The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2893: Eldest lady

It is precisely because the Tang family has such a method that Donghuang Villa attaches great importance to the Tang family.

Otherwise, the Tang family would never dare to be so arrogant and domineering in the Donghuang Villa just because the eldest lady came from the Tang family.

Mo Xue's cultivation base is the peak cultivation base of the middle-ranking realm. In terms of strength, he is naturally not qualified to protect the "Young Master Chen" of the upper-ranking cultivation base of the Great Dao realm.

Of course, Li Zedao's current cultivation base once again broke through and entered the top of the Dao Realm, but the third lady didn't know it.

But this Mo Xue is a soul formation master with extremely powerful talent in the soul formation.

She can set up a medium soul formation!

The medium soul formation can withstand the sneak attack of the Tang Family's ghostly Horcruxes.

Of course, this does not include the "intangible", and the Tang family naturally wouldn't use the "intangible" on Donghuang Xiaochen.

After Mo Xue arranged a powerful soul formation to completely cover the courtyard, Li Zedao nodded slightly and said, "There is a prison girl Mo Xue."

Mo Xue was stunned, unable to react for a while.

After a while, Yishou replied: "Master Xiaochen is polite."

Young Master Xiaochen was so polite that Mo Xue was not used to it, and even thought he was dreaming.

She felt that Master Xiaochen seemed to have changed herself.

In the past, the eyes of Young Master Xiaochen were not so bright, and he often showed humbleness and weakness, just like a poor child who was always bullied.

However, such a poor child, when facing Su Yinxuan's subordinates, was arrogant with his nostrils up to the sky, and he would beat and punish him at every turn.

He always vented all the bullying and humiliation he received outside on the subordinates of Su Yinxuan.

So Donghuang Xiaochen's name of "worry and waste" was actually first spread by Su Yinxuan.

In the eyes of those underlings, only knowing that bullying people like them is not a waste of money or something.

But now Young Master Xiaochen gives people a very indifferent and cultivated feeling.

Also, what happened to his cultivation base that suddenly soared? You must know that it was only a few months since he left Donghuang Villa to go out to experience it and come back.

Within a few months, the cultivation base went from the low-grade to the high-grade cultivation base of the high-level realm. The speed at which the strength soared is really unreasonable.

Not only Mo Xue felt that there was no reason for this matter, but anyone in the East Emperor Villa felt that there was no reason for Donghuang Xiaochen's soaring cultivation base.

Naturally, it also includes the eldest lady.

In the eyes of the third lady, this is a must-have and is quite cheap, but the woman who is undoubtedly extremely powerful is standing in the courtyard covered by snow at this time.

What is surprising is that the snowflakes falling from the sky seem to have encountered a terrible enemy, as if it fell on the lady's body as a kind of blasphemy.

In short, even though she was in the wind and snow, there was no snow on her graceful body, but the kind of breath radiating from her was colder than ice and snow.

Behind the eldest lady was a mediocre, fat man.

Judging from his face, he knew Tang Shan a little bit.

But his eyes were much colder than Tangshan, and they were also extremely sharp, just like those sharp icicles condensed on the beams of a house.

When the cold eyes looked at the figure of the old lady, they would become gentle, as if a fierce dog saw his master.

"This doesn't make sense."

The eldest lady was full of wisdom in both directions, as if she couldn't hide anything from her eyes, there was an unprecedented doubt in her eyes.

There is no shortage of cultivating talents with terrifying talent in the heavens, and there is no shortage of them in the East Emperor Villa.

Her children are all top-notch talents in cultivating.

But the eldest lady has never heard of anyone who can break through from the low-grade high-grade to the high-grade high-grade in a short period of several months.

This kind of thing is beyond imagination.

The man replied: "There really is no reason."

After a pause, he said, "So the reasonable explanation is that the brat is an illusion and the third wife deliberately concealed it."

The eldest lady didn't agree with this statement. She understood the **** who deliberately hooked up with her husband and eventually became the third wife of Donghuang Villa.

That woman's methods would not be so petty.

Said: "If that's the case, why do you tell that **** woman has to do this?"

The man frowned and thought for a while, and finally shook his head. Indeed, the third wife seemed to have no reason to do so.

Are you deliberately concealing it just to suddenly burst out strong power, just to destroy Tangshan and beat the lady in the face?

The third wife is not so naive, not so boring.

Moreover, it is really not a glorious thing to let his son wear such a "wasteful" hat.

"Besides, there is no doubt that the child's cultivation base a few months ago was indeed a quasi-high-level realm."

The eldest lady said again: "So, the reasonable explanation should be that the child got a great fortune in the months he went out to practice."

Such a waste of money can get such a good luck, such unreasonable luck is really uncomfortable.

The eldest lady regretted it a little bit, she had known so long ago, she shouldn't have helped the kid break through the great realm before, and let him be a waste of her life.

