The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2955: Three ladies

At this time, the face of the eldest lady had long lost the grace and nobility of the past, a little twisted, and a strong suffocation filled her body.

The second lady's face was also extremely ugly, and there was an undisguised cold glow in her eyes.

Only the face of the third lady is normal...Of course, in Li Zedao's view, the face of the third lady is actually extremely abnormal.

Eleven core children, including Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er, were all killed at this snow feast. They failed to come out of the snowy area. The Eastern royal family should have been enveloped in a sad atmosphere.

But there is a trace of comfort on your third wife's face, even a trace of pride, what is this?

The eldest lady and the second lady only have anger, only unwillingness, and can't see any trace of grief. What is this?

Li Zedao felt cold from the bottom of his heart, and felt that this huge manor covered by snow and ice for many years did not seem to be much different from hell.

There doesn't seem to be any family affection here, there are only cold uses.

Li Zedao still looked terribly frightened in the snowy area, took a deep breath, and tremblingly bowed his hands to the three ladies.

"Madam, second wife, mother."

Both the eldest lady and the second lady looked at this with cold eyes. They had always regarded it as a waste, and even often used it to mock the wimp of that **** woman. They still couldn't believe that only this wimp came out of the snowy area.

Why is he?

Just because he is a wasteful one, so luck is favored by him?

The third wife looked at her son with satisfaction and said: "Okay, okay, you really didn't disappoint me."

Li Zedao couldn't help but slander in his heart. When did your sister hold hope for your useless son? Don't think I didn't know you before and even wished him to die quickly, lest you lose face.

The third wife encouraged the son who made her quite worthy at this time, and glanced at the eldest wife and the second wife with a mocking look.

The faces of the eldest lady and the second lady were distorted again, wishing to scratch the face of this **** bitch.

Su Yinxuan's few powerhouses naturally did not dare to be rude to the eldest lady and the second lady, but they were the powerhouses who dared to look at Luo Xuexuan and Han Meixuan with quite triumphant eyes.

Such triumphant eyes only made Luo Xuexuan's and Han Meixuan's powerful men itch their teeth with hatred, and wanted to draw their swords and kill people immediately.

If the eldest lady continues to stay here, there will be a few more corpses on the cold ground.

The Eastern Royal family had just lost so many core children, the old village owner naturally did not allow any more corpses in the villa, so he gave a cold snort and walked away.

The second wife took a deep look at Li Zedao, with an undisguised murderous look in her eyes.

Then he turned and left, speeding up to catch up with the lady, and walked side by side with the lady.

The unprecedented eldest lady just glanced at the second lady without any rejection.

The third wife looked at the backs of the two **** leaving, her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a terrible cold light.

It seems that in the defeat of the Xueyan, these two **** women are going to get together in embarrassment.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Xiao Chen shined at this snow feast, becoming the only person to leave the snowy area, and his father will hand the Glory token into his hands.

And Xiao Chen was still young, so naturally he couldn't keep the Glory Token, so he wanted to hand the Glory Token to her mother.

Once you get the glory token that represents your identity, you will also become the absolute controller of this East Emperor Villa.

At that time, these two **** women can't be honestly curled up in their dens?

Seeing the strange smile on the face of the third lady, Li Zedao couldn't help but shiver, feeling that this woman was too terrifying.

The third wife looked at Li Zedao, as if her face had changed, she was already full of concern, and said softly: "Xiao Chen, you are also tired, mother will take you back and take a good rest."

Li Zedao once again bowed his hands and saluted: "Thank you, my mother."

The second lady took the initiative to walk side by side with the eldest lady, and the eldest lady didn't even dislike him to get out of the way. She even spoke a few words proactively, and the two looked like sisters.

These pictures are undoubtedly quite weird, so weird that the strong men behind the eldest lady and the second lady seriously suspect that there is something wrong with their eyes.

Then he was quite at a loss for a while, and the expressions on each face were quite stiff.

In the past, Luo Xuexuan and Su Yinxuan were tit-for-tat when they met each other. You glared at me, I glared at you, you greet my father, and I greet your mother, just to fight.

Especially the people of Luo Xuexuan, relying on the Eastern Emperor Sage to control the glory tokens, they are absolutely overbearing. For example, in Tangshan before, people who met Han Meixuan and Su Yinxuan all went straight to death. Insulting.

Now, the eldest lady and the second wife are in love with sisters over there, so naturally they can't be tit-for-tat as they did in the past, but they don't think that like the eldest lady and the second wife, they are so impatient, that they can be happy and angry.

