The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2855: Gourmet food

But this time, because of the thighs, Li Zedao was afraid to return to fear, but he didn't panic too much.

At the moment, he turned around and wanted to say hello to his thighs politely, saying that I stayed behind is also a hindrance to you, I will take a step first...He did this several times before.

Of course, the thighs also wanted him to do this. In the eyes of the Eastern Emperor Sage, this ant was really an eyesore.

In the next moment, Li Zedao's pupils were suddenly rounded, and the whole person was dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Behind him, the white figure that should have been floating there was gone!

The thigh is gone!

Li Zedao panicked, then he thought of something, and nodded with approval, his eyes started to get a little moist.

"Is she aware that the blazing gluttony is approaching quickly, so she immediately stopped it to prevent herself from being cooked by the fire again?"

He was deeply moved by the practice of thighs.

He silently helped the Eastern Emperor Sage with dozens of likes in his heart, decisively thinking that this is the good thigh that the weak and small people need most!

Just as Li Zedao was moved, the surrounding space suddenly became hot and dry.

Butterfly Wing felt that the idiot symptom of this weak master seems to have increased again. He couldn't wait now, and appeared on his own, and said angrily: "Li Ze, you idiot, what are you waiting for? Run!"

Li Zedao felt that Butterfly Wing was too fussy, and said with certainty: "No need to run, thighs... Lord Shengjun must have stopped Blazing Gourmet at this time. If we run, we are insulting Lord Shengjun..."

Li Zedao did not allow himself to make any insults to his thighs.


The terrifying heat wave was mixed with deafening roars, like the tsunami, suddenly swept in madness, and Li Zedao, who had not had time to say a word, fiercely patted the hot ground on the ground.


There was a big hole in the ground, and there were horrible cracks around the big hole.

The extremely embarrassed Li Zedao crawled out of the big hole with difficulty, feeling that his soul had been shot apart once again, and directly spewed out a big scorching blood, his chest was really dull and extremely dull.

Li Zedao was really terrified and didn't know what happened.

By the way, didn't the thighs have stopped the blazing gluttony? Why do I have to suffer such a sin?


Apart from these two words, the extremely speechless Butterfly Wing had no idea what to say.

Why doesn't this weak idiot understand that it is a rather idiotic act to hand his life into the hands of others?

Soon, Butterfly Wing was relieved.

This weak master was originally an idiot, so it is only natural to do such an idiotic behavior.

Moreover, Blazing Gourmet, who suffered a loss last time, must be in a state of rage at this time, and it will definitely not let this idiot go.

Therefore, I am about to be liberated, and I don't have to worry about becoming an idiot butterfly.

pretty good!

However, after a few breaths, the entire space has once again become a big stove.

Li Zedao's clothes began to smoke again, and immediately caught fire, and then his body was also on fire, and his soul also began to burn.

The aura of heaven in his body circulates wildly, working hard to protect his soul, just like the soldier guarding the city, desperately resisting the enemy that is like a rare flood in this city.

It's just a matter of time before defeating the city.

That kind of unbearable pain swept through again, causing Li Zedao's body to continue to roll and twist, and let out a mournful wailing sound.

Li Zedao believes it now, and believes that he must have done a lot of evil in his previous life. It is estimated that he has been doing murder and arson every day, so he has to endure so much torture in this life.


The majestic and fierce gluttony descended from the sky, and the eyes under the armpits greedily looked at the wailing ant on the ground rolling because of pain, like the saliva of hot lava flowing from the corners of its mouth, as if hungry for several days. The wolf saw a fat sheep.

"Finally freed."

After all, it is the owner, so Butterfly Wing is very happy for this idiot. Of course, I feel more happy.

The next moment, Blazing Gourmet raised his paw and swung it at the burning flame on Li Zedao's body a few times at random.

Immediately, the flame went out as if it had been blown out by the wind.

At the same time, the flames on the earth that had been burning under Li Zedao's body were also extinguished.

The horrible burning disappeared, and the unbearable pain disappeared most of the time.

Li Zedao stopped rolling and struggling, stopped howling.

He raised his head and looked at the terrifying monster in front of him with horror burning all over his body, the terrifying eyes growing under his armpits, and the saliva flowing down like magma.

Li Zedao couldn't help but took a few breaths of cold air, and he had an urge to plunge into the arms of the Eastern Emperor's sage for a sense of security... Where's the Eastern Emperor's sage?

Didn't she stop this fiery glutton from going? Did this fail to stop the blazing gluttonous pace?

