The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2775: What a nice kid

The conscience of heaven and earth, Li Zedao really didn’t know why a big hole suddenly appeared under his feet. He only knew that there was a force that he could not resist at all. He grabbed his feet and madly Drag into the pit.

However, after falling several feet, Li Zedao's body hit the stiff ground heavily.

The pain is not painful, but suddenly this kind of thing happened, this kind of scene seems to be accidentally stepped on the empty field in the wilderness, and fell directly into a certain grave pit, saying that it is a fake not to be afraid.

The body doesn't hurt, but the chest hurts suddenly... The face comes in close contact with the ground, and Li Zedao feels very sorry for his extremely handsome face.

The strange thing is that there is a forward passage at the bottom of the big pit that suddenly appeared, so Li Zedao just touched his face on the ground and continued to be dragged into the passage by the powerful adsorption force.

Subconsciously, Li Zedao wanted to struggle, but his feet were dragged forward by a strong aura. The feeling was as if a powerful man with a great realm was holding his feet firmly. I can't break free.

"Who is so disrespectful of people? What the **** is this? Where does this passage lead?" Li Zedao's little heart trembled, and his scalp was so numb that he almost didn't feel it.

He looked up helplessly, and shouted: "Sect Master, is that you?"

I'm afraid that only Hanguang's second product would do such a thing, right? Besides, the entrance of this passage seems to be under the big tree. It is said that it was not made by Hanguang. No one believes it.

There is no response.


Unable to reach the defense, Li Zedao's chin hit a protruding stone heavily.


Li Zedao spit out a mouthful of blood and two front teeth.

Seeing that the two **** front teeth that had been with him for a long time became farther and farther away from him, and finally lost their traces, Li Zedao's eyes became more and more scarlet, and he was really angry.

He swears that this is not something that people should do. If Han Guang did it, his deputy master of Han Fengzong...the special Lao Tzu is really inappropriate!

I don't know how long he was dragged forward, the adsorption force entwining Li Zedao's feet suddenly disappeared, and then his lifted legs fell heavily.

Regaining his freedom, Li Zedao quickly got up and looked around with vigilant eyes.

There are a few big idiots in his hands, and he will throw them out at any time.

After a few breaths, Li Zedao discovered that he was in a dark space at this time, with hard rocks under his feet, and strange-shaped stalactites above his head, with water dripping from time to time. Obviously this is a cave.

"Where is this place?"

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and whispered: "Sect Master, is that you?"

His voice reverberated in this empty and silent cave, and it lasted for a long time, but it gave people a very gloomy feeling.

At this moment, strange sounds echoed in this space.


The sound was crisp and waxy, full of joy.

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

When he turned around, he already saw the small pink face with big innocent eyes.

Dipo God Ginseng!

What dragged him to this cave turned out to be the Dipo Divine Ginseng that he had let go before in front of the various sect forces!


The Dipo Shenshen slapped Li Zedao's little pink hand and smiled, like a child begging to hug his father who has not seen him all day, Li Zedao's heart melted, and the fear and depression in his heart were completely Extinguished, no longer exists.

Li Zedao grinned and put away the big idiot in his hands.

"I didn't expect to see you again, not to mention that I would be saved by you in turn." Li Zedao sat down and smiled at Dipo Divine Ginseng.

Now think about it, facing the Tianjiao of so many sect forces at the same time, even if they can severely damage them, there will definitely be a dead end in the end.

After the divine ginseng was released, he must have been dangling around him, looking for opportunities to repay his life-saving grace... what a good boy.

Seeing that he was in danger, this retreat master who possessed the speed of a great powerhouse immediately dug a passage and dragged him in.

Just dragging him away like this, after all, it was a waste of face, Li Zedao felt that his face had been rubbed off, leaving only **** bones.

Li Zedao felt that it was necessary to discuss this matter with the Dipo Shenshen. If he is in danger in the future, he can save him in a better way.


Dipaku Shenshen was obviously also very happy, and even trot to Li Zedao with two short, fleshy legs, and then the pink fingers touched Li Zedao's hand and looked at him with a smile.

Li Zedao's heart trembled slightly. The Divine Ginseng, who should have been quite wary of humans, took the initiative to get close to himself and even touched his hand. It completely believed in itself.

This feeling of being trusted is really good, and Li Zedao didn't want to destroy it at all.

He greedily felt the softness from his hands, his mouth grinned, and he showed a rather ugly smile...No way, the front teeth are gone, it will take a while to grow out again.

