Hanguang shot.

He shook his hand slightly, and a powerful breath burst out in an instant, and for a moment he was in a state of confrontation with the enveloping coercion.

When everyone saw this, they all took a deep breath again, and their minds roared violently. They couldn't believe it was true.

This Sect Master of Han Fengzong is not a quasi-dao-level cultivation base, but a real powerhouse of the great-dao-level cultivation base!

In addition, there may be medicine domain behind Hanfengzong, so that Hanfengzong can't be underestimated.

Master Yaoying's eyes widened slightly, but she still looked away.

It seems that this Han Fengzong is not really based on luck, for fear that it came prepared.

At any time, Hanguang shot, the powerful sense of oppression that enveloped Li Zedao's body disappeared without a trace.

Li Zedao quickly got up, staring wide-eyed at the figure in front of him that should be rather shameless but now became unusually tall, some couldn't believe it was true.

Li Zedao had long suspected that these two goods were hiding themselves, but now that he could easily block the coercion of Poisonous Poison, it still shocked him.

"Sect Master Underworld, too much, right?" Han Guangyin said coldly, "This is the medicine tower of the Medicine Domain Palace, but not your Five Poison Valley. It shouldn't be a place where you can sprawl at will?"

Hanguang was so angry that this guy dared to make the deputy master throw a dog and eat **** in front of him. This was slapped him in the face.

But seeing the vice-sect master fell so embarrassed, why did he feel so comfortable?

"Jie Jie Jie... I underestimated you." Ming Po's voice was even more gloomy, "So, that kid is the spy you sent to Medicine Valley to spy on Di Po God Ginseng? So the saint of my Five Poison Sect died In your hands?"

"So, the Young Master of the Medicine Fang Pavilion and the dozen or so disciples were also killed by you?"

Nethertox questioned one after another, as if pouring a big barrel of oil into the fire, and the atmosphere in the entire space was almost about to burst.

Even Master Yaoying was surprised, thinking that Han Fengzong, who had been established less than a month ago, was so amazing as soon as he shot it, and he had offended the three most powerful sect forces recognized by the medicine domain at the same time.

Wen Bai Herbal was holding the attitude of watching a play. At this time, hearing Ming Du's words, his eyes became round, revealing a terrifying light.

He looked at Hanguang, gritted his teeth and said: "Did you kill the master of my prescription pavilion and my disciple?"

There is a hint of inexplicable in the light and calm: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Killing such a thing cannot be admitted.

Besides, the young pavilion master was indeed killed by him, but those disciples were all killed by the deputy sect master, and Han Guang didn't want to carry the pot for the deputy sect master.

Ming Toxin said grimly: "I, Real Person Ziyun and Pavilion Master Wen, will let you know."

Ming Du was not so stupid to face the Han Fengzong who didn't know where it came from, so he tied the real person Ziyun and Wen Baicao to himself.

The three major sect forces acted together, even if there was a certain adult from the Medicine Domain Mansion behind Han Fengzong, that adult was afraid it would be inconvenient to take action.

Hanguang looked at Master Yaoying and questioned her seriously.

"Master Yaoying, here is the Medicine Tower of the Medicine Domain Mansion. You are the Lord of the Medicine Domain Mansion, and you are the person in charge of this battle for the ownership of the Earth Soul God's ginseng. Just let these sect forces join forces to slander me Hanfeng. Zong, even trying to kill my Deputy Sect Master of Han Fengzong?"

"Just because my deputy sect master of Han Fengzong has shown great strength, the disciples of these sect forces are not their opponents at all?"

"Just because my Han Fengzong is about to get that Dipo Divine Ginseng?"

"This is what the domain government calls fairness?"

Master Yaoying narrowed her eyes, really annoyed.

She was actually about to speak to stop Ming Du and the others from being presumptuous.

Who would think that Hanguang was the first to speak out, which made her have the urge to kill.

It was even more angry and Poisonous, Ziyun Zhenren and Wen Baicao even dared to be presumptuous here.

When did these sect forces of the Medicine Realm dare to be so disrespectful to the adults of the Medicine Realm? How dare you be so presumptuous in Medicine Domain Mansion?

The Medicine Domain Mansion, indeed, never participated in the grievances of the sect forces.

But this is the Medicine Domain, the Medicine Tower, and no one is allowed to be presumptuous here.

So she said lightly: "Here, it is the medicine tower!"

A powerful breath shrouded madly.

This powerful aura came not only from Master Yaoying, but also from the powerful attacking soul formations arranged inside the medicine tower. These powerful and aggressive soul formations were obviously controlled by Master Yaoying and could be used at any time. The enemy was trapped in it and attacked the most severely.

As soon as these words came out, the eager Poison, Wen Baicao and Ziyun real person all forcibly suppressed the violent aura in their hearts, and did not dare to be arbitrary.

Ming Du pointed at Master Yaoying and said, "Master Yaoying, it's not that we are presumptuous, but..."

Master Yaoying unceremoniously interrupted Mingdu's words: "The grievances between you have nothing to do with Yaoyu Palace."

