The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2915: sucker Punch

This spitting voice is undoubtedly harsh and insulting.

But the aura that broke out after that made the snowflakes flying all over the sky stagnate slightly, as if it had been frozen by the ice, and then suddenly became irritable.

It was an extremely cold breath, even a bit colder than the soul of the most yin thing.

At the same time, that aura turned out to have the mighty power of the sky and the earth, carrying countless violent winds and snow, and swept towards Li Zedao and the others madly.

At that moment, even Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Shengjun, the two powers of low-grade cultivation in the same realm, not only smelled the smell of danger, they even smelled the smell of death.

This smell even made them completely lose the courage to move. At this moment, they didn't want to struggle, they just wanted to die quietly.

Li Zedao also smelled despair, his scalp became violently numb, and the violently beating heart almost jumped out of his throat.

However, he has been hovering on the death line many times and has not forgotten the dying struggle, and has not given up the hope of living.

He always believes that as long as you struggle hard, there will be hope of living...At least you have to buy more time for the heroes who are driving the colorful clouds to save you, right?

Therefore, Li Zedao struggled desperately.

His horrified eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled, "Hurry up, umbrella, use a black umbrella..."

With a roar, Li Zedao had already opened the black umbrella he had snatched from the black fox princess, and suddenly appeared in front of the black fox princess, protecting it behind him.

This "noble" black fox princess is still useful, Li Zedao really can't bear to let her die like this, besides, where to open the black umbrella is actually not much difference to Li Zedao.

Therefore, it is good for the black fox princess to be moved by this move...if she still has a conscience.

There will be a full set of acting, so Li Zedao didn't forget to call out again: "Princess Black Fox, don't worry, this son will protect you."

Princess Black Fox's face was slightly stiff, she couldn't believe that this **** outsider would actually do such a thing, he would protect her behind her?

But why is there such a disgusting feeling?

Before she could think about it, she took her two subordinates, drained the last trace of spiritual energy in the body, and retreated, trying to stay away from that terrifying aura.

At the same time, Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er also woke up suddenly, a glimmer of hope suddenly emerged in their hearts.

When they quickly opened the black umbrella, they appeared in front of Li Zedao, stood side by side with him, firmly grasping the black umbrella in their hands, and jointly faced the overwhelming horror atmosphere in front of them.

A feeling of interdependence between life and death gradually breeds and spreads in the hearts of the three.

In the next moment, the aura of ruining the heavens and the earth carried countless wind and snow pouring down.


There was a deafening muffled sound, the entire space trembled violently, and the ground around it even more shocking cracks appeared.

This violent aura blasted directly on the three black umbrellas, as if the monstrous waves hit the boat directly.

However, all three black umbrellas had horrible cracks. Under the black umbrella, Li Zedao, Donghuang Linger, and Donghuang Meier's bodies trembled violently, and their faces were as pale as paper.

Immediately, shocking blood slowly flowed out of their seven orifices.

Especially Li Zedao, even though he was beaten a lot of times, coupled with some reasons, his soul was extremely powerful, so his defensive ability far exceeded that of people of the same cultivation level.

But after all, he was only the peak cultivation base of the Dao Realm High-Rank, and there was an insurmountable gap between the Guiyi Realm powerhouse.

So even if he had a black umbrella and his defensive ability was very strong, he suffered the heaviest injuries among the three.

This terrifying breath still shook his soul almost to the point of dispersing, and the flesh and blood on the hand holding the black umbrella broke apart because of the unbearable force of such horror, and the blood was so blurred. .

The badly damaged black umbrella slipped from his hand, and he sat on the ground all over, with a mouthful of blood spurting from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became abnormally blurred.

Li Zedao said weakly: "Sister Ling'er, Sister Mei'er, I fainted first, you must block it, protect your brother and me, your brother, I really don't want to die."

Then closed his eyes and lost consciousness completely.


Both Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er spewed a mouthful of blood, which was irritated by Li Zedao.

The ice dragon looked at these dying and struggling poor insects with cold eyes and pity. Why bother? This will only make you more painful.

"Bah!" Another mouthful of water.

Then a terrifying aura erupted, entraining countless wind and snow, and swept towards Li Zedao and the others again in an attitude of breaking the ground.

This time, Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er's hope that had only risen so hard in their hearts was once again replaced by despair, and the pale faces of both of them showed extremely bitter smiles.

