Later, Yun Mengxi went to his grandfather Yunmeng Kuangbing to report the incident. After listening to it, Yunmeng Kuangbing said in silence that since this young man could not be killed, he could not be treated as an enemy.

Go ahead and make him your friend.

At that moment, Yun Mengxi felt deeply ashamed.

It feels like taking a bite of **** accidentally and chewing it, how disgusting and disgusting.

The son of his dignified Yunmeng Villa actually wants to ask someone to be a friend? Not to mention, that was a weak person who was lazy to even look at him in the past, and then tried to obliterate him!

In the end, Yun Mengxi couldn't violate Yunmeng's crazy soldiers' meaning, he could only come to Li Zedao as a friend with a strong shame and nausea.

Li Zedao looked at Yun Mengxi with wide eyes and asked, "Who are you? Does this son know you?"


The smile on Yun Mengxi's face was slightly stagnant, and he almost shot this **** guy without holding back! I thought this was a vulgar villain after all, so I don't need to be familiar with him.

So he worked hard to maintain his demeanor, and said with a smile: "Vice Sect Master Ning really forgets things, I am Yunmengxi of Yunmeng Villa."

"Once in that Medicine Domain Mansion, I had a relationship with Deputy Sect Master Ning."

Li Zedao looked at Yunmengxi's eyes as if he was looking at an ant.

Yun Mengxi was familiar with this look. He used to look at the Deputy Sect Master Ning and many other ants with this look.

Now that someone dared to look at him with such eyes, Yun Mengxi was quite annoyed.

Li Zedao waved his hand disdainfully and said, "Oh, it turned out to be Yunmengxi of Yunmeng Villa... My son has no impression at all!"


"Although this son is quite awesome right now, not everyone is qualified to be close to him.

The smile on Yun Mengxi's face completely solidified into ice, and he could no longer maintain his demeanor. He looked at Li Zedao in his eyes as if he were looking at a dead person.

The voice also became icy and bitter. For a while, the vast space was enveloped by a terrifying atmosphere, which made people feel deeply depressed.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Is the quasi-highway level cultivation base great?

Is it amazing to have the figure of a terrifying strong behind?

I am Yunmengxi! Behind me is the Glory Family Yunmeng Villa!

I am afraid that even if the strong one is the strong one in Guiyi Realm, he dare to offend the glory family?

Li Zedao's heart shuddered slightly, and he clearly felt a trace of terrifying murderous aura.

If in the past, such murderous aura was enough to completely lose the ability to act, but now, it is just like that.

Li Zedao looked even more disdainful and asked, "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Old Feng, kill!"

Yun Mengxi spit out these two words coldly, and his whole body exuded a terrifying magic energy.

His pride, the pride of Yunmeng Villa, is absolutely not allowed to be tainted by such weak people.

Old Feng's face changed slightly, and he quickly persuaded: "My son, this is absolutely not the case, the old owner..."

"I said, kill!"

There is no human emotion in Yun Mengxi's voice anymore. Now he is a beast in a violent state. He wants to tear the ant who dared to be so presumptuous in front of him into pieces.

Old Feng could only continue to persuade: "The son..."

At this moment, Yun Mengxi started!

Old Feng's expression changed drastically, but it was too late to stop him.

At this time, Yun Mengxi's figure directly turned into an afterimage, and his right hand, which was wrapped in a strong devilish energy, slammed at Li Ze fiercely.

"Go to hell!" Yunmengxi roared like a beast.

Feeling the terror of oppression, like a tsunami, coming surgingly, Li Ze said in his eyes.

He clearly smelled death.

This kind of death breath is far stronger than the kind of death breath he smelled on the verge of death during this period of time.

This kind of death breath made Li Zedao really like it. These days, it was precisely because of the constant smell of this death breath that his strength continued to grow stronger.

At the same time, Li Zedao also wanted to know how big a gap was between his own quasi-high-level cultivation base and this high-level middle-grade peak cultivation base.

How long can my own ship be under the devastation of this terrifying tsunami!

But breathing, Yun Mengxi's fist has become extremely huge, it seems that the fist with the power of destroying the world has come in front of Li Zedao, as long as a few inches forward, that disgusting face will disappear forever !

But at this moment, Yun Mengxi frowned slightly.

He found that his fist seemed to have touched an invisible wall, and it was slightly stagnant, unable to continue forward with that kind of destructive posture.

Yun Mengxi was a little surprised, but he couldn't tell that this weak person still had these methods. He was still a soul formation master!

But what? Do you think you are the soul formation master?

Not to mention, the level of your soul formation master is no more than you, the power of this defensive soul formation is only a mere eighth rank soul formation.


Yun Mengxi's complexion turned hideous, and he let out a low growl.

