The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2924: Meditation mantra


There was a sound of extreme surprise that Li Zedao could not hear.

Li Zedao shouted: "Sister Mei'er, Sister Ling'er, I will play a piece for you."


Hearing this thunderous shout, Donghuang Mei'er and Donghuang Ling'er's emotions about to burst suddenly stabilized, and they recovered a little bit.

At this time, Li Zedao was already sitting cross-legged, and a guqin was placed in front of him.

However, after brewing for a moment, Li Zedao had already entered a delicate state, and his fingers began to pluck the ancient strings.

In an instant, the sound like a natural sound rippled from Li Zedao's fingers, and then the immortal sound continued to cover the entire space in an instant, spreading far away.

This is the "Meditation Mantra" of the Sanskrit Fairy.

In terms of understanding of "Meditation Mantra", Li Zedao can be said to be no less inferior to the Sanskrit Fairy, not to mention that Li Zedao's playing level even the Sanskrit Fairy expressed amazement, thinking that he has an unmatched position in the rhythm.

Therefore, although this song is not played with a fairy piano, it also has the effect of calming people's minds.

Sure enough, this note hit the depths of Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier's souls, and immediately dispelled their inner fear and despair, leaving them in a state of absolute blankness, any emotions. It's all gone.

Only calm, as if entering deep sleep.


A strange sound that Li Zedao could not hear once again sounded in the space.

Under the baptism of the graceful notes, the desperate danger that originally enveloped this space has gradually faded, and the snowflakes that had originally stagnated there, like the awakening of a big dream, continue to fall.

I don't know how long it took, when the last note disappeared in this space, this space has now become a white and tranquil world, only snowflakes are falling quietly, and there is no more dangerous aura.

Li Zedao stood up, feeling the tranquility around him, and let out a sigh of relief.

Since the other party has reduced the dangerous aura as much as possible, it means that what he has just played is very fond of it, so they are temporarily safe.

After that, continue to play the piano, maybe you can escape the disaster.

After another half of the incense time passed, Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier were as if they were awakening from a dream, and their emotions were completely awakened from the wonderful notes.

They looked at Li Zedao while feeling the ice-cold but now light body, their eyes had changed, and there was a strong shock and doubt, and they couldn't believe it was true.

"Xiaochen, what you are playing is the "Meditation Curse" of the Sanskrit fairy in the Sanskrit Palace of Medicine Domain?" Donghuang Linger said with difficulty.

Once she passed through the medicine domain and was fortunate enough to hear the "Meditation Mantra" written by the Sanskrit Fairy.

After that, she went to the Fanyin Valley to visit the Fanyin Fairy in the name of the core child of Donghuang Mountain Villa. One wanted to listen to the fairy sound of the Fanyin Fairy more closely, and the other wanted to see the honor of the Fanyin Fairy.

She wanted to know what kind of celestial being who could play these fairy sounds.

Regrettably, the fairy of Sanskrit is not easy to see people.

She didn't even see the Palace Master of Medicine Domain Palace, let alone her.

What shocked Donghuang Ling'er was that the "Meditation Curse" that Donghuang Xiaochen played just now seemed not much different from the "Meditation Curse" she had heard before. It also made her mind drunk and dispelled it all at once. The fear and despair in her heart left nothing but peace.

She couldn't understand at all, when Donghuang Xiaochen, who has always been regarded as a wasteful waste, learned to play this "Meditation Curse", and even reached such a superb level.

Is he always pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Uselessness is an illusion that he can create, and its purpose is to make a blockbuster?

Li Zedao stood up, tucked the guzheng back into the soul ring, and said, "It is indeed the "Meditation Curse" of the Sanskrit fairy."

"Just now you are about to be unable to withstand the oppressive feeling brought about by that horrible atmosphere, so playing this song is fortunately useful." Li Zedao said gratefully.

The reason why he played "Meditation Curse" was to pull Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier from that absolute fear a little bit.

To his surprise, this song also achieved unexpected results.

The dense danger even disappeared without a trace. It is conceivable that the invading fierce beast was also infected by the sound of his piano, so all the oppression that it exudes was reduced.

Li Zedao's body trembled slightly, feeling deeply cold.

It's not cold because of fear, but because the location is too high, so it's cold, and it's too cold in the heights.

Li Zedao did not hesitate to praise himself for coming, and one song purified the terrifying murderous intent of the fierce beast. Who else can do it except this son?

Donghuang Mei'er looked at Li Zedao in her eyes as if she had seen a ghost. At this time, her mind was roaring violently, and she couldn't believe it was true.

Can't help but ask: "When did you learn it? Have you been to the medicine field? Have you seen the fairy of Sanskrit?"

