The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2839: Not trustworthy

"Is it amazing?" Li Zedao contemptuously curled his lips.

I thought it was so powerful, in front of Miss Luo Hua, didn't he even dare not put a fart?

Zhuge Wolong seemed to be struck by thunder, his eyes were round and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

In other words, this guy doesn't know who Liu Shui is? Otherwise, how dare to say such a thing?

But even if you don't know who the young master Liu Shui is, you should have heard of the sky list, right? Who can leave a name on that sky list, who is not a peerless powerhouse with a reputation throughout the heavens?

Thinking of being deceived by Young Master Liu Shui, Li Zedao was extremely depressed, his teeth rattled, and angrily said, "Not to mention that Young Master Liu Shui still has an enemy with Young Master Liu. Since Young Master Liu Shui is your senior, then Young Master will be on you first. I'll collect some interest."


Zhuge Wolong was dumbfounded, and Remnant Jian and Chuuxue were dumbfounded.

If it weren't for being on the verge of death and couldn't laugh, they would even laugh out loud.

This guy actually said that he had hatred with Young Master Liu Shui? Please, stop bragging, okay? How embarrassing it is to hear, you, a small, weak person with a cultivation base in Dao Realm, is nothing more than an ant in the eyes of Young Master Liu Shui, what right do you have to have hatred with Young Master Liu Shui?

Why don't you say that you have an enmity with that high heaven?

Li Zedao saw that the three guys didn't believe what he said, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The blood red sword net poured down again.

All three of them screamed, but they could only rush to the death and struggle, urging the last breath to face the sword net that was terrifying to them.


The extra pit on the ground was bigger, and the blood permeating in the space became more intense. This time, the three of them could never get out of the pit again.

In his soul, Yunyu's big eyes were extremely round, and he was surprised again and again.

After all, she couldn't bear such a perfect host dying like this, so she thought that she would have to save the ugly monster in the end, but she didn't expect the ugly monster to solve the ugly monsters on her own.

Although he is a low-grade cultivation base in the Dao realm, that Thunder, that sword net vaguely possesses the power of the middle-grade peak in the Lingyu realm!

Even if he is a relatively rare cultivator of heavenly secret aura, he shouldn't burst out with such a powerful aura.

Also, what's the matter with that hidden weapon?

Not only did it explode, it even seemed to suppress the cultivation of those ugly monsters.

It seems that in the future, I really can't look down on this ugly monster.

Butterfly Wing still felt ashamed, the kind that was quite ashamed.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Look at how powerful the previous master is. Dealing with this kind of garbage is not just a matter of staring?

It's like this ugly monster now, all kinds of means have been used, even despicable means.

Don't tell others that you have butterfly wings. I really can't afford to lose this person.

Naturally, Li Zedao didn't know that Butterfly Wing was deeply embarrassed, and he wished to change the master.

He glanced at the horrible eyes that were watching the excitement around him, swallowed a big mouthful of water, and cautiously said: "You see, we have killed each other as you requested, so can you let me go? ?"

"Yo ha ha ha ha, no! No!"

The gloomy and terrifying echo enveloped the entire space, making people shudder: "No! No! Yohahahaha..."

Li Ze was angry, how could these **** ghost tree spirits be so untrustworthy?

Please, you are ghost tree spirits, you are not human at all, so why don't you say credibility?

"Why?" In the face of these extremely terrifying ghost trees, Li Zedao could only suppress his anger by force, asking such humble reasons.

"Yo ha ha ha ha, it's time out, it's time out, it's time out for three breathing times..."

"Yo ha ha ha ha, three breaths, three breaths, three breaths, yo ha ha..."


Except for cursing in his heart, Li Zedao didn't know what to say anymore.

After taking a few deep breaths, I tried my best to calm myself down, and asked: "Then what else do you want?"

"Hehehe, I'm playing a game, I'm playing a game." Those eerie eyes were full of jokes.

"What game?" Li Zedao swallowed, his little heart trembled abnormally.

He already understood that when the five of them were surrounded by these ghost tree spirits, they had actually stepped into the ghost gate, and there was no possibility of going out alive at all.

Even if they followed Guishuling's requirements from the beginning and one of them committed suicide obediently, Guishuling would not let the other four people go.

They will be extremely shameless to put forward more perverted demands and play them to death one by one.

Sure enough, the request made by the ghost tree spirit was quite abnormal.

"Yo ha ha, ten breaths, goug your eyes out, eat them, and then you can leave."

"Hehehe, eat your eyes, eat your eyes."

"Yo ha ha, ten... Yo ha ha... Nine, Yo ha ha..."

Li Zedao's little heart trembled even worse, this ghost tree spirit was really vicious.

Now, I can only ask Yunyu for help.

Ms. Yun, who coexists with wisdom and beauty, please come out quickly. If you are not here, you are stupid and ugly, but there is no doubt that your perfect host will be played by these **** ghost tree spirits.

