The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2768: Ten artifacts

Could it be possible that while copying the door rules and listening to Hanguang's chants can improve cultivation...what's the joke?

Or is it that the antidote given by the Fairy Sanskrit has the magical effect of improving cultivation? This is also unlikely.

Fairy Fanyin might help him detoxify. There is absolutely no reason to help him improve his cultivation.

The reasonable explanation is that the aura of heaven contained in the huge aura between the heavens and the earth is much richer than that of the Pangu realm. In addition, his talent in the cultivation process is extremely terrifying. Therefore, within a few months, he has reached the edge of breakthrough. Up.

Finally finished copying the door rules, Li Zedao couldn't wait to throw away the pen in his hand, and at the request of the lord, he found the broom and started cleaning.

Hanguang stood at the door with his hands behind his back, as if the emperor was patrolling his own territory, so high.

"Sect Master, can I ask you a question?" Li Zedao glanced at the back, almost unable to hold back a broomstick.


An expert is an expert, concise and concise, and his momentum is quite amazing.

"The hand that you showed by those sect forces that day was the ghost hand of the ten greatest artifacts in the heavens?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

"It's the ghost hand." Han Guang felt that the deputy suzerain was really an idiot. Is there any need to ask this question?


Hanguang didn't want to listen to these words, and said proudly: "As soon as the ghost hand comes out, the soul flies away, do you think?"

"If Shengji Mei from the Sanskrit Palace had intervened that day, the people of Underworld Poison would have died."

Li Zedao didn't think this guy was bragging, swallowing a mouthful of water, and full of longing in his heart.

If you also have such a ghost hand, you are afraid that you will encounter a powerful person in the great realm, surely it is not worth it, right?

Li Zedao possessed the Heaven-Breaking Axe, which was created by Pangu using Heavenly Stone and his own soul, and successfully developed the Pangu Region, but the Heaven-Breaking Axe was a bit tasteless after all.

The stronger the strength, the more it can exert its power.

But that ghost hand obviously possesses extremely terrifying lethality in itself.

Just like the original bullet, even a person who has no power to bind a chicken can get the button, and with a light press, a city can be razed to the ground in an instant.

"Except for the ghost hand, what are the other nine artifacts?" Li Zedao looked at Hanguang blankly.

After all, the face is still not thick enough, otherwise he would like to say that the sect master did not give me the ghost hand. The sect master is so wise and martial and has an extraordinary temperament. The ghost hand is not worthy of your temperament.

Hanguang has a terrible headache, why is the deputy suzerain's insight so low that it is so tragic?

The ten great artifacts of the prestigious, even if he has never seen them, they are still unheard of?

The deputy sect master didn’t know, he was ashamed as the sect master, so Hanguang had to clear his throat, like a few treasures: "The so-called ten artifacts are the tears of the day, the heart of the earth, the heavenly sword, the earth sword, the love flute, and the fairy Qin, butterfly wings, broken shield, heavenly pill, ghost hand."

Li Zedao's eyes lit up and his face flushed.

Just listen to these names, you can know what terrible power these ten artifacts have.

"Ahem, the rankings are in no particular order." Han Guang cleared his throat and added.

His ghost hand ranked last, which is really shameful.


"Dare to ask Sect Master, do these ten great artifacts belong?" Li Zedao swallowed and asked.

Han Guang glanced at Li Zedao and shook his head slightly.

It's not because he doesn't know it, but because he thinks the deputy suzerain is too beautiful.

Heavenly artifacts are used by those who are capable, so the vice-sect master wants to be strong and has no strength, and a rookie who wants to see but has no knowledge, but he wants to get it? Didn't he know that it is a great blessing to be able to take a look in his lifetime?

It can be said that the probability of the deputy suzerain getting the top ten artifacts is lower than the probability of defeating Tian.

"The sect master only knows that the tears that day were said to be obtained from the heavens, the heavenly sword was obtained by the Suzaku, the earth sword was in the hands of the white tiger, the love flute was the weapon of the Qinglong, and the broken shield fell into the hands of the Xuanwu... And that ghost hand, naturally In the hands of this suzerain."

Han Guang straightened his chest, which could be compared with these famous and powerful figures in the whole heaven. Han Guang felt that he was too awesome.

Li Zedao was stunned, and asked, "Who are Suzaku, Baihu, Qinglong and that Xuanwu?"

Hanguang couldn't help covering his face. It's fine if this guy hasn't heard of the top ten artifacts, but he hasn't heard of the four?

He could only say weakly: "Four ambassadors around the sky, what do you think?"

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. It seems that the top ten artifacts have basically fallen into the hands of the sky and his men.

The one hundred and eight domains of the heavens are said to have been opened up by the heavenly Father, so everything in the heavens is naturally heavenly.

It's not surprising that the so-called top ten artifacts are all obtained from heaven.

Han Guang glanced at Li Zedao and said, "Deputy Sect Master, you must not tell this Sect Master, you have never heard of Pangu."

Li Zedao's heart swayed violently, and said: "This is naturally known. Sect Master, you know, I am from that secluded region. Before falling into the hands of the Golden Ring Saint, I went to the prison and bombarded the prison. ."

