The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2789: Tit for tat

Han Guang Canghai's hand suddenly lifted, and he was about to slap Han Guang over.

Hanguang did not hide, the aura on his body was strong but firm, tit-for-tat, without flinching.

Even if the aggressive guy in front of her is her father, she doesn't mind showing up a ghost hand to fight him to the death!

For a while, the battle seemed to be on the verge of breaking out, and the huge courtyard was enveloped by an extremely suppressed atmosphere.

"Owner, don't do it." The old Crocodile hurried forward, struggling to stop Hanguang Canghai.

"Hanguang Maple Leaf, you don’t want to think about it. If you die in that place, my Luguang Villa will not be able to get half of the fire marble from Yunmeng Villa, and your grandpa’s injury will not heal. The Guang family is in danger."

Han Guang Canghai was unforgivable.

If it weren't for the old Crocodile to stop the persuasion, he would severely teach the scum who didn't put the interests of the family first, and even punish her with the most severe family rules.

The anger that erupted from Han Guang Canghai directly shook Li Zedao's brain, and his chest was dull and unusually dull, no less than a full blow from a strong person who had resisted the high-grade cultivation base of the Lingyu realm.

Many fish in the fish pond even floated there with white belly, and were shocked to death by this breath.


Hanguang smiled, with a trace of sadness in his laughter.

It turned out that her life was so important! This really moved her so much.

As a member of Luguang Villa, she thought she had given her everything, even her life, for Luguang Villa.

But is it a sacrifice to marry Yunmeng Villa?

No, this is drinking poison to quench thirst! This is chronic and poisonous! This is even more shame!

Everyone understands, but everyone chooses to drink this cup of humiliating poison, because this cup of poison has at least some hope, and the other cup is sealed with blood, fearing that there is no possibility of survival.

"Master Zhuang, why are you so sure, I can't find the fire marble?" Hanguang mocked.

Master owner?

Listening to this sarcastic name, Han Guang Canghai's face was distorted with anger. If it hadn't been for the crocodile to stop him, he would have killed the rebellious son.

"Nizi! Nizi! What if you can't find it? What if you die in it?" Han Guang Canghai shouted.

"I have already said that even death is better than marrying Yunmeng Villa!" Han Guang said coldly.

"If you die, what will your grandfather do? What about Luguang Villa? Don’t forget, you are the blood of my Luguang Villa, and your soul bears the brand of my Luguang Villa, for me. Anything that Guangshan Villa does is your duty and you should do it!"

Han Guang Canghai glared, pointing at his daughter and shouting.

The violent anger he broke out caused huge waves in the fish pond in front of him, and more dead fish appeared on the violently rippling water.

The flowers and trees on the side looked as if they were being hit by a violent storm. The leaves fell to the ground, and some even broke off, which was really horrible.

Li Zedao is also very miserable for such a weak person, his chest is like a heavy blow, and the corner of his mouth sees a scarlet liquid.

I couldn't help but stunned secretly, this guy was too terrifying, but the aura of anger was so terrifying.

Frightened, Li Zedao couldn't listen anymore. How could there be such a father? Don't care about the happiness of your daughter, but don't care about the life or death of your daughter?

Dare to love in his eyes, Hanguang is just a bargaining chip for the family to gain benefits?

Really, if it weren't for it, I really wanted to beat him.

You can't fight, but the fire marble seems to be in his own hands. If Hanguang is brought back to the Liuguang family like this, how should he hand the stone flower to her?

Can't go to Luguang Villa?

The point is that he doesn't even know where the Luguang Villa is. Even if he gets to the Luguang Villa by luck, he can only get in if he is able to enter?

Besides, you have to live there.

The reason why Zhao Guanglu of Yunmeng Villa wanted to kill him was definitely because Yunmengxi had issued an order to Zhao Guanglu.

Now, who knows if Yun Mengxi sent other strong men to kill him?

Li Zedao felt that he was too wronged.

"Hey, people really can't be too attractive. Just like me. It's because I'm so attractive that even the aloof Yun Mengxi feels that I have something with Hanguang and wants to kill me." Li Zedao said with emotion. Thousands.

With emotion, Li Zedao said weakly: "Um... I believe that the Sect Master can find the Fire Marble Stone."

"So, you have to go back if you don't want to go back, you have to marry if you don't want to marry! This is the mission you must shoulder as a member of Luguang Villa!" Han Guang Canghai shouted.

Li Zedao's head continued to be hummed, and more scarlet liquid leaked from the corners of his mouth, which was still embarrassing.

Because no one noticed him.

He was like an ant stretching out a leg, trying to trip an elephant passing by, and although his leg touched the elephant's leg, the elephant knew nothing.

Therefore, Li Zedao took a deep breath and raised the volume: "My lord, don't force the suzerain. The young one believes that the suzerain will eventually find the fire marble and solve the crisis of the Luguang Villa."