"If you want to resolve your grievances, when you leave the Medicine Domain Mansion, you will resolve it yourself."

"Now, either continue, or this lord will immediately announce the ownership of Dipo Divine Ginseng."

Ming Du shut his mouth, and under the black robe, his face was as black as ink, and his eyes were bloodthirsty.

Ming Du stopped talking, and Wen Baicao naturally didn't speak anymore. It was just that those ferocious eyes kept staring at Han Guang, as if looking at a dead person.

"Send Ziyunmen master out." Master Yaoying said again.

Zhenren Ziyun turned blue, and after a deep glance at Hanguang and Li Zedao, he was sent out of the medicine tower.

The atmosphere in the medicine tower became weird and depressing, almost breathless.

The romantic and innocent childish voice made by the Dipo Shenshen from time to time made the atmosphere depressed again.

"Continue." Master Yaoying said coldly.

There were so many accidents in the battle for the ownership of the Divine Spirit, which really made her quite unhappy, and her attitude became gloomy.

At this moment, the Sect Master of Yinshan Sect and the disciple of Ju Xie Sect looked at each other, and then walked out together to make a bee for Master Yaoying.

"Master Yaoying, my Yinshan Sect thinks that I am not qualified to fight for the Divine Ginseng, so I chose to withdraw from this fight. I hope Master Yaoying will agree."

"My drama Scorpion Gate also opted out."

These two sects are not stupid, although the Dipo Divine Ginseng makes them linger, but their disciple is no match for Han Fengzong's disciple.

Not to mention that the Hanfengzong and the three most recognized sect forces in the medicine domain seem to have an endless and deep hatred, so it is better not to be involved.

Wen Baicao's face changed drastically several times, so he walked out and said, "Master Yaoying, my prescription pavilion has also withdrawn."

He glanced at Hanguang with an extremely ferocious look. Now he just wanted to find a place to vent his murderous aura, and then cooperate with the real person Ziyun to conspiracy to kill Han Fengzong and seize the Divine Attendant.

"Agree." Master Yaoying waved her hand, and the beautiful eyes that contained anger gave Mingdu a glance.

She wanted to know if Plutox had to quit.

Ming Tou didn't withdraw, and he didn't even seem to be angry anymore. The murderous aura on his body was reduced, just like an old monk entered concentration, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Zedao saw him like this, his heart was already enveloped by an extremely ominous premonition. He clearly remembered that he swallowed the poisonous pill that according to Hanguang's words was extremely sinful according to Hanguang.

Li Zedao didn't know when the poison of the Poison Pill would happen, let alone how painful it was.

It is precisely because of not knowing that the fear is multiplied.

At the moment, these three sect forces have all been invited out of the medicine tower, and the huge medicine tower is left with the Feng Sect and the Five Poison Sects for the final battle of Divine Participation.

"let's start."

Master Yaoying coldly waved his hand, just wanting to end this unexpected and constant battle for the gods and ginseng as soon as possible, and then blast all the sect forces that these people dare to be in the medicine tower out of Yaoyu Mountain. Into a half step.

The disciple of the Five Poison Sect took the lead to walk out, the sound of the dragon chant sounded, and he pulled out the long sword forcefully.

Even if he knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, his eyes did not panic at all, only bloodthirsty and ferocious, it was like being able to fight for and die for the sect, what a glorious thing.

Seeing this Five Poison Sect disciple was like this, Han Guang couldn't help but complain about the Deputy Sect Master.

Look at the people, how much sense of mission and responsibility, how deep the feelings of the sect, how like you, even if you don't respect the sect master all the time, you still have the idea of ​​defecting.

Han Guang felt that the vice-sect master's character was really bad, and he felt that his temper was too good. If it were someone else, he would have killed someone long ago.

When Li Zedao walked out, the unpleasant emotions in his heart were even worse. He always felt that he knew that he was defeated but did not admit defeat, and he must have been brewing some conspiracy.

Mingdu suddenly let out a harsh laughter: "Jie Jie Jie..."

Master Yaoying narrowed her eyes slightly, and a powerful aura radiated from her body, madly enveloping her with a dark smile.

Since you have been presumptuous over and over again, I will teach you the rules.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes went round suddenly, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.


Then, his body crashed to the ground, like a poisonous snake dying, crazily twisting his body.

"This... Poison Pill?"

Master Yaoying frowned at once.

This disciple of Fengzong Sect was actually poisoned by the Nether Poison Nether Pill?

"Vice Sovereign..."

Hanguang became at a loss and didn't know what to do for a while.

This Sect Master is also true, can that Poison Pill be eaten casually? It's all right now, the poison of the poisonous pill has occurred, how can this be good?

pain! Unimaginable pain!

The feeling is as if there are thousands of poisonous snakes who have already regarded your soul as a nest, running around, whispering, and biting!

However, after a few breaths, Li Zedao, who was constantly twitching and twisting, directly tore the soul on his body to pieces, revealing his face that was completely twisted into a ball of cloth.

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