According to the most widely spread statement in the heavens, Pan Gu wanted to kill the gods to replace him.

As a result, Pangu could not see the sky at all. He was stopped by Suzaku, one of the four ambassadors beside him, and was defeated by Suzaku, and was finally imprisoned in the sky prison.

Of course, according to Hanguang Maple Leaf's statement, if Suzaku had not been holding the Heavenly Sword, one of the top ten artifacts, he might not have been able to stop Pangu.

But who would have thought that Pangu, who was imprisoned in the prison, would be able to refine the axe in that prison to open up an area that belongs only to him.

From then on, the Pangu realm, which was shrouded in powerful imprisonment, became the sand in the sky's eyes and a thorn in his throat.

Heaven tried every means and used all means, but after all, there was no way to break the imprisonment and destroy the Pangu Region.

It is precisely because of the emergence of Pangu, such an unworldly powerhouse who dared to kill the sky, many sect forces related to Pangu and Panzong were bloodbathed by Tianwei, and many powerful people died.

Therefore, Youyu has directly become the weakest domain of 108 domains.

There are two hundred recognized powerhouses on the sky list, and there are also two hundred powerhouses on the starry sky list who have extremely terrifying accomplishments in the pill, Horcrux, and soul formation.

However, none of the famous powerhouses on this list came from Youyu.

And everyone knows that if this quiet domain hadn't been created and named by Heavenly Father, Tian would want to remove the quiet domain completely.

The creator Pangu was naturally hated and spurned by people. On that mountain, that once had a powerful sect, only the ruins and the huge stone statue that seemed so lonely were left at this time.

It was a huge stone statue of Pangu kneeling and repenting.

Those who live in the secluded area will spit a few mouthfuls in front of the stone statue from time to time to show their loyalty to the sky and their anger towards the traitors.

Those who enter the secluded area will also go to the stone statue first, and spit a few saliva before talking.

This has become a tradition.

Li Zedao naturally wanted to go to the stone statue, but not to spat.

I am a creature he created, how dare you spit at him so disrespectfully?

He just wanted to worship, and then set off to Chaos Valley, looking for the ice dragon.

It's just that when Li Zedao approached the Panshan Mountains, he was stopped by a few strong men who were not weak in cultivation.

"The Panshan Mountains have been closed for a long time, and will not open until a month later." One of the black-clothed men arched his hands and said.

The attitude is surprisingly good, without the slightest malice.

Li Zedao was stunned, with a smile on his face, and asked: "Dare to ask you, I don't know what happened in the Panshan Mountain Range? It is going to be closed?"

Could it be that some treasure appeared, so the forces behind these guys simply sealed the mountain to prevent others from getting in and taking a share?

But it's not right. If you are so domineering and want to monopolize your baby, you can't have such a good attitude.

Wait, the clothes of these people still have the logo...

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, these people actually came from Youyu Mansion.

From this point of view, the closure of Panshan is an official act.

The staff of these Youyu Mansion looked at each other with a little surprise.

The upcoming entry conference in the Panshan Mountains will officially begin ten days later. This matter has been notified by the various domain governments a year ago. Does this guy even know?

"Oh, I was seriously injured before going down. I have been in a state of healing, and it has been a long time since I came out." Li Zedao explained casually.

"So that's it." The black-clothed man had no doubts.

"That's the case. This time the scoring conference was held in the Panshan Mountains, so the Panshan Mountains are in a closed state at this time."

Li Zedao looked like this, and he felt confused. What is it about entering the list?

"I don't know how your cultivation is?" The black man asked again.

He could only see that Li Zedao was a great realm cultivation base, and he didn't know how strong it was.

"High-grade cultivation base in the great realm." Li Zedao said truthfully.

"So you are eligible to participate in this tournament like the list." The black-clothed man said.

"If you want to participate, you can sign up in front of Youyu Mansion."

"So that's the case, thank you." Li Zedao Yi.

"You're polite." The black-clothed man replied.

One day later, Li Zedao came to Youcheng.

The steep mountain outside Youcheng City is called Youshan. The Youyu Mansion that manages Youyu is located on the highest peak of that Youshan. It looks like a god, overlooking the whole Youyu, and makes people feel a sense of awe.

Youcheng is very large and grand, and there are many strong people gathered in the city, and it seems that they are all here for the so-called scoring conference a month later.

Li Zedao wanted to find an inn first, and then went to find out what was going on with the so-called scoring conference.

Naturally, he didn't want to participate in this ranking conference. He only cared about whether the ranking conference would affect his entry into Chaos Valley to find the ice dragon.

Li Zedao asked Butterfly Wing about the so-called entry conference, and Butterfly Wing did not want to answer.

Because this question is too low-level.

You know, anyone in the heavens knows what it takes to be on the list for a while, even a Horcrux that is not human at all.

