The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2805: Ten Thousand Poison Valley

Bian Tuo said coldly: "For you and I are still a little affectionate, I can give you two hours to consider."

"In two hours, I will see 50 taels of fire marble and ghost hands!"

"If not, I don't know what I will do! You will be responsible for all the consequences afterwards!" Bian Tuo snorted coldly, brushed his sleeves, and left.

Hanguang Changkong's face was as dark as ink, and it was slightly distorted, really angry to the extreme.


The table in front of him, carved from deep sea amber, turned into powder and ceased to exist.

"Bian Tuo, you are deceiving too much!" Hanguang Changkong roared in a low voice.

His figure flashed, but after a few breaths, he had already come to the cliff of thought.

Hanguang Maple Leaf still stood there, looking at the endless clouds and mist ahead, like the withered tree trunk, without any vitality.

"What a good thing you did!"

A cold voice came from behind.

Hanguang Maple Leaf laughed at herself, and then his face gradually became cold.

She turned around and looked indifferently at the grandfather who had been extremely doting and caring in front of her, as if she were looking at a stranger.

Such a look made Hanguang Changkong's heart as if he had been stabbed fiercely. The inexplicable anger increased a little again, and the disappointment had reached its peak!

You are a child of the Hanguang family. You should protect any interests of the Hanguang family, and even pay your own life for it. That is also your glory!

Not to mention it didn't kill you! Just let you marry someone!

Is it possible that Yaochi Mo Yan, who has made a holy-level pill, is not worthy of you by leaving a name on the star list? Do you really think that you are a son of the Hanguang family?

You are nothing but a weak person at the pinnacle of the low-grade!

But what are you doing?

Do you know how much trouble you will bring to Liuguang Mountain Villa by killing Yaochi Moyan? What painful price will Luguang Villa pay?

"I can marry Yunmengxi humiliatingly as a concubine for you, for the sake of Liuguang Mountain Villa!" Hanguang Maple said, "but I can't accept you, you are so indifferent and so ungrateful!"

"Of course, ungratefulness is your freedom! But you can't force me to be ungrateful with you! I have to save him!"

"You can't force me again, just to bring that Yao Chi Mo Yan into his command..."


An extremely terrifying breath blasted Hanguang Maple Leaf fiercely.

Hanguang Maple Leaf's complexion was instantly pale, and terrifying blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. The next moment her knees softened and she knelt down heavily.

But she raised her head extremely stubbornly, and continued to look at Hanguang Sky with a look of strangers.

From now on, she no longer considers herself as a child of the Hanguang family!

Of course, no! Even, she is likely to die.

"Ghost, I took it back!" Hanguang Changkong said coldly.

"As it should be." Hanguang Maple Leaf's voice was extremely weak, but fearless.

"You might die!" Hanguang Changkong said again.

The ghost hand is already connected to the soul of the light maple leaf. If you want to take the ghost hand, you must peel the ghost hand from the soul of the light maple leaf.

This forced stripping will bring huge damage to the soul, and even if one is not careful, the soul will fall apart.

Looking at that disastrous face, Hanguang Changkong's heart softened, after all, this was his most beloved junior.

But remembering that she actually humiliated herself for a weak person in the Lingyu realm, remembering that the good deeds she had done caused the Liuguang Mountain Villa to be severely cut, and the softness in her heart was instantly replaced by the strong hideousness.

"If you die, it's liberation!" There was a very comfortable smile on that pale face.

The Deputy Sect Master is probably dead. Yun Mengxi will definitely vent all his anger on him. Since he can't be saved, then give his life back.

The Deputy Sect Master said that Han Fengzong is his home, and he is his family...In this way, the family can be reunited.

"good very good!"

Hanguang Changkong was so disappointed that his old face was slightly distorted with anger.

The next moment, a dry old hand appeared above Hanguang Maple Leaf's head out of thin air, and snapped it down.

Hanguang Maple Leaf had a violent halt, and his face was painful, but he clenched his teeth to prevent himself from screaming.

After just a few breaths, her eyes were no different from dead fish eyes.


Luguang Pavilion.

Seeing his father's figure shrouded in violent aura, Guang Canghai's brain roared violently, and a surging sea wave was in his heart, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

He never expected that things would develop to this point.

His good daughter actually killed Yaochi Mo Yan!

My father pulled the ghost hand from the soul of the light maple leaf and handed it over to the Pill God Biantuo, and even paid 50 taels of fire marble to calm Pill God Biantuo's anger!

"Go, find a reasonable reason to let those guests leave." Hanguang Changkong waved his hand, a trace of fatigue in his voice.

No matter how cold-blooded he is, that is his most beloved granddaughter.

"Yes." Han Guang Canghai took a deep breath and thought.

Immediately, he asked cautiously: "How is Maple Leaf...?"

Hanguang Changkong turned around, and his hideous eyes glanced at Hanguang Canghai.

Han Guang Canghai's breathing stagnated, and his soul trembled uncontrollably as if he had been hit hard.