In an instant, there was a broken sound in the space, and the dozens of soul formations arranged by Li Zedao were forcibly shattered by Yun Mengxi's magic hand, which was enveloped by demon energy.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank sharply, clenched the long sword, and slammed it out.

For a time, the blood red sword net poured down, frantically strangling towards Yunmengxi.

At the same time, Li Zedao retreated quickly, trying the sharp edge of that terrifying fist.

"Want to go?"

Yun Mengxi's eyes flashed with scarlet blood, and he raised his left hand and slammed it against the sword net, directly smashing it to pieces.

And his right hand, without any obstruction, continued to smash Li Zedao's face.

At this moment, Li Zedao's figure that had retreated rapidly changed from movement to silence! His back leaned heavily against a cold, colorless wall.

That is the soul formation!

I don't know when, a powerful defensive soul formation appeared behind him, directly blocking his way.

Li Zedao was extremely shocked, this Yun Mengxi was still a soul formation master much stronger than him!

After arriving in the heavens, Li Zedao had a deeper understanding of the soul formation.

In the heavens, the soul formation has low-grade, intermediate-level and high-grade points.

Like the soul formation arranged by Li Zedao, it belongs to the low-grade soul formation.

At this stage, Li Zedao can deploy an eighth-rank low-rank soul formation, and after its power surpasses the nine-rank low-rank soul formation, it is an intermediate-level soul formation.

After surpassing the ninth-level intermediate soul formation, he entered the first-class high-level soul formation.

Li Zedao clearly felt how powerful the defensive soul formation was blocking his way, and with his own strength at this time, he couldn't arrange it.

It is conceivable that this is the intermediate soul formation.

Li Zedao only then remembered that the reason why the Glory family is the Glory family is because the ancestors of the Glory family sacrificed themselves, repaired the imprisonment that enveloped the heavens, and successfully blocked the nine-headed dragon from the heavens.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Glory Family were naturally powerful soul formation masters who could arrange a high-level soul formation.

In this way, Yun Mengxi had such a high level of attainments in the soul formation, it was only natural that he could arrange an intermediate soul formation.

When Li Zedao was shocked, Yun Mengxi's fist was enlarged infinitely in Li Zedao's pupils.

Li Zedao clearly felt that under the pressure of the terrifying aura, his handsome face had been completely distorted.

But there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, he was full of gloat. The hint of conspiracy at the corner of his mouth was especially obvious.

The Young Master Liu Shui who was staying in the dark witnessed all this, and he clearly saw the gloating eyes, really annoyed.

Not to mention saving him, even he wanted to help Yun Mengxi completely kill this damned ant.

But after all, Young Master Liu Shui was still reluctant to let those instruments he had never seen before, so he could only reluctantly put his hands on it again.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful aura appeared in front of Li Zedao.


Yun Mengxi's fist hit the terrifying aura fiercely, making a deafening muffled noise, causing the entire valley to sway slightly, as if an earthquake is coming.

I don't know how many poor poisonous insects and beasts there are. At this moment, they are frightened again.

They think they are too difficult, since the two humans entered the valley, they have had no good days.

They spend every day in extreme anxiety.

Even many of them were tragically affected and died unexpectedly.

Yun Mengxi looked at his fist that couldn't move forward anyhow, his pupils suddenly rounded, revealing a strong hideousness.

He naturally knew that the terrifying strong man hiding in the dark had taken action.

Is that terrifying strong man really going to have trouble with him at Yunmeng Villa?

Seeing the hardened face that was close at hand, Li Zedao rolled up his sleeves and grinned, showing a rather mean smile.

"Yun Mengxi, my sister, didn't you always want to bite my son? Come and bite." Li Ze said the villain yelled, "If you bite my son, you will look down on you!"

"You...damn it! Damn it!" Yun Mengxi's body halted, his eyes were cracked, and he almost spewed a mouthful of muffled blood.

"Nima’s, just because you idiot thinks my family’s lord treats me differently, you want to kill this son... Go to Nima, my family’s lord treats me differently. Bastard!" Li Zedao directly cursed.

After cursing, Li Zedao triumphantly said: "Of course, your feeling is right. In fact, my suzerain not only treats me differently, but she has always had her heart tied to me. There is no way, you know. This person is so good, standing with you Yun Mengxi, you are afraid that Yun Mengxi will commit suicide in shame."

"Huh? Why don't you commit suicide?"

Yun Mengxi's complexion was abnormally distorted, and a trace of thick blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The face of Young Master Liu Shui was also very dark, and he almost removed the breath that protected the shameless ant without holding back, so that he was beaten to death by Yun Mengxi.

Why do you think there is such a cheap person?

How do you think such a mean person has lived to the present? How come no one killed him before?

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