Yun Yu raised his little head proudly. Since this ugly monster has such a clear understanding of himself, he should save him.

She looked at Butterfly Wing: "Hey, Ugly Butterfly, don't you just go to your master?"

Butterfly Wing didn't hear it, and didn't bother to take care of it.

Yun Yu was very depressed, and gave Die Wing a fiercely white look: "It's really unlucky that the ugly monsters became your master."

Butterfly Wing wanted to curse, but I was so unlucky, okay?

"Yo ha ha, five, yo ha ha..."

Li Zedao was so scared that he wanted to curl up in Miss Luo Hua's arms. Although it was disgusting, it was really safe.

Miss Yun, please, come out quickly.

Flashing in front of him, the graceful figure appeared.

At this moment, Li Zedao seemed to see the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who had rescued suffering and distress, descended. The light shrouded in her body was so holy and so compassionate that his nose was sore that he almost knelt down and worshipped reverently.

Yun Yu looked at these ghost tree spirits coldly and arrogantly, and the coercive expression of the power from the Quasi-Returning Realm was fully revealed.

Between the breaths, a pair of gloomy scarlet eyes showed a trace of panic.

People who are cultivated under the high grade of the Dao realm are like lambs to these ghost tree spirits, and they can play whatever they want.

The high-grade peak of the Dao Realm is a bit tricky. They have never played against the powerhouses of this kind of situation. As for the quasi-return to the first realm...


Li Zedao only felt that his eyes flashed, these ghost tree spirits fled away at such a speed that his eyes could hardly keep up.

In just a few moments, he had already escaped without a trace.

Li Zedao's mouth twitched violently. Why are these **** ghost tree spirits so greedy for life and fear of death? Don’t you just return to the same level of cultivation? As for escaping so simply? Shameless?

Yun Yu turned around and looked at Li Zedao grinningly and said: "Ugly, you said this ghost tree spirit is too weak? This lady is not ready to do it yet, so she is all scared away. It's too fun. ."

Except for the humble silence, Li Zedao had no idea what to say.

Yun Yu bulged his cheeks in depression: "Ugly, what do you mean by not talking?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Yun Yu said angrily: "Should you not continue to praise Miss Ben at this time?"

"Uh...Miss Yun really deserves to be a peerless woman with both beauty and wisdom, but if she exudes a little charm, she scares the shameless ghost tree spirit..."


Although he encountered the ghost tree spirit as soon as he entered the Yinyou Mountain Range, and the "companion" around him was even more dead, this did not hinder Li Zedao from continuing to move forward.

He chose to continue going deep into the Yinyou Mountains, not only to find the Bichi Holy Spring, but also to obtain some opportunities.

Reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. This is how opportunities and insights come out.

Besides, with the beautiful girl who coexists with beauty and wisdom, there is still some sense of security.

Although this thigh is not as thick as Miss Luohua and Young Master Liushui, it is worth a hug...Li Zedao suddenly felt a little ashamed. How did he know that he wanted to hold the thigh every day?

And when there is any danger, Li Zedao believes that Butterfly Wing will not sit idly by. It will definitely appear as it used to be when the earth burned by black flames crashed and collapsed in time to take itself out of the hell.

But Butterfly Wing didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and didn't tell him which direction he should go, so Li Zedao could only shuttle through the desolate and gloomy mountains at will, and gradually deepen into this gloomy mountain range.

I don't know how long he has been walking, Li Zedao clearly felt a strong and extremely oppressive feeling, as if he dared to take a step forward, the oppressive feeling would crush him into powder.

Li Zedao knew that this terrifying coercion came from the original soul formation, in other words, it was impossible.

Quickly changed the direction and moved on.

There are ghastly neighs from time to time around, or there are dark shadows suddenly passing by without warning, and disappearing without a trace in an instant. Li Zedao's scalp continues to be numb, and his nerves are always tight. Tensed, dare not relax at all.

In the next few days, Li Zedao encountered several poisonous insects and beasts. These poisonous beasts regarded Li Zedao as delicacies. As soon as they showed up, they opened the big mouth of the blood basin and swallowed Li Zedao.

The war broke out in this desolate space.

Li Zedao was just like before. If he was able to fight, he would fight to death, if he couldn't fight, he would escape, and if he couldn't escape, he would throw a big fool.

If you throw the big idiot, you can't escape...Ms. Yun, the peerless and beautiful girl who loves flowers and blossoms, has to bother you to do it again.

As for the golden pupil that can instantly make the opponent lose consciousness, Li Zedao really dare not use it at will, after all, pupil technique is too exhausting.

And after experiencing these few battles, Li Zedao's cultivation level has once again improved, and he has reached the pinnacle of the lower grade in the great realm.

In this way, even against a strong person with a high-grade cultivation base in the general Dao realm, he can barely fight.

If the golden pupil is used and the opponent is caught off guard, then it is not impossible to defeat the powerhouse at the peak of the Dao Realm.

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