The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2891: Donghuang Linger

So many people began to believe in something that they had never believed before.

Tangshan is a dog, there is no doubt about it, but he is not the dog raised by the eldest lady, he is the dog raised by the third lady!

Tangshan's move was to help Young Master Xiaochen take off his wasteful hat, and it was to insult the old lady to death.

Tangshan's face was even more distorted, showing a purple-red color, and his eyes were still round.

But there was no anger in his heart anymore, only confusion, only fear.

He knew how powerful his punch was just now, but just like that, he was so easily stopped by this useless hand, and the powerful aura he exploded suddenly disappeared without a trace. trace.

At this time, he felt that there was a terrible coercion covering him, making him unmovable at all.

He discovered a terrible fact.

This stalemate is not a stalemate, and it is not a low-quality cultivation.

He is very strong, terrible, and shameless... He shamelessly hides his cultivation!

From Tangshan's point of view, if this wimpy didn't hide his cultivation level in this way, how could he dare to humiliate him so unscrupulously? He is not a fool.

Li Zedao looked at Tangshan's eyes that showed deep horror, and said lightly: "The eldest lady is the person in charge of Donghuang Villa, and you are a dog raised by the eldest lady, so strictly speaking, you are the same as Donghuang. A dog raised in the villa!"

"And my father is Donghuang Qiankun, and my grandfather is Donghuang Taiyi! I am a child of Donghuang Villa! So, strictly speaking, I am also your master."

"The dog dared to yell and bark at its owner, and even wanted to kill the owner. How do you think the owner should punish this dog?"

Li Zedao's face was very calm, and his voice was very flat. It didn't seem to be accusing, let alone the slightest threat. It was like talking about a handful of cabbage for one dollar. It was such a simple matter.

But Tang Shan's heart was filled with unprecedented fear.

The people around suddenly felt a chill. They looked at the figure that had suddenly become extremely unfamiliar, and their expressions became involuntary in a trance.

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "killed?"

Of course, this is not asking Tangshan's meaning, but this matter is set, Li Zedao really wants to kill this dog who dares to slap himself in the face.

Do you think you are Miss Luohua? Do you think you are Mr. Qinglong? Why do you slap my son in the face?

The fear in Tang Shan's eyes was even worse. His throat squirmed desperately. He wanted to say that I was the lady's person. If you dare to move me, the lady will not let you go.

He even wanted to beg for mercy, because the other's calm eyes and calm tone were really terrifying.

But under the cover of that powerful coercion, Tang Shan couldn't speak at all.

In the next moment, Tang Shan clearly felt that there were two terrifying auras that entangled his two arms tightly.

"you dare?"

Tangshan was terrified, his throat squirming desperately with these two words that could not be uttered. .

"Boom!" The bursting voice sounded.

Tangshan's two arms directly turned into blood mist, and countless shocking blood spots appeared on the surrounding ice and snow ground, and a pungent smell of blood appeared in the cold space.

Because of the pain, Tangshan's face was severely distorted, his body trembled, and his mouth opened wide, but he couldn't utter a cry of mourning.

Even in such a short period of time, the minds of those around them have experienced violent rippling many times, and they think that even if the sky is falling at this time, they will not have much reaction.

But at this moment, I was shocked again when I saw a scene.

A trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of Tangshan's mouth, and then his trembling legs could no longer support his stump. He knelt heavily in the ice and snow, before Li Zedao.

Li Zedao seemed as if nothing had happened, he lifted his foot, and then kicked Tangshan's chest quite casually.

After all, Li Zedao still didn't dare to make things so big, didn't dare to kill Tangshan, just let him go.

So Tangshan spurted blood while turning into a kicked meat ball, rolling on the snowy ground.

A white figure appeared like a ghost.

This is a girl with a little immature on her face.

The girl frowned and looked at the meat ball that was rolling towards her, and gently waved her hand, as if she was swaying a rather annoying fly.

In an instant, an extremely cold breath fiercely blasted on the rolling meat ball.

So the rolling meat ball became a meat ball that was kicked out.

After a few breaths, the meat ball hit the wall of a courtyard by the roadside, but it directly smashed through the wall, and then another series of muffled noises came.

Immediately afterwards, the courtyard collapsed, and Tangshan, which was turned into a ball of meat, was buried in the ruins, life and death unknown.

The entire space was once again shrouded in weird silence, everyone was silent, but the little heart trembled so much that no one dared to look at the girl again.

Li Zedao knew who this girl who appeared suddenly was.

In the information Qinglong gave, several people were introduced, including this young girl.

Donghuang Linger, the youngest daughter of the eldest lady, and the sister of Donghuang Shengjun, belong to the lower level of cultivation.

According to the information, Donghuang Ling'er's talent in cultivating a gang is not weaker than that of the Eastern Emperor, so it is only a matter of time before she becomes a powerful person like the Eastern Emperor.

