The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2903: Snow feast rules

One is to comprehend, once you have realized, you can pass the bottleneck smoothly.

Enlightenment is not limited to sitting still and feeling the aura between heaven and earth.

In fact, there are many ways to enlightenment. Constantly fighting is enlightenment. Sitting in meditation and understanding the breath of heaven and earth is enlightenment. Going to dangerous places to find opportunities is also enlightenment. Even lying on a woman is also enlightenment.

Although they are completely different, there are thousands of roads to the same destination.

For example, the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch's cultivation base was stagnant before, and he went to the Yinyou Mountain Range to find an opportunity to move closer.

After that, he fought a battle with Fiery Gourmet, successfully found that opportunity, and took one step closer to his cultivation.

The other is to get a great good fortune, which is why people keep entering the Yinyou Mountains, wanting to find the sacred spring of the green pond, and get the great good fortune from the past.

This way of breaking through the bottleneck is the most desirable, but also the most disgusting.

When the third wife entered the huge courtyard with more than a dozen core disciples, Donghuang Tai was sitting in the cold pond fishing as always.

In Li Zedao's eyes, this is a rather inconspicuous old man, unremarkable, nothing special.

The old man sat cross-legged, holding a fishing rod in his hand. The fishing rod was covered with snowflakes. His eyes, which were also covered with a few snowflakes, were half-squinted, as if dozing off.

But it was such an inconspicuous old man who made the third lady respectfully bow, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

The three ladies were like this, and the others couldn't wait to hide their heads in their trouser pockets, and they didn't even dare to look at Donghuang Tai.

Li Zedao understood that this Eastern Emperor Taiyi was terrifying, even more terrifying than the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch. He was the strongest person in the Eastern Emperor Realm and the Dinghai Shenzhen of the entire Eastern Emperor Realm.

Otherwise, the third lady, who didn't put the eldest lady in his eyes, would not be able to react in this way.

But, why didn't the details of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the information given by Qinglong?

Just simply said a name, that's it.

Is it possible that Qinglong is not willing to mention this old man?

Blasphemy? Or is it afraid?

The old head was really asleep, and there was no response.

The third lady kept the salute in this way, and other people naturally did the same.

Another extremely noble woman brought more than a dozen core children into the courtyard of the Eastern Emperor. The person who came was the second wife Li Zedao had never met before.

Like the third lady, this is also a beautiful woman with nobleness and power emanating from her soul, and even the kind of power emanating from her is more than that of the third lady.

Li Zedao couldn't help but admired that the Donghuang Qiankun, who was missing for some reason, or even life and death, was afraid that it was extremely powerful. If it was not powerful, it would naturally not be able to suppress such a powerful woman and marry the third wife.

Of course, it's not as good as myself.

Donghuang Qiankun only has three wives, but he has several wives.

The girl behind the second lady is hard to ignore, not because she is very beautiful, but because she is Donghuang Meier.

Among the core children of the Eastern Emperor Villa, in addition to the Eastern Emperor Sage, three of them are highly valued. They are considered to have the hope of reaching the height of the Eastern Emperor Sage in the future, and can easily stay on the sky list. Next name.

Donghuang Meier is one of the three highly valued core children.

Han Meixuan and Su Yinxuan have always been at odds, so the second lady directly ignored the presence of the third lady, and the third lady did not look at the second lady.

Besides, anyone who enters this courtyard can only see one person in his eyes.

With these core children, she bowed to the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi in salute, the kind of self-respect and impeccable respect.

Donghuang Taiyi still seemed to be asleep, without responding.

Therefore, the second lady, like the third lady, maintained the same saluting gesture, just like a sculpture.

However, after a stick of incense, the eldest lady walked into the courtyard with people, among them Donghuang Dachen was also there.

The eldest lady's eyes also didn't have the existence of the second wife and the third wife, two scumbags, and there was not even "Donghuang Xiaochen", who dared to insult her useless existence.

In this kind of place, she only had Eastern Emperor Taiyi in her eyes.

She bowed to Donghuang Taiyi, but Donghuang Taiyi still did not respond, as if he was asleep.

So, she also maintained the gesture of saluting.

The three most powerful ladies of Donghuang Villa, along with dozens of powerful core children, kept their attacks and salutes motionless.

Most of the day has passed, and no one has moved, and even his eyelids have not moved. It seems that he has really become an ice sculpture.

This picture is undoubtedly extremely strange, but including the three ladies, everyone has always maintained the loyalty and respect from the depths of their souls.

I don't know how long it took, the snowflakes attached to Donghuang Taiyi's snow-white eyebrows shook slightly, and then fell to the ground.

The dry body that hadn't moved for so long shook slightly, and more snowflakes fell to the ground.

