The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2961: Challenge

It gave people the feeling that challenging Donghuang Xiaochen was quite something to be proud of, and Donghuang Xiaochen was the mountain they had to cross.

So in just one day, there were more than 500 people who swept on and returned to one platform, or they were energetic, or gritted their teeth and expressed that they wanted to challenge Donghuang Xiaochen.

Donghuang’s House, Donghuang Taiyi didn’t sit there and sleep like he used to, but looked in the direction of Guiyi Pavilion, that old face was not only dumbfounded or dumbfounded.

He has lived for so long, and this is the first time he has encountered such a weird thing.

On the side, Mr. Qinglong, who had not left, was also dumbfounded, unable to believe it was true.

It’s really hard for him to imagine that a duel was just used to solve the internal contradictions in Donghuang Villa. He didn’t even bother to fight the duel mentioned by the ant. It turned into a grand scene of a joint crusade against one person, as if that person made How frantic things are coming out.

Mr. Qinglong thought for a while, that kind of unreasonable luck seemed to be really sad and crazy.

So I didn't wrong him.

"Aren't you going to take care of it?" Mr. Qinglong looked at Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Tai once came back to his senses and returned to the same manner as before, saying: "It's inconvenient for me to deal with such trivial matters."

After a pause, Donghuang Taiyi asked, "Are you afraid that he is dead?"

Mr. Qinglong said seriously: "How do you think this East Emperor Villa is dangerous compared to Snowy Land? I am worried that you will die in a lot of people in East Emperor Villa."

"You and I know that the cultivation base of that ant is far more than the high-grade cultivation base of the Great Dao Realm."

Dong Huang Taiyi closed his eyes and said lightly: "In recent years, I have become more and more aware that the villa is too noisy. If you die, you will die."

The corner of Mr. Qinglong's mouth outlines such a mockery.

Is it because you think the villa is too noisy? I'm afraid it's because your East Emperor Villa actually questioned the fact that you handed the Glory token to the ant, so you want to kill people, right?

The challenge to Donghuang Xiaochen continued to ferment, and soon, the number of people had changed from more than 500 people to more than 800 people now.

This is undoubtedly an unimaginable thing, even more unimaginable than the fact that Donghuang Xiaochen became the only victor in the snowy region and took charge of the Glory Token.

Even in the end, even the person in charge of the gate ran over to join in the fun.

The janitor seemed to be so powerful and rushed to return to the platform, loudly expressing that he wanted to challenge Donghuang Xiaochen!

Many people knew this gatekeeper, and even Li Zedao was quite familiar with him. It was the gatekeeper who made it difficult for him when Li Zedao first entered Donghuang Villa before and prevented him from entering through the front gate.

This person was named Tang Ergou and was a loyal servant of the Tang family. After the rise of the sage of the Eastern Emperor and the vaguely controlled power of the Donghuang Villa, Tang Ergou was sent by the elder to guard the Donghuang Villa. door.

The gate of Donghuang Mountain Villa actually doesn't need to be seen. Even if you have to look at it, weak people like Tang Ergou who are not in the Lingyu realm are not qualified to guard it.

So the lady's move was to humiliate those strong men who depended on Han Mei Xuan and Su Yin Xuan, just to prevent them from entering through the front entrance.

Therefore, many people in the audience had suffered from Tang Ergou's verbal humiliation, and had to enter the villa from the side door that was indistinguishable from the dog hole in a rather shameful manner.

But at this time, these strong men who wanted to chop up Tang Ergou to feed the dogs in the past let go of their previous hatred. They share the same hatred, and they sent the most enthusiastic cheers to this courageous janitor, and then went on to die. Li despised Donghuang Xiaochen, said he was despicable and greedy for life and fear of death, and said he was a weak chicken.

Said that he was the greatest shame in the history of the Eastern Emperors.

These people who are greedy for life and fear of death are still in charge of the lifeline of the Eastern Emperor, and they are deeply worried about the future of the Eastern Emperor.

Hearing the cheers that almost knocked down the entire Guiyi Pavilion, Tang Ergou's face was red, and he felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, and he was simply a winner in life.

When a lot of people are proud, they usually lose sight, especially those small people.

Tang Ergou had forgotten his form. At this moment, he had forgotten his strength and identity. He felt that he was a hero.

He looked so powerful and roared: "Dong Huang Xiaochen, as the core child of the Eastern Royal Family, you are now in charge of the glory token of the Eastern Royal Family. Could it be that you are even like me? The janitor of the lower grades challenges you, don't you dare to fight?"

As soon as Tang Ergou's words came out, the atmosphere on the scene became even more hot, almost igniting Guiyi Pavilion.

The scene was as if Tang Ergou was the big star, and these people underneath were all the fans of the big star.

Seeing that Tang Ergou was so popular, those servants whose status and strength were inferior to Tang Ergou also showed unprecedented excitement. Their unwillingness to be ordinary began to move around, and they also wanted to take the stage to challenge Donghuang Xiaochen!

