The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2765: Van Yin Valley

Mei Shengji wanted to kill people even more, and this guy was reluctant to get up, making the Sanskrit Palace forced him to go.

This kind of behavior and style, and it is still a low-level cultivation base in the Lingyu realm, but it can live to this day, it is really a miracle.

Hanguang did not stop Li Zedao from going to the Sanskrit Palace. Seeing the vice-sect master's triumphant look, he knew that he could not stop him, let alone stop him in front of Mei Shengji, otherwise he would not give the Sanskrit Palace face.

He could only pat the Deputy Sect Master on the shoulder, and said with earnest words: “Don’t worry, the Deputy Sect Master will wait for you to copy the rules of the gate at the Sect. If you come back one day later, copy it a hundred times more... come back!"

"..." Li Ze thought to himself that I should die outside, so why bother to suffer this kind of bird air?

At the moment, Li Zedao cautiously followed Mei Shengji and swept up the lavender guzheng-shaped soul cloud.

But after a few breaths, Han Guang's absolutely shameless figure disappeared from Li Zedao's sight.

Sweeping a glance at the extremely graceful figure headed by Mei Shengji, Li Zedao quickly moved his eyes away and looked at the misty clouds around him, fearing that his eyeballs would be dug out.

Li Zedao was nervous and looking forward to this visit to the Sanskrit Palace, and he didn't know what the Sanskrit fairy was doing when he saw him.

Thinking wildly along the way, Li Zedao came to the Sanskrit Palace that ordinary people couldn't get close to.

The Fanyin Palace is located in the Fanyin Valley. The view of the Fanyin Valley is no different from many pleasant valleys in the Medicinal Region. It seems that there is nothing too special.

Therefore, it is hard for Li Zedao to imagine that the Sanskrit Palace, which is covered with a layer of mystery, is located in such a valley with nothing special.

You see how grand Yaoyu Mansion is. It is located on the Yaoyu Mountain in the center of the Medicine Region, at the highest place of the Qianyun Peak, and it exudes a powerful deterrent in all directions.

This represents the absolute core position of the medicine domain government in the medicine domain.

However, the sky above the valley was enveloped by a powerful soul formation.

The sense of oppression released by the soul formation is enough to make the Dao Realm powerhouse have a strong fear of this place, and never dare to get close.

Obviously the people in the valley like to be clean and don't like others to chatter, so they set up such a defensive soul formation.

At the same time, the notes from various musical instruments were intertwined, and accompanied by the gentle breeze, fluttering, provoking Li Zedao's soul, making him feel as if he was in a dream, extremely comfortable, and he was about to fall asleep.

Obviously, many people in that valley are practicing playing various instruments.

Li Zedao closed his eyes slightly and was intoxicated. He wanted to be temporarily "trapped" in this place, and silently improving his cultivation level seemed to be a pretty good choice.

At least it's safer than following Hanguang, and you don't have to copy those disgusting door rules!

Li Zedao hurriedly threw Hanguang's second person out of his mind, really depressed why he thought of him, isn't this disgusting himself?

"Deputy Sect Master Ning Feng, please here."

After leaving the soul cloud, Mei Shengji led the way.

With an extremely complex mood, Li Zedao hurriedly followed and walked out toward the depths of the valley.

But seeing that all the way is the scattered pavilions and water pavilions, the white walls and black tiles shrouded in auspicious clouds, the atmosphere of the space contains all kinds of sweet notes, Li Zedao felt that the place where the gods lived was nothing more than that.

Occasionally there are graceful figures appearing, all showing respect to Mei Shengji, and then those beautiful big eyes will look at Li Zedao curiously.

Mainly, how can such weak people with cultivation bases, and still men, be eligible to enter this Sanskrit Valley?

If Li Zedao had been used to seeing beautiful women a long time ago, he had already possessed extremely terrifying self-control ability, at this moment, I was afraid that a heart would not know where it was floating.

A dream butterfly floated in front of Mei Shengji, obviously conveying some message.

Mei Shengji stopped and looked back at Li Ze in a strange way.

Li Zedao quickly made a move.

"Deputy Sect Master Ning was hit by the poison of the Five Poison Sect Ming Poison Pill Poison? And it happened during the battle for the Dipo Divine Participation?" Mei Shengji asked.

Somewhat shocked inside.

This person is no more than a low-level cultivation base in the Lingyu realm. When that Poisonous Pill strikes, he can even deploy a defensive soul formation, and immediately kill the five poisonous sect's disciples with a higher cultivation base?

What kind of mental strength is necessary to do this?

What is even more incredible is that he even released the Dipo Divine Ginseng.

He could have exchanged Dipo Divine Ginseng for the antidote of the Poison Pill.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassingly: "Thank you, Master Shengji, for your care. After taking the pill given by Master Yaoying, the poison has been temporarily suppressed, and it will not hurt for the time being."

Mei Shengji nodded slightly, and continued to lead the way without saying anything.

However, seeing a green bamboo forest suddenly appeared in front of him, the fragrance of the bamboo exuded, so that Li Zedao's spirit was lifted.

After entering the bamboo forest, the notes that were still lingering in my ears stopped abruptly, and the surroundings became quiet. Obviously, this bamboo forest was enveloped by a certain formation, and the notes outside the bamboo forest could not pass through that formation.