Even if she didn't stop her, she should show up now, right?

I understand, that woman likes to watch herself being roasted by fire, she likes to be tortured to death... It's so abnormal!

But even so, should you show up now?

The Eastern Emperor Sage never appeared, so Li Zedao understood that she had already left, so she left herself in this ghost place and left alone.

Li Zedao didn't know why Blazing Gourmet had to help him extinguish the fire on his body...It can't be that Blazing Gourmet doesn't like food that is too burnt, right?

As a result, Li Zedao's body trembled even more severely.

Suddenly, a sound that looked so weird came out of Blazing Gourd’s big mouth.

"I ask you, what did you throw in my mouth before?"

The eyes under the armpits showed fiery greed, and the lava-like saliva flowed faster, dripping on the ground continuously, making a terrifying sound of "Bah! Bah...".

Li Zedao's head was stunned, this fierce gluttony could actually speak human words?

After thinking about it carefully, it was relieved. After all, it is extremely normal for such terrifying beasts to possess the same intelligence as humans.

But what does it mean when it asks this question?

Are you planning to use his own way to treat his body, put the big idiot in his mouth and force himself to bite him?

Li Zedao's body shivered violently again, is that something that can be detonated in his mouth? Even if Li Zedao is the father of the big idiot, he would never have the courage to put the big idiot in his mouth and bite him.

Li Zedao wanted to question Chi Lie Tie and said, with such a majestic appearance, such a powerful strength, and such a high IQ, you should not do such boring behavior, right? Otherwise it will damage your image, what do you think?

Blazing Gourmet’s scarlet tongue stretched out, licking off the dripping saliva, and greedily said: "That thing is so delicious..."

"Uh... delicious?"

Li Zedao's body halted, his pupils suddenly rounded, his brain roared violently, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

He was messy in the heat, trembling in the heat, and felt insulted to death in the heat.

He died of a lot of brain cells and spent a lot of effort. The powerful killer idiot that was refined by Blazing Gourmet turned out to be quite delicious food?

Li Zedao finally understood why Fiery Gourmet didn't chase that day. It wasn't that he was stupefied or injured by the bombing, but that he was full!

Li Zedao didn't have the slightest honor, he really wanted to curse.

Please, that's an extremely scary hidden weapon, it's not a **** food!

Butterfly Wing's body also paused, with a rather ridiculous feeling, is this okay?

This weak and rather idiotic master, can his luck be better?

"Give me that kind of delicious food." Fiery Gourmet's scary eyes looked at Li Ze greedily.

"But, I don't have anymore." Li Zedao said cautiously.

The horrifying big eyes under the blazing gluttonous armpits widened, and he roared, "What did you say?"

After finally eating food that fits your appetite, and want to eat a few more times, this **** human being said that there is no more?

Li Zedao saw the fiery gluttonous gluttonous go wild, and quickly explained: "I mean as long as you give me some time, I can make a lot of them."

Blazing Gourmet is still very easy to talk about, or in front of food, it can make some compromises.

At the moment its huge body appeared to be so lazy to lie down, licking the saliva that was constantly flowing down, and said quite expectantly: "You can do it, just as much as last time."

Li Zedao swallowed his saliva and nodded frantically, and quickly took out a Soul-Zing Pill and stuffed it into his mouth to repair the soul that was damaged again and the flesh that was about to be scorched.

He immediately took out the various materials for refining the big idiot, and began to refine the big idiot.

Li Zedao was already familiar with the refining of the big idiot, but in half a day, hundreds of big idiots were freshly released.

Li Zedao piled it up in front of Blazing Gourmet, and cautiously said: "The delicious food you want has been prepared for you, please enjoy it slowly."

The fiery gluttonous greedily sniffed the smell that the big idiot exudes, and there was a more greedy gloom in those big eyes, and the saliva was like the magma that came out of a volcanic crater.

In the next moment, it grabbed all the big fools that did not fall in their hands, with a big mouth in the blood basin, and stuffed them all in. The posture was as if a person grabbed a handful of peanuts and threw them into his mouth. .

Then his mouth closed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The dull sound of the explosion continued to be heard from the fiery gluttonous mouth, and at the same time, a little black mist was emitted.

Li Zedao's scalp became numb after listening to the horrible explosion.

How could the explosive poison pill he developed exquisitely look like that popping candy in this fiery gluttonous mouth?

The fiery gluttonous eyes full of greed are brighter, even intoxicated.

Yes, it is such an incomparably wonderful and indescribable taste.

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