All eyes fell on Li Zedao.

It was finally taken care of, but Li Zedao was not happy.

His scalp was extremely numb, and his small heart almost jumped out of his throat.

These eyes are terrible.

It feels like we are having a very deep and affectionate wedding, but at this moment someone puts on sorrow and joy, and Li Zedao is the one who puts on sorrow and joy.


With just a glance, Han Guang Canghai immediately retracted his gaze, and at the same time spit out these two words lightly.

Before he finished his words, the white-clothed man standing behind Han Guang Canghai just waved his hand. In an instant, a powerful breath rushed towards Li Zedao madly.

Li Zedao's pupils were round, and his soul was almost gone. He couldn't hide, so he could only quickly sacrifice the golden cover.


The violent aura was blocked by the sudden appearance of a suffocating giant hand.

Ghost hand!

"Who dares to do it? I will kill who!" Hanguang faced his father, tit-for-tat, his voice extremely cold.

As a result, the strong man in the Liuguang family was embarrassed.

The owner's order, he has to execute it naturally.

However, it seems that the young lady cannot help but listen... The young lady dared to hold on to the boss, she really dared to cut him off when she turned around!

"How could you protect such a weak person so much?" Han Guang Canghai's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised.

I thought it was an insignificant ant, but now my daughter is actually protecting him? It seems that this ant must die.

"As long as my Han Feng Sect is still there, he will be my deputy Sect Master of Han Feng Sect, and I am still the Sect Master of Han Feng Sect, what do you think?" Han Guang said coldly.

Li Zedao's nose was sore, and he was almost moved by Hanguang's words to cry.

This vice-master is not in vain! This suzerain didn't recognize it in vain! The land is not swept in vain! The footwash is not in vain! That flattering is not in vain...

"If I insist on killing? Do you dare to kill me?" Han Guang Canghai's eyes flashed with inexplicable gloom.

"You know me." Hanguang said.

Knowing a daughter is like a father, so these words are not serious, Han Guang Canghai is silent.

After a while, his tone slowed slightly: "I can not kill him, and even I can guarantee his safety, but you can't be fooling around, know me too."

Hanguang turned back and looked at the gradually calming water. After a long time, he said in a voice that even felt strange to him: "Let me be calm for a month. After a month, I will return to Luguang Villa with you to prepare for the wedding. "

Han Guang Canghai was shocked in his heart, her daughter actually compromised for such a weak person?

She won't be enamored with the weak, will she? Are you kidding me?

But no matter what, compromise is enough, can't you really push her to a dead end? Really like that, it's no good for anyone.

"I can give you a month, and I will wait for you to calm down." Han Guang Canghai said.

"It's up to you, but please leave my Hanfengzong. My Hanfengzong doesn't welcome you."


The muscles on Han Guang Canghai's face twitched wildly, almost squirting out a big mouthful of old blood, and he almost raised his hand without holding back, and even wanted to make the ant that was so obtrusive to the side disappear.

He wants to yell that I am your father, what happened to me in your broken yard for a while?

Hanguang Canghai waved his sleeves heavily, leading people out of this courtyard.

"Old Crocodile, you heard that too, the owner has already given an order to ensure the safety of my Deputy Sect Master of Han Fengzong." Han Guang said.

"Yes." The old Crocodile said slightly, feeling extremely surprised.

He suddenly understood that the young lady was angry at the owner, and the purpose was not to really want to go looking for the fire marble alone, let alone, as she said, she would not want to marry Yunmeng Villa even if she died.

In fact, she already knew that it was impossible to find Fire Marble. Only by marrying Yunmeng Creek could the Liuguang Mountain Villa regain some vitality.

She has compromised and is ready to sacrifice herself.

Therefore, her move was basically to obtain the assurance from the owner that the weak would receive the shelter of the Luguang Villa and would not die easily.

I really didn't expect that this Ning Feng would have such a status in the young lady's mind, which is really unimaginable.

"From now on, the old man will ensure the safety of Deputy Sovereign Ning." Old Crocodile said.

"You are getting old." Hanguang waved his hand, "I want to be quiet."

The crocodile said again, glanced at Li Zedao weirdly, and then he lost his trace.

Li Zedao also understood, so he was dull on the spot.

In such a depressed situation, this woman actually helped him to pull a thicker thigh, which ensured his safety for a long time in the future, which made him extremely moved, and his nose would come out.

Hanguang seemed to regain her former second-hand temperament. She looked at the surface of the water with her hands behind her back, and even the voice returned to the arrogance before with a hint of wretched voice.

"Vice Sect Master, what are you doing in a daze? Didn't you see that all the fish in this pond are dead? Quickly fish out the stew and drink it so that it won't be fresh for a while."

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