The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2850: Danger strikes

Listening to this, Li Zedao worried that he would be poisoned to death by such a terrifying voice. Even if he was not poisoned to death, he was also afraid that he could not help but vomit, and he was afraid that he would offend this terrifying woman to death. .

So Li Zedao's trembling hand patted his head secretly, forcing him to faint to death.

Seeing Li Zedao fainted, Miss Luohua's expression became more ambiguous and gentle, thinking that Brother Li clearly felt his love, and felt so happy that she passed out.

Well, it must be so.

Who would dare to think that she would kill someone else!

The Eastern Emperor Sage glanced at Li Zedao, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of mockery.

When Li Zedao woke up again, Miss Luohua had already left, so Li Zedao greedily breathed.

He found that there was no strong floral scent, it was really too fragrant.

The white figure stood there quietly, her expression so indifferent, her eyes did not contain any human emotions, as if she could not see anything alive.

Li Zedao stood up, looked at Donghuang Shengjun eagerly, and said, "Master Sheng, after you find Bichi Shengquan, can you not send me to the place where you don't know?"

The Eastern Emperor Sage glanced at Li Zedao and did not respond, but Li Zedao had already got the answer to this question from those eyes that showed the pleasure of revenge.


Li Zedao knew that this woman thought she had found the best way to avenge herself...Of course, she did.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said coldly: "Since it has to be like this, there is no need to continue to search for the Bichi Holy Spring."

"In that case, I will now take you to the place where the flower is not known." The Eastern Emperor Sage threatened.

Li Zedao looked at the sage of the Eastern Emperor as if looking at an idiot, and said, "Don't you think your threat is quite an idiot?"

"do not think so."


Li Zedao understood that there was indeed something wrong with this woman's brain.

Now patiently explained: "After taking you to the Bichi Holy Spring, you will send me to Huashen I don’t know where you are. If you don’t take you to continue looking for Bichi Holy Spring, you will also send me to Huashen I don’t know... You fools know what to do, right?"

The Eastern Emperor Shengjun felt that his threat was indeed a bit idiot when he heard it.

The main reason was that she rarely threatened others, especially threatening ants that would never show up in front of her at all, so she really didn't know how to threaten them for a while.

So he said: "Finding the Bichi Holy Spring, I won't send you to Huashen where I don't know."

Li Zedao sneered: "Master Shengjun, do you know that you have shown your rather inferior character without any omission? You can lose faith in Miss Luohua, wouldn't you lose faith in this son?"

Donghuang Shengjun was silent and said: "You are right, I can't break the trust of Miss Luohua, that woman is not easy to mess with, and she will not be able to avoid a fight. So after I find the Bichi Holy Spring, I will definitely send you there. Flowers do not know where they are deep."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to swear, that woman is not easy to provoke, is this young man easy to provoke?

Li Zedao was deeply sad.

He found that he was really easy to provoke, and he was really really good to bully in this world where there are so many strong men like dogs.

"If you are unwilling to continue searching for the Bichi Holy Spring, I can now send you to Yunshen where I don’t know. I think there is a good home for a weak person like you. At least you don’t have to worry about safety. worry."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and said angrily: "If you are a man, can you bear to be that kind of woman's favorite man?"

Donghuang Shengjun simply and neatly: "No."

Li Zedao was even more angry: "You can't, why can you do it?"

"You are too weak to resist."

These words were too heartbreaking, and Li Zedao said weakly: "Are you still looking for the Bichi Holy Spring?"

"In fact, when I came to this Yinyou Mountain, my original purpose was not to find the Bichi Holy Spring."

The Eastern Emperor Shengjun said lightly: "My cultivation has stagnated recently, so I came here to look for further opportunities."

"It's just that the appearance of you with butterfly wings makes me look for the idea of ​​Bichi Holy Spring in my heart."

"I'm really curious, whether the Bichi Sacred Spring can really make people get a great good fortune, as the rumors say."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he was almost crying. How could this woman play cards so unreasonably?

No wonder she didn't show any irritability along the way, even believing that she was leading her towards the Bichi Holy Spring.

It turns out that people are not so concerned about whether they can find the Bitch Sacred Spring, and they are also looking for opportunities for further cultivation along the way.

Sure enough, women are all liars, especially women with good looks.

"Actually, Miss Luo Hua can break his trust. After all, in a strict sense, Miss Luo Hua is not a human being, but a disgusting beast. Lord Saint does not need to tell him any credit for a disgusting beast. "Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

Tell a beast about credit, isn’t that brain-dead?

