The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2803: You give up

On this day, Li Zedao followed the four saints of the Sanskrit Palace to Liuguang Mountain Villa.

In order to avoid this Young Master Li being recognized by the Luguang Villa before he entered the gate of the Luguang Villa, he could not even enter the door, causing trouble, so before leaving, Shengji Mei gave Li Zedao a purple soul robe.

Wearing this special soul robe can block one's own breath. In this way, others don't even know whether Li Zedao is a man or a woman, only if he is a disciple of the Sanskrit Palace.

In the shape of the guzheng and above the purple soul cloud, Li Zedao asked about the Honor Family.

"Young Master Li doesn't know?" The Four Great Saints were not too surprised.

After all, I know that the Glory Family does not belong to any sect force, and it also accepts the jurisdiction of the domain government, and it holds its own identity, and will not have any disputes with ordinary sect forces.

Therefore, there are really not many people who know the details of the glory family.

Li Zedao felt somewhat guilty, waved his hand, and said helplessly: "I have been practicing various musical instruments, trying to make more musical instruments, and even lost my practice. Therefore, for many things in the heavens, it's really not true. Too clear."

"Don't talk about the Glory family, I don't even know what star list is on the sky list, what it is, and what it means to be able to leave a name on it."

The Four Great Saints didn't doubt that he had him, and they all exclaimed, seeing Gongzi Li's eyes hot again.

I wondered what kind of sound madness that Young Master Liu Shui was?

This is how Li Gongzi is the real sound madness, he can learn the rhythm so freely, he doesn't care about anything in the heavens, and even the most basic cultivation is wasteful.

It's no wonder that you have such a high level of accomplishment in the rhythm. It's no wonder that you can make a shocking instrument like a piano, and you can also create a new song for that piano.

Of course, they also believe that Young Master Li can also leave his name on the Sky List or the Star List in the future.

Mei Shengji said: "In the old days, the nine-headed dragon of the island outside the sky led the beasts to bombard the celestial imprisonment frantically, trying to invade the celestial realm. In the end, the celestial imprisonment was cracked by it."

Li Zedao was a little confused when he heard that, where is the island outside the sky? What kind of existence is the nine-headed dragon?

It seems that there is still sky outside the sky, even if it is the sky, it is just the tip of the iceberg in the universe.

This celestial realm, like the Pangu realm, was shrouded in powerful imprisonment.

And beyond the imprisonment, is the extremely powerful enemy.

However, Shengji Mei continued to say: "Then, the 36 powerful soul formation masters of the Heavenly Generals repaired the imprisonment at the expense of themselves, blocking the nine-headed dragon and the ten thousand beasts from the imprisonment, making the heavens Avoid being shrouded in gory storms."

"After that, Tianfeng bestowed the family behind these thirty-six powerful soul formation masters as the Glory Family, and rewarded these Glory families with a Glory Token."

"At any time, the blood of the Glory family will go to the heaven to visit the sky with the Glory token, and the sky will satisfy one of its requirements.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded slightly.

No wonder the Glory Family's status is still above the Medicine Domain Mansion, and Palace Master Yunwu had to be polite when seeing Han Guang.

Li Zedao thought that when Liuguang Mountain Villa needed the fire marble, why didn't he go to the heaven to ask for the fire marble with the glory token?

Even if it is the sky, there is no fire marble? Are you kidding me?

But I heard Zhu Shengji said: "But it is said that this glory token can only be used once."

Li Zedao suddenly realized that it was so, so this glory token really couldn't be used casually.

Once used, it is equivalent to completely loosing the hole cards and no powerful deterrence. At that time, I am afraid that it will become a piece of fat in the mouth of other powerful forces.

"Who is Chuhuo? I heard he was executed by the order of the world?" Li Zedao pondered and asked.

In any case, Li Zedao can be considered to have obtained the fire marble and butterfly wings from Zhuhuo, and he has obtained his inheritance. Whatever you say, you have to understand this terrible character, right?

Mei Shengji thought for a while and said: "A very strong and powerful person."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "That's it?"

Lan Shengji shook her head and said: "We only know that he is a terrible person. It is said that his strength can be ranked in the top five of the sky. As for what kind of crime he has committed and was executed by the world, I am afraid it is only the palace owner. It’s clear."

Li Zedao couldn't help taking a breath. Although he didn't know what the sky list was, from the perspective of Young Master Liushui's strength, those who could make a name on the sky list were all terrifying powerhouses.

The top five on the Cangqiang list are the strong ones.

Such a powerful man was executed by the sky so easily. How terrible was the strength that day?

It seems that if I want to stop the sky, there is still a long, long way to go.

"The sky list, what is the star list?" Li Zedao asked again quickly.

Lan Shengji looked at Li Zedao with scorching eyes and smiled: "Young Master Li, the so-called Cangqiang List and the Stars List are the two strongest lists in the heavens, and all the strongest do not want to be on the list."

"Once you make a name on the list, you will be rewarded by the supreme heaven." Ju Shengji echoed.

She looked at Li Zedao in the same eyes as Lan Shengji, extremely hot, as if she wanted to melt you.

Fortunately, Li Zedao felt this look in his eyes a lot, and he was used to it.

Zhu Shengji said: "Among them, the powerful soul formation masters, alchemists, and soulsmiths remain on the star list."

