The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2852: Idiot master

Butterfly Wing really thought that this master was a big idiot.

When the two sides are facing each other, it is the best escape, otherwise the aura in the space will become chaotic and violent.

At that time, any violent breath is enough to kill your ant.

But at this time, he was actually lying there stupidly.

What does he want to do? He thought he was so handsome lying on his stomach so embarrassed?

Li Zedao looked at the butterfly with a bit of resentment, and said, "Why didn't you take me away? Did you know that I was almost burnt to ashes just now?"

The Eastern Emperor Shengjun clearly sensed the danger, but didn't remind him to escape quickly. Li Zedao didn't blame her, after all, the Eastern Emperor Shengjun wanted him to end up more miserable.

When he was burned to death by the fire, the woman might still clap and applaud.

But what is the butterfly wing? In what way, he is also its owner!

Butterfly Wing had a feeling of being insulted to death, and this insult was no less than that this ant turned out to be its owner.

"Do you think I don't want to take you away?"

Butterfly Wing has a guilty conscience, it does not want to.

What do you want from such a weak, shameless, and no-lower master? It's better to let him die quickly, and then he will be free.

Butterfly Wing is quite depressed, why doesn't that woman know to separate herself from the soul of this weak man?

Oh, I understand, she is not sure to be her own master, so her probability of finding the Bitch Sacred Spring will be lower.

But who is right about this kind of thing, you should try it anyway.

But even if he doesn't want to, Butterfly Wing is still saved, at least he has to behave, who makes him the master?

"Did you know that Blazing Gourmet is quite vengeful? In the past, it made Chuanhuo run away, and he regards this as the greatest shame. At this time, if I show up and take you away, even if there is a woman stopping him, Blazing Gourmet Will pounce on you desperately."

"At that time, do you think it's just as simple as burning up? You are afraid that there will be no bones left in an instant."

Li Zedao's pupils widened, and he sucked in cold breath again and again. He really didn't expect that the butterfly wings did not appear because of this.

Wait, this is not right.

"How do you know that blazing gluttony is the blazing gluttonous glutton encountered in the past?" Li Zedao asked.

Don't tell me that there is such a fierce gluttonous glutton in Nuo Da Tian Realm.

Die Yi was even more angry. This idiot didn't even know he was ignorant. He even felt that he was ignorant.

"You think I'm blind, I won't recognize that it is the fiery gluttonous food that I encountered in the past? Do you think the fiery gluttonous food under the world looks the same and unrecognizable?"

Li Zedao really wanted to say yes, yes, that's what I think, forget it, don't insult yourself.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you." Li Zedao was a little ashamed.

Butterfly Wing hates that iron can't make steel: "Misunderstand your sister, so you are so quick to become stronger and don't make me feel ashamed."


"What are you doing in a daze? Run away quickly, escape from their confrontation area, and wait for them to fight." Die Yi urged again.

This kind of master is really stupid, don't worry about it!

Li Zedao hurriedly fled forward in a panic, and finally escaped from the strangely quiet world of ice and snow, and entered the gray space.

The surroundings are so quiet, as if there are no living creatures, but the neighing of unknown poisonous insects and beasts that comes from time to time gives Li Zedao an urge to dive into his thighs for a sense of security... At that time, Li Zedao had a pair of beautiful butterfly wings on his back.

That is the butterfly wing!

Butterfly Wing is rather shameless to show that your strength is too weak, so even if you have me, you can only have the speed of a quasi-returning strong person at most.

In this yin and secluded mountain range, quasi-return is really nothing, so Li Zedao didn't have much sense of security.

"In the old days, when you and Chuhuo encountered fierce gluttony and fled, didn't you mean that you entered the valley shrouded in thick blue fog?"

Li Zedao was thinking about the surrounding movement with a trembling heart, while asking questions: "I also ran away, why didn't I enter the valley?"

Butterfly Wing sneered unceremoniously: "In this kind of place, do you think you have the strength to escape?"


Li Zedao felt that Butterfly Wing's words were similar to the humiliation brought to him by Eastern Emperor Realm's accusation that he had defiled the Holy Spring.

"Furthermore, I only said that when Devouring Fire was chased by Fiery Gourmet, I strayed into the valley shrouded by the thick blue fog. Did I say that as long as I encounter Fiery Gourmet, I can enter that valley?"

Die Yi is so sad and indignant, how come he has such a stupid master? Why can he always take one thing for granted?

Li Zedao thought for a while, this butterfly did not say anything.

"Not to mention, the direction in which Chuanhuo used to flee may be the direction that Blazing Gourmet was in, or it may be this direction, that direction, who knows which direction it is."

"Then what should I do now?" Li Zedao swallowed a mouthful of water.