Isn't this a recognized uselessness? Why is it so powerful all at once? Even the "Meditation Mantra" by the Sanskrit Fairy of Sanskrit Palace can be played?

It doesn't matter if he can play, the key is that what he plays is the same as that played by the Sanskrit Fairy, and has the effect of calming people's hearts, which is terrible.

Li Zedao wanted to tell her that Fairy Sanskrit repeatedly begged this son to stay in Sanskrit Palace as deputy palace master, and even if she hadn't held her own identity, she was afraid that she would kneel down and worship her as a teacher.

There is also the Young Master Liushui who left his name on the Sky Ranking. In order to get his guidance, he was willing to be his guard.

Oh, yes, and that Miss Luohua who entered your Eastern Emperor Realm before, is deeply infatuated with this son because of a flute piece by this son.

It was for this son, Miss Luo Hua, that she broke into the Eastern Emperor Realm and killed the Eastern Emperor.

Forget it, I won't irritate you anymore.

"Oh, didn’t I leave the family for a while? It’s the medicine domain I went to. I heard this song in that medicine domain, and only after inquiring did I know that this was actually the "Meditation Mantra" played by the Sanskrit Fairy of the Sanskrit Palace. Find a piano and start self-study, and you can play it." Li Zedao waved his hand, looking nothing like this.


Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier looked at Li Zedao in their eyes as if they had seen a ghost, and the muscles on their faces kept twitching.

What do you mean by flicking? Is Sanskrit Fairy’s "Meditation Mantra" so easy to learn?

If he didn't lie, does that mean that he has an extremely terrifying talent in music? How can such a person be a waste of money?

Li Zedao asked in a daze, "Is it difficult to learn?"

Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er both had a violent meal, and there was an urge to beat this guy who was obviously pretending to be alive.

"The danger is still there." Li Ze said with a turn.

Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er's hearts, which had not fallen completely, lifted up suddenly, their bodies tightened into a ball again, and there was a strong horror in their eyes.

Li Zedao felt the surrounding movement, but he didn't find any traces of the beast, but he didn't even feel spied. He didn't know whether the beast that had just struck had left or was still quiet. Looking at them, it's just that this fierce beast is too strong or too weak, so he can't detect the existence of the other side.

Seeing that Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier were so scared, they comforted them: "The two sisters don't need to be so scared. If the fierce beast wants to kill us, we will be gone, so fear is superfluous. Looks like, this fierce beast seems to like to look at us in fear."

Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er were stunned, even thinking about it.

The fierce beast wouldn't let them go just because they were scared, and judging from what happened just now, the fierce beast seemed to really like to appreciate its prey being so scared that it wanted to commit suicide.

At the moment, both of them felt a little more relaxed.

Then, Donghuang Meier felt a sense of being insulted to death.

She was dignified to a low-grade powerhouse, and she was comforted by a mere humiliation and said not to be afraid. This is really a shame.

She stared at Li Ze, gritted her teeth and asked: "You are not afraid? How can you not be afraid? Why are you not afraid?"

Under the shroud of that kind of horror and danger, her emotions are about to collapse, and she is almost about to draw her sword to kill herself, but this uselessness can still play "Meditation Curse" calmly to temporarily resolve the crisis?

His cultivation is much weaker than them, so he shouldn't be scared to death, right?

Li Zedao hasn't answered yet, but a sound that resembles a ding-dong of spring water, and the most pleasing sound is like the falling snowflakes, gently floating down.

"Yeah, why are you not afraid? How can you not be afraid? Are you not afraid of death?"

As soon as the voice fell, Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er's complexion changed slightly, and their bodies tightened and looked up.

There was still a thick white mist on the top, only snowflakes passed through the thick white mist and floated down, and there was nothing else.

Li Zedao also raised his head and looked at the thick white fog, his eyes were fearless, but he pretended to be pitiful and said: "This I am actually very afraid of death, I am more afraid of death than anyone else, so please don't kill me, okay? "


The beautiful bodies of Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier both shook slightly, looking at Li Zedao, their eyes changed again.

This guy actually dared to respond to this terrifying beast with such an attitude? He really doesn't shoot to death? Or is he sure that this fierce beast will not kill him?

The most beautiful voice floated down: "What good is it for me not to kill you?"

Li Zedao asked, "What good is it for you to kill me?"

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Li Zedao gave the answer: "There is no benefit."

"It's really no good."

The beautiful voice followed the snowflake and continued to fall.

"I like to watch the prey panic, like to see the prey begging for mercy, and I also like to kill the prey in absolute fear. Now you are no longer afraid, so killing you is really meaningless."

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