The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2935: I want to play piano

Soon, Li Zedao fled again into the coercive zone of the outer circle.

He appeared, panting badly, his face was full of fatigue, and his eyes were extremely sad.

First, he unreservedly used the golden pupil, temporarily dragged the black fox princess and other terrifying powerhouses, and instantly consumed a lot of his aura, and then used the hidden traces of the heart of the earth to escape into this snowy area. Among them, once again consumed a lot of breath.

At this time, he seemed to be on the verge of exhaustion.

However, Li Zedao didn't dare to stay for a long time. He knew that his golden pupils would not be able to severely injure Princess Black Fox. In addition, it was just the edge of the outer ring of pressure, which was really not a safe place.

When he swallowed a pill and replenished his breath a little, his back had a pair of beautiful butterfly wings, and then the wings spread out and swept forward.

Behind him, no one could hear, but a sound of astonishment sounded several times stronger than before.

"Butterfly wing? It turned out to be a butterfly wing! It was originally a butterfly wing that devours the fire, is he a descendant of the devouring fire? Or did he get this artifact by accident?"

"Ten artifacts, he actually possesses two of them! What is even more unimaginable is that such a weak and incompetent he can still live well? Just because his luck is so good that there is no reason at all?"

Li Zedao naturally couldn't hear these exclamations. He didn't know that he had a pair of eyes that were covering him, let alone that a striking black spot appeared in the snow-white world behind him.

The black spot was chasing him silently but extremely quickly.

Donghuang Villa, Donghuang Bieyuan.

Donghuang Taiyi sat in front of the cold pool like a dead body, gently holding a bamboo pole in his hand.

Donghuang Taier who was also like a corpse suddenly opened his muddy old eyes and looked up at the sky above his head that seemed so gloomy.

"In about ten days, the snowy territory will enter an unstable state."

Then close your eyes and continue to sleep.

Everyone knows that this primitive space, which was forcibly controlled by the ancestors of the Eastern Royal family with powerful means, does not have laws to follow like other primitive spaces.

But after studying for a long time, you will know its temper, and know when it will be in a stable state and when it will be in an unstable state.

Donghuang Taiyi seemed to be awakened by Donghuang Taier's words, opened his muddy old eyes, glanced at Mr. Qinglong, and said: "If the weak person who has luck in your opinion does not Can you come out?"

Qinglong said of course: "Then we won't get that kind of thing."

Donghuang Taiyi didn't feel that Mr. Qinglong was saying a rather awkward nonsense, but slightly nodded in agreement.

Then he said: "Maybe next time we can enter the snowy region by ourselves, although the snowy region is dangerous, but with your cultivation base, we will not lose our lives in it."

Mr. Qinglong lifted the fishing rod in his hand and said, "If you want to find such a thing, it is not strength, but luck. There is no reasonable luck."

"I don't think I have that kind of luck."

Donghuang Taiyi said: "You have to find it after all, otherwise things will become very troublesome."

"There are still ten days." Mr. Qinglong said.

Donghuang Taiyi didn't say anything more, and closed his muddy old eyes.

Li Zedao flicked the butterfly wings desperately and fled forward, because he knew that although his golden pupil had severely damaged the black fox princess in that instant, it was not enough to cause fatal damage, and this move must have completely angered her.

Li Zedao can be sure that Princess Black Fox has now caught up.

It is even more certain that if it falls into her hands again, it will be an extremely extravagant thing for him.

At this moment, Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his stature suddenly stagnated.

Li Zedao frowned fiercely, and his heart was full of incomprehension.

This snowy area is so big, even if the black fox clan is the absolute overlord of this snow-white world, why can they find his trace so easily?

Unless you have a locator installed on your body.

"Could it be..."

Li Zedao took out the soul card that the black fox princess had given to show the way before, and his eyes widened slightly.

Does the black fox clan rely on this soul card to determine its position? This is the locator?

After pondering for a moment, Li Zedao vigorously threw the soul card in the direction pointed by the arrow above, while he waved his butterfly wings and swept it towards the left.

"It's not too stupid. I know there is a problem with this Horcrux, but I still overlooked one thing."

Behind him was a snowflake that followed him closely, and a voice that Li Zedao could not perceive came out. There was still a strong exclamation in this voice. It was obvious that the owner of this voice had not yet woken up from the extreme shock.

Until the breath in the body was almost, Li Zedao stopped panting, swallowing a pill, intending to rest for a while.

However, before Li Zedao swallowed the pill completely into his stomach, a black umbrella followed the snowflake and floated down.

A powerful and arrogant aura envelops all the area within a radius of a radius with Li Zedao as the center point.

