The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2825: Demon hand

After Xiao Banzhuxiang Kung Fu.

Wumeng looked at the body in his hand that was so frightened and stiff, and the eyeballs were about to roll down from the eye sockets, the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably.

He thought that as long as he showed murderous intent, this bear would be frightened and pissed.

However, the disgusting scene on his face before did not happen!

Did not happen!

This bear did not pee on that **** guy's face! Why?

"Not enough murderous?"

Wumeng's triangular eyes stared at Mao Xiong's eyes once again, and for a while, a more terrifying murderous aura directly enveloped Mao Xiong.


Mao Xiong's body twitched violently, making a frightened neigh, and then, his head tilted, he was shocked and fainted.

Wumeng's eyes widened, and the muscles on his face twitched more severely. He couldn't accept this scene at all.

"I'm... special!"

He roared furiously, and the fainted bear in his hand turned into a blood mist.

Li Ze dumbfounded, and then shook his head. He couldn't help but want to remind the other person that the premise that you want it to be frightened is that it has to have **** and pee, maybe someone just finished pulling it.

Either this bear is constipated.

But anyway, it’s great to feel like not being soaked in excrement and urine.

Angrily, Wumeng pulled the Spirit Rat out of the cage, and continued to let his **** aim at Li Zedao's face.

Then there was another fierce murderous aura.

Then, Lingmo's eyes turned white, and he was fainted again.


Wu Meng's complexion was extremely stiff, and his eyes were about to jump out of his eye sockets.

He was messy in the sun and trembling in the sun.

He couldn't understand that it was so easy for this **** guy to "give a gift", why is it so difficult to "return a gift" by himself?

Wumeng was so angry that he tore the spirit rat to pieces, and then dragged a triangle bull out.

As a result, the triangle cow may be too courageous, and was not scared to urinate, or even dizzy, but was directly scared to death.

Wumeng's body paused violently, and the intense anger burned wildly, almost losing his mind.

"Why? Why? Why is this?"

He looked up to the sky and made a strong sound of injustice! The whole person is really lonely to the extreme.

He couldn't understand it, but just wanted to return a courtesy. Why is it so difficult?

Li Zedao couldn't help but sympathize with this guy. There was really no luck. The few beasts he found didn't even have poop.

Wumeng was really unwilling, so he dragged another antelope.

This time it made Wumeng want to vomit blood.

The antelope may be too stupid or too courageous. In short, the antelope has not been intimidated by the terrifying murderousness he exudes. Those round eyes still look so innocent and beautiful, as if they were looking at an idiot. of.


The antelope made a sweet sound.

Wumeng's body trembled violently, and his face looked like a bun with a foot on it, so hideous and ugly.


The antelope in his hand is directly turned into a blood mist.

Wumeng looked down at Li Zedao and roared with all his strength: "Since these **** beasts can't pull out their poop, then I will come! I will come personally!"

Li Zedao's little heart trembled violently. If it weren't for the fact that a piece of bamboo was stuck in his mouth, he couldn't tell. He wanted to say that trivial matters, why did you take care of yourself?

Aren’t there some beasts over there? You are trying, maybe you can.

"It's so noisy!"

At this moment, a husky complaining voice came from behind Wumeng.

The voice was strange, Wumeng had never heard it before, so this was a stranger.

Wumeng's triangular eyes narrowed, revealing a strong murderous aura.

He really wanted to see who was so afraid of death that he dared to speak to himself in such a tone in this **** pill furnace.

In his opinion, there were no strangers who came to this sacred furnace except those who begged Master for help.

But if you dare to talk to yourself in such a tone, you don't have to ask any more, you can go away.

Wumeng turned around, and his body took another pause, but his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

He first saw two legs, two legs thicker than his waist.

On that leg, she was wearing a pair of pink embroidered shoes, which made her eyes hot.

Wumeng worked hard to raise his head, following the two thick legs, looking up all the way, it was the waist that was thicker than the tree outside.

Continuing on, Wumeng firmly believed that there must be two large pill furnaces used to refine soul pills in the big flower skirt.

On the top, there is the horrible face with heavy make-up.

At the same time, the smell of the pill that persisted all year round in the yard was replaced by a strong floral fragrance that made people almost fainting.

"This is a person?"

Wumeng's eyes became alert!

No, this is not a human, what kind of powerful poisonous beast it must be!

Li Zedao's eyes that could not be closed showed a strong horror, and his throat twitched uncontrollably, swallowing saliva.

He has seen the women who play sumo in the island country, but the woman in front of the sumo wrestlers is like a newborn baby.

