The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2857: Tired of eating

The range that Li Zedao's eyes could see was no more than a few meters away, and even the blazing gluttonous close at hand could hardly see clearly.

At this time, the blazing gluttonous glutton whose whole body was burned by the fire seemed to be the bright street lamp that led him to the light in Li Zedao's eyes.

Even if he were not worried about his body burning up again, Li Zedao would want to hug Blazing Gourmet's thigh that was thicker than Miss Luohua's face.

From time to time, there were the neighing sounds of terrifying beasts. At this time, Blazing Gourmet would always roar in response.

It seems that it is exuding its powerful deterrent power to deter these poisonous insects and beasts who are ready to move, and it is like greeting these neighbors who live in this valley together.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao only felt his eyes flash, but he saw that the dense blue mist around him disappeared, and he was already in a huge cave.

Around the cave, all were burned by terrifying fire, and the red lava flowing on the ground was like a volcanic inner world.

Li Zedao didn't know what Blazing Gourmet had done to him. In any case, he was in such a place. Although he was deeply sultry, his clothes did not smoke.

Even though he stepped on the magma at this time, Li Zedao didn't have the feeling that his feet were about to be cooked, let alone being swallowed by the magma. He just felt very hot, but it was within the tolerance range.

"I'm going to bed, and I will have to eat when I wake up." Blazing Gourmet turned and looked at Li Ze, licking the lava that was constantly flowing down.

Li Zedao naturally understood what blazing gluttony meant, and quickly nodded and said, "I'll help you prepare food."

The fierce gluttony stretched out his paws and waved his paws, and the scene that made Li Zedao's pupils widened appeared, but he saw that the terrifying magma flowing on a small area was gone, and the magma flowing around could not flow. Enter that small area.

Immediately, the fiery gluttonous glutton lay on the magma, closing his eyes beautifully.

But for a moment, the terrifying snoring sound spread throughout the cave.

Li Zedao naturally knew that the small area without magma was prepared by Fiery Gourmet for him. When he quickly entered that area, he instantly felt that the sultry feeling was gone, leaving only the comforting coldness.

I couldn't help but admire that this fierce gluttony was really terrifying, just by lifting my paw, I could easily open up this small and completely different area in this magma world, this kind of ability was really terrifying.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Zedao obediently began to refine the big idiot.

One day passed, Li Zedao had already produced more than two hundred big idiots. According to the fiery gluttonous appetite, this was enough for him to eat two meals.

The terrifying snoring sound in the ear is still there, and the fiery gluttony is still asleep.

After Li Zedao rested for a while, he continued refining.

Another day passed, and another two hundred big idiots were freshly released.

Glancing at the blazing gluttony, this terrifying beast was still sleeping, but saw that the saliva flowing from its big mouth was not much different from the lava flowing on the ground.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls, withdrawing his gaze, Li Zedao closed his eyes and began to practice according to the principle of peace.

A few days later, Fiery Gourmet Meimei woke up.

Without waiting for Fiery Gourmet's instructions, Li Zedao had already served the "gourmet" quite dogmatically.

Blazing Gourmet was quite greedy and swallowed a number of big idiots into his stomach, expressing his satisfaction, let Li Zedao continue to refine, and then began to sleep comfortably.

This life of eating, sleeping, sleeping, and eating made Li Zedao quite envious, but at the same time he had to wonder if the pig’s ancestor was this fierce gluttony.

Shaking his head, putting aside all distracting thoughts, Li Zedao closed his eyes to rest his mind and continued to practice.

He is like a snail, climbing upwards bit by bit with difficulty.

In a blink of an eye, Li Zedao had been in this cave for more than a month. During this more than a month, Blazing Gourmet took an average of three days to enjoy some delicious food, and the rest of the time was actually sleeping.

And Li Zedao also relied on this month's meditation practice, and this seemed to be a pretty good place to practice, so Li Zedao's cultivation level broke through again.

He is now a strong master of the middle-grade peak cultivation base in the Dao realm.

Such cultivation bases are already very strong in the heaven realm, enough to become the head of a sect force.

But in places like the Yinyou Mountain Range, the middle grade peak cultivation base in the Dao Realm did not even have the qualifications to protect himself, so Li Zedao didn't have any color of joy.

On the contrary, he was quite worried.

Counting the time, it has been almost a year since I left Van Yin Valley unknowingly.

According to the words of Fairy Sanskrit, if the Sect Master fails to take the core of the ice dragon within two years, her severely damaged soul will be completely disintegrated, and it will be the day that day, and she will not be able to save her.

So he only has more than a year left.

Li Zedao looked at the fiery glutton who was asleep.