The middle-aged man also felt that the eldest lady was wrong, and shouldn't be generous to help that day. Isn't this just enough to support him? And the third lady will not be grateful at all, just think that this is something you should have done a long time ago.

Of course, such doubts cannot be said.

He bowed his hand and said: "What the lady said is quite true."

There is a strong jealousy in his eyes, would such a good fortune be too big? It is almost comparable to the good fortune of the Bichi Holy Spring in the Yinyou Mountain Range.

"Even the child's good fortune, I'm afraid it's more than that." The eldest lady raised her head slightly, looked at the flying sky, and narrowed her eyes.

In an instant, a terrible breath suddenly radiated in this space.

Immediately, the time seemed to be frozen, and the falling snow was suddenly in a state of stagnation.

The eldest lady stretched out her finger and gently touched one of the frozen snowflakes.

"Kang Dang!"

As if the sound of a bottle breaking, that piece of snowflakes was pulverized into broken froth in a state visible to the naked eye, and then turned into invisible.

The man's heart was like a heavy blow, his body trembled uncontrollably, and there was a deep panic in his eyes.

The lady's "reincarnation pupil" seemed even more terrifying.

The eldest lady retracted her gaze, and the snowflakes continued to fall, still far away from the eldest lady.

The eldest lady shook her head slightly and sighed: "I don't know what Lian'er thinks, but returned the Glory Token to the old owner, indicating that he will no longer be in charge of the Glory Token."

"Naturally, I don't allow her to do this. It's just that she has grown up, and the child will have her own ideas when she grows up, and I really can't control her."

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly. Who can control the sacred emperor of the Eastern Emperor in the huge Eastern Emperor Villa?

As for the East Emperor Qiankun, it is even more irrelevant.

Not to mention that Donghuang Qiankun was not in Donghuang Villa at this time, and no one knew where he was, or even whether he was dead or alive.

Just because the sage of the East Emperor is the strongest in the East Emperor Villa, there is no one.

Now in the Eastern Emperor Villa, the eldest lady can have such a transcendent status. The reason why Luo Xuexuan can surpass Han Mei Xuan and Su Yin Xuan is naturally because of the power of the Eastern Emperor.

After a battle with Miss Luohua who had come to the door, for some reason, the Eastern Emperor Saint Monarch went to the old village master to return the Glory token.

The old owner was also confused, and he actually took back the token.

However, the old village owner himself did not want to manage this token, so the old village owner decided to hold a "snow feast" within the family a few days ago. All core disciples of the Eastern Royal family can choose not to participate in this snow feast.

Who can perform well in the snow feast, the old owner will hand over the glory token to his hand.

Few people knew about the fact that the sage of the Eastern Emperor handed the Glory token back to the old village owner, but the old village owner only said that he would hold a "snow banquet" a few days ago.

This is an internal matter in the East Emperor Mountain Villa, so only the three wives and the core disciples know about it. Those who depend on the existing tree of the East Emperor Mountain Villa do not know it.

So Mr. Qinglong didn't know this, and Li Zedao didn't even know it.

If the Glory Token falls into the hands of Han Meixuan or Su Yinxuan, then it is of course not a good thing for Luo Xuexuan and the eldest lady.

"I originally thought that even if the snow banquet was held, Ling'er would be able to stabilize the other core disciples and take over the glory token from the old village master."

The lady shook her head and said, "But now...I'm a little worried."

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then asked a little uncertainly: "The lady thinks that squandering is a spoiler?"

Even if he got a great fortune and his cultivation base skyrocketed, he was only a high-grade cultivation base in the Dao Realm after all.

With this level of cultivation, among the core children of the Eastern Royal Clan, the top ten can't get in, let alone Miss Ling'er, who has already entered the first state.

So the middle-aged man didn't understand what the lady was worried about.

Even with all the worries, the target should be Donghuang Meier of Han Meixuan and Donghuang Dachen of Su Yinxuan. These two people, like Miss Ling'er, have already entered the same state.

"Because I can't see through, I'm worried." The lady said.

The eldest lady always seeks to see through, only see through, even if she can't use it as a pawn, she can still be guarded.

But Donghuang Xiaochen couldn't see through it anymore.

The middle-aged man understood what the eldest lady meant, and his deepened voice was full of anger, and said, "Madame, Tangshan is abolished, and the eldest lady is insulted by that scumbag. I really can't swallow this breath.

The eldest lady did not respond, and she walked towards the front corridor.

There is a chessboard on the corridor, and the blacks on the chessboard are so striking in the white world deep inside.

The eldest lady looked at one of the black chess pieces, and that chess piece was instantly pink and no longer existed.

The middle-aged man watched this scene, bowed his hands and bowed, then disappeared into the wind and snow.

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