The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2952: Eastern Emperor Sage

In fact, even if this woman with terrifying strength and more terrifying origin does not speak, Li Zedao knows exactly what she wants to do.

Li Zedao couldn't do anything, of course, he didn't want to do it either.

Even if he knew the Eastern Emperor, he even **** in the sacred pool used by the Eastern Emperor to bathe, and threw a large bag of poisonous insects and animal dung, which caused the Eastern Emperor to have an unforgettable heart for him. The memory...Of course, this kind of memory is only hate.

After a few sticks of fragrant work, Li Zedao's body suddenly stagnated.

He clearly felt a powerful pressure surging, and immediately enveloped him.

Immediately, a white figure appeared in front of him as if walking on snow.

It was an extremely delicate but extremely indifferent and icy face, and it was a spotless dress that had nothing to do with the linen and filial piety... So Li Zedao couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

This woman must have taken a bath before entering this snowy area.

There is also the kind of breath that looks so domineering and so cold, and those eyes that are clearly very beautiful but cold and biting, who is not the Eastern Emperor?

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Li Zedao's body trembled uncontrollably.

He felt that a knife was cutting his flesh piece by piece very slowly, and he felt that he had been thrown into an ice hole, and extremely cold ice water was constantly splashing on his head.

Seeing this woman again, Li Ze felt somewhat complicated, thinking that she would be killed by the thigh, and his mood was even more complicated.

In other words, this was once a thigh he tried to hold firmly, but in the end he was kicked mercilessly by this thigh into that fiery gluttonous mouth.

Well, mainly this is a beautiful woman who is blasphemous even with words like "Allure," and it is a shame to be killed just like that.

If you change to Miss Luohua, you don't need to use your thighs at all, and Li Zedao wants to choke her alive.

Li Zedao did not forget that he was Donghuang Xiaochen at this time, so his eyes were wide, his face was extremely stiff, and he looked at the Donghuang Shengjun with horror and surprise, his body trembling like sifting chaff, his nose and tears. It's almost coming out.

"Sister Lianer...I...I'm not dreaming, am I? It's really you? Is it really you? Is it really you?"

Li Zedao’s voice is full of complex emotions, unbelievable, fearful, etc., and even if he doesn’t dare, he wants to pounce into the arms of my dear sister, saying that my sister and brother are almost scared to death. .

In my heart, I couldn’t help feeling that, with my acting skills, if I didn’t get the little golden man, the little golden man would not have any gold content at all, so those Oscar judges must not come and beg that they must accept the little golden man. ? If you don't accept it, you can't force it to death?

Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

Eastern Emperor Sage looked at Li Zedao, frowning slightly.

I thought this guy is the core child of the Eastern Royal Family? It should be. Although the clothes on his body are in tatters, it is vaguely visible that they are the clothes of the core children of the Eastern Royal Family.

Besides, the aura on his body is indeed the aura of the blood of the Eastern Royal Family.

Li Zedao didn't know that the sage of the Eastern Emperor didn't even know who he was, otherwise he would be surprised.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the Eastern Emperor.

The sage of the Eastern Emperor is the future of the Eastern Royal family and the pride of the Eastern Royal family. It is the strongest of the Eastern Royal family besides the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Eastern Emperor Tai Er. Even before, he also controlled the lifeline of the Eastern Royal family. A token of glory, coupled with her solitary and arrogant temperament, she doesn't like male animals, so she rarely stays in Donghuang Villa.

Although Donghuang Xiaochen is the half-brother of the same father of Donghuang Shengjun, the relationship between the old lady and the third wife is there, plus Donghuang Xiaochen is too inconspicuous. The only one who can get it right is It's the title of "wasteful".

Therefore, it is normal for the Eastern Emperor Sage to not recognize this half-parent's uselessness.

Of course, the Eastern Emperor Sage naturally would not ask such extremely hurtful questions as "Who are you?"

She just didn't expect that the first person she saw after entering this snowy region would be the core child of the high grade cultivation base in this district. She thought it would be the strongest Donghuang Linger among these core children. Or Donghuang Meier.

She even thought that she couldn't meet these core children of the Eastern Royal family at all.

Because the snowy area is too big, it is undoubtedly difficult to find someone in the snowy area.

It's even more because the snowy region is too dangerous, and the core children are likely to be dead.

At this time, she also clearly felt that this space was depressive, even distorted, and it was obvious that there were violent conflicts breaking out between the powerful and terrifying.

This made her feel very dangerous, and she just wanted to get away from this vortex as soon as possible.

The Eastern Emperor Sage looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly, and asked, "Where are the others?"

Li Zedao's body was violent, his nose and tears came out, and his voice was terrified: "Sister Ling'er and Sister Mei'er are all trapped at the bottom of a Xueyuan, life and death are uncertain. If I were not timid and afraid to go down, I must have You are going to be trapped... Sister Lian'er, hurry up and save them..."

