The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2859: Nine-headed dragon

"How to get there?" Li Zedao consulted the lower butterfly wing.

"I don't know." Die Yi responded with a sneer.

It feels that this weak master is too shameless, and when he just turned around, he could still lick his face and ask you for help. It was shameless to the extreme.

Li Zedao curled his lips. My son wouldn't be able to cross this wall without you? This son is a powerful man who can escape from the fiery gluttonous mouth and ascend to heaven!

The brows frowned right now, and he carefully looked at the soul formation that was enveloped by the powerful soul formation.

There are only two ways to break the formation, one is to force it to break.

The second is naturally to find where the soul is.

It's just that sometimes it's more difficult to find the formation eye than to break it forcefully. Even a powerful soul formation master can't find its formation eye.

This is also the reason why the sky can't help the imprisonment that envelops the Pangu Region.

In the past, Devouring Fire naturally didn't have the strength to forcefully blast through this soul formation, so he had found its eye.

"Where are the eyes?" Li Zedao stared at the wall, not letting go of any inch. In the end, his eyes were really sour and red.

Then, Li Zedao firmly believed that even if his eyes were blind, he could not find where he was.

So decisively admitted to Die Yi: "Sorry, I was wrong, I am weak, I am shameless, I am greedy for life, I am not worthy of you."

The butterfly wings are directly petrified, can this guy be more shameless?

"It should be possible." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

In order to survive, in order to save the millions of creatures in Pangu Region, what is shameless?


Seeing this guy confessed his mistake so sincerely, Die Yi didn't bother to continue to be angry. After all, it was the owner, so he still had to show some face.

Moreover, Butterfly Wing also noticed that although this guy was weak and greedy for life and fear of death, he was still quite shameless, but occasionally he could burst out quite terrifying energy.

Especially his kind of mental power is especially amazing.

As for his luck, it can only be said that there is no reason at all.

No, this can no longer be said to be luck, but luck.

Luck is temporary, but luck is a lifetime.

Butterfly Wing said: "What do you see from that wall?"

Li Zedao continued to look around, except for the unevenness, and being enveloped by a powerful soul formation, nothing special.

"I am the same as you, except for seeing the unevenness and seeing that it is enveloped by a powerful soul formation, nothing else is special."


Butterfly Wing's voice became dignified: "But in the past, eating the fire was to see something different."

Li Zedao's spirit was shocked, and he quickly asked, "What is different?"

"Jian Huo sat in front of this wall and stared at that wall for three days and three nights, and finally said..."

Obviously, this butterfly is a master of storytelling. As soon as it came to the critical moment, he kept silent, leaving a lot of suspense.

Li Zedao wanted to violently beat this **** butterfly, so he could only humblely ask this butterfly, who began to like to pretend to be a calf, "What did that do not know how to eat the fire?"

"Nine-headed dragon!" There was a touch of movement in the voice of Butterfly Wing, "Said Huo Huo, the nine-headed dragon occupies the wall."

Nine-headed dragon?

Li Zedao's pupils suddenly widened, and he took a few breaths of cold breath.

Li Zedao already knew a lot about the rumors about the nine-headed dragon.

It is said that this nine-headed dragon lives on the island outside the sky, and once led the beasts to madly bombard the imprisonment of the heavens, trying to infiltrate the imprisonment of the heavens, and even in the end, the imprisonment that enveloped the heavens was really knocked out by it.

After that, the thirty-six powerful soul formation masters of the Heavenly General Department sacrificed themselves, repaired the imprisonment, and successfully blocked the path of the nine-headed dragon.

After that, the family behind these thirty-six soul formation masters was gifted as a glory family by heaven, and it was rewarded with a glory token that made others extremely jealous and extremely jealous.

Fairy Fanyin also said that the nine-headed dragon was even stronger than the sky above.

Butterfly Wing continued: "Zhuhuo said, the eye of the soul formation is the tail of the nine-headed dragon, so if you want to pass this wall, you have to see the nine-headed dragon first."

"However, this wall is completely empty without any patterns." Li Zedao rubbed his sour eyes.

He really couldn't understand why there was a nine-headed dragon on this wall. Could it be that the Bichi Holy Spring had something to do with the nine-headed dragon?

Does it really matter, so after that, the world ordered the execution to obtain a great fortune from the Bichi Holy Spring?

Butterfly Wing sneered: "Does it matter? Is it something that a weak and shameless person like you should consider? You should now think about how to get through this wall."

"With the strength of Chuanhuo, I saw the nine-headed dragon after watching for three days. Do you think you are stronger than Chuanhuo and you can see the nine-headed dragon by just looking at it?"

