The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2958: Mountain Villa Feast

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was faintly twitched, and his hand quickly stretched out to take out the seemingly unremarkable piece of iron and looked at it repeatedly, but the disappointment in his heart became more and more intense.

But his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, he looked so excited, and even his body was trembling slightly.

This is the Glory Token. I finally take charge of the Glory Token.

Li Zedao was quite speechless in his heart, just such a piece that looked so ordinary, afraid that it was a broken iron that no one saw when it was thrown on the ground. Is that the glory token that can even determine the life and death of the Eastern Royal family?

Does that high heaven pay too little attention to these glorious families?

"Your sister's, isn't it fake?"

Li Zedao feels that this possibility is not small.

The thigh said, the Eastern Emperor's family has a very close relationship with Mr. Qinglong, and Mr. Qinglong let him sneak into the Eastern Emperor's Villa, not for the token of glory at all.

Therefore, Donghuang Taiyi naturally knew his identity. In this case, how could Donghuang Taiyi dare to give him the true glory token?

"Your sister!"

Li Zedao cursed secretly, but he was still excited, he appeared so careful, so respectful, and so sacred that he put the glory token back into the box.

After taking a few deep breaths, he closed the box and pulled out the small sword.

After pondering, Li Zedao did not put the small sword back into the groove at the bottom of the box again, but hid it separately.

After putting this box into the soul ring with excitement and respect, Li Zedao ignored the jealous, jealous and hate voices outside the courtyard.

He closed his eyes and continued to practice.

For a while, I couldn't calm down, and I was full of thoughts about what to do next.

The Glory Token is already in hand...Of course, it is fake in all likelihood.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, since the Glory Token has been obtained, it means that he has completed more than half of the task of sneaking into the East Emperor's Villa.

But should this Glory Token be handed over to the thigh or to Mr. Qinglong?

With a headache, Li Zedao started to feel pain.

He sadly discovered that his headache was unnecessary.

Now he can't leave the East Emperor's Villa at all, and can't leave the East Emperor's Villa, so he can't find the thigh or go to Mr. Qinglong.

"What kind of trouble is this?"


After being dealt with by a good brother, he was hit by the powerful Horcrux that was carefully refined by the Tang family behind the eldest lady. In the end, he could only choose to seek refuge in the eldest lady's Donghuang Dachen.

Except for visiting the eldest lady from time to time, the rest of the time he chose to curl up in his courtyard, unlike the arrogance of the past.

At this time, the screams that seemed to be so heart-piercing continued to be heard in the courtyard of Donghuang Dachen.

But in the courtyard, Donghuang Dachen was rolling desperately on the ice and snow.

His face was already twisted into a ball, like an ugly bun that had been stepped on. The big cold sweat continued to emerge from his ugly face, but it quickly condensed into ice.

His eyeballs were completely white, and he was about to jump out of his eye sockets.

Under the corridor in front, the old lady stood there with grace and grace, admiring the wind and snow, as if nothing had happened.

Behind the eldest lady, there are several elderly people.

They are all the elders of the Tang family behind the eldest lady.

These elders are extremely powerful soulsmiths, and they are usually responsible for refining various powerful Horcruxes. The **** plum blossoms that were taken away by Li Zedao were refined by them with great effort.

"Can it be done?"

The eldest lady looked so indifferent and asked, she stretched out her hand, and a snowflake appeared to be so softly attached to her weak and boneless hand.

An old Tang patriarch behind her bowed his hand and said: "Young Master Dust is not weak, and his soul is extremely powerful, so if he can do it, he will have to suffer a bit, and his soul may be damaged."

There is a **** plum blossom attached to the Great Dust Soul of the Eastern Emperor. Li Zedao is having a headache about the glory token, so he really forgot this **** plum blossom.

Donghuang Dachen naturally did not forget.

This **** plum blossom is like a maggot attached to the bone, irritating his soul and torturing his nerves crazily all the time.

He was really worried that his good brother suddenly ordered this **** plum to start cutting his soul on a whim.

The eldest lady wanted to take out the **** plum blossom from the Eastern Emperor's Great Dust Soul.

Ironically, although the **** plum blossoms were refined by the Tang family, they were "rebellious" for some reason, so the Tang family was helpless for a while, and there was nothing to do with this **** plum blossoms.

Finally, the elders of the Tang family came up with a way.

They decided to use the powerful Horcrux called "Invisible".

At this time, this extremely mysterious and extremely powerful Horcrux was in the soul of the Eastern Emperor Dachen, and was attacking the **** plum blossom attached to the soul of the Eastern Emperor Dachen.

I have to say that these elders of the Tang family were right. Li Zedao used this method before to conquer the five **** plum blossoms and kill the black soul flies.