With his back on his back, Hanguang looked up at the blue sky, his voice became hot, and said: "In the past, Pangu killed Tianyu and tried to defeat the sky and take its place. In the end, he was defeated by the hand of Suzaku and was thrown into the sky prison. "

"In the eyes of this Sect Master, if Suzaku had not held the Heavenly Sword, she would not have been able to stop Pangu's steps."

Li Zedao's heart also became hot.

"Of course, even if Pangu passed the four ambassadors, he is definitely not the opponent of heaven." Hanguang's hot voice added a trace of disdain, "Pangu is too small to look down on the sky, and the sky sneezes casually. Can spray him to death."

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water, his eyes were afraid to look at the blue sky.

Guilty conscience.

He felt inexplicably that there seemed to be a pair of eyes in the sky, staring at him fiercely.

"Although Pan Gu is not Tian's opponent, it is still very powerful." Li Zedao whispered.

"It's true."

Han Guang glanced at Li Zedao and agreed with him: "After all, not everyone has the ability to open up a territory in the chaos under the eyes of the sky."

"Pangu did it, and he did an excellent job, so good that even if it is heaven, he can do nothing about it."

"It's just why Pangu would kill to Youyu Mansion?" Li Zedao promptly raised this question that had troubled him for a long time.

This guy who behaves rather unreliable seems to know a lot.

Li Zedao didn't believe that Pangu did this, just to satisfy his own ambitions.

Hanguang looked up at the blue sky, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "Who is the hand of the remaining five artifacts, or are they waiting quietly in any corner of the heavens, waiting for those who can dig them up? , This suzerain is not quite clear."

"... Sect Master, what I asked is not a question." Li Zedao's muscles twitched wildly.

"This Sect Master does not want to answer the question you just asked."

"I don't know or don't want to answer."

"Deputy Sect Master, have you forgotten Article 38? How about copying it ten thousand times."

"Sect Master Yingming Shenwu!"

Hanguang quite despised the vice-sect master’s flattering posture, but he did not punish him for copying the door rules, and continued: "However, the Sanskrit Palace Master Sanskrit Fairy can play such fairy sounds, if the Sect Master guessed correctly If so, she probably used that Xianqin."

"So that's the case, thank you for the suzerain." Li Zedao said.

I thought Hanguang’s guess was probably correct.

Without a good piano, even if the Sanskrit Fairy has great attainments in temperament, he might not be able to play that kind of fairy sound.

"The deputy sect master does not need to be like this, you have not seen the face of the sect master, and the face is dull... Oh, the deputy sect master, you can continue to clean, and you must not be lazy, otherwise the sect master can only continue to punish you."


Hanguang continued to carry his hands behind his back, standing at the gate with an expert appearance, looking down at "all beings".

A white-clothed man passed by, glanced at the plaque on top of Han Guang's head with a weird look, then glanced at Han Feng, and then... left.

Han Guang couldn't help it anymore, he couldn't bear the ignorance of Han Fengzong's existence by these Xiao Xiaojun.

He pointed to the white man and said angrily: "You wait."

The man in white furrowed his brows, glanced back at Hanguang, and said in surprise: "Are you talking to me?"

This is just a weak inferior in Lingyu Realm. Does he know who he is?

Hanguang wears his special soul robe, and can hide his aura, so in the eyes of the man in white, he is the cultivation base of Lingyu realm.

"Do you know who I am?" Han Guang held his head high, cleared his throat, and looked like an expert.

"Do you want to die?" the white-clothed man asked back. He felt that he had encountered a neurosis.

Who is this guy? never seen it!

And when did there be another Hanfengzong in this Azure Dragon City? Not sure! It seems to have just been established, or else there is no Zongmen token, and the Zongmen is established by hanging a plaque at will.

Hanguang was extremely depressed. In his opinion, Han Fengzong was in the battle for the Divine Participation, and his fame must spread throughout the entire medicine domain, and even the entire heaven!

After all, in the Yaoyu Mountain, Hanfeng Sect was born out of the sky, surpassing all the sect forces, and finally obtained the Dipo Divine Ginseng with absolute strength.

Moreover, which sect force has such courage to refuse the deal proposed by the Sanskrit Palace, and even dared to release the Divine Ginseng in front of the Medicinal Domain Mansion, the Sanskrit Palace and the major sects?

Han Fengzong has such courage! Han Fengzong is so headstrong! The Sect Master of Han Fengzong is so wise and martial!

That's how Han Fengzong's deputy sect leader... stupid!

However, judging from the current situation, these sect forces headed by the Five Poison Sect Qinglongmen and Yaofang Pavilion obviously did not spread his reputation as Fengzong.

Even the Azure Dragon Gate, obviously didn’t know that Han Fengzong’s sect was located in this Azure Dragon City! Zhenren Ziyun was afraid that Han Fengzong had been destroyed by the Sanskrit Palace.


Li Zedao, who was cleaning the courtyard, couldn't help covering his face. He felt ashamed to meet people. If you stand with such a demented master, what can you do besides accompany him with the dementia?

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