"For example, the Yaochi Mo Yan who is about to enter Zulu Luguang Mountain Villa and married Hanguang Maple Leaf is a powerful alchemist, and he is also the only disciple of the alchemy **** Biantuo."

Dan Shen Bian Tuo?

Bian Que Hua Tuo? This name is really powerful!

Seeing Li Zedao nodded, Shengji Zhu continued to say: "The ones who stayed on the sky list are all peerless experts who have made great achievements in the practice."

"For example, the four ambassadors around the sky, Mr. Qinglong, Mr. Baihu, Mr. Suzaku, and Mr. Xuanwu, all left their names on the Cangqiang list. The Young Master Liu who could not raise his head in front of Deputy Sect Master Ning was also famous on the Cangqiang list. The strong."

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking that both the star list and the sky list were far away from him, especially the sky list.

He is just a weak person in the mere Lingyu Realm... Li Zedao has a fiery face and is very ashamed. He is really not ashamed to tell others that I am a descendant of Pangu.

"That...what kind of cultivation level is Young Master Liu Shui?" Li Zeduo asked.

"The pinnacle of the middle grade of Guiyi Realm." Mei Shengji's voice was extremely solemn.

Although Young Master Liu Shui was very unreasonable, his strength was really terrifying, and even the Palace Master was not his opponent.

Immediately, he looked at Li Zedao with a hotter look.

Young Master Li actually retreated Young Master Liu Shui with a mere mere cosmos, and Young Master Li was even more terrifying.

Li Zedao couldn't help but took a breath, and he was even more ashamed.

I will practice quickly.

Seeing that Young Master Ning Li was concentrating and entering the state of cultivation, the Four Great Saints didn't say anything, but the pair of eyes were so respectful and so hot, as if they had melted him.

At the same time, they are constantly thinking about the surrounding movement, and if anyone dares to take advantage of Li Gongzi, they take the most terrifying counterattack.


Luguang Villa, thinking about the cliff.

Yaochi Mo Yan came to Si Guoya, he took out a token given by the master Hanguang and handed it to the disciple of the guard Si Guoya, indicating that the master let him enter to visit Miss Hanguang.

The disciple checked the token, and after confirming that it was correct, he made a slight bet on the Yaochi Mo Yan, and then took out the soul card to open the soul formation that was shrouded in Siguo Cliff, and let Yaochi Mo Yan pass.

Yao Chi Mo Yan looked up at the mountain in front, his face hot.

Since the last time he and his master Danshen Biantuo were invited to this Liuguang Mountain Villa to treat the disease in the Hanguang Sky and saw the Hanguang Maple Leaf, Yaochi Mo Yan has been deeply attracted by the Hanguang Maple Leaf.

He was 100% sure that he liked this woman.

What made him extremely distressed was that this woman could only marry Yunmengxi as a concubine in the end, just to obtain the half of the fire marble in the hands of the Yunmeng family.

At that moment, how much Yao Chi Mo Yan wished he had half of the fire marble in his hand, so that Hanguang Maple could marry him naturally.

And now, Hanguang Changkong didn't know where he found the fire marble, and he was actually healed.

Later, I found him and said whether he would like to enter Zuluguang Mountain Villa and marry his granddaughter Hanguang Maple Leaf.

Yaochi Mo Yan was overjoyed and quickly asked his master for instructions.

The master said that you decide your own matters, but if you choose to join Luguang Villa and become a member of Luguang Villa, you will no longer be my disciple in the future.

Yaochi Mo Yan was silent, he knew what the master meant.

He entered the Luguang Mountain Villa, which is equivalent to being a member of the Luguang Mountain Villa, but it is naturally impossible for Master to become a member of the Luguang Mountain Villa, so the relationship between them must be severed.

The master said again, in the future, don't forget that I used to be your master...Oh, yes, I want Fire Marble, and I want that ghost hand.

Yaochi Mo Yan knelt down and knocked his head heavily, saying that even if you become a part of Luguang Villa, you will always be my master.

Later, when I saw Hanguang Changkong again, he changed his name directly and called Hanguang Changkong Grandpa.

"You want to meet me?"

Yaochi Mo Yan, who was on the mountain, looked at the graceful figure ahead, his eyes were extremely hot.

He naturally knew that Hanguang Maple didn't want to marry him, otherwise he wouldn't be imprisoned on this thinking cliff until now.

But so what? She has to marry if she doesn't want to marry, it's like she has to marry if she doesn't want to marry Yunmeng Villa. This is her life.

The master said he wanted a ghost hand, so he found an opportunity to separate the ghost hand from the woman's soul and send it to the master.

Hanguang Maple Leaf was silent, as if not knowing that Yaochi Mo Yan had already arrived.

Yaochi Mo Yan smiled and stopped speaking, and continued to stare at that figure with scorching eyes.

This woman asked herself to come over because she wanted to persuade herself to give up, right? Yaochi Mo Yan thought Miss Hanguang's idea was very interesting.

How could he give up?

Hanguang Maple Leaf finally turned around. She looked at Yaochi Mo Yan blankly and said, "I don't like you at all, so give up."

"You are a disciple of Pill God Biantuo, you regret your marriage, and Liuguang Mountain Villa dare not treat you anything."

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