The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2948: Two servants

Then Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, and he said aloud: "How do you know that I have butterfly wings and the center of the earth?"

"I don't want to answer any idiot questions."


Li Zedao also felt that the question he asked was a bit idiot. This woman was afraid that she would always be behind her ass, so she could easily know that she had the center of the earth and butterfly wings.

Li Zedao swallowed a mouthful of water, and asked with some caution: "You won't pay attention to the center of the earth and the butterfly wings, right?"

The woman's soft and beautiful voice was too much, so she mocked: "You are an idiot with this question."

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly. Indeed, if this woman had made the idea of ​​Geocentric and Dieyi, he would have died a long time ago.

"Are you a descendant of Burning Fire?" the woman asked.

Bihuo didn't know what kind of crime he had committed and was ordered to be executed by the world, so naturally Li Zedao naturally wanted to get rid of this kind of evil.

So he hurriedly said: "No, no, I let go of the Dipo Divine Ginseng before. In order to express my life-saving grace, Dipo Divine Ginseng took me to find Butterfly Wing.

"That's it." The woman didn't seem to doubt Li Zedao's words.

"Where is the center of the earth?" the woman asked again.

Li Zedao will participate in the ranking conference, and briefly talk about what happened when he entered the primitive space.

After hearing this, the woman was silent for a moment and said: "Your luck is really good. No wonder Qinglong will choose you."

Regarding the matter of being "valued" by Mr. Qinglong so much, Li Zedao didn't feel that it was anything to be happy about. He was a little curious and asked: "How many servants have you had before? Those are the terrible strengths such as why Xiu wait By?"


The woman didn't conceal it, and said, "One of them has some connections with you."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "You mean that one of your servants is a member of the Eastern Royal Family? Don't tell me that Mr. Qinglong is your servant."

I'm the top pick in the college entrance examination, don't lie to me.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the woman's soft voice: "Qinglong is the servant of the Lord of Heaven, how can I be qualified to let him be my servant?"

Li Zedao frowned violently.

He probably knew that the palace was located on the top of the Tianshan Mountains in the heavens, and it was the palace where the high heaven lived.

That palace is the center, the most sacred, and the most difficult or impossible place to enter the 108 domains of the heavens.

Because Tian lives there, because many servants of Tian live there, such as the four ambassadors around Tian, ​​including Mr. Qinglong.

It is said to be as strong as Pangu, but only barely able to kill to the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and was stopped by the Heavenly Sword in the hands of Suzaku.

When this woman mentioned Tiangong, she seemed so casual, even a hint of sarcasm, and she didn't put Mr. Qinglong in her eyes at all.

So, she came from that palace? And her status in Tianyu is at least equal to that of Mr. Qinglong, or even higher than that of Mr. Qinglong?

Li Zedao began to get a little excited. This is a super thigh. Now this thigh stretches out to let him hug him, so what is the difference between it and Zhou Yan's idiot if he doesn't hug him?

If Zhou Yan had knowledge in Quanxia, ​​he would definitely want to curse.

Nima’s Lao Tzu even the ashes is about to rot, Li Ze said, you bastard, but still slander your brother-in-law’s IQ, be careful I will come over to talk to you tonight...

The woman also said: "It has nothing to do with the Eastern Royal Clan, and it has nothing to do with Qinglong, but it has something to do with the "Meditation Mantra" you played.

"It has something to do with "Meditation Mantra"?"

Li Zedao frowned and thought about it, and then his eyes opened wider and wider, and his mouth opened wider and wider. He couldn't believe it was true.

Difficult to say: "You are talking about Sanskrit Palace? Sanskrit Fairy?"

The woman said: "It seems that she thought I was gone, so she left and established the Sanskrit Palace you said. In this way, it is a coincidence that you met Sanskrit."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched almost without feeling, and he said with great difficulty: "So, the servant you mentioned is Fairy Sanskrit? Fairy Sanskrit is your servant? Are you kidding me?"

"Sanskrit, is it amazing?"

The arrogance and dignity that Li Zedao couldn't stand again appeared in that soft voice.

"If it weren't for the fact that she has a great talent in music and can play the piano from time to time to relieve my boredom, she would not be qualified to be my servant."


Except for the constant inhalation of cold air, the violent roar of his mind, except now that I want to humble down and hug this thigh that is much thicker than Miss Luohua’s bucket waist, Li Zedao really doesn’t know what to say Up.

So he humbled his head, bowed his hand respectfully, and said, "Master."

There was a slight taunt in the soft voice of the woman: "You are quite simple."

She actually wanted to say that he was shameless, but because he was already her servant, it was hard to say that he was shameless.

Li Ze said with a smile: "The master praised it absurdly."