Therefore, these people can only have a stiff expression, even if they show a little smile, it is quite stingy.

"You go down first." The lady waved her hand.

The second lady also waved.

So these strong men from Luo Xuexuan and Han Meixuan all breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left this extremely embarrassing place for them.

After all these miscellaneous people left, the second lady gave an unprecedented salute to the eldest lady and said: "My sister has tolerated that **** **** so proud and presumptuous?"

The elder sister's scream made the lady's stomach a little twisted, and she was really disgusting.

Damn bitch, do you think I don't know what you are thinking?

The eldest sneered in her heart, but she said faintly: "Sister can not tolerate that **** **** woman's arrogance?"

Speaking of the word "sister", the eldest madam also increased her tone.

So the second lady was also disgusted.

She faintly smiled and said: "I can't tolerate it, but in my heart, sister you are the master of this great eastern royal family. Sister you didn't say anything, so naturally I can't say anything."

The eldest lady responded modestly: "What does my sister say? My sister has never been the real controller of this family. Otherwise, how could there be any Suyinxuan and Hanmeixuan in this villa?"

The expression on the second lady's face was slightly stiff, she wanted to stimulate this bitch, but who wanted to be stimulated by her in turn.

After adjusting his mood, he sighed and said: "Who ever thought that such a wimp was the only one who came out of that snowy area? If my sister didn't help the wimp to improve his cultivation level, there is nothing so much now."

The eldest lady looked so broad-minded at the second lady who was like a clown doing soliciting divorce over there, and said of course: "Xiaochen is his son, that is, my half son. Shouldn't I help him? ?"

"Sister, it's a joke that you've been Xiaochen from beginning to end, it seems something shouldn't be."

The second wife's complexion stiffened again, and she couldn't see that this **** **** was not only vicious in heart and cruel, but also so sharp in her mouth.

I really underestimated her before.

So the second lady stopped pretending, and said coldly: "I can't swallow this breath."

The old lady looked up at the falling snowflakes in front of her, and sneered: "If you can't swallow this breath, you can go to her. What's the use of telling me?"

"Joining hands."

The second wife said coldly: "Of course, if you can really allow that **** woman to show off in front of you in the future, then treat it as if I didn't say anything."

The eldest lady responded coldly: "Can you and I change my father's decision?"

"Naturally, you and I can't change any decision of your father, but it is enough to ensure that that **** does not dare to be too presumptuous in front of us, even if the glory token falls into her hands."

"Sister, the view of Guanxue Pavilion is really good, how about you and I go to enjoy the snow together?"

The eldest lady sent an invitation, and the expression and tone of her expression were so affectionate for sisters.

The second lady showed such an affectionate smile on her face, and said, "My sister has this intention, please, please."

"Sister, please."

Donghuang Bieyuan.

Dong Huang Taiyi's muddy old eyes looked at Mr. Qinglong and said, "You are right. That young man does have unreasonable luck."

Even the strongest Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er could not get out of the snowy area, but he came out safe and sound, and he was the only one. Such luck really didn't make any sense.

Mr. Qinglong said: "I was quite confident that he could leave the snowy area from beginning to end, even if it was me and him who entered the snowy area, and in the end only one could leave the snowy area alive, then the one who came out alive in the end, It should be him too."

Donghuang Tai shook his head slightly, he didn't understand why Mr. Qinglong looked down on himself so much.


He asked: "Do you think he has brought that thing out?"

Mr. Qinglong looked down at the water pool slightly, looking like a fish was about to be hooked, and said indifferently, "I thought it was brought out?"

Donghuang Taiyi took a deep breath: "Are you so sure?"

Of the twelve core children, only he came out alive. Donghuang Taiyi was naturally quite surprised and had to admit that the young man selected by Mr. Qinglong was really lucky.

But coming out alive and bringing that thing out alive are two different things.

Without telling him to find such a thing and take it out of the snowy premises, how small is the probability of finding that thing and bringing it out?

Even this is simply an impossible thing to happen.

But Mr. Qinglong just thinks this is a matter of course, and Mr. Qinglong's thoughts are also unreasonable.

"When you and I don't dare to enter the snowy area, we can only trust him, can't we? Since we can only trust him, then we must trust him completely, otherwise this matter will have no meaning."

This is Mr. Qinglong's idea, he has always been like this.

If he believes in a person, he will trust him unconditionally, and he will not waver no matter what kind of interference he receives.

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