Donghuang Shengjun frowned even more, and said, "Lead the way."

After half an hour, Li Zedao took the Eastern Emperor Shengjun to the huge crack that didn't know it stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

Feeling the dangerous chill that came out of the Xueyuan ahead, Li Zedao's expression was horrified, and his voice tremblingly pointed at that Xueyuan and said: "Sister Lian'er, Sister Ling'er and Sister Mei'er are just being caught Trapped there, I heard their screams... Go and save them..."

The Eastern Emperor Sage looked at that Xueyuan, her eyes were a bit colder than the breath that Xueyuan exudes.

She said lightly: "Keep up."

Before the words fell, the figure swept away, and he already jumped into the abyss.

"Sister Lian'er, wait for me, I'm scared..."

Li Zedao "panic" screamed, Pidian Pidian followed.

It may be that the battle between the Ice Dragon King and the Black Fox Patriarch has caused this space to be distorted, so that the creatures curled up with their heads trembling and did not dare to come out.

It could also be because the coldness of the Eastern Emperor Saint King's body was too terrifying.

In short, until the bottom of Xueyuan, no poisonous insects or beasts attacked and killed them, which made Li Zedao somewhat surprised.

At this time, the bottom of Xue Yuan was not much different from the past, except that the atmosphere was more suppressed, it seemed so quiet and beautiful.

Li Zedao, who has seen the horror at the bottom of the Xueyuan, naturally knows how dangerous it is to hide in this quiet and beautiful environment.

In the surrounding ice and snow, maybe a terrifying beast has already lurked, patiently waiting for the deadliest blow to its prey.

While the icy eyes of the Eastern Emperor Sage swept around for a few moments, the extremely powerful coldness had already invaded in all directions.

Soon, the Eastern Emperor's brows wrinkled slightly.

She failed to capture any breath about the core children of the Eastern Royal family, nor did she capture any danger.

But I don't know why, she always felt that there was a pair of eyes that seemed so cruel around her, looking at her quietly, as if looking for the best opportunity to give her the most fatal blow.

The gaze of the sage of the Eastern Emperor fell on Li Zedao, and asked: "Where are they trapped?"

Li Zedao looked both frightened and ashamed, and he didn't have the courage to raise his head.

"I don't know, I only saw them plunder this Xueyuan, but then I heard the screams of sister Ling'er and their screams and calls for help. I was so frightened that I turned and ran..."

Donghuang Shengjun frowned even more.

Among the core children of the Eastern Royal family, is there such a greedy for life and fear of death? Simply lost the face of the Eastern Royal family.

But he didn't say anything to blame this greedy person, but asked: "Why are they going down the Xueyuan?"

Li Zedao casually scorned: "It's like this. Sister Ling'er and Sister Mei'er don't listen to each other. There is a conflict. They bet that whoever reaches the bottom of Xueyuan first is the winner, and the loser must obey the winner. "

Donghuang Shengjun didn't doubt that Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier didn't agree with each other, everyone in Donghuang Villa knew.

She said lightly: "Follow me."

After a pause, he said, "I don't necessarily care about you, you should also pay attention to your safety."

Although this guy was greedy for life and afraid of death, the Eastern Emperor Sage couldn't just watch him die here.

However, when he returned to the Eastern Royal Clan, he would be expelled from the Eastern Royal Clan so as not to continue to lose the face of the Eastern Royal Clan.

Li Zedao nodded frantically, thinking that the scary woman was afraid that she had dug a hole and was waiting for you to jump, so you should take care of yourself.

The Eastern Emperor Sage took a deep breath, a powerful deterrent erupted from his body, and he slowly moved forward.

After walking forward about a stick of incense, the pupils of the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch shrank suddenly.

I don't know when a defensive soul array that appeared to be so powerful appeared in the front.

No, not just in front, behind her, on both sides of her, and above her head, powerful soul formations appeared.

In other words, she is now a bird in a cage with nowhere to fly.

What made the Eastern Emperor's brows even more frowned was that the child of the core family who was supposed to be following her was far away from her at some point.

"He has defected?"

The Eastern Emperor Sage glanced blankly at the traitor in the distance, and at the same time she had a snow sword in her hand that looked like countless snowflakes.

The next moment, a terrifying sword intent formed by the condensation of countless wind and snow burst out.

Even if Li Zedao had already escaped extremely far, even if the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch was already trapped in the soul formation.

But when this horrible sword intent broke out, Li Zedao's scalp was still uncontrollably numb, and he sucked in cold breath again and again.

After not seeing her for a while, this woman's strength was obviously a little stronger than when she was fighting Fierce Gourmet before, so it's no wonder she was able to severely injure Miss Luo Hua.


The horror sword intent exploded directly in front of the Eastern Emperor Sage, and the aura that overflowed everywhere turned into invisible in a moment, as if there was a huge blood basin in the invisible, greedily absorbing these auras. Similar.

Donghuang Shengjun's body paused violently, his expression already very solemn.

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