The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2913: Two possibilities

Donghuang Meier's expression became very glaring, she said grimly: "You just said that your black fox clan is the most powerful existence in this primitive space, and other creatures are rubbish, right? In that case, so powerful. If you didn't kill a man in, who could kill him?"

"But you actually said you've never seen it before?"

"Why? Worried to tell the truth, this lady killed you to vent your anger?"

Donghuang Meier gritted her teeth: "This lady will kill you, it is too cheap to kill you! Donghuang Xiaochen, let Bloody Plum continue to torture this slut, this lady does not believe this **** and dare not honest!"

The black fox princess changed slightly and said angrily: "This princess only said that on the side of the snow mountain, my family of black foxes is the most powerful existence. As for the side of the snow mountain, this princess knows nothing."

"Donghuang Xiaochen, what are you doing in a daze? Torture her quickly, seeing this **** **** dare not lie!" Donghuang Meier urged.

Princess Black Fox was seriously insulted, and said angrily: "You are the **** bitch, this princess didn't lie! If you say you haven't seen it, you have never seen it!"

Donghuang Meier raised her long sword and gritted her teeth: "Donghuang Xiaochen, are you deaf?"

Seeing that Donghuang Meier was about to cut her posture, Li Zedao hurriedly hid behind Donghuang Linger to seek a sense of security, and persuaded, "Sister Meier, stay calm. From my younger brother's point of view, this black fox princess She didn't lie, and she really didn't have to lie."

The black fox princess was inexplicably grateful when she heard this, and this feeling of being trusted is still very good.

Then I felt that I was too cheap, how could I be grateful for this guy who dared to torture and humiliate myself?

Donghuang Meier said gloomily: "Donghuang Xiaochen, you don't feel sorry for this **** because he looks good? Would you like my sister to give you some space and time to pity this bitch? "

Li Zedao has a feeling of being insulted to death. Is a little time enough? Your sister!

Princess Black Fox is even more angry, what right does this extremely humble outsider have to like herself? If he dares to touch his own finger... Princess Black Fox's heart trembled violently.

Compared to the fact that the soul was tortured by the Horcrux, she couldn't bear this humble self even touching her own finger.

Dong Huang Ling'er looked at the murderous Dong Huang Mei'er blankly: "Xiao Chen is right."

" are also an idiot, you all deserve to die!"

Donghuang Meier was so angry that smoke was coming out of her nostrils, she almost scolded you for your **** adulterous-husband-women!

The sword was slashed forward like a vent, and another shocking crack appeared on the snowy ground.

"Sister Ling'er, you said Donghuang...Oh, did your father have already left the snowy area, and then suddenly something happened to leave Donghuang Villa?" Li Ze asked weakly.

Donghuang Meier, who vented a little, looked at Li Zedao as if looking at a big idiot, and said angrily: "Donghuang Xiaochen, are you an idiot? Second grandfather always guards the snow pavilion. If your father has left, In this snowy area, can Grandpa No. 2 be unclear?"

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and continued to ask: "Will that, there is another exit in this snowy area?"

Donghuang Meier sneered: "You really are an idiot."

As long as you are not stupid, you know that there is only one entrance with a threshold in the primitive space. If you want to enter a primitive space, you can only enter when it stabilizes and the entrance is opened.

When it becomes unstable again, the entrance becomes the only exit.

Li Zedao stroked his chin, his complexion became slightly serious, and he was in possession of Kogoro Mori, and said, "Then there are only two possibilities."

Donghuang Ling'er frowned and nodded slightly: "One, my father might have climbed over the snowy mountain that the black fox princess said, and headed to the other side of the snowy area, right?"

Li Ze said a little flattering: "Sister Ling'er said it is quite true."

The black fox princess sneered: "This is impossible. Even if he is a middle-grade peak cultivation base in the first stage, the snow mountain is insurmountable even by my father. How could someone from outside the district be able to overcome it? Snow mountain?"

Donghuang Meier glanced at the woman coldly and said, "You'd better shut up when this lady didn't let you speak, otherwise this lady won't mind giving you a few big slaps even if she doesn't kill you."

Your father has extremely terrifying accomplishments in the soul formation, even if it is the primitive soul formation, it may be able to pass.

Princess Black Fox closed her mouth bitterly.

Donghuang Linger looked at Li Zedao and said, "What about the second possibility?"

Li Zedao pondered and said, "Emperor...Second Grandpa lied!"

When Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier heard the words, their pupils shrank slightly, and they couldn't believe what their ears were hearing.

"Impossible!" Donghuang Meier said angrily.

Damn Donghuang Xiaochen, dare to doubt Grandpa Second, does he want to die?

Li Zedao wanted to tell her a word, that so and so who said that everything is possible.

Donghuang Lingerdai frowned and asked, "Xiaochen, you mean, Grandpa II killed your father?"

