The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2874: The center of the earth

Looking at the dazzling golden figure, the gray egg face of Pa Xia Patriarch became solemn, and a slight bitterness arose in his heart.

He never expected to say that Suzaku, one of the four ambassadors around the sky, also appeared.

I heard that the four ambassadors have always acted alone, but now two of them have appeared all at once.

At this moment, two more voices sounded, and then a white ray and a red ray fell into the sky, and the entire gray mountain range was directly lit.

"I'm here too!"

"Hey, how can you get rid of my old lady in a fight like this?"

Pa Xia Patriarch's egg face became extremely dignified, and his heart was even a little desperate.

After playing it, I didn’t expect that not only Suzaku would come, but also Baihu and Xuanwu!

The four ambassadors around the sky appeared!

Who can resist the four ambassadors at the same time?

Paxia Patriarch can only think of three names.

In the Tianyu Tiangong, the sky above the sky.

Nine-headed dragon on the island outside the sky

The terrifying pill that was refined with great effort by Heavenly Father in the past, but the medicine is infinite.

The patriarch of the overlord is not a heaven, not a nine-headed dragon, nor is it a pill Promise, so it seems that it has the fate of exterminating the clan.

Pa Xia Patriarch was very unwilling, very angry, it suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a roar of extreme grief and indignation.

All the monsters of the Tyrant Clan followed the patriarch, and they all raised their voices to the sky and let out a roar of grief and indignation.

The expressions of the four ambassadors are either indifferent, calm, or with an inexplicable smile.

But in their eyes, there was only the tall gray figure of Patriarch Ba Xia, and the rest of the shemales were not worthy of a second look at them.

At this moment, the ladyboys with egg faces suddenly rushed out of the gloom, madly rushing towards the four dazzling lights, like moths battling into the fire, but they did not turn back.

"Hehe, for the sake of how useful your souls are, my old lady is reluctant to do anything about it."

There was a smile on Xuanwu's face, and the next moment, a violent breath rolled away in all directions.

At the same time, Qinglong and Suzaku also moved.

Together, they rushed towards the patriarch Baxia.

Undoubtedly, the Overlord Clan is very strong, and any **** of the Overlord Clan has the strength to be in the same realm.

The strength of the Patriarch under the Tyrant is extremely powerful, and it can easily write its name on that sky list.

However, the opponent of the next clan is the four ambassadors around the sky, the strong ones who have written their names on the sky list.

Even people think that apart from the sky, the strength of the four ambassadors is the strongest!

So there were no surprises.

With the Qinglong and Suzaku entangled with the Baxia patriarch, the other tribesmen of the Baxia clan are not much different from the white and fat lamb in the eyes of Baihu and Suzaku.

Soon, under the attack of terror, this luxurious palace hidden in gray turned into a pile of ruins.

Soon, the ground was full of clansmen from the overlord clan.

They are not dead, but their souls are about to be imprisoned in the soul lock bottle, and eventually become unconscious existence, after which they will become a part of the imprisonment that covers the entire heaven.

The patriarch overlord fought Qinglong and Suzaku, and he was at an absolute disadvantage. First it was injured by Qinglong's love flute, and then he was hit by Suzaku's sword.

At this time, seeing the disciples in the clan fall down one after another, the eyes are completely split, and the grief and anger are extreme, and the breath is even more unstable.

At this time, it suddenly felt heartbroken how painful and helpless the Tianjiao who participated in this ranking conference were hunted down and eaten by the overlord as soon as they entered this primitive space.

The ridiculous thing is that they dominated the next clan and became stupidly the knife in Tianyu's hands. Afterwards, Tianyu turned all the charges on this knife and wanted to destroy it.


Paxia Patriarch looked up to the sky and let out a deafening roar. The next moment, his hand suddenly squeezed a stone in his hand. For a while, a gray glow suddenly wrapped the gray body of Paxia Patriarch. Up.

At random, the figure of the Pa Xia Patriarch completely disappeared in this space.

When Qinglong and Suzaku saw each other, their brows were raised instantly, and there was a dignified look in the eyes that were originally full of indifferent but powerful, and they were even more surprised.

In the next moment, Qinglong's ruthless flute and Suzaku's sky sword blasted on the gray cold light that wrapped the Pa Xia patriarch without reservation.


The sound of terror burst, and the breath that burst out turned into a wave of terror, surging in all directions, and the entire space trembled violently.

The surrounding disciples of the domineering clan who hadn't fallen down couldn't bear the crush of this terrifying aura, and they spurted blood and fell to the ground.

But breathing, the gray cold light scattered, but at this time there was no trace of the overbearing patriarch.

In this way, he disappeared in front of the two great powers, Azure Dragon and Suzaku, and it was the kind that had completely disappeared.

At this time, Azure Dragon and Suzaku could not capture any breath of the overbearing patriarch.

