The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2876: Two Heavens

The patriarch Baxia temporarily put away his anger and sorrow, instead of looking at the scene in the confinement, he took away the monsters lying on the ground one by one.

"It's a pity those souls." Bai Hu glanced up at the disappearing gray figure, feeling quite upset.

The four ambassadors attacked together, but they couldn't destroy even an overlord who was trapped in a primitive space. It was really shameless to see people.

"It's really a pity," Qinglong said, "These monsters, who were originally counted as the next clan, need the strong souls basically enough, but now they are still less."

"This is a short answer, shouldn't it be enough to hold a ranking conference?" Bai Hu nodded with deep approval.

Xuanwu didn't bother to take care of this idiot, glanced provocatively at Suzaku, and sneered: "Suzaku-sama contributed your sorrowful soul to you, won't all the problems be solved?"

Suzaku was expressionless and didn't even look at Xuanwu.

The next moment, a terrifying sword aura appeared across the air, slashing directly at Xuanwu.

Xuanwu's body was already shrouded in blood-red gloom, and his face was full of mockery.

Bai Hu shouted loudly: "Two sisters, please don't do it any time now... Sister Suzaku this sword is really powerful... It's really a broken shield, the defense is so terrible..."


Although I found the long-lost sense of security, Li Zedao soon discovered that the situation was not right, something quite wrong.

He found that with the passage of time, half of his soul had actually begun to be entangled by the extremely cold breath, and it was almost frozen.

The other half of the soul started to smoke, almost burning.

As time continued to pass, the cold breath and the hot breath actually began to confront each other, and there was a terrifying collision, causing Li Zedao's soul to be crushed into pieces by this completely opposite breath.

In short, this dual-day situation of ice and fire not only did not bring any pleasure to Li Zedao, it brought pain no less than being burned by the fire.

Li Zedao soon understood what was going on.

What he is now is on the soul formation that completely divides this primitive space into two completely different parts, which is the junction of two completely different areas.

To put it more bluntly, this is the starting point for the confrontation between the two great horror powerhouses in the past, and here is the horror aura left by the two great powerhouses that is still being confronted.

Li Zedao thought he was very clever to stay on this weak river and in front of the soul formation. Although this move can avoid the monsters and red wolves, it is equivalent to the guns of the two guns that are facing each other. mouth.

At this time, the bullets that were constantly being fired from the two guns naturally all shot at him.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao was frightened and felt that he was a big fool.

Butterfly Wing said with certainty that you are right, you are a big idiot.

It seems that this weak, despicable and shameless master still has a little bit of merit, for example, he clearly recognizes that he is a big fool.

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to Butterfly Wing, he felt very wronged.

You can't even stay in the safest place. It still keeps people from living, your sister's sister!

Li Zedao knew that if this continued, his soul would be torn in half by these two stubborn forces of terror.

At the moment, he could only bite the bullet and carefully returned to the river bank on the side of the gray world.

It's not safe anywhere, but Li Zedao has been burned, so he has an instinctive resistance to Honggu.

Of course, the gray world is also quite insecure. At this time, in the gloom, maybe there is a terrifying egg face hidden, with a pair of eyes that don’t know where they are, staring at him greedily. It seemed as if he was staring at a piece of delicious meat.

Therefore, Li Zedao's nerves were naturally tense. He sucked in a cold breath from time to time, and didn't dare to be careless at all, and was ready to cross the river again.

Butterfly Wing is still reluctant, just like the old woman in menopause, constantly whistling and crooking: "Hehe, only an idiot will think that imprisonment is the safest place."

Li Zedao angrily said: "So you knew it already?"

This **** Horcrux, he knew that he didn't even say a word to remind him, it was extremely vicious.

Does it really want to die quickly?

Li Zedao was very sad to find that Butterfly Wing indeed hoped that he should die quickly so that he could change his master.

Butterfly Wing naturally said: "Nonsense, this son is not a fool, how could he not know?"

Li Zedao asked: "Since you know, why don't you remind?"

"Your sister, although this son knows that you are a stupid, but he doesn't know that you are such a stupid."

Contemptuously contemptuous, Die Yi suddenly became quite annoyed: "Why, why do I have to claim to be my son? What's so, in the future, this son will call himself Lao. Who dares to disagree, I will be anxious!"


I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao suddenly noticed that an extremely cold breath suddenly blew behind him, but it suddenly invaded the depths of his soul.