Li Zedao nodded in agreement, and said, "That's what I meant."

Donghuang Meier said angrily: "Donghuang Xiaochen, you dare to talk nonsense, but don't blame this small sword for killing you with one sword! In terms of cultivation level, the second grandfather is not as good as the father, let alone the war. The second grandfather's soul is severely damaged, and his strength is already much worse than before. Under this situation, how did the second grandfather kill the father?"

Li Zedao was a little curious about what the so-called previous battle was, but he fought **** reason and said: "The second grandfather's strength is indeed not as good as the father, but sister Meier, don’t forget, the father who just left the snowy area might Extremely weak, maybe even fainted. At this time, Grandpa II wanted to kill his father, so it was easy for him to kill him."

Donghuang Meier was even more angry. If Donghuang Linger weren't there, she would kill him with a single sword: "Donghuang Xiaochen, even so, why did Grandpa Second kill his father?"

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know this."

"You are slander and disrespect. According to the rules of the Eastern Royal Family, this lady can kill you now."

Li Zedao grieved and retorted: "How can this be called slander? I just mentioned another possibility."

"Dong Huang Xiaochen, don't worry if you are shameless, and even your intentions are so vicious. This young lady will kill you now."

"The eldest lady said, we must help each other in the snowy area. Sister Mei'er is disrespectful of my wife if she wants to kill me. According to the family rules of the Eastern Royal family, Sister Ling'er can kill you now."

Donghuang Meier was extremely angry: "Donghuang Xiaochen, roll over and die..."

Li Zedao thought that you were stupid for this son.

His figure flashed, hiding behind Donghuang Ling'er, and his sense of security instantly burst.

Dong Huang Ling'er was extremely helpless, and had an urge to pull the sword to kill him like Dong Huang Mei'er.

At any rate, you are also a strong master of high-grade cultivation in the Dao realm, and even the core child of the Eastern Royal Family. You are the blood of your father, how can you do such a shameful thing?

"Xiao Chen, this matter is not to be mentioned, it is impossible for Grandpa Second to hurt your father." Donghuang Linger's expression became serious.

Li Zedao obediently smiled and nodded, showing that he understood.

In my heart, I was venting a cold breath.

He felt more and more that his guess was correct.

It is very possible that Donghuang Qiankun has really been killed by the hands of Donghuang Tai Er, but why does he want to do this?

In the final analysis, the motivation of any behavior is nothing more than two words, interest.

What is the huge benefit that allowed the Eastern Emperor Tai Er to kill the Eastern Emperor Qiankun?

"I want to see that snow mountain, are you going?" Donghuang Linger looked at Donghuang Meier.

Since he didn't know the true purpose of grandpa's choice of the location of the snow feast in this snowy area, he went to find the cause of death of his father's soul flying away.

Donghuang Meier sneered and said, "Why is this lady going?"

Taking the black fox princess as a hostage, waiting in this place for the snowy area to become unstable again and then leaving this ghost place, isn't it good?

Why take risks? This is undoubtedly a rather idiotic behavior.

"Xiao Chen, how about you?" Donghuang Ling'er looked at Li Ze, and there was a glimmer of expectation in those sparkling eyes.

"Little brother listens to sister Ling'er." Li Zedao said obediently.

Donghuang Meier's complexion became cold again, and if her eyes could kill people, Li Zedao would have been sacked a long time ago.

She said coldly: "Since you want to go, this young lady will naturally not stop you, but you have to keep this **** woman behind."

Li Ze said with a smile: "Sister Meier, if I am too far away from this woman, I will not be able to control the **** plum blossom in her body."

Dong Huang Mei'er's face became darker, and if it weren't for this wimpy hiding behind Dong Huang Ling'er, she would definitely pass it with a sword.

The black fox princess's eyes turned, and this **** guy said that if he was far away, he couldn't control the **** Horcrux in his body.

and so……

The black fox princess took a deep breath, and the next moment, she suddenly shot, grabbing the two servants with both hands, and then fleeing here.

At this moment, her ghostly figure violently twisted, and then her body fell to the ground in embarrassment and began to twist and roll.

The screams of screams once again enveloped this white and beautiful place.

After a stick of incense, Li Zedao's heart moved slightly, and the **** plum blossoms crazily cutting the soul of the black fox princess stopped, and the pain that madly enveloped the black fox princess suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The black fox princess stopped screaming, and the ice that was condensed from cold sweat covered on that severely distorted face began to crack, which looked terrifying and weird.

She raised her head with difficulty. Those eyes that were still like black holes looked at Li Zedao with seven-point fear and three-point viciousness. She vowed that she would use the most vicious means to torture this damned fellow, so that he could not survive and die.

Li Zedao politely bowed, and said politely: "Thank you, the black fox princess takes us to that snow-capped mountain."

Princess Black Fox gritted her teeth: "You are welcome!"

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