"Besides, in the past, I saw that there was a nine-headed dragon by myself, but now I have told you that there is a nine-headed dragon on the wall, so you have a more advantage than the fire."

"In this case, if you still can't find the nine-headed dragon, I think you should hurry up and smash your own dantian, so that you will lose your soul, so as not to be embarrassed."


Li Zedao clearly felt the sinister intentions of this butterfly.

In order to get rid of itself, it used the radical method to bewitching itself to quickly suicide.

Butterfly Wing is very annoyed, so what kind of son is this to inspire you, okay?

Then, Butterfly Wing became even more annoyed. It really couldn't accept that it had been so deeply influenced by this idiot master, and it was like him, quite boringly calling itself "this son".

Ignoring this sinister-intentioned butterfly, Li Zedao sat down cross-legged, first closed his eyes and calmed down, throwing all the messy thoughts out of his mind.

Then he opened his eyes and entered a state of absolute concentration, staring at the wall in front of him.

The time for a stick of incense has passed, an hour has passed, one day has passed, two days have passed... In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

At this time, Li Zedao's eyes were still staring at the dull-looking wall. Those eyes were extremely red, as if blood was about to flow out.

Moreover, due to the excessive concentration of the spirit, Li Zedao's mental power was already on the verge of slackening, and his expression wilted to the extreme.

But Li Zedao still stared at the wall with his eyes widened.

Butterfly Wing sneered. It didn't think that this weak and idiot master could finally see the nine-headed dragon on the wall like the old fire-eater. It felt that he would give up soon.

After another three days passed, Li Zedao's eyes that had not been closed all the time, blood slowly flowed out, and then his eyes went dark and he fell into a coma.

After being in a coma for three days, Li Zedao came to his senses.

It's just because of the excessive consumption of mental power, so he is still very groggy at this time.

In the next moment, he tried to widen his eyes, forcing himself to continue to stare at the wall in the most focused state.

One day passed, and blood was flowing in his eyes again, and his eyes were black again, and he passed out.

Wake up, continue to stare, continue to faint, in the end, even Butterfly Wing does not know how many times this has been repeated.

Then, it had to admit that although this guy was weak, extremely shameless, and greedy for life and fear of death, he still had something to do with it.

At least his fierceness is still quite terrifying.

When I changed to an ordinary person, I had already given up at this time.

On this day, Li Zedao's eyes became dark again, and at the moment when the darkness passed, he vaguely saw a fierce beast circling on the wall.

This fierce beast is completely dark with scales and claws. What's even more shocking is that it has nine heads!

"Nine-headed dragon...Who said this son can't see the nine-headed dragon?"

A smile appeared on Li Zedao's pale paper face, and then fainted again.

Butterfly Wing's body fell, so he actually saw the nine-headed dragon?

After being in a coma for ten days, Li Zedao only woke up and felt that he was sleeping really **** comfortably. The mental energy that had been seriously exhausted was replenished, and Li Zedao was extremely surprised. Yes, his cultivation level has broken through again.

He is now a top grade repairing master in the Great Dao Realm.

Regarding this point, the Butterfly Wing is also quite speechless. This guy just repeated the fainting movement several times, how did his cultivation break through? Is there any reason?

Li Zedao's eyes once again fell on the wall in front.

This time, he could clearly see that there was indeed a fierce beast on the wall.

More accurately, it was a portrait of a fierce beast, but it was lifelike, as if there was a fierce beast entrenched there.

The whole body has pitch-black scales, the sharp claws are pitch black like carbon ink, and there are nine identical heads on the body...Is this the nine-headed dragon?

Judging from this appearance alone, Li Zedao is actually a bit disappointed.

After all, how this nine-headed dragon looks at it, it's not even weird with fierce gluttony, it's ferocious, and it's majestic.

Although there are nine heads, it gives people a silly feeling.

Butterfly Wing could not see the fierce beast on the wall, but when he saw this guy was disappointed, he couldn't help but complain: "You think everyone is like you. brazen?"

"Can't you not despise me?" Li Zedao was speechless.

Butterfly Wing is righteous and confident: "Get used to it."


Too lazy to pay attention to the butterfly, Li Zedao walked to the wall.

At this moment, the fierce beast hovering on the wall suddenly came alive, and the nine pairs of big scary eyes on the nine heads burst out with breathtaking light.

In an instant, Li Zedao was severely injured by the countless rays of light, and he opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of muffled blood.

At the same time, he felt that there was a powerful pressure coming, and his body could not withstand this powerful pressure at all, and his whole person was lying there directly.

At the moment, his eyes showed a deep sense of horror and awe, which was truly shocking.

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