At that moment, Han Guang Canghai even thought that his soul was about to be crushed by his father.

Hanguang Changkong retracted his eyes, Hanguang Canghai was relieved, only feeling like he had recovered from a serious illness, his body was extremely weak.

"Ten Thousand Poison Valley." Han Guang Changkong said.

"What?" Han Guang Canghai's expression changed drastically.

"She is no longer a child of my Hanguang family, not your daughter, my granddaughter!"

"She is the sinner of Luguang Mountain Villa! According to the family rules, I will throw her into the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons and suffer the pain of being swallowed by Ten Thousand Poisons. Do you have any opinions?"


Hanguang Canghai thought deeply and hurriedly withdrew from Liuguang Pavilion. In his opinion, this Liuguang Pavilion was not much different from that of Ten Thousand Poison Valley.


In the attic, Li Zedao sat quietly, feeling the majestic breath between the world and the earth, but he was a little irritable, unable to think like before, calm down.

The powerful figure hiding in the black soul robe blasted his mind, always disturbing his thoughts.

"What she said, as long as the Fire Marble Stone is obtained, Han Fengzong will definitely continue to exist. She is still the Sect Master, and she is also the Deputy Sect Master."

"But, I also said that even if there is a fire marble, Han Fengzong can't exist, because their relationship can't go back."


Li Zedao wanted to give himself a big slap in the face. He probably understood what emotions he was making at this time, but he didn't want to admit it.

Take a deep breath and continue to try to calm down and comprehend the organic breath of that day.

Li Zedao felt that the snail trying to climb Mount Everest was like a snail, and it was very painful to slowly creep upwards, just to reach the top of the mountain one day, to see the sky that had been waiting for him on the top of the mountain.

In the process of squirming upwards, you have to endure all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. If one is not careful, it will be broken.

From time to time, the Four Great Saints would look at Li Zedao with hot eyes, marveling at the amazing accomplishments of Li Gongzi in the rhythm.

They all knew that the palace owner's greatest wish was for someone to play the "Meditation Curse" with her piano and flute, so that the heart sound that could temporarily calm people's killings spread throughout the heavens.

Even if the killing aura of the heavens was temporarily subdued, that would be good.

The Four Great Saints thought that the wish of the Palace Master would become a pity, because it is impossible to have people who can reach the realm of the Palace Master together with the rhythm.

Looking at the entire heaven, those who can look at the main item of the palace together with the rhythm are the Qinglong who owns one of the ten great artifacts, the love flute, and the young master Liushui who has the name of sound crazy.

After all, Young Master Liu Shui was still a bit inferior, and his ink flute couldn't play the essence of the meditation curse at all.

The power of Qinglong's love flute is naturally higher than that of the ink flute, but it has not reached the height of the palace owner, not to mention that the love flute is extremely ruthless, and the killing spirit is too heavy.

Qinglong's love flute is used to kill, not to calm people's inner greed and violence.

But now, Young Master Li turned out to be born, and his accomplishments in rhythm are not inferior to the palace owner.

In the future, if Li Gongzi can borrow the love flute from Qinglong, then Li Gongzi will play the love flute and the palace lord will play the xianqin, and the palace lord's wish of the piano and the flute will be realized.

It is a pity that it is impossible for Li Gongzi to borrow that love flute from Qinglong. Even if the palace owner appeared in person, Qinglong couldn't lend the love flute to the palace owner.

After all, the love flute is one of the ten great artifacts. If others want to play the love flute, they must first deprive the love flute from the soul of the dragon.

Just as the Four Great Saints sighed that the palace owner's wish was finally going to fail, the door of the room was knocked gently.

Li Zedao opened his eyes and stood up, his expression slightly complicated.

He knew that the disciples of Luguang Mountain Villa were about to take them to the guest hall to participate in the engagement ceremony between the sovereign and the Yaochi Mo Yan.

Don't know what the lord looks like? I don't know how the suzerain will react when he sees him? I don’t know if there is a chance to say a few words to the master...

Li Zedao sighed secretly, his heart became even more complicated.

"Please come in." The Four Great Saints looked at the door.

The door was pushed open, and Han Guang Canghai came in.

The Four Great Saints and Li Zedao immediately noticed that Han Guang Canghai's complexion was not right.

Han Guang Canghai looked at the four great sages and said apologetically: "Everyone, something unexpected happened to my Luguang Villa, so today's engagement ceremony has to be cancelled..."

"What?" Li Zedao frowned fiercely, and felt a trace of anxiety.

The Four Great Saints also looked at each other, and couldn't believe what her ears heard.

The reason why Yunmengxi’s wedding ceremony at Yunmeng Villa was cancelled before was because Liuguang Villa was quite domineering and regretted the marriage.

Today, Liuguang Mountain Villa also canceled the engagement ceremony. You can't regret the marriage because of that Yaochi Mo Yan, right? Is Yao Chi Mo Yan so courageous?

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