The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2847: As farewell

"If you are here for the Bichi Holy Spring, the ugly monsters can help you."

Yun Yu pointed to Li Ze who was lying there embarrassed and said, "There is a butterfly in his soul, but that butterfly wing is too weak and shameless because of the ugly monsters, so he is not regarded as the master at all. No one will kill him."

Li Zedao had a feeling of being unlovable. Why didn't this woman who don't know what politeness still left?

She is dying, why should she humiliate herself?

The Eastern Emperor Sage looked at Li Zedao, his eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't believe what his ears said.

This ant actually got the butterfly wing that was one of the top ten artifacts that used to eat fire?

But breathing, his face returned to the indifference and coldness of the past.

Yun Yu glanced at Li Zedao, a little apologetic, but didn't say anything, her figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The woman with a vicious mouth finally left, and the Eastern Emperor Shengjun breathed out slightly, looking at the ant lying on the ground indifferently, his slender fingers clenched into fists little by little.

She never thought that she would hate such an ant so much!

You know, in the past, the ants with such cultivation bases couldn't get into her eyes at all, and she was lazy to even look at it, let alone kill him.

But now, the Eastern Emperor Shengjun wants to personally torture him slowly and slowly!

No, torturing him to death is too cheap for him, the Eastern Emperor Shengjun wants him to live, and she lets him spend every day in deep regret.

Li Zedao clearly felt that the coercion that enveloped him was increasing little by little. The feeling was as if he was thrown into a big pit, and someone started to fill the big pit.

As the soil poured down more, Li Zedao felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and he was about to be crushed.

The extreme pain caused his face to be distorted little by little, and the big cold sweat kept coming out.


In an instant, Li Zedao didn't know how many bones had been crushed, his eyes were round, his scarlet eyeballs almost jumped out of his eye sockets, and the seven orifices slowly flowed out shocking blood.

This is Ling Chi!

Moreover, Li Zedao knew better than anyone that this was just the most common Ling Chi, and there would be more and more cruel Ling Chi waiting for him in the future.

The Eastern Emperor Sage knew that if this continued, the soul of this ant would be forcibly crushed.

Now that hand slowly opened, and the mood gradually calmed down.

The terrifying coercion that enveloped Li Zedao's body disappeared little by little, and Li Zedao could finally breathe. His mouth opened, and he spouted a mouthful of stuffy blood, panting badly.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the Eastern Emperor.

His eyes were a little more indifferent than the Eastern Emperor Saint Monarch.

Li Zedao's attitude made the butterfly wing in the soul a big surprise. From its perspective, the owner was weak and hardly speaking, and quite greedy for life and death.

In order to survive, he can make some shameless actions.

But now, he dared to stare at the strong man ahead of him who didn't know how many times stronger than him. He was not afraid that the woman would slap his soul away with a slap?

Well, it must be certain that this woman didn't want to kill him so much! It must be so.

Donghuang Shengjun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the ant's look in such eyes really surprised her a little bit.

It seems that I underestimated him.

Also, knowing that the water pool is the sacred pool of the Eastern Emperor Realm, even daring to do such an excessive thing, this ant's courage is worthy of affirmation.

Of course, it doesn't have to be bold, it may be too stupid.

Li Ze said with a grin, his face was full of mockery: "Dare to ask Master Shengjun, how does it feel to take a bath in that cesspool? And it won't really be like what Miss Yun said, have you eaten a few bites?"

Thinking of the sage of the Eastern Emperor Realm of the Honorable Family, the strong man who left a name on the sky list actually drank his own urine, Li Zedao felt inexplicably sense of accomplishment, and even felt that the high heaven was nothing but that.


The emotions of the Eastern Emperor Shengjun that had finally calmed down became violent again.

"You, want to die?" Eastern Emperor Shengjun asked.

Li Zedao sneered: "If I say I don't want to die, you will let me go? If I don't, my son will naturally disgust you a lot, lest you die too badly."

The Eastern Emperor Shengjun was silent, feeling inexplicably that what this ant was doing now seemed reasonable and reasonable.

Li Zedao's voice became heroic. At this moment, he regarded death as a halo: "Come on, let the torture be more violent! If you ask for mercy, this son is Zhou Yan!"

Donghuang Shengjun didn’t ask who Zhou Yan was. She asked, “Why do you want to do this?”

Eastern Emperor Shengjun wanted to know whether he was innocent or stupid.

"Why do you want to do this?" Li Zedao sneered, "Let's put it this way, even if you are giving this son a choice, this son will do it like that, even if this son doesn't mind pulling a **** in the water pool himself!"


