Master Yaoying glanced at Hanguang and then at the so low-key Li Zedao behind the old Crocodile, her beautiful eyes wrinkled slightly, she was extremely surprised, and there was great doubt in her heart.

Wasn't this the overwhelmingly self-willed Sect Master of Han Fengzong and the Deputy Sect Master of the Remnant Brain?

They are not dead yet?

Before he would be forcibly expelled from Yaoyu Mountain, Master Yaoying also left Hanfengzong behind. In her opinion, there will be no Hanfengzong in Yaoying since then.

I didn't expect to meet again in such a situation now.

What made Master Yaoying feel unbelievable was that the elder Crocodile of the Liuguang family stood behind the Sect Master Hanfeng, like that loyal servant.

Standing in front of Master Yaoying was a middle-aged man with an extremely refined appearance. The middle-aged man did not exude any strong breath, but he was standing in front of Master Yaoying. It is conceivable that he is in the medicine domain. High.

The middle-aged man led Master Yaoying and the others to greet him, watching the old Crocodile arched his hands and smiled: "Old Crocodile, welcome to my Yaoyu Mansion. If you miss it, you should forgive me."

Old Crocodile's dry old face stretched slightly, and he bowed his hand in return: "Palace Master Yunwu is too polite."

Li Ze was really taken aback when he heard it, and he almost sat on the ground with his legs soft and butt.

After killing him, he didn't expect to say that besides being handsome, he didn't seem to have the slightest demeanor, and even the middle-aged man who seemed to be quite ostentatious turned out to be Yunwu, the lofty palace lord of Medicine Domain Mansion!

The palace lord of the Medicine Domain Mansion came out to greet him personally, and he was so polite to Mr. Crocodile, and Mr. Crocodile looked like a follower of Hanguang. What kind of identity was Hanguang?

Li Zedao's hair was terribly frightened. He was horrified to find that the thigh he was holding was much thicker than he had imagined, and it was so much that he could not even imagine it.

Secretly glanced at Hanguang, but saw that Hanguang still stood proudly, obviously not paying attention to the Palace Master of Medicine Domain Palace at all.

What is pretense? This is!

It's no wonder that when the Sect Master usually dresses deeply, Li Zedao always feels that although the Sect Master is trivial, he seems to be very tall. It turns out that he is really tall.

"Old Crocodile, who is this?"

Yunwu looked at Hanguang, really a little surprised.

The battle for Divine Participation was a trivial matter to him, and he didn't take it to heart.

What happened afterwards made him extremely surprised.

It seems that the person in front of him was the one who made an unbelievable move in the battle for the Dipo Divine Participation some time ago, and what caused the anger of the Sect Hanfeng Sect Master... shouldn't it be wrong?

Old Crocodile was standing behind him? Where did he come from? Could it be that he is from Luguang Mountain Villa?

"Palace Master Yunwu, this is Hanguang Maple Leaf, the jewel in the palm of the owner of my Luguang Villa." Old Crocodile introduced.

The clouds were astonished, and he hurriedly pointed at Hanguang slightly and said, "It turns out that it is Miss Hanguang, and she has missed far to welcome."

Hanguang spoke, and the woman's voice was already restored, nodding: "Palace Master Yunwu is polite."

As soon as Old Crocodile and Hanguang spoke, Master Yaoying was stunned, and the already huge eyes widened.

Sect Master Han Feng turned out to be a female? Is it still the eldest lady of Luguang Villa, Hanguang Maple? What is this? Isn't this playing with other people's feelings?

It's no wonder that Han Fengzong can get Dipo Divine Ginseng so easily, there is no suspense at all.

No wonder the vice-master of Hanfengzong would release the Dipo Divine Ginseng.

Shit can't bear it, just look down on it!

Master Yaoying was stunned, and Li Zedao was even more stunned than Master Yaoying!

In the soul robe, Li Zedao's face was extremely stiff, and his mouth was big enough to fit a large tennis ball, and his eyeballs almost popped out of his eye sockets.

His mind was roaring violently, and his heart was surging. He couldn't believe any word on his ears.

He didn't know what level of Liuguang Mountain Villa existed, and even the Palace Master of Medicine Domain Palace had to be so polite.

On the contrary, the more powerful the Luguang Villa, the more terrifying Hanguang's identity, the happier he will be, because that means the thicker the leg he is holding.

But what Li Zedao couldn't accept at all was that Hanguang turned out to be a female! She turned out to be a female! How can she be female?

No wonder, she has always emphasized that she is not interested in women! Even the Sanskrit fairy in Sanskrit Palace didn't care about it, and said that no matter how good the Sanskrit fairy was, he couldn't match that woman.

Wouldn't that woman be herself? shameless!

It's no wonder that she talks so much, and some of her behaviors are simply stubborn, willful, or even brain-dead!

No wonder, her feet are so petite and white!

No wonder, she specifically emphasized not to drink her footwashing water secretly... Even if you don't emphasize it, I won't drink it secretly.

No wonder... Li Zedao wanted to give himself a slap in the face.

And her name is Hanguang Fengye... so Han Fengzong is simply the abbreviation of her name, and has nothing to do with him...