I think what I say now is considered the celebrity around this terrifying beast. After it wakes up, do you want to ask it if you have an ice dragon core.

As always, Butterfly Wing was speechless. How could this weak master always like to do such whimsical things? Doesn't he think this is a rather idiotic behavior?

On this day, after the blazing gluttonous mouthful of the big idiot swallowed in, he licked the lava that was constantly flowing down at the corner of his mouth.

Then those big greedy eyes looked at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao hurriedly showed a clever and humble smile, looked at this beast that could kill him at any time, and wanted to ask if it had an ice dragon monocore.

Who would think that at this time, Blazing Gourmet said simply and neatly: "I'm tired of eating that kind of stuff, so I won't eat it anymore."

For the fierce beast that is extremely demanding on food, Fiery Gourmet, it is really meaningless to eat the same thing all over, and it is also insulting its identity and its pursuit of food.

So it's time to leave the cave and go out looking for other flavors of food.

The ten thousand poisonous spiders encountered before should be quite delicious, right? Forget it, that Ten Thousand Poison Spider is too strong, and I can't really take advantage of it when you start, but what should you do if you really want to eat Ten Thousand Poison Spider?

There was more saliva flowing down from the fiery gluttony, just like the completely open faucet.

Then it was decided to find the old nest of the poisonous spider and eat the cubs of the poisonous spider to... if any.

Li Zedao's small heart twitched violently, and his nerves were almost torn apart.

So, this blazing gluttony, do you want to make yourself develop another dish?

Or is it going to let itself go?

Could it be that it is about to swallow itself in one bite now? After all, I look so delicious, and this can be seen from the fairly common phenomenon that so many women want to eat themselves, so this fierce beast has no reason not to eat itself.

"Seeing you make so many delicious portions, I won't eat you anymore, you can go!"

As he said, Blazing Gourd's paw lifted up, and he randomly waved at Li Zedao, the posture was as if he was swaying an annoying fly.

Li Zedao, who didn't wait for the panic, breathed a sigh of relief, and a hot breath suddenly blasted on him.

In an instant, Li Zedao was like a boat on a rough sea, and the terrifying waves were swallowed all at once, and the whole person was knocked out by this terrifying heat wave.

With this flight, he flew directly out of the cave where Blazing Gourmet lived, shuttled in the thick blue fog, and finally hit the cold ground heavily, with a mouth open, and spouted a mouthful of scorching blood.

Li Zedao was stupid for a few seconds before he stood up with difficulty.

He didn't expect to say anything that Blazing Gourmet would be so unreasonable, so simply "fired" him, and so simply drove him out of the place where it lived.

Li Zedao was quite wronged, your sister's you should be paid some salary, such as an ice dragon core or something.

It didn't matter to be expelled, even Li Zedao had to be thankful, anyway, he was secretly looking for a chance to escape.

But the point is that at this moment he was in this terrifying blue thick fog, and he didn’t know how many fierce beasts as terrifying as Fiery Gourmet were hiding around. Fiery Gourmet’s move was equivalent to pushing him to other places. Beside the mouth of the fierce beast.

"Too vicious!" Li Zedao was very sad and angry.

At any rate, this young man has also helped you make so many delicious foods. There is no credit and hard work. Even if you want to unilaterally break the contract and expel me, you should send me out of this thick fog.

What's the matter with you now?

If it weren’t for the fear of attracting the fierce beasts around, Li Zedao would want to question Fiery Gourmet. Do you know that your actions will seriously damage your tall and majestic image in my mind?

"What should we do now?"

The neighing sound of the fierce beasts constantly coming from the surroundings made Li Zedao's scalp numb, and he hurriedly asked Butterfly Wing for help.

"Wait for death." The butterfly wings on his back stirred a few times rather ruthlessly.

The butterfly wings are quite comfortable, there shouldn't be any changes this time, right? This idiot will soon be swallowed by the powerful beast, and then he will be able to regain his freedom.

pretty good.

Li Zedao was even more sad and indignant. How could a person who cares about his love and righteousness put on such a ruthless Horcrux?

Die Yi sneered: "This is not your own problem? You don't want to think about it, but if you are stronger, I will reject you so? Even if you are weak, you are not so shameless and weak, and I will look at you. Right?"

"But you are not only weak and shameless, but also shameless and cowardly. What you think of every day is to hold your thighs, it's a shame!"

Facing Dieyi's slander and disgust, Li Zedao was so depressed that he wanted to squirt out a mouthful of old blood. What happened to the son who wanted to hold his thigh?

Is it wrong for good birds to choose wood for habitation?

"Yes." Butterfly Wing said flatly, "A strong person never chooses to be a good bird, but to be that tree."


Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched, forget it, don't be familiar with beasts.

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