"What you said, after I see Miss Luo Hua, I will repeat it to her." The Eastern Emperor Shengjun said indifferently.


Li Zedao looked terrified. He only felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were hurting, and he felt that he was being overshadowed by an absolute villain.

"Reduced to a disgusting but undoubtedly quite powerful animal pet...well, you are very lucky." Donghuang Shengjun said again.

Li Zedao was stabbed one by one in the chest, his soul was seriously damaged, a trace of blood was slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth, and there was an urge to fight this woman for three hundred rounds.

I can’t be sent to Huashen again now to be drowned by Miss Luohua’s saliva, right? Therefore, Li Zedao can only continue to go deep into the Yinyou Mountains.

The situation remained the same along the way, and any poisonous insects and beasts that appeared would be sent away by the sage of the Eastern Emperor, or even killed.

Of course, more often, those poisonous insects and beasts would tremble with fright after sensing the powerful aura emanating from the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch, and would never dare to come forward.

For the rest of the time, both of them were silent.

Li Zedao silently led the way, but he was actually looking for the best time to escape and ascend to heaven.

Li Ze didn't want to enter Huashen again to be a canary that was kept by Miss Luohua.

Although you don't have to worry about food and clothing on such days, and your life is quite guaranteed, as a man of seven feet, how can you curl up in a woman's arms to seek a sense of security? Isn't this an insult?

Well, the main thing is that Miss Luohua is really not human, her eyes are full of poison, and her saliva, which is worse than feces, can drown people.

If Miss Luo Hua had the appearance of a Sanskrit fairy, Li Zedao, even a man of seven feet, could actually beg to perfection. He was not the kind of person who didn't know how to adapt.

The Eastern Emperor's holy monarch floated silently behind him, pale, like a lonely ghost.

Occasionally, her icy gaze fell on the back that looked so cheap in front of her, and the corners of her mouth would curl up with a hint of mockery.

Naturally, she knew that this ant wouldn't obediently lead herself to the Bichi Holy Spring, even he must still be thinking about escaping from his control.

"Really whimsical!" The corner of Donghuang Shengjun's mouth was slightly tilted with a slight indifference.

This ant may have a way to escape from his control, but if he doesn't have himself, with his strength, he won't be able to get out of this gloomy mountain range at all, even if he has butterfly wings.

The powerful poisonous insects and beasts hiding around would tear him into pieces at any time.

As one of the ten great artifacts, Butterfly Wing is naturally an extremely powerful existence.

But his master is too weak, so there is no way to exert the maximum power of the butterfly wing.

At this moment, the Eastern Emperor Shengjun felt a little bit, frowned slightly, and then returned to his previous indifference, as if nothing had happened.

After a few more breaths, Li Zedao's figure stagnated, only feeling cold on his back, and the roots of hair on his body were erected.

Li Zedao keenly caught a hint of danger, as if he had entered the big mouth of the beast at this time.

As long as the beast shuts up, he will be instantly torn apart by the beast's teeth, and then swallowed into his stomach, leaving no bones.

It was the first time that Li Zedao caught such a strong danger in the past few decades after entering the Yinyou Mountain Range, so the danger that is about to emerge must be extremely terrifying.

He scanned his surroundings vigilantly, but he didn't notice any abnormalities. Could it be that the nerves collapsed too tightly and hallucinations appeared in the past two days?

Li Zedao glanced at Donghuang Shengjun, and saw that the face was still indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no danger. Even if danger was approaching, it was still within the control of this woman, otherwise this woman would not be so indifferent.

The Eastern Emperor Shengjun was a little surprised, he really underestimated this ant.

The danger is still extremely far away, but he has already caught the peak cultivation level of the low grade in the mere avenue. It seems that this ant is not just as simple as ignorance and shamelessness.

However, although the danger is not far away, it also comes extremely fast.

However, when Xiao Banzhuxiang worked, he saw that the entire gray space was stained with blood, and it became blood red and hot.

For a moment, Li Zedao felt that this space seemed to have become a big furnace, as if they had stepped into the Flame Mountain.

Li Zedao was even more alarmed to discover that the clothes on his body started to smoke, and his long flowing hair curled up, emitting a pungent scorching smell, and could catch fire at any time.

At the same time, the rich danger is frantically torturing his soul and stimulating his nerves.

He quickly looked at the Eastern Emperor Shengjun again, but saw that this woman was looking up at the blood-red sky, but her expression was as indifferent as before, and she obviously did not pay attention to the surging danger.

Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief, this woman is still so indifferent, so it's okay.

But when I breathed, my heart shook suddenly, and I felt that the whole person was not good.

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