This kind of silence is not the kind of weird silence, but the kind of quiet ease.

Li Zedao even felt that he could hear the sound of not knowing that the flowers were in full bloom, and he could invite the sound of the colorful butterflies with their wings flashing, which was wonderful.

In front of it was a small intestine path paved with crystal clear amethyst.

Li Zedao cautiously stepped on these amethysts, thinking about the value of this random amethyst, afraid that he could buy a house in Phoenix City.

At the end of the trail, it wasn't the scattered garden waterside pavilions that Li Zedao had imagined, or the majestic and majestic buildings like the Medicine Domain Mansion.

It was actually a small house built of bamboo.

A small house with one door and one window, outside the house is a unique small courtyard, that's all.

There is a lush and unknown big tree in the small courtyard. The leaves are actually lavender, which looks very special.

Under the big tree was the table carved from a whole piece of amethyst. Before the stone table was an amethyst chair. Obviously no one was qualified to sit with the owner of the courtyard, so there were chairs in front of the stone table.

In the front is a prescription pond. On the extremely clear water, several purple fish can be seen swimming happily there.

Li Zedao was so surprised that it was hard to imagine that this was true.

From Hanguang's mouth, it seems so high, such a mysterious Sanskrit fairy lives in that little bamboo house in this courtyard?

It is undeniable that this courtyard is quite unique, the lavender looks so noble and elegant, but after all, it is a little stingy, not matching the identity of the Sanskrit fairy.

Mei Shengji glanced at Li Zedao and felt that this guy's luck was too good. You know, this bamboo forest planted by the Palace Master himself, even the Palace Master Yunwu of the Medicine Domain Palace is not qualified to enter.

However, this was only a low-level cultivation base in the Lingyu Realm, and I was afraid that guys with no special background were able to come in.

If this is to let Palace Master Yunwu of Medicine Domain Palace know, he is afraid that he will kill people.

"Deputy Sect Master Ning wait a moment, wait until I enter and report to the Palace Master," Mei Shengji said.

"Yes." Li Zedao bowed his head, be more respectful and respectful.

Mei Shengji strolled into the courtyard, came to the bamboo house, and bowed.

"Palace Master, his subordinates have brought Han Fengzong's Deputy Sect Master Ning."

Li Zedao, with his head down, vaguely heard the extremely delicate yet ethereal voice coming from the bamboo house.

"Thanks for your hard work, ask Deputy Sect Master Na Ning to come in and sit down by the purple pool and serve tea."

"Yes." Mei Shengji Zuoyi.

This guy is so lucky that he can not only enter the courtyard, sit on the chair that only the palace owner can sit on, and even the palace owner specially confessed to serving tea.

You must know that even if it is the Palace Master Yunwu of the Medicine Domain Palace, he can't even come to this courtyard. He can only wait outside the bamboo forest, listening to the Palace Master's fairy voice.

It seems that the palace lord and this Ning Feng have already had all the intersections.

At the moment Mei Shengji walked out of the courtyard and looked at Li Zedao and said, "Deputy Sect Master Ning, please come with me."

"Yes." Li Zedao didn't even dare to lift his head.

He lowered his head and dared to enter this small but rather chic courtyard behind Mei Shengji's buttocks, and came under the lavender tree in front of Fangtang.

"Deputy Sect Master Ning, please sit down." Mei Shengji pointed to the only chair.

Then turned and left the courtyard.

Li Zedao didn't dare to sit, thinking and knowing that this chair is usually only seated by the owner of the courtyard. His sitting is a blasphemy.

Besides, he still doesn't know what this mysterious Sanskrit fairy wants to do, so he should be careful.

He stood there stiffly, without daring to look at the hut in front of him, and finally landed on the clear fish in front of him.

However, at half-zhuxiang time, a woman entered the courtyard with a square plate in both hands. On the square plate was a bamboo cup made of bamboo. In the steaming water, a lavender leaf floated in the cup. It looks strange, but it exudes a refreshing fragrance.

Li Zedao quickly made a move.

The woman nodded in response. She put the cup of tea on the square plate on the table and said politely: "Vice Sect Master Ning, please use tea."

"Thanks a lot." Li Zedao said.

The woman nodded politely and turned to leave the courtyard.

Li Zedao glanced at the tea on the table, thought for a while, did not drink it.

It is better not to eat indiscriminately outside, because diarrhea is not good.

He continued to focus on the fish in the water.

As time went by, the people in the room no longer made any noises, but Li Zedao's heart had already calmed down, no longer thinking about it.

Li Zedao didn't know what this Sanskrit fairy meant, did he deliberately hang himself here or did the big man forget himself because of his busy schedule?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Li Zedao has always held the attitude of being at peace with what he has come.

He sat cross-legged in front of Fangtang, closed his eyes and began to feel the majestic breath between heaven and earth.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the bamboo house ahead.

At this time, there was a wonderful sound that resembled a natural sound from the small bamboo house, and then it spread in all directions.

This fairy sound immediately hit Li Zedao's soul deep, causing his brain to be in a blank state quickly, and any emotional distractions were gone, just like entering a deep sleep.

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