"The center of the earth?" Mr. Qinglong frowned.

"The center of the earth!" Suzaku nodded very surely, with a deep surprise in her eyes.

Bai Hu and Xuanwu also took a breath of cold air, and they couldn't believe that the center of the earth, one of the top ten artifacts, would be taken into the bag by the overbearing patriarch.

Among the ten great artifacts, the center of the earth is only ranked behind Tianlei, and it is a very powerful artifact.

The power of the center of the earth is that it can instantly hide the traces and breath of its owner, even the high sky can never catch its traces.

However, this kind of hiding is not about teleporting people to another place, so Paxia Patriarch is still here. He is using the pair that he doesn’t know where he grew up, but he must be full of grief and anger, full of vicious eyes staring at the four ambassadors. , It's just that the traces and aura are perfectly hidden, and they perfectly become a part of this space.

In other words, the overbearing patriarch at this time may suddenly show up at any time and give the most deadly blow.

Therefore, the four ambassadors all looked indifferent, but did not dare to be too careless.

They had formed a kind of horrible tacit understanding for a long time, and they didn't even make eye contact, so they stood together back to back, looking indifferently in all directions.

In this way, the overbearing patriarch could not suddenly appear behind them and attack them.

"I didn't expect that the center of the earth would be in the hands of the Pa Xia patriarch." Suzaku sighed.

"Damn, don't want to kill him now." Bai Hu shook a knife in his hand, and those tiger eyes scanned the surroundings indifferently, quite uncomfortable.

The four ambassadors were dispatched at the same time, but they still couldn't take over the patriarch of the next clan. Even at this time, they had to be wary of sudden attacks by others. In Baihu's eyes, this was quite a shame.

Fortunately, this kind of thing happened in this primitive space, as long as they don't tell them, no one knows.

Otherwise, the four ambassadors aloft may become the laughingstock of the heavens.

The knife Bai Hu held in his hand was exquisite, or rather luxurious.

In this gray space, it exudes such a mysterious light, as if it was inlaid with diamonds.

But this knife is very small, like a child's toy knife.

But whoever sees this knife will have extremely hot eyes, and will reveal a kind of gloom called greed.

Because this knife the size of a fruit knife is called a ground knife.

One of the top ten artifacts of the earth knife.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you kill or not. Anyway, the soul is enough." Xuanwu said with a smile, "Besides, Pa Xia doesn't even want to get out of this primitive space. Is he afraid that he will trouble us in the future?"

Mr. Qinglong said: "I'm really grateful that it can't leave this primitive space, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

The strength of the patriarch under the overlord is not below them. If they are using the center of the earth to hide their tracks perfectly, even the Heavenly Palace can be entered.

The Tiangong is located on the top of the Tianshan Mountains in the heavens. It is the palace where the heaven lives. It is also the center, the most sacred, and the most difficult or impossible place to enter the 108 areas of the heavens.

The reason why the Tiangong is impossible to enter is not because there is a powerful soul formation imprisoning the Tiangong.

On the contrary, there was no soul formation in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

But because the sky is there, and because there are many strong men there, it is impossible to enter.

Even if it was Pangu of the past, it was only at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and was stopped by Suzaku.

He simply failed to climb to the top of the mountain that day, arrived at the Heavenly Palace and saw the face of the sky.

But the patriarch under the overlord who possesses the center of the earth might really be able to enter the heavenly palace.

"Hehe, Mr. Qinglong is also scared?" Xuanwu smiled disdainfully.

"It's a headache, not a fear." Mr. Qinglong explained seriously.

"Mr. Qinglong, the explanation is to cover up." Xuanwu's smile was even more disdainful.

"Don't be careless." Suzaku said lightly.

"Haha, my old lady is careless, what's the matter with you, a dissatisfied pornstar?" Xuanwu's tone became gloomy.

When Xuanwu faced Qinglong, if it was ridicule, then when he faced Suzaku, there was obviously a trace of sorrow in his voice.

Suzaku said coldly, "Do you want to die?"

"Do you want to die?" Xuanwu asked with a sneer.

Bai Hu is a little helpless, why do these two women quarrel as soon as they are together? Is it childish to say "you want to die" at every turn?

If you have the ability, don't talk nonsense, just start to beat you to death, I will definitely help you cheer and shout.

Suzaku regarded herself as innocent and didn't care about this woman who had a problem with his brain. Xuanwu didn't bother to continue to care about this sulky girl in her eyes. She didn't want to be tainted with a sneer.

Her gorgeous and moving eyes swept the surroundings and sneered, "What about the center of the earth? The old lady is not afraid of this dead ladyboy. The old lady is going to imprison the souls of those ladyboys now, don't waste it."

Before he finished his words, Xuanwu's figure resembled a ghost, and he had already appeared in front of a ladyboy who was struggling to stand up, with a gentle and charming smile, as if he was looking at his lover.

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