The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2882: Master is amazing

The black figure was horrified to find that the guy in front of him, who seemed rather inconspicuous to him, turned out to be a strong master of high-grade cultivation in the Great Dao Realm!

And he himself is just the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of the Great Dao Realm, and the difference in strength between them is really too big.

But hesitated, the black shadow turned into an afterimage, and let's run away first, as long as he escaped back to the divine pill furnace where the master lived, it would be safe.

But Sombra overestimated his speed, and even underestimated the strength gap between them, Li Zedao could easily catch up with him even if he didn't use the butterfly wings.

Just as Bian Tuo's apprentice turned into an afterimage, a blood-red sword net had already fallen from the sky, shrouded him in it, and immediately strangled him frantically.

The black figure's complexion changed wildly, trying to resist, but as he knew clearly, the strength gap between them was too big, how could he withstand the ravages of this terrorist sword net?

But breathing, the screaming screams rippled far away, startled countless birds and beasts around him, and this space also added a strong smell of blood.

After a few breaths, the blood red sword net disappeared, and the black shadow turned into a blood red shadow.

The apprentice Bian Tuo is still alive and has not been cut into countless pieces.

Not being cut into countless pieces is fortunate but also unfortunate.

Because there were countless scars on his body, shocking blood was constantly emerging from those wounds, his soul was also severely damaged, and the indescribable pain was torturing him to death.

The black shadow made a scream that became weak but still stern, and he raised his head with difficulty, and his blood-red eyes were full of fear, watching as he stood there quietly, looking at his powerful enemy with cold eyes.

Immediately, all the fear in his eyes was replaced by spite, and he looked exhausted, but he was full of confidence, and roared: "Do you...know who my master is?"

Li Zedao stretched out his hands and buttoned his ears, feeling a little helpless. Why did these people quickly move out of their parents if they couldn't beat them?

Besides, is Alchemy Biantuo great?

Thinking so in my heart, my mouth just said, "Is the Pill God Biantuo great?"


Sombra's pupils were wide, and he was stunned, not knowing what to answer.

Originally, he wanted to say the name of the master in a violent manner, and scared this person who knew nothing about life and death to death. He didn't expect that the other party would know the name of the master, and even ignored the existence of the master so much?

Is Alchemy Biantuo very affordable?

In Sombra’s mind, Master is naturally quite remarkable. Even in order to flatter her, he feels that Master has long surpassed most of the strong on the sky list, and even the four ambassadors cannot follow Master. Zhenghui!

Especially after Master got the ghost hand, they even thought that Master was already a powerful existence under one person and above 10,000 people when they were apprentices.

Only the high heaven is qualified to be compared with Master.

The four ambassadors are not unworthy even to lift shoes for Master!

Not to mention that the master is an absolute sage along with the pill, and there is an endless stream of people who come to seek pill, and there are many strong people on the sky list. Many of these strong people respect the master as gods.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Master is amazing!

But now the fellow of the high-grade cultivation base in the Dao Realm actually said that Master is nothing great... is there a terrifying strong behind him?

Or is this a big idiot who doesn't know the height of the sky?

"Don't you believe it? Then bring this young man to Pill Shen Biantuo, this young man will prove to you that your master is really nothing extraordinary, even if he has a very high level of accomplishments in the pill, even if he makes friends. It's so wide, even if he has one of the top ten magical artifacts, it's nothing great!"

Li Zedao's voice was calm and calm, as if he was talking about a very trivial thing. Tofu costs two yuan, and green vegetables costs one yuan. It's that simple.

"My son will definitely make your master obediently kneel in front of my son and confess."

Sombra was once again shocked by this guy's life-and-death words, and felt that these words were a bit ridiculous.

Then he smiled, his bloodstained face was covered with a cruel smile.

He said viciously: "Jie Jie Jie, since you want to die, I will naturally satisfy you."

After half an hour, Shen Dan furnace.

For many people, the God Pill Furnace is an absolutely sacred place like Yufu.

Here, they can ask for the pill that they need, provided that they have paid a reward that satisfies the alchemy **** Biantuo.

If you want to ask the pill **** Biantuo to leave the pill furnace, you need to pay a greater price.

For example, before the Liuguang family invited Pill God Biantuo to the Liuguang Mountain Villa to help Hanguang Changkong heal, they paid a great price, and even the Hanguang maple leaf was betrothed to one of Pill God Biantuo's disciples.

At this time, the pill furnace was extremely quiet, and there were no people who came to seek pill. The pill God Bian Tuo who should have been making pill was also not here, presumably he went out for a walk after eating and drinking.

The shadow is a little confused, and the whole person is not good.

Master is not there? How can he be away?