A cold sweat broke out on Li Zedao's back. He knew that a terrifying enemy was coming, but it was too late to react.

That aura was so cold and domineering, it instantly restrained Li Zedao's soul.

So let alone escape to that powerful soul formation again, even words can't even be spoken.

Now Li Zedao has become a fat pig **** with five flowers, just waiting for the butcher to lift the pig knife in his hand and stab him in the neck.

At this moment, as if there was a gust of wind blowing, the thick gray fog surrounding it seemed to disperse a little, so Li Zedao clearly saw several terrifying egg faces.

What Li Zedao never expected was that these egg-faced ladyboys were lying there, either motionless like a corpse, or twitching lightly and making extremely painful groans-groans.

There are hundreds of them.

Li Zedao couldn't help but took a few breaths, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

He was shocked to find that the hundreds of ladyboys with egg faces were seriously injured, and there were even several cold corpses among them!

This is the primitive space, and these monsters are the sole rulers of the gray realm of this primitive space. When the red wolves failed to break the soul formation and pass through the river, and those outside the unified realm failed to enter, who Can severely hurt so many shemales?

Could there be an infighting?

Or does it mean that the Gray Realm not only lives with these powerful egg-faced shemales, but also other more powerful beasts?

Li Zedao also clearly felt that this gray space had a lot of strong emotions.

pain! anger! vicious!

At this moment, another tall gray figure walked out of the thick gray fog and appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Like a late hero, the old man in the stables, in short, this figure looks so tired and decadent, it tried to straighten its body, and stood there again in a powerful posture, but in the end it was sitting on the ground, embarrassed. Extremely.

At the same time, as if the eggshell of a rotten egg was broken, gray liquid constantly emerged from its egg face, emitting a pungent stench.

Li Zedao could tell at a glance that this tall ladyboy had suffered extremely serious injuries.

But even so, the coldness that radiated from it was so terrifying, and that coldness was now shrouded in the depths of his soul.

Li Zedao knew better than anyone that if it wanted to kill him, it was just a matter of thought.

Therefore, Li Zedao began to feel a little desperate. He probably knew that he was about to be seriously injured by this body, but the still terrifying **** ate it one bite at a time, and even the bones and scum would not be left.

His soul will be imprisoned in the soul lock bottle, and will completely lose all consciousness, and then will become a soul pill or a Horcrux, or a part of the soul formation.

At this moment, Li Zedao clearly felt that a pair of eyes fell on this one, and the coldness that entangled his soul for a while, once again became a bit rich.

As a result, a thin layer of frost began to appear on Li Zedao's body.

"You, why haven't you been eaten?" The violent voice exploded in Li Zedao's ears.

Pa Xia Patriarch was surprised that such a weak human actually existed here.

Like those who were hunted down and eaten as prey by their tyrants, and confined their souls, did he enter this primitive space to participate in the so-called ranking meeting?

No, it's impossible.

The overlord clan will not miss any prey.

Therefore, this human being naturally entered this primitive space with the four ambassadors.

That being the case, they ate him one bite in front of the four ambassadors. Although it was far from enough to avenge the hatred, it was still possible to relieve the hatred in the heart.

Li Zedao couldn't answer this question, because he was frozen, and he couldn't speak at all now.

Of course, even if he could speak, he really couldn't say that the ladyboy gave him time to escape because of the fire.

There is kindness that grows naturally in his bones, and Li Zedao really can't do that kind of kindness and revenge.

Believing that this thin human being entered with the four ambassadors, the Pa Xia Patriarch immediately counted all the anger on Li Zedao.

So the hoarfrost on Li Zedao's body turned directly into gray ice.

That terrifying coldness madly invaded his soul, and the pain it caused was no less than being burned by the fire.

Butterfly Wing was quite excited, this weak master must be dead now, right?

He was finally dying, and he was finally free.

Die Yi was so happy that she shed tears of excitement.

At this moment, a weak but rather vicious voice sounded: "Clan... Patriarch, this guy is... the prey I was snatched by Pan Tu..."

Without finishing a sentence, the ladyboy passed out because of his injuries.

Although Li Zedao was tragically attacked by horror and coldness, it was really painful, but his consciousness was sober, so he naturally recognized the voice at once.

It was the ladyboy who had been bathing in the lake before.

At this moment the ladyboy was lying there, the originally tender and white egg face was covered by the gray fishy liquid, and was extremely injured.

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