Afterwards, a pair of old eyes that appeared to be muddy opened, but there was no charm, only lifelessness.

When everyone heard the movement, the respect on their faces became a bit richer again.

Donghuang Taiyi put down the fishing rod in her hand, stretched her waist slightly, and said, "It's all here."

Li Zedao frowned slightly, and he felt a trace of death in this old voice.

It seemed that the soul of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was extremely badly damaged, and he was already on the verge of dispersing his soul.

"My Father."

The heads of the eldest lady, the second lady and the third lady were lowered, and the others almost fell down on the ground, so to express their absolute loyalty and respect to the old village owner.

Donghuang Taiyi slightly waved his hand, and the three ladies dared to raise their heads, and all looked at Donghuang Taiyi respectfully, as if a loyal dog was looking at his master.

Donghuang Taiyi seemed very tired, he closed those eyes slightly again, and said, "Since they are all here, then I will tell you the rules of this snow feast."

Everyone was shocked and listened carefully.

But no one thought that Donghuang Taiyi actually said: "This snow banquet is different from the past little jokes. It is extremely dangerous. One who accidentally will kill you, so if the cultivation base is too weak, don’t do it. Good participation."

Everyone's complexion became weird.

You know, the snow feast in the past was nothing more than a duel between the core children, only to decide the victory or defeat, and you must not kill the other party.

Unexpectedly, this time, the Xueyan who decides the ownership of the Glory Token seems not to be the same thing. It seems that the old village owner has other arrangements.

The three ladies knew very well that the old owner wouldn't be joking. He said that it was dangerous and abnormal.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly, your sister's sound seemed very dangerous, shouldn't it? Waiting for the flowers to fall and then in the picture?

Donghuang Taiyi said, "So you can decide whether you want to participate or not."

Donghuang Taiyi didn't worry about telling the difference between Xueyan this time, but put his hands on it and said, "Take it out first."

The eldest lady, the second lady, and the third lady naturally understood what the Eastern Emperor Taiyi meant. After bowing their hands, they took these core children one by one and left the Eastern Imperial Palace to the outside.

When they came outside, the three ladies looked at each other.

In an instant, the three fierce auras were in a state of confrontation. For a while, the entire space became extremely depressed, and even the sky full of wind and snow seemed to be in a stagnant state.

People with a slightly weaker cultivation base, in the depths of such a depressed space, even feel that their soul is about to be crushed.

The third wife took the lead to break this absolutely depressive atmosphere.

No way, she is the third wife, and she has to see the eldest wife and the second wife.

She smiled and nodded to the eldest lady and the second lady, and said, "Meet the two elder sisters."

Action speech is full of respect and impeccable.

Of course, I was scolding two dead **** in my heart.

Both the eldest wife and the second wife share the affectionate faces of sisters: "The third sister does not need so much courtesy."

Of course, I was also scolding this dead **** for not going to die, this dead **** is really getting more and more sorrowful.

Then the second lady also bowed to the eldest lady, and continued to scold the **** in her heart.

When the three ladies and sisters were having a deep conversation, the core children also stared at each other with hostile eyes.

If the eyes could kill people, then the ground would be full of corpses now.

Li Zedao felt a lot of malicious eyes, and the two glances that were swept by them looked particularly cold and sharp, hitting his soul directly, causing his body to tremble.

Li Zedao knew that these few gazes naturally came from the eldest lady and the second lady. Obviously, the so-called great fortune he received made these two ladies quite uneasy.

Two other cold eyes didn't swept away, but stared at him all the time.

Donghuang Linger of Luoxuexuan and Donghuang Meier of Hanmeixuan.

Li Zedao knew that these two powerful women had already regarded themselves as opponents at this snow banquet, which made him feel how lonely it is to be invincible.

The cultivation base of the high-grade peak in the mere Dao realm, but it is so valued by these few unified realm powerhouses, even jealous, who else is there besides this young man?

There was another person who took more eyes than Li Zedao.

This person is naturally Donghuang Dachen.

Donghuang Dachen no longer had the shuddering smile on his face, but stood there quietly, watching his nose and nose, and directly ignoring the gazes around him, as if nothing had happened. of.

After the three ladies and sisters exchanged affection for a while, they each took these core children away from each other without disturbing each other.

The third wife glanced at everyone and said: "Everyone has heard that this time, the snow feast is extremely dangerous, so those who are below the high-grade cultivation of the Dao realm should not participate. As for those who are above the high-grade cultivation of the Dao realm, do not participate. You decide for yourself."

The mouth said so, but the eyes showed encouragement, and the coercion of the strong man who belonged to the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of the Guiyi realm was even more revealing.

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