He is not there, what if this unwilling guy turns into a robber and snatches the contents of the **** pill furnace?

That's for it, what if this guy is frantic and strangles himself into pieces by another sword net?

He has a talent that is not weak in pill medicine, and he is also not weak in cultivating a talent. Such an excellent person will definitely become a strong person far surpassing the master in the future.

How could he be gone now?

He could only force himself to calm down, and said viciously in his voice: "Jie Jie Jie, when my master comes back, you will be dead."

Of course, my heart is guilty.

Li Zedao casually threw this guy who was so scared to death but was quite **** the ground, and fell a dog to eat shit.

The black shadow trembled with anger, and felt that all the humiliations that Master had put on him were all added up, and it was not as much as the current one.

Li Zedao smelled the smell of medicine that he liked very much, and looked at this fairly familiar place.

Before, he was maliciously humiliated by the apprentice of Pill Shen Biantuo in this simple courtyard...Of course, he still failed to humiliate successfully after all.

The beasts that Bian Tuo's disciple prepared were all scared to constipation.

In the end, the gaze fell on the front, which looked a little crude, but it was the room that was constantly exuding alluring smells, and the eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

Li Zedao walked towards the house.

When Sombra saw it, he was anxious.

That's the place where masters refining alchemy, let alone outsiders, even those who are apprentices, can't enter casually.

Those who enter at will, kill without mercy!

He was just like the chained looking at the door, so he could only call.

"That's the forbidden place of my God Pill Furnace. If you dare to step into even one step, you will undoubtedly die... Uhhhh..."

The black shadow couldn't even scream, because there was a foreign object in his mouth.

That is a stone.


The black shadow spit out the **** stone in his mouth, which also contained several teeth.

His extremely scarlet eyes stared at the figure that had entered the forbidden area, revealing a strong and vicious color.

As if entering his own kitchen, Li Zedao entered the so-called forbidden area of ​​the God Pill Furnace without the slightest pressure.

The outside of the house looked rudimentary, but there was a cave inside. The space here was much larger than Li Zedao had imagined.

At the same time, the flavor of the mixed herbs that Li Zedao liked so much became even stronger.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and swept around.

Then it was as if a cat saw a mouse, a dog saw a bone, Liu Shui saw a musical instrument that had never been seen before, and Miss Luo Hua saw a Li Gongzi... Li Zedao's eyes were getting brighter, and even his saliva was flowing down.

Whether it was the medicinal and beast pill cores on the medicine cabinets around the room or the pill that had already been practiced, Li Zedao was very heartbroken.

There are also soul bottles, and even some soul bottles are marked with the word awakening.

Or the word "soul", or the word "pu".

Therefore, the soul bottle contained a very pure soul or a very pure soul. The alchemy **** Biantuo was so vicious and cruel so many innocent people and created so many living corpses to collect these things. .

Li Zedao decided to walk for the sky, so he put all these things into his soul ring.

Walking out of the hut, the struggling shadow was staring at him with vicious eyes, and there was a touch of helplessness and grievance in the viciousness.

Heiying thought that the master was in this sacred pill furnace, so he simply led the indifferent guy back to the sacred pill furnace. He wanted to stare at how this bold guy was tortured by the master. .

But I didn't expect that Master was not there, so things were completely different.

He is no longer taking the Xiao Xiaozhi who dares to provoke the authority of the pill **** Biantuo back to the **** pill furnace, but has led the culprits back to the **** pill furnace.

If this guy just patted his **** and left, what should he do?

Li Zedao didn't bother to bully this poor guy, and slashed towards the house with a sword in his hand.


I didn't know the house was cut into tens of thousands of pieces in an instant, and collapsed suddenly.

Black Shadow took a violent body, because of excessive anger and excessive fear, blood was still slowly flowing from the corners of his mouth.

This guy is naturally looking for death, and with the means of the respected master, he will definitely make him repent and continue to live.

But the key is that the carefully cultivated living corpse was destroyed first, and now even the core room of the Shendan furnace has become a pile of ruins, and the contents inside have been looted.

Therefore, the master will not only vent his anger on this guy who does not know his life or death, but also vent his anger.

Li Zedao glanced back at the black shadow and asked, "When will Pill God Biantuo come back? If he is coming back, my son is going to leave."

"...Master will be back soon!" Black Shadow nodded with deep approval.

He was really afraid of this guy who didn't know where he came from, patted his **** and left.

Li Zedao nodded: "Then wait for another incense stick time. If you still don't see the pill **** Bian Tuo after the incense stick, my son will set fire to the **** pill furnace, and then pat his **** and leave."

Sombra's chest was undulating so much that he was about to spew a mouthful of blood.

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