It's no way to continue to stay here, there are too many dangers that he can't deal with at all hidden around, and if he is not careful, his soul is scattered.

Butterfly Wing was extremely annoyed: "How do I know what to do? Please, after all, I am a Horcrux that is much smarter and stronger than you. I am not a human. How do I know what to do?"


If it weren't for it, Li Zedao would want to rip off the beautiful wings on his back. This kind of Horcrux that doesn't respect his master at all, don't worry!

After a short period of consideration, Li Zedao revealed a decisive expression: "It's better to leave as soon as possible."

This place is too dangerous, and there are no thighs to report, so let's leave now.

Butterfly Wing said contemptuously: "You have gone deep into the Yinyou Mountain Range at this time. There were powerful people guarding you along the way. The poisonous insects and beasts hidden around you are naturally too bad for you."

"Without that powerful person now, do you think you can leave alive?"

Li Zedao was immediately discouraged. If you continue to go deeper, you will die, and if you don’t go deeper, you will die. What do you want me to do? Pestle in place?

"It's also death to stick in the same place." Butterfly Wing attacked unceremoniously.

"...Then what do you say should be done?"

"Wait for death."

"...Can't you encourage me?" Li Zedao was very angry.

Butterfly Wing is rather shameless: "Encouraging this kind of thing is not very different from not having it for a weak person like you."


Li Zedao didn't want to wait for death, and retreat was indeed a dead end, so he could only move on.

Although the front is also a dead end, there is at least the possibility of finding the Bichi Holy Spring. Once you are lucky enough to find the Bichi Holy Spring, you may die.

At this moment, an extremely unusual fishy wind swept from all directions, so that even if Li Zedao could inflame the butterfly wings behind him at this time, he didn't know which direction to escape from for a while.

Li Zedao was so scared that his scalp became numb, and he shook the long sword in his hand, staring at his surroundings with his round eyes.

But for a moment, many eyes appeared.

These eyes were no bigger than soybeans and were extremely pale, but they made Li Zedao feel relieved, exhaled heavily, and even had an urge to cry.

It’s nice to have thighs again.

Li Zedao wanted to shout loudly, thigh in hand, there is me in heaven!

Then his eyes disappeared, and the still pale figure of the Eastern Emperor Sage appeared out of thin air.

Her expression was still indifferent, and her face was paler than before. It is conceivable that in the battle against Blazing Gourmet, she still suffered a little after all.

But in any case, being able to escape the fierce gluttonous pursuit is a kind of power in itself.

"Let's go."

Donghuang Shengjun glanced at the emotional Li Zedao and said indifferently.

Li Zedao hurriedly nodded, the fear in his heart had disappeared without a trace because of the appearance of his thighs, and he continued to swept towards the depths of the Yinyou Mountains quite decisively at the moment.

"Master Shengjun, are you injured?" Li Zedao asked cautiously, expressing his concern.

The white figure did not respond.

Li Zedao was not talking.

A few days passed in a flash.

During this period, the two encountered several powerful poisonous beasts. Even if the strength of the poisonous beasts is not as strong as the fiery gluttonous, it will not be much weaker.

At this time, Li Zedao said nothing before running away.

After that, the sage of the Eastern Emperor, who was free from the entanglement of poisonous insects and beasts, would also find Li Zedao's traces through his extremely powerful white eyes, and then go to meet him and continue to go deeper.

Another poisonous insect shaped like a spider blocked their way.

Li Zedao immediately incited Butterfly Wing to run first, while the Eastern Emperor Shengjun showed the Xueji sword as before and confronted the poisonous insect.

The previous duel of the strong will not fight to death at the beginning, especially these powerful poisonous insects and beasts, they are extremely sensitive to danger.

If the breath exuding from the opponent makes them feel frightened, there is no need to do anything at all, they will immediately turn around and leave.

But what Li Zedao didn't expect was that this time his escape had a serious accident!

When he was inciting Butterfly Wing, Butterfly Wing disappeared from his back without even saying hello.

One can't prevent it, Li Zedao fell a dog to eat shit.

Standing up, I wanted to follow the butterfly wing theory.

How can I be your master too, how can you be so naughty?

Die Yi said angrily: "You are an idiot!"

Li Zedao was even more angry: "You are an idiot!"

"Idiot, your sister! Why don't you run away?" If it weren't for it, Die Yi wanted to rebel and kill the idiot by himself.

If it hadn't just noticed the danger and stopped by itself, the idiot was afraid that it would rush directly to the danger.

Then it became even more angry, because it found that the tone of its words, deeds, and speech became more and more similar to this idiot master.

Of course, this is also no way. After all, it is a powerful Horcrux. Although it possesses spirituality, it is extremely susceptible to the influence of its owner.

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