Not to mention the face is ruined.

Even dare to laugh like this, Li Zedao felt that his face was so thick.

"thank you."

Li Zedao said seriously, not only did it save him, but also because of its absolute trust.

I was also a little moved, letting go of the Dipo Divine Ginseng, but following the deepest thoughts in my heart, I absolutely didn't want to get anything in return.

But the Divine Ginseng firmly remembers the life-saving grace, which is better than most people.


Dipo God Ginseng was obviously also very happy, dancing and dancing in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao listened to such a childish voice, and felt that not only his heart was melting, but his whole person was melting.

Even if the Soul Ginseng hurts him as a killer at this time, he is afraid that his chest will show up and say that you have to stab here to better stab people. You stabbed well. Don’t stabbed me politely. Two stabbing... It's endless, right?


The chubby little hand of Dipo Shenshen grabbed one of Li Zedao's fingers, and its other little finger pointed in one direction of the cave, making a crisp, childlike voice.

"You mean, let me go in this direction with you?" Li Zedao raised his head and looked in the direction pointed by the Dipo Divine Ginseng. It was pitch black and couldn't see clearly.


The fleshy head of the Divine Ginseng nodded, thinking that this human being was too smart and understood what he meant.

Then it released Li Zedao's finger and walked towards the direction it was pointing to hiding in absolute darkness.

Li Zedao didn't know where the Divine Ginseng would take him, but he would definitely not harm him.

"I'm afraid I want to take myself to get something good?"

Li Zedao hurriedly got up and followed the buttocks of Dipo Shenshen.


The Dipo Divine Ginseng looked back at Li Zedao, indicating that it was going to speed up.

But breathing, it disappeared directly in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao hurriedly picked up the breath of heaven in his body, followed closely, and plunged into the absolute darkness.

For a moment, Li Zedao felt that he was enveloped in absolute darkness, and he could barely see the figure of the Divine Ginseng ahead.

What surprised him was that this was obviously a chaotic land that had not yet been opened up.

The Divine Ginseng is like the laser, it can't dispel the chaos, but it can quickly pass through the chaos.

So, he has been brought to a far place by the Dipo God Ginseng?

After all, according to what Li Zedao understood, there was no chaotic land near Qinglong City that had not been opened up.

I don't know how long it took, the surrounding chaos dispersed, Li Zedao was shocked to find that a deep pool appeared in front of him.

The water in the deep pool is absolutely still, without any ripples, and it is as dark as ink. At first glance, it looks like a deep black hole, as if it could swallow everything.

Li Zedao only glanced at it, and he felt the creeps.

"What the **** is this place?" Li Zedao looked around curiously.

But it was discovered that in addition to this seemingly weird deep pool, the surroundings were also chaos that had not yet been opened up.

In other words, a powerful person of at least Pangu's level opened up such a deep pool in this chaos, and then... Li Zedao didn't know what happened.


The Dipo Divine Ginseng looked back at Li Zedao with a smile, and pointed to the deep pool.

"You mean, enter this deep pool?" Li Zedao couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

Instinctively, he wanted to stay away from the weird deep pool, but the Earth Soul God Ginseng was for him to go down. There is no treasure hidden behind the deep pool, right?

Thinking of baby, Li Zedao was really tempted.

After all, his current strength is still too weak. If he can obtain the pill that can improve his cultivation or one of the top ten artifacts, his life will be more guaranteed.


The Divine Ginseng said that I will go down first, and you will follow least Li Zedao understands it this way.

He nodded quickly, indicating that I must follow you.


The cold water splashed all over, and the small body of Dipo Shenshen plunged into this deep pool in a pretty graceful way of diving.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt that his entire body and even his soul no longer belonged to him. The kind of coldness he had never experienced before cut his flesh by thousands of knives, no less than Ling Chi.

However, after a few breaths, Li Zedao's soul was severely damaged, his mind was also stiffened, and his expression became trance.

Li Zedao felt that another strong adsorption force appeared again, and that strong adsorption force was immediately wrapped around his body, and he immediately dragged him down into the deep pool.

Li Zedao's body sank quickly and fell into the endless darkness.

Li Zedao didn't know how long he had fallen, he only knew that he was in pain, and that pain was no less than the attack of the Poison Pill.

Without a single breath, his soul would be cut and damaged a bit more.

Ling Chi! His soul is suffering from Ling Chi!

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