The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2755: Dipo God Ginseng

Li Zedao naturally understood that these sect forces were skeptical, and only then made the selection of such personnel, which was basically a silent protest.

He felt that these sect forces did a good job, no matter what, Han Fengzong must not be allowed to succeed!

"Come on!"

Li Zedao silently cheered these sect forces in his heart.

"Follow this lord to enter the medicine tower and compete for the divine ginseng. The rest are waiting here. Don't make a noise." Master Yaoying is extremely weird, and feels that the luck of this newly established Hanfeng Sect is too much. Better.

Does Han Fengzong have a close relationship with any adult in Yaoyu Mansion?

"Yes." Everyone thought.

Afterwards, the originally closed door of the Medicine Tower was slowly pushed open as if a pair of invisible giant hands were pushing it.

In an instant, an extremely powerful aura enveloped and swept away.

Everyone's expectant and nervous hearts are slightly dazzling, even if it is a strong man like Pytox and Wenbaicao, who are used to domineering in the medicine domain, they dare not feel free to face the oppressive atmosphere. Lift it up.

Let alone a weak person like Li Zedao, facing the oppression of this breath, they even can't even move their feet.

Li Zedao knew that this aura came from the powerful defensive soul formation that enveloped the medicine tower.

Even if it is a powerful Dao realm who wants to sneak into this medicine tower, it is afraid that it will be blocked by this powerful defensive soul formation, and it will be difficult to advance.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled fiercely, Yufu was indeed a terrifying place.

But it was such a terrible place that was easily razed to the ground by Pangu.

"Let's go."

Master Yaoying led the way, and the rest of them took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the complex thoughts in their hearts temporarily, stepped to keep up, and walked into this hopeful but unattainable medicine tower.

As Li Zedao stepped into the medicine tower for the last time, the door of the medicine tower behind him was slowly closed.

So entering these people is as if they have become turtles in the urn, and then if someone opens the door, they don't even want to go out.

Li Zedao's curious and vigilant eyes looked around inside the medicine tower quietly, and then expressed considerable disappointment.

He found that there didn't seem to be much inside the medicine tower, at least, there was nothing special about the bottom layer, it seemed empty, it looked like a huge square.

However, the aroma of the pill that filled this space made Li Zedao extremely fond of it.

Compared with Pangu Domain, the illusion here is not too much.

In the fog city of God's Domain, there are a large number of alchemists refining pills, so the entire city is shrouded in sour and smelly mist. Once it rains, the red rain water will burn people's skin.

In this medicine domain, there are more alchemists who refine pill medicine, but the breath that envelopes this space is still extremely fresh and refreshing.

In Li Zedao's view, this happened because the alchemist spirit master of the medicine domain used some means to suppress the poisonous mist while refining the pill. I don't know how they did it.

At this moment, a strange voice came, and Li Zedao looked in the direction of the voice, his eyes widened, his mind roared, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

He clearly saw that there was actually a cylindrical cage placed on the open ground in front of him. The height of the cage was only two meters in diameter. Judging from the cold breath released from the cage, it was made by the soul.

Therefore, this cage is simply a prison built with Horcruxes.

What surprised Li Zedao was that this cage was still wrapped in a powerful soul formation. In this way, even if the great Dao realm powerhouse was trapped in that cage, I was afraid that it would never come out.

What made Li Zedao even more unimaginable was that there was still a person in the cage at this time.

To be precise, it was a child, a little boy who had just learned to stand.

The little boy was fat and chubby and extremely cute.

He seemed to be a little hungry, sucking his thumb greedily, and at the same time, his chubby eyes were looking innocently at the people who came in, his pink mouth opened slightly. Speaking of teeth that Li Zedao could not understand.

In an instant, Li Zedao’s sympathy flooded immediately. He cursed Yaoyu Mansion in his heart for being too cruel. It was ridiculous to imprison such a child as a dangerous beast in such a cage. This is simply animal behavior.

Just as Li Zedao scolded in his heart, he keenly caught the change in the surrounding atmosphere.

Except for Hanguang, who was immutable and pushed the master to the end, the aura of the others had undergone a strong change.

When they first entered the medicine tower, they were cautious, nervous, and curious.

Even if it is Poison, Ziyun Zhenren and Wen Baicao who are accustomed to being arrogant in this medicine domain, they dare not even look too presumptuous, let alone other people.

But now, those pairs of eyes actually showed extreme heat and desire to come out, all staring at the child in the cage.

It is as if the hungry wolf met a fat lamb, as if Tianmeng met Li Zedao who was taking a bath. In short, these people behaved so impatiently, so hungry and thirsty. If this is the medicine tower, Master Yaoying would be there. I was going to jump over and swallow the child with his belt.