Li Zedao was messy in the fragrant wind, trembling in the auspicious clouds, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until an aura from the old Crocodile hit his chest that Li Zedao came to his senses, dragging his stiff body to follow the old Crocodile's pace, and skimming the soul cloud towards the top of Qianyun Peak. Float away.

Obviously, Hanguang and Lao Crocodile are above the Palace Master of Medicine Domain Palace, so to climb the Qianyun Peak, there is no need to climb those tens of thousands of steps, and thus show their awe of Medicine Domain Palace.

Li Zedao raised his head with difficulty and glanced at Hanguang who stood proudly there.

Then, my mind continued to roar, my heart continued to be messy, and I couldn't let go for a while.

You turned out to be a female? Why are you embarrassed to keep holding your thighs when you let me be such an innocent little virgin?

When Li Zedao was extremely messy, the soul cloud under his feet had already floated in front of the majestic Yaoyu Mansion.

Before, when Li Zedao and Han Guang came here to receive the sect token, the huge gate was closed tightly, and you could only enter from the left and right small gates.

But this time, it was obviously because of the guests coming, the huge gate was wide open, and many people stood there to welcome the guests.

The host of the Medicine Domain Palace personally invited Hanguang and the old Crocodile to enter the Medicine Domain Mansion, so Li Zedao, who was closely behind the **** of the old Crocodile, was also very honored to be invited by the Palace Master Yunwu to enter the Medicine Domain.

Li Zedao didn't feel honored, he didn't feel flattered or flattered, he hadn't completely come out of the fact that Hanguang turned out to be a woman.

He felt very ashamed.

With countless beauty, he thinks he can conquer any woman with his charm.

But after spending months with a woman, I didn't know that she was a woman at all, and thought she was gay.

Damn soul robe!

Yaoyu Mansion is huge, and the huge luxury palace is surrounded by clouds and mist, as if being in a fairyland.

But Li Zedao had no time to appreciate the scenery at this time, and he could not hear Palace Master Yunwu turning into a tour guide there to introduce the surrounding scenery to Hanguang and Mr. Crocodile.

He is like the same walking dead who knows the old crocodile.

"Miss Hanguang, Mr. Crocodile, please take a rest in this reception room. When the guests of Yunwu Villa arrives, we will leave." After arriving in the reception room, Palace Master Yunwu looked at Hanguang and politely arched his hands. The old crocodile nodded.

Han Guang nodded and nodded: "There is Palace Master Lao Yunwu."

"Miss Hanguang is too polite." Yunwu arched his hand again, and then led people out of the reception room, obviously preparing to welcome another group of distinguished guests.

Only Hanguang, Mr. Crocodile and Li Zedao remained in the reception room of Nuo Da. The atmosphere became depressed for a while, and the needles fell.

Hanguang sat there, as if nothing happened.

The old Crocodile stood behind him, like the most loyal old servant.

Li Zedao stood behind the old crocodile, like an old servant's servant... Li Zedao felt that his breathing was quite unsmooth, and he wanted to leave here to get some breath.

He doesn't blame Hanguang, and of course he is not qualified to blame Hanguang for concealing his gender. Who didn't conceal something? He also didn't tell Han Guang that he was from the Pangu realm, his soul had the brand of Pangu, and his only purpose in reaching the heaven was to defeat the sky.

But Li Zedao actually wanted to ask Han Guang, what is going on in this medicine domain this time? Even if you want to die, you have to make me understand it.

Just before leaving, Hanguang said, no matter what you see, it is regarded as not seen, and no matter what you hear, it is regarded as not heard, so you cannot ask.

At this moment, Hanguang broke the weird atmosphere with a sound.

She waved her hand gently: "Old Crocodile."

The old Crocodile understood what the young lady meant, slightly hesitant, walked out of the reception room, and guarded outside.

Li Zedao remembered what Hanguang said, you must follow the old Crocodile closely, and you must follow it right now.

"Deputy Sect Master, you stay."

As soon as Li Zedao's body stagnated, he turned back and lowered his head to say: "Yes."

"Deputy Sect Master, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask." Han Guang said in the somewhat wretched voice that Li Zedao was familiar with.

Li Zedao thought to himself, does she hope that she will still be the Sect Master who can disobey at will? how can that be?

Hanguang may not care, but it doesn't mean that Crocodile doesn't care, it doesn't mean that the other people in Luguang Villa don't care.

Continue to be presumptuous, for fear that you will die tragically.

Li Zedao bowed his head and asked and asked, "I just want to know, what's the matter when I came to Yaoyu Mansion this time? What role can I play."

Hearing such a serious tone, I sighed with light and dark, the short and interesting time before, I really can't go back.

She said: "Look for something extremely important. As for your role, I don't know."

Han Guang didn't continue to claim to be "this sect master", the deputy sect master no longer cooperated, and there was no such thing as a sect master.

"You may be the number of people, it is also possible that you can play the role of a surprise soldier. In short, your kind of unreasonable luck, maybe you can help me get something like that."

"Will you die?" Li Zedao asked again after being silent.

This woman is not after her own charm, but her own luck... Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

Hanguang shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

Li Zedao understood that even if Hanguang and the old Crocodile weren't dead, they couldn't guarantee his life or death. Everything had to rely on his own strength and luck.

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