For a while, this area became extremely depressed, and even the snowflakes were all frozen in the midair.

Under the black umbrella, there is a very graceful dark shadow.

The person who came was naturally the black fox princess, with a pale face, and the black fox princess who did not show any emotions in her eyes that looked like a black hole.

Those eyes looked at Li Zedao very calmly in this way, as if looking at a piece of wood.

Li Zedao's scalp had already exploded, and his heart was being attacked by the tsunami, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

He couldn't even imagine that he had obviously thrown away the soul card it gave, but the black fox princess could still find him so easily.

"Why?" Li Zedao was so wronged that he almost cried.

He didn't have the courage to look at the eyes of Princess Black Fox, but he clearly felt the distortion and tremor of his soul, his vision became blurred and distorted, and inexplicable fear continued to spread from the depths of his heart.

That kind of inexplicable fear gave him the urge to drew his sword and kill him.

Li Zedao knew that this ladyboy had already used its extremely powerful pupil technique.

Even if she didn't stare at her eyes, but because of the difference in cultivation level, and the pupil technique was too domineering, the mood still changed.

"You really surprised this princess." The cold voice of Princess Black Fox lingered in Li Zedao's ears.

Li Zedao felt bitter, thinking that your appearance made my son even more surprised.

The icy voice of Princess Black Fox added a hint of surprise.

"You actually have pupil skills...why?"

Li Zedao is reluctant to listen to this, what is it?

This son is cultivating with such terrible attainments. Isn't it a matter of course to have pupil skills?

"You turned out to be a low-grade cultivation base in the first stage, not the high-grade high-grade stage considered by this princess."

"You actually have a pair of wings that can make you so fast... what kind of Horcrux is that?"

Li Zedao’s pale face was filled with bitterness. He did not answer these questions from Princess Black Fox, but instead asked: "I have obviously thrown away the soul card you gave, why can you be so fast? Know my location?"

Princess Black Fox didn't conceal it. She respected this "strong man" who could repeatedly "humiliate" her, so she showed enough patience.

"Because of the black soul fly."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Black soul flies? Haven't I already wiped out the black soul flies?"

The black fox princess said: "You have indeed wiped out the black soul fly, but there is still the breath of the black soul fly in your soul. That breath will remain in your soul for a long time, as long as the distance is not Too far, this princess can easily detect the breath of this black soul fly and find you."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "That's it."

No wonder the black fox princess can be like a maggot attached to a bone, and can't get rid of it no matter what.

Princess Black Fox said in an unquestionable voice, "This time, this princess will not let you run away."

Before he finished his words, a terrifying coercion crazily shrouded Li Zedao.

Even if Li Zedao has entered the same state, he is still not the opponent of the black fox princess, not to mention that his aura is consumed too much at this time, plus the terrifying pupil technique that is resisting the opponent.

Therefore, it was naturally unable to resist this powerful pressure, and the whole person fell on the snow in an extremely embarrassed manner, unable to move.

With such a delicate foot stomping on his head in humiliation, the cold voice of the black fox princess rippled beside Li Zedao's ears.

"It seems that although it was for a certain purpose before you, after all, this princess is still protected behind you. This princess can ask you to say the last word."

Before the voice of Princess Black Fox fell, Li Zedao clearly heard a series of sounds that seemed so annoying.

It feels like a summer day, I was already hot and irritable, but there was still a large group of flies croaking in my ears, which was really maddening.

Li Zedao not only wanted to go crazy, he also felt nauseous, and a strong fear instantly occupied his heart.

Because what appeared was not a group of ordinary but rather annoying flies, but not only quite disgusting, but also quite annoying, and even more terrifying black soul flies!

In the past, a black soul fly made Li Zedao live better than dead, but now there is a group of them, crushed by the black, I am afraid there are thousands of them, so Li Zedao’s scalp burst directly, and the muscles on his face are not controlled. Twitching.

Seeing such a group of black soul flies brought such a strong fear to this **** fellow, the black fox princess expressed satisfaction.

Li Zedao did not ask for mercy as the princess Black Fox had hoped, but took a deep breath and said such a sentence.

"I want to play the piano."

Princess Black Fox was taken aback: "Playing the piano?"

Immediately, I was extremely annoyed. The princess gave you the opportunity to beg for mercy. You used it to play the piano?

Li Zedao did not respond, and even ignored that group of terrifying black soul flies would tear his flesh into his soul, and began to bite his soul frantically. At that time, he would extremely regret why he did not. Hurry up and die.

He tried hard to resist the coercion that enveloped him firmly, resisted the fear brought by the black soul fly, and took out a guqin from the soul ring with extreme difficulty.

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