Li Zedao suddenly realized something. His eyes widened, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe it was true.

So, it’s not a child at all, but it turned out to be the Divine Ginseng?

Li Zedao hardly retracted his gaze to look at Hanguang, pointed at the child, and Hanguang nodded at him.

Li Zedao took a few breaths, already wondering what words to use to describe this seemingly absurd scene that happened before him.

The so-called Dipo Divine Ginseng turned out to be a little boy who doesn't even seem to be one year old. No wonder he would be imprisoned in such a cage, and even the cage is still shrouded by a powerful soul formation, so he is afraid of his disappearance. Got without a trace.

No wonder these people couldn't move their eyes off when they saw him, and they all wanted to rush to swallow him.

But, how do you look at it is an extremely cute child, these people really want to swallow it in their stomachs? Or is it raw?

Fancying a certain horrible scene, Li Zedao almost couldn't help but vomit.

Master Yaoying stopped, turned back and looked at these powerful men with red eyes, and said loudly: "In order to avoid the chaos of my medicine field, which would endanger the lives of innocent people, so this time the fruit of the Dipo Divine Ginseng came to fruition. The Medicine Domain Government had to intervene and handle this matter fairly and fairly."

"Now, the Dipo Divine Ginseng is here, and your eleven sect forces will have a decisive victory here, and the final winner can take the Dipo Divine Ginseng away."


Everyone thought, the desire in their eyes became a bit hot again, and a terrifying **** breath came out from all over the body, and their eyes looked at Li Zedao and Hanguang intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Zedao's little heart began to tremble, and he was horrified to find that the people around him regarded him Hanguangzong as the strongest opponent, a thorn in his eyes.

Li Zedao wanted to stand up and express pitifully that you are busy with you, and you don't need to pay attention to my Hanguang Sect. Sect Master and I are here to make soy sauce.

If you don’t believe me, I can cheer for you now. If it doesn’t work, should I swear to heaven?

However, I was worried that this move would be considered a provocation and could only give up.

He looked at Hanguang and found that this product was still standing proudly. He didn't pay attention to the threats around him at all. It seemed that the poisonous Wenbaicao and others were in his eyes, but there was nothing to worry about.

As a result, the murderous aura on these people is even more intense. They firmly believe that this shit-han Feng Sect's suzerain, who is obviously under the care of Master Yaoying, is provoking them with the backing of Master Yaoying. !

They thought to their hearts that if it was in a brief victory or defeat, it was too obvious that Master Yaoying dared to favor this Han Fengzong, they wouldn't mind uniting and protesting at the gate of the Medicine Domain Mansion.

Li Zedao can't wait to kill Hanguang alive. When is this, you shouldn't pretend to be a calf to provoke these people, can you?

Don't pull me down if you want to die, your sister!

At this moment, everyone only felt that their eyes flashed before the subordinates who had just executed Master Yaoying's orders outside the tower appeared out of thin air.

He whispered a few words in front of Master Yaoying.

Master Yaoying nodded slightly, and then the pair of extremely charming eyes swept past the powerful men from the eleven sect forces one by one, and they stayed on Li Zedao and Hanguang without a trace. moment.

Just now, she asked the subordinate to go to the Medicine Domain Mansion to ask about the Han Fengzong, to determine whether Han Fengzong had something to do with an adult.

The news is that no adult in the Medicine Domain has anything to do with Han Fengzong.

Therefore, it was pure luck for the two Han Fengzong to appear in this medicine tower.

Yaoyu Mansion originally wanted to say that it would decide the ownership of the Dipo Divine Ginseng without going through any conflicts. Now I am afraid that we can’t do that. Otherwise, if Di Po Divine Ginseng will eventually fall into the hands of Han Fengzong like blood, then even the medicine The domain government does everything, and the other sects are afraid that they will also jointly protest.

However, after thinking for a while, Master Yaoying decided to modify the original rules that determined the ownership of Dipo Divine Participation.

So, she pointed to the divine ginseng and said, "These treasures of heaven and earth are inhabited by the capable, so the following rules are very simple... Well, the masters of the sects don’t need to do anything, you And as the witness, the remaining eleven sect disciples competed in pairs by drawing lots. In the end, the sect of the sect will be able to take away the divine ginseng."

Relying on the strength of the sect disciples, the final determination of the ownership of the Divine Ginseng, and this duel will be held under their noses, so these sect forces will not raise any objections.

As soon as Master Yaoying said this, the seven major sect forces such as Yaofang Pavilion and Five Poison Sect were all dumbfounded, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

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