But this shameless idiot master didn't know, it was really hard for Butterfly Wing to imagine that his ignorance had reached such a heinous level.

At this moment, an extremely surprised voice came from behind him.

"Ugly, you are not dead?"

This sweet and waxy voice...

Li Zedao turned his head back for a moment, only to see a cute little Lolita looking at herself in amazement, her voice was very sweet, but her expression was still as if she had seen a ghost.

It wasn't that the threat posed by the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch was rather loyal and "abandoned" herself. Who is Miss Yun?

"Not dead." Li Zedao laughed.

Although this girl who thinks that this girl with very bad character and morality asks this question is too stupid, he is the Deputy Sect Master of the Hanfeng Sect. How can the sage of the Eastern Emperor stand him?

But at this time, Li Zedao is quite happy to meet such a strong thigh defensively.

I finally have thighs again, which is great.

"It's really nice that you are not dead, so this lady doesn't need to continue to worry about where to find the perfect host." Yun Yu is like a little girl who sees her favorite doll for a long time, smiling very happily .

Li Zedao was a little unhappy.

What does this woman think of him? Had she forgotten that in the Yinyou Mountains, facing the threat of the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch, she had abandoned herself rather ruthlessly, causing her to almost die.


Yun Yu had already come to the front, the big eyes of those watery souls looked up and down at Li Zedao, but he smiled happily.

"Ugly monsters, did the ugly monsters of the Eastern Emperor Sage make you eat **** and pee? How does it taste?"


Li Zedao's face was as black as ink, and he turned around and left, never wanting to pay attention to this woman with very bad character.

No matter what kind of mood the ugly monsters are, Yun Yu giggled at the same time, her delicate body could not wait to hit Li Zedao's body hard, was instantly crushed, and then turned into invisible, attached to Li Zedao's soul.

Li Zedao was very sad and angry. You just slept with me again. Do you think this son is that kind of casual person?

After Li Zedao's soul was separated, Yun Yu stretched her waist quite comfortably, and finally got a good night's sleep.

Looking up, the beautiful butterfly is looking at herself quite disgustingly.

"Hey, your ugly butterfly makes you dare to dislike this lady? Do you believe this lady beat you... Forget it, don't care about you, this lady went to bed."

Butterfly Wing continued to dislike it.

Because of the presence of a thick thigh Yunyu, Li Zedao went to the inn and began to close his eyes and cultivate his spirits, instead of going out to inquire about the news about entering the list.

Waiting for Yun Yu to sleep enough for this kind of thing, just ask her.

Yun Yu slept for three days, only then came out of Li Zedao's soul.

She stretched her waist quite comfortably, and the humming noise she made was sweet and glutinous, and it was extremely easy to provoke the sins in the man's heart.

Li Zedao is not an ordinary man, and he has no idea about this little Lolita with a huge background, just treating her as a lovely thigh.

So, he showed a face he thought was the most handsome and looked at this woman.

"Ugly monsters, don't laugh, you laugh more ugly." Yun Yu curled his lips quite disgustingly.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. This woman's aesthetic point of view is really problematic. Even the terrifying powerhouse like Ms. Luo Hua drools when he sees him. It's okay for you to unswervingly think that this son is ugly. .

"I am sorry."

Yun Yu seemed to change his face, and his small face was already full of apologies.

In any case, in the Yinyou Mountains, facing the threat of the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch, she kicked him out of the soul formation, which was a bit cruel after all.

No, not a bit cruel, but rather cruel!

This is the most perfect host, he just kicked him away like this, is it really cruel to him?

So Yun Yu felt that she had to say sorry to herself.

Li Zedao shook his head and said with a smile: "This is not to blame you."

The look Yun Yu looked at Li Zedao hurt Li Zedao, because he often looked at others with this look, which was an idiot look.

Yun Yu said speechlessly: "Ugly, this lady is apologizing to herself, okay?"


Li Zedao finally felt the slightest touch and fed the dog again in an instant. Sure enough, how could this woman with a very corrupt character and morality realize her mistake?

"Ugly monsters, how did you escape the palms of the ugly monsters of the Eastern Emperor Sage?" Yun Yu's big eyes rolled around Li Zedao, quite curious.

In her opinion, the sage of the Eastern Emperor suffered such humiliation, and she didn't even mind using the Glory Token to make the ugly monsters pay a painful price. In this case, the ugly monsters were safe and sound, and even the cultivation base had skyrocketed a lot. It's the top grade repair in the Dadao Realm, which is a bit weird.

Before Li Ze could say anything, Yun Yu's eyes widened and said, "Did you find the Bichi Holy Spring?"

But it's not right. Even if you find the Bichi Sacred Spring, the Eastern Emperor Sage cannot just let the ugly monsters go, right?

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