"Why does this son only wash his face in that holy pond, and say that this son has defiled the holy pond, and you will be beaten and killed by your Eastern Emperor Realm powerhouse?"

Regarding this matter, Li Zedao could not let go, it was even more unacceptable than putting him to death.

"My son's face, is there anything dirty?"

"Therefore, this young man has to let you high-ranking powerhouses know with great pain what is meant by capsize in the gutter!"

Donghuang Shengjun's eyes narrowed slightly. She had no idea that this ant would be so angry because of this kind of thing, that kind of anger, and even supported him to do things that are indistinguishable from looking for death.

But even so, she still couldn't understand why this ant was angry.

He washed his dirty face with the water from the holy pond, which indeed defiled the holy pond. Is there any problem with this?

"you did it."

Donghuang Shengjun said with certainty: "You really hurt my heart."

Li Zedao gloated and smiled: "Is the **** delicious? Is my son's urine delicious?"

Immediately, with a very regretful expression, he said: "I had known that this young man would pull a **** himself, and now I have lost a lot of money."

Donghuang Shengjun's mood remained unchanged.

She is an extremely powerful woman, and she has successfully suppressed the disgusting feeling, even if the **** woman is still there, there is no way to disturb her emotions.

She said indifferently: "If it tastes good or not, you will know if you try it."

Li Zedao stared at the woman fearlessly, licked the blood at the corner of his mouth fiercely with his tongue, and said, "Come on, this son can't wait!"

The Eastern Emperor Sage shook his hand slightly, and in an instant, a pair of terrifying white eyes reappeared, but the breathing pair of white eyes gathered into a big hand.

Donghuang Shengjun turned and floated forward.

The big hand grabbed Li Zedao and followed the Eastern Emperor Shengjun.

Li Zedao closed his eyes, he didn't know how the Eastern Emperor Sage would torture him next... probably to make him eat **** and drink urine? The only thing Li Zedao can do is to endure silently.

Suddenly, Li Zedao found himself in a gloomy world. There was also a colorful butterfly in this gloomy world. This butterfly looked so familiar.

Li Zedao clearly remembered that the Dipo God Ginseng once took him to a place and found a butterfly, and the Di Po God Ginseng asked him to swallow the butterfly.

"Butterfly wings?"

Li Zedao's eyes widened at once, so this is his astral world? He can already communicate with Butterfly Wing through consciousness?

In other words, has always been disdainful of his butterfly wings and began to accept him?

At this moment, Li Zedao was really moved...He was moved by his own charm.

He knew that his charm could not only conquer all women, but also all exotic animals, even a powerful Horcrux.

For a while, Li Zedao's heart was even more occupied by a strong hope. He knew that Butterfly Wing could definitely take him away, just as he was about to be squashed by the black flames of the earth, and it immediately appeared and took him away.

Butterfly Wing is speechless, can this weak master stop being so narcissistic? The reason why I betray him is purely because this guy did not beg for mercy when facing that woman, and even dared to be indifferent and hard-headed.

This reminded Butterfly Wing inexplicably of the previous master, Chuanhuo, at that time, when facing any powerful enemy, he never bowed his head.

Therefore, Butterfly Wing decided the bird master once.

But he didn't expect that he was still so narcissistic, which made Butterfly Wing regret his death, and felt quite ashamed. He had known it for a long time.

Moreover, he actually imagined that he could save him away?

Butterfly Wing directly poured cold water on Li Zedao: "I can't save it."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Why?"

"Although you say that those who are strong against the high-grade cultivation base of the Great Dao Realm will not necessarily lose the wind, you are still the peak cultivation base of the low-grade Dao Realm in essence. In other words, your cultivation base is too weak."

Butterfly Wing said: "Although I am a top ten artifact, I have extremely powerful power, but in essence I am still a weapon."

"You have such a weak strength, it is absolutely impossible for me to exert my true power."

"This is second, and more importantly, that woman is too strong! So even if you have me, you can't escape that woman's palm."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and the hope burned into ashes at once, and his voice was extremely bitter: "What should I do?"

Butterfly Wing was speechless: "You don't know what to do, how do I know what to do?"


"I have already said that although I am one of the four great artifacts, I am still a weapon in essence. You asked what to do with a weapon... You made me feel very embarrassed."

The dislike of Li Zedao in Butterfly Wing's voice was not hidden at all.

Li Zedao was extremely annoyed: "If this is the case, are you still paying attention to me?"

Butterfly Wing naturally said: "The reason why I take care of you is because you are likely to be lost in your soul. Anyway, you have been my master for a while. Although I don't look up to it, I think it's reasonable to see it. When you click it, it's a farewell."


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