li Zedao's Deputy Sect Master. After all, he had not obtained the Sect token yet.

If it weren't for the panic, Li Zedao would have wanted to fight this shameless guy for hundreds of rounds.

He could only try to remain calm, and said: "Yes."

When the Hanguang figure entered the small door on the far left, Yun Jiao's eyes suddenly became hot.

He looked at Li Zedao and asked, "Your name is Ning Feng?"

"Little Ning Feng." Li Zedao's head was almost stuck to the ground, and he was so nervous that he couldn't speak easily.

"No... I don't know if Master Yun Jiao is looking for a kid, what's your order?"

"No need to be nervous, I won't do anything to you." Yun Jiao comforted.

Li Zedao is even more nervous, aren't the bridge sections in the movie like this? The last sentence said happily that I would not do anything to you, the next moment I will use the most cruel means to torture you.

"Is such that."

Yun Jiao looked at Li Zedao's eyes even more hot: "I feel a smell in you that I am extremely familiar with."

Li Zedao was even more nervous, and he was about to faint.

Is what he said is the taste of Pangu? After all, he is a creature bred by Pangu, and he must have the brand of Pangu in his soul.

This is over.

"The smell is very weak, if there is nothing, it's just because I am too familiar with the smell, so I felt it all at once." Yun Jiao's expression became slightly complicated.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water, and said cautiously: "The little one doesn't understand the meaning of Master Yun Jiao."

But it is ready to do it.

Now, I can only fight to the death.

He killed Pangu towards Youyu Mansion and killed the palace owner of Youyu Mansion. What kind of boldness was this?

Today, Pangu’s bloodline, Li Zedao, slayed towards Yaoyu Mansion. This is... Li Zedao was scared to tears.

Who thought that at this moment, Yun Jiao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "My eldest brother has been looking for her for a long, long time. I thought that something happened to her. I was really worried. Now I am finally sure about her. It's okay, that's fine."

Li Zedao was stupid, did he want to make a mistake? What he was referring to had nothing to do with Pangu at all?

Yun Jiao's eyes became hot again, he looked at Li Zedao sincerely and said, "Surely you are the disciple she accepted?"

I thought she had always been above the top, so even though this Ning Feng's strength at this time was not inferior to the Lingyu realm, she was afraid that she had good aptitude, especially in the soul formation.

"If you are seeing Master, please help me to tell her, you tell her that the family is very worried about her, let her stop messing around and go home quickly."

"As for the thing that happened, you told her that Lord Palace is no longer pursuing it."

Li Zedao was naturally incomparably confused, even if he thought he was very clever, he didn't know for a while what the Master Yun Jiao was talking about.

Wait, is he talking about sister Tianmeng?

Li Zedao increasingly felt that this possibility was not small.

He and Tian Meng didn't know how many times he had met frankly, and he didn't take a few baths during this period, so it was not surprising that there was her breath remaining on his body.

So, this Master Yun Jiao turned out to be the elder brother of Sister Tian Meng?

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging fiercely, but he looked surprised and directly followed the other party's meaning.

He raised his head, looked at Yun Jiao nervously, and asked cautiously: "Master Yun Jiao, are you the older brother of Master and her family?"

"Exactly." Yun Jiao nodded.

There was a little more care and expectation from the elders for the younger ones in his eyes, and he continued: "She can accept you as a disciple, and she must like you very much."

Li Zedao didn’t care if Yun Jiao was referring to Sister Tian Meng, he would be wrong and nodded happily, “Master is really good to the young. But the young one hasn’t seen the Master for a while, I don’t know if she is old. Went there."

Yun Jiao smiled bitterly. He wanted to see her through this son, but now he doesn't know where to find her.

"Since you are her disciple, and you are my nephew, you should call me the uncle." Yun Jiao looked at Li Zedao more and more pleasing and loving.

Finally, with such a thick thigh, Li Zedao naturally wanted to hug it tightly, and quickly said: "Uncle."

Yun Jiao smiled slightly, nodded, and asked: "By the way, does your master know what Hanfeng Sect you want to establish?"

Li Zedao's thoughts moved slightly, and he hurriedly responded cleverly: "Master is supportive. Before she left, she said that she had established Hanfengzong with Sect Master Hanguang, so she would be eligible to compete for the Divine Ginseng."

Yun Jiao nodded: "Once the Hanguang Sect is established, it does have the qualifications to compete for Divine Ginseng."

After Yaoyufu issued such a notice, many strong people who had not joined any sect forces were ready to move, and planned to join forces to form sect forces and join the battle for Divine Ginseng.

But in the end most people gave up this idea, just because it is undoubtedly stupid.

Not to mention that the foundation of the newly established sect forces is ultimately no match for those long-existing sect forces, such as Medicine Fang Pavilion, Wudu Sect, etc., so there is no advantage at all when competing for the Divine Ginseng.

Not to mention that after the Divine Ginseng has a final ownership, this newly established sect force is afraid to become a thorn in the eyes of those powerful sect forces.

Trying to beat the idea of ​​Dipo Shenshen? I don't know how to live or die!

As for the disputes between the sect forces, the domain government usually does not participate, so just don't make things too big.

Based on these two considerations, those strong people who did not belong to any sect force dispelled such thoughts.


Seeing that he was also her disciple anyway, Yun Jiao couldn't help seeing him go to death.

He shook his head and said straightforwardly: "The person named Hanguang just now is not a quasi-high-level cultivation base, and you are a low-rank in the Lingyu realm. How can you have the strength to fight those powerful sect forces?"

"Or, you have already won a large number of strong people?"

Li Zedao weakly said: "Han Fengzong has two people, Hanguang Sect Master and me."


The muscles on Yun Jiao's face couldn't help but twitch, and he felt that this matter was extremely absurd.

Two people want to form a sect? Forget it, after its establishment, even attempting to compete for the Dipo Divine Ginseng? How is this different from dreaming?

Li Zedao looked a little dazed and said: "The young man told me the same thing to the master and her elders, but the master and her elders said, "I'm not afraid to be a disciple. When you get to the medicine domain, someone will naturally help you."

Yun Jiao felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

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