And what happened to the vomiting floral fragrance from her body?

There is body odor, so use such a strong floral scent to cover it up?

Is she not afraid of being swept away by bees?

"This is the God Pill Furnace, not the place where you go wild. If you don't want to die, get out." Wumeng couldn't help holding his breath.

This strong floral fragrance really makes people want to faint.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't know the details of this woman, and vaguely sensed a powerful breath from the other person, Wumeng would have vented her anger on her body long ago, and would definitely cut off her fat body and feed the dog.

Miss Luohua lowered her head, her small eyes glanced at Wumeng.

Wumeng's body was as if falling into an ice storehouse, completely unable to move, and the fear emanating from the depths of his soul swam all over his body at once.


Miss Luohua disappeared.

No, she didn't disappear, but she suddenly appeared in front of Wumeng at a speed so fast that Wumeng couldn't even notice it.

Wumeng had a violent body, so scared that his eyes almost jumped out of his eye sockets.

The next moment, Miss Luo Hua raised her hand, patted towards Wumeng as if slapping a fly.

That shot was so fast, like lightning, even Li Zedao couldn't catch its trajectory.

Li Zedao only heard a muffled sound of "pop!"

Then, Wumeng disappeared, but there was a faint smell of blood in the space.


The few beasts in the cage not far away were trembling with fright and peeing.

Li Zedao's performance was not much better than those of the beasts, and he was almost scared to pee.

Your sister, this woman, is too scary!

Miss Luo Hua looked at Li Zedao with those eyes, Li Zedao's scalp was numb, and a terrible storm was set off in her heart.

At this moment, how much he wished he could close his eyes.

This woman, I feel aggrieved by her own eyes when she looks at it more!

At this moment, a gloomy voice came.

"Miss Luohua, you made a big fuss about my **** pill furnace, isn't it too much?"

A black soul cloud floated, and above the soul cloud, although Pill God Biantuo questioned it, it was like an old monk entering concentration, as if nothing had happened.

"Miss Luohua?"

Li Zedao's heart set off a terrible storm, this woman turned out to be Miss Luohua...Who is Miss Luohua?

No matter who she is, this is too much, it is simply unforgivable!

To be so ugly to have such a name is to humiliate the two words "Luohua" to death!

"Old man, what do you say is too much? Do you want to die?"

Miss Luo Hua looked at the old man in front of her rather uncomfortably, with her hands on her waist, her posture was like a shrew at the entrance of the village.

The saliva sprayed out, like a shower, once again seriously hurt Li Zedao's eyes.

"I said you were too much!" Dan Shen Biantuo said coldly, "If this is spread, I will lose face."

"Your face is very important?" Miss Luohua curled her lips quite savagely.

"In that case, there is nothing to say." Pill Shen Biantuo shook his head.

With women, there is really no way to make sense, especially for a grumpy woman like Miss Liu Shui.

Miss Luo Hua rolled up her sleeves, revealing the two sturdy arms that shocked Li Zedao, and sneered: "Why, you want to fight? Do you think you are qualified to fight with me?"

Miss Luo Hua really didn't pay attention to this old fellow. If it weren't for this old fellow who had extremely terrifying attainments in the course of pill medicine, many powerful people had asked him for pill medicine and owed him favor.

Miss Luo Hua had already slapped her past.

Pill God Biantuo once again entered concentration like an old monk, and stopped talking.

But at this moment, the breath of the entire space suddenly changed drastically.

In a blink of an eye, the blue sky was covered by black clouds, as if the heavy rain was about to destroy the city.

Immediately, the dark and crushing cloud layer was torn open, and a dazzling light swayed in.

After that, a huge hand that was so beautiful as to suffocate stretched out from the opening, exuding terrifying pressure toward the surroundings.


Li Zedao's pupils shrank violently, and the master's ghost hand had indeed fallen into the hands of Pill Shen Biantuo.

Miss Luo Hua's big pie face also showed a trace of solemnity, and said: "Unexpectedly, a ghost hand fell into your hand."

"In this way, even though you are a low-grade cultivation base in the first stage, you will have at least the prestige of the middle-grade peak in the great realm."

"But, against me, you are still a bit inferior."

As soon as the voice fell, a sense of oppression that was not weaker than that of a ghost hand broke out from Miss Luo Hua's body that looked like a hill.

For a while, it seems that the entire space has expanded to the extreme.

At this time, whenever there is a trace of breath, the entire space will burst.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Your sister's Danshen Biantuo couldn't win? Who is this Miss Luohua?

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