Their bodies were already collapsed in front of Li Zedao.

Subconsciously, their hands were held together, and the other hand grabbed Li Zedao's **** hand.

At this moment, a tall black shadow appeared in front of Donghuang Ling'er and the others out of thin air like a ghost.

At the same time, a big pale hand lifted up and simply made a "blocking" movement.

Suddenly, it was as if the billowing river water hit the sturdy dam. Although the momentum was astonishing and threw a terrifying wave, it couldn't cross the dam anyway.

The ice dragon's eyes looked at the road in front of him with horror, and a black shadow suddenly appeared, and he gave a strange cry.


Its snow-white figure instantly disappeared on the snowy ground and completely lost its trace.

Li Zedao had a long, long dream.

He dreamed of the big villa in Phoenix City that really had no extra rooms, and dreamed of him living happily with those women.

In that villa, all the women were queens, and Li Zedao was the little **** who served them.

Although life is "bitter", Li Zedao enjoys it very much, and is very happy. From time to time, he feels strong and lonely in his heart.

Suddenly, I didn't know what was going on. The women suddenly disappeared, the sunlight that poured into the villa also disappeared, and the water in the huge swimming pool turned blood red.

The original warm and fragrant villa was shrouded by the smell of decay, and it became extremely gloomy.

More terrible things happened.

There was an extra tomb in each of the rooms, and the pale tombstones were posted with photos of the women.

Li Zedao's emotions broke down directly, he shouted the names of the graves sternly, and then he dig the graves desperately, digging desperately.

At the end of the digging, he dug a cold ashes.

After that, a big tree full of decay smell grew out of the hall, and the cane of the big tree entangled Li Zedao's body tightly.

The more Li Zedao struggled, the tighter the rattan entangled, tighter and tighter...

Li Zedao was strangled, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Those **** eyes were round, revealing a strong panic, and the pale face was covered with sweat.

At the same time, blood was constantly flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He tried to struggle, but his body seemed to be no longer his own, and he didn't even move.

Li Zedao was shocked to discover that he was not completely dreaming.

The villa in Phoenix City, Li Mengchen and others, are naturally dreams, and the pale tombs in the room are naturally dreams.

He desperately digs the grave...This is not a dream. He really spent most of the night digging their graves and digging out all their ashes.

But the big tree full of decay that grew in the hall and the tangled cane that entangled people to death were not completely dreams.

Because, at this time, there was a big tree growing in front of him that kept emitting the smell of decay.

The tree is cold and dark, and even the leaves are black.

Obviously, this is a soul tree carefully cultivated by a powerful soul artisan.

When the so-called soul tree is a tree or a seed, it starts to cultivate with the soul and let it germinate.

After planting in the soil, the water and fertilizer applied naturally also contain soul.

When the soul tree grows up, it also has spiritual wisdom, and it is usually used to look at the gatekeeper.

The powerful soul tree can resist the path of the strong in the Guiyi Realm.

Just want to cultivate a soul tree, it takes too much time and effort, and the survival rate is not high, so very few sect forces plant such a soul tree at the gate.

So Li Zedao really didn't expect to say that there is a soul tree growing here, and this soul tree is so huge.

This tree also has rattans with the thickness of an arm. Li Zedao is being tightly entangled by one of the rattans at this time, just like a zongzi.

Li Zedao saw Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er by the side, they were also wrapped in one of the cane into rice dumplings, unable to move.

His brain swelled badly. He only remembered that after holding the black umbrella and barely resisting the spit of the ice dragon, he reminded Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier to block the ice dragon and protect him, so he passed out because of his injuries. Up.

So the ice dragon didn't kill them, but instead "caught" them to this ghost place?

This is the lair where the ice dragon lives?

Is this such a huge soul tree planted by an ice dragon?

"Xiao Chen, are you okay?" Donghuang Linger breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Zedao wake up.

But my heart was a little shocked.

She held the black umbrella barely to block the breath of the ice dragon, naturally knowing how terrifying that aura was, and it was definitely not something that a high-grade person could resist, even if he was holding that black umbrella, he would surely lose his soul.

But Donghuang Xiaochen endured it just like them, which gave her a feeling of dreaming.

Vomiting blood in front of a girl really detracted from his tall image, so Li Zedao forcibly swallowed the blood pouring into his throat and said, "Fortunately, thanks to sister Ling'er for your concern."

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