Bleeding Plum is naturally not as powerful as "invisible", and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

It's just that the **** plum blossom has spirituality, and the "invisible" is powerful, but the sense of oppression is far less terrible than the Horcruxes bred from the chaotic space such as butterfly wings and the center of the earth, so the **** plum blossoms will naturally not surrender, let alone May sit and wait.

So in the soul of Donghuang Dachen, a fierce battle was erupting at this time.

This is why Donghuang Dachen is so painful.

Finally, Donghuang Dachen stopped rolling. He gasped heavily, staring at the extremely gloomy sky with his eyes that looked like fish-eyes, and he felt a sense of renewed life.

After that, he struggled to get up, knelt in front of the lady in such a respectful and humble manner, and said with a weak voice, "Thank you, my mother."

The elder lady looked at Donghuang Xiaochen, with a hint of pity in her indifferent eyes, and whispered: "My son has suffered, and my mother really feels painful when I look at it. I really want to help you kill the waste."

"It's a pity that that wimpy turned out to be the only winner of the snow feast, and you have to hand over the token of glory to him, so it's not easy for my mother to embarrass him."

Donghuang Dachen's body suddenly stiffened, and those dead fish eyes became extremely gloomy, and he said every word: "Thank you, my mother, for your concern. My mother can rest assured that he is useless and his son will kill him himself."

Having grown up like this, Donghuang Dachen has never really hated a person like he does now, so that he hates that he will even die with him!

"In two days, it will be the biennial mountain village grand ceremony." The lady said, "At that time, it is inevitable that someone will challenge you, so take care of yourself."


Donghuang Dachen's dead fish eyes shone with terrible cold light.

My dear brother, my brother will definitely entertain you at the grand ceremony in that mountain villa.


Even if you look at the entire celestial realm, Donghuang Villa can be said to be an extremely large sect force.

In this huge white city covered by ice and snow, not only the members of the Eastern Emperor's clan lived, but also many powerful men who surrendered to the Eastern Emperor's clan.

Where there are people, there are naturally all kinds of contradictions.

Especially the old lady's Luo Xuexuan, the second wife's Han Meixuan, and the third wife's Su Yinxuan, there have always been conflicts and constant friction.

However, there are some tough rules in the East Emperor's Villa. For example, in the East Emperor's Villa, it is okay to fight, but no death is allowed. Otherwise, you will be expelled from the East Emperor's Villa and your life will be exchanged for life.

Of course, the Donghuang clan also knows that such small frictions will not solve the contradiction at all, but will only deepen the contradiction.

Therefore, every two years, Donghuang Mountain Villa will hold a month-long ceremony to resolve these contradictions.

In this month, in addition to the old people of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Donghuang Taier generations, and three other wives who have high status in the family, the rest are also the children of the Eastern royal family. Or those strong people who are attached to the Eastern Emperor clan can stand on the Guiyi Pavilion in the Guiyi Platform and shout out who you are going to challenge.

The person being challenged has three days to consider whether or not to accept the challenge.

If you accept it, go to the Guiyi station and start an endless battle with the other party!

Of course, you can also refuse to accept the challenge, but within one year of the end of the ceremony, you have to choose one of the days to serve as the other's servant.

There is also such a situation.

Even if you refuse to accept the challenge at first, as long as you regret it within three days, then it doesn't count as if you refuse to accept the challenge. You can still come on stage and fight the other side to the death.

In addition, with the disappearance of the Eastern Emperor Qiankun and the rise of the three wives, the recent feasts in the mountain villa have turned into battles between Luoxuexuan, Hanmeixuan and Suyinxuan.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the same is true for this mountain villa feast.

When a new day arrives, the biennial mountain villa grand ceremony also kicked off.

The courtyard of the Guiyi Pavilion, which has always been in a closed state, was opened, and the children of Donghuang Villa who had long been unable to bear it, and those strong men who were attached to the Donghuang clan, all walked into this Guiyi Pavilion with a strong murderous aura. in.

Guiyi Pavilion is the largest courtyard in Donghuang Villa, and it is not a problem to accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

In the middle of that, there is a circular ice platform, and there is the Guiyi platform for life and death.

On the chair in front of Guiyitai, apart from Donghuang Taiyi and Donghuang Taier, including the three wives and the highly respected and powerful men in the villa, they were already sitting there at this time, preparing to watch the battle.

"My good brother!"

Donghuang Dachen, who entered the Guiyi Pavilion, stared at the Guiyitai in the distance with such scarlet eyes, and made a roar that seemed so hideous in his heart.

At the next moment, his figure flashed, and he was already standing on the return platform.

"Look, someone is on the same platform."

"Who can't wait to kill someone so impatient?"

"Eastern Emperor Dachen! It's Donghuang Dachen! Who does he want to challenge?"


Seeing that Donghuang Dachen could not wait so impatiently, he rushed to return to the stage, and the scene immediately exploded. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

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