When he first saw this information, Li Zedao had to admire the great lady's strength.

The children she gave birth to are extremely outstanding, especially the Eastern Emperor Shengjun and the Eastern Emperor Linger.

In contrast, the sons and daughters of the second wife and the third wife were a bit inferior, especially the third wife, who also gave birth to a waste like Donghuang Xiaochen who had spent a lot of effort barely stepping into the great realm.

Donghuang Ling'er looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly, but there was a hint of surprise in the depths of her eyes.

She had passed here by accident before, and saw that Tang Shan was planning to humiliate Donghuang Xiaochen, but she didn't bother to pay attention to it, but the scene that happened immediately made her feel incredible.

Donghuang Xiaochen even arbitrarily resisted Tangshan's angry blow, and even enveloped Tangshan to death with powerful pressure.

She clearly felt that it belonged to the coercion of the high quality cultivation base of the great realm.

Donghuang Xiaochen has already stepped into the high-grade Dao Realm?

This is what Donghuang Linger never expected. You must know that Su Yinxuan really spent a lot of effort not long ago to successfully break the mirror and step into the great realm.

Even to help Donghuang Xiaochen break through the realm, Luo Xuexuan also helped out for the first time.

After all, what Donghuang Xiaochen said was also the core disciple of the Eastern Royal Clan, and the core disciple of the Eastern Royal Clan failed to enter the Dao Realm cultivation base, and even the eldest lady felt ashamed.

However, after such a short time has passed, his cultivation base has soared, and he has entered the high-grade cultivation base of the great realm. How did he do it?

Li Zedao calmly looked at Donghuang Ling'er, and then bowed his hand in a salute.

Although counted, Donghuang Linger is smaller than Donghuang Xiaochen, and is Donghuang Xiaochen's half-sister.

But the strong is respected, so Donghuang Xiaochen must salute when he sees Donghuang Linger.

Dong Huang Ling'er nodded blankly, but said nothing, and didn't do anything to Dong Huang Xiaochen like other people had imagined to help Tangshan find a place.

She turned and left as if nothing happened.

Li Zedao also seemed as if nothing had happened, and under the gaze of everyone's fearful eyes, he continued to walk towards the courtyard that belonged to him.

The heavy snow of goose feathers began to fall, and it immediately covered the terrifying blood on the ground.

It also covers the courtyard turned into ruins, and Tangshan under the ruins seems to have been forgotten.

Pushing the door open and entering the courtyard belonging to Donghuang Xiaochen, Li Zedao felt helpless.

It's extremely white inside.

It doesn't matter if the courtyard is white, after all, the heavy snow has already begun to fall at this time, and everything in the courtyard is covered by thick white snow.

But everything in the room is white, what's the matter?

The walls are white, the tables and chairs are white, the bed is white, and even the pillows and bedding are white.

"Why is this Eastern Royal family so obsessed with white?"

The information provided by Mr. Qinglong did not explain this matter, so Li Zedao naturally did not know the answer to this question, and was too lazy to think about it.

He walked out of the room and stood in the corridor, watching the heavy snow that was flying all over the sky, quietly waiting for the arrival of some people, and thinking of various countermeasures.

Li Zedao felt that someone should come, after all, he almost slaughtered the lady's dog, and seemed to vaguely scold the lady as a dog.

Although Donghuang Linger didn't say anything, and she even kicked Tangshan away, but that didn't mean that some people in Luo Xuexuan would not take any action.

In addition, he had exposed the high-grade cultivation base of the Great Dao Realm to everyone, and Su Yinxuan couldn't fail to respond.

After an hour passed, no one came.

Two hours later, no one entered the courtyard.

Li Zedao thought about it, and then he understood.

At this time, Luo Xuexuan and Su Yinxuan were already in a state of confrontation. As for the final result, Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to it. Anyway, he would be fine.

After all, Tangshan is just a dog, and Donghuang Xiaochen is also the core child of the Eastern Royal Family, the grandson of Donghuang Taiyi and the son of Donghuang Qiankun. There is a huge difference in their identities. Farewell.

Besides, with so many eyes seeing, Tang Shan really wanted to kill him, the core disciple of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

Li Zedao started to have a headache.

It is considered to have successfully mixed into the Eastern Emperor Realm, but what's next? What should be done to get the glorious token belonging to the Eastern Royal Family from the hands of the Eastern Emperor.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a reason. I could only tell myself to take one step and count one step, and then I started to close my eyes and realize that the breath of heaven is coming.

This small courtyard is very quiet, only the sound of wind and snow.

Under the blowing of the cold wind, the snowflakes drifted towards the corridor and fell on Li Zedao who was sitting still there.

With the passage of time, the snowflakes that fell on Li Zedao's body became more and more numerous. In the end, Li Zedao was completely covered by ice and snow, and he became a snowman.

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