The woman said: "Okay, while you still have some strength, hurry up and leave here following the route I have directed."

"Thank you, Master." Li Ze said in a secret relief.


The black fox clan was dispatched, and many fierce beasts surrendering to the black fox clan also acted together, so this vast snowfield can be said to have no safe place.

But because the strength of this powerful woman who has never been seen is too strong, her perception ability is naturally quite terrifying.

She can know which small area does not have the black fox clan and the fierce beast for the time being. In this way, Li Zedao can get a short rest time to replenish his breath.

At the same time, the woman also gave Li Zedao a soul pill, which was used to replenish the severely consumed heavenly aura. This soul pill was even more powerful than the pill that was used to replenish the aura in the soul ring of Li Zedao. Several times.

If it weren't for being afraid of being kicked by this thigh, Li Zedao would want to shy face and say that you are giving me this pill.

He wants to study these pill, and then follow the method to refine it.

"It's safe here for now."

Li Zedao, who was rushing forward, heard the woman's voice.

Li Zedao stopped again, panting lightly, put away the center of the earth, and began to seize the time to close his eyes and calm his mind.

After a while, Li Zedao suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't help asking: "Master, the little one suddenly felt that we can actually go to the Black Fox Nest, right?"

Except for the sound of snowflakes falling to the ground, there was no more sound.

Li Ze talked at the corner of his mouth and understood.

This question is so stupid that this powerful woman is so stupid that she doesn't even bother to answer it.

Li Zedao is very wronged, why is this question an idiot? The black fox clan has already moved out, and they must have never thought that they have the guts to sneak into the black fox nest again, so at this time the black fox nest must be in a state of absolute emptiness.

This time directly using the center of the earth, it is not easy to pass through the soul formation, passing by the idiot tree without anyone else...

Then, Li Zedao took a slight body, he felt that he was indeed an idiot.

The center of the earth could indeed hide his traces, even the black fox patriarch could not detect his existence.

But the center of the earth still has a weakness after all, that is, it can't hide from the soul formation.

In other words, even if Li Zedao used the center of the earth to pass through the powerful soul formation, the soul formation would know that a tribe had entered there. At that time, the entire black fox clan would know that the **** outsider used some A powerful Horcrux sneaked into the black fox's nest.

Throwing all the messy thoughts out of his mind, Li Zedao calmly continued to rest.

After about Mo Xiaobanzhuxiang, the woman reminded: "The members of the black fox clan are here, continue walking in the direction of the arrow."

At this time, there are already a few snowflakes condensed into a small arrow, guiding the way forward.

Li Zedao cursed secretly, this black fox clan is really a dog skin plaster, no matter how to shake it off.

Quickly get up and use the center of the earth to completely hide your traces, and then follow the arrows to continue to sweep forward.

About an hour later, the soft voice of the thigh sounded in Li Zedao's ear: "You can put away the center of the earth."

Li Zedao quickly retracted the center of the earth, panting lightly, and began to rest.

Who wants to take a rest but no more than a stick of fragrant time, Li Zedao's back suddenly feels cold, and it feels like a poisonous snake is staring at him tightly behind him.

Although he was aware of the strong danger, Li Zedao didn't think too much, after all, if there was a danger, his thigh would remind himself.

Who would think that at this moment, a voice that looked a little hideous and excited: "I found it, right here."

"Quickly, send a text message to the patriarch."


The roar that Li Zedao was very familiar with suddenly burst into the space of the snow flakes and spread far away.

Li Zedao had a violent halt, and when he looked back subconsciously, his face changed wildly.

However, he saw that the two black foxes had already rushed to him, and at the same time, two extremely powerful coercion, crazily crushed.

"The thigh didn't remind me? What on earth did she want to do?"

Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly, and couldn't believe it was true.

"Fortunately, this ladyboy from the black fox clan has a cultivation base similar to him, otherwise I am afraid that he will be gone."

While complaining about the thighs, Li Zedao desperately resisted these two powerful pressures and wanted to use the center of the earth to escape here again.

Who thought, the undeniable voice of the thigh sounded in his ears: "Don't use the center of the earth, and don't use the butterfly wings. Flee in the direction pointed by the arrow."

Li Ze was shocked, not understanding what the thigh wanted to do.

At this moment, the two monsters roared and shot together, and in an instant, the extremely violent wind and snow crazily crushed.

Li Zedao felt that he was like a small boat on the sea that was shrouded in violent storms, and could be shot and shattered by a storm at any time.

Quickly took out the Black Soul Umbrella, stopped the blizzard's pressure, and swept away in the direction pointed by the arrow formed by a few pieces of snowflakes.

Up to now, Li Zedao can only pray that the thigh's move has other profound meanings, rather than letting himself go to death.

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