At the same time, in the courtyard, Li Zedao sat there feebly, his face extremely sluggish, as if his soul had already disappeared in half.

The voice without any emotion continued to ring in Li Zedao's ears, and what he said was exactly what Tang Ergou said on the Guiyi stage.

If it were in the past, no matter how threatening and cruel the challengers uttered, this person who spread the word would not speak for him.

But it may be because I thought the feast of the mountain villa this time was quite interesting, maybe because too many people stepped on Donghuang Xiaochen, so this messenger didn't mind stepping on Donghuang Xiaochen.

It is also possible that I hate iron but not steel, and want to stimulate Donghuang Xiaochen.

Therefore, the messenger retelled Tang Ergou's rhetoric to Li Zedao once and for all.

Li Zedao originally wanted to continue to refuse, anyway, he has already refused so many, not bad for this one.

As for the latter being their servant, the latter is thinking of a way.

But when he heard that Tang Ergou was only inferior in the Lingyu realm, he dared to release such irritating words so arrogantly, Li Zedao couldn't stand it anymore, his eyes suddenly glared, and his whole body was enveloped in terrible murderous aura. .

"Too bully!"

"This son is just a low-key, not wanting to be extravagant, but you are actually aggressive! Are you afraid that you will not succeed in front of this son?"

Li Zedao roared in his heart: "This young man is now a strong person of the highest grade peak cultivation base of the return stage, okay?"

Yes, the second day after coming out of the snowy region, it may be that the snow lotus seed given by the thigh I took before was completely absorbed, and the ice dragon core not only nourishes the damaged soul, but also contains terrible energy. For this reason, Li Zedao's cultivation base broke through again.

He is already at the peak cultivation base of the High Grade of Returning One Realm now!

With his cultivation base, plus his powerful soul, plus the center of the earth and butterfly wings, as well as those powerful Horcruxes obtained from the Black Fox Nest, such as the Black Soul Umbrella.

Li Zedao can be said to be invincible at the same realm, and even against the powerhouses of the middle grade peak cultivation base in the Shangguiyi realm, Li Zedao will not be too empty.

If the center of the earth is used, it is Mr. Qinglong, don't want to keep him.

Of course, the center of the earth is used to save life, unless it is the critical moment of life and death, Li Zedao will never use it randomly, otherwise once he is learned, I am afraid that Mr. Qinglong will be jealous.

The human monsters and fierce beasts in the snowy area don't know why he suddenly and completely disappeared, but Mr. Qinglong would definitely know.

Of course, because of wearing thousands of people and thousands of faces, Li Zedao, in the eyes of others, is still a high-quality cultivation.

Right now, Li Zedao took a deep breath and yelled in a low voice, "My Donghuang Xiaochen, accept Tang Ergou's challenge! Start now!"

Then he opened the door of the courtyard vigorously, and walked into the wind and snow with a murderous look.

At the same time, Tang Ergou stood on the Guiyi stage so proudly, accepting the cheers that seemed so hot from the crowd.

He felt that this kind of opportunity was rare, and he had to yell a few words so as to completely reveal his domineering.

In this way, those few little sisters who serve the eldest lady and look so watery might have infinite love for them because of such a domineering scene.

Thinking of the young ladies looking at him with admiring eyes, Tang Ergou was even more ecstatic, and he felt that his bones were going to be crisp.

Who would think that at this moment, Donghuang Xiaochen's angry voice suddenly exploded in this Guiyi Pavilion.

"My Donghuang Xiaochen, accept Tang Ergou's challenge! Start now!"

Like a raging fire encountering a great flood that is rare in a century, the flame is extinguished all at once!

The Guiyi Pavilion, which was originally in the absolute hustle and bustle, was suddenly plunged into absolute silence, and the needle fell.

Those strong men who were still clamoring for the last second, each with their eyes widened and their mouths wide open, their faces were extremely stiff, and their brains were completely blank.

Their throats were still squirming desperately, but they couldn't say a word.

Donghuang Xiaochen actually accepted the challenge? how can that be?

Well, they naturally hope that Donghuang Xiaochen will accept the challenge, and then quickly get on stage and be killed.

But they did not expect to say that Donghuang Xiaochen did not accept the challenge of Donghuang Dachen, nor did he accept the challenge of Donghuang Linghan, did not accept the challenge of other strong people, and did not accept the previous more than 800 strong people. The challenge was to accept the challenge of Tang Ergou, who was arguably the weakest among the 800-odd people who looted and returned to Taiwan.

Can he be shameless?

The eldest lady, the second lady and the third lady were unable to maintain the elegance and nobility they had before, and the three extremely delicate faces stiffened, and their eyes looked so weird.

Tang Ergou's face that had become so stiff was left with an arrogant expression that seemed so energetic, that his face looked so funny and ridiculous.

His mouth was wide open, but it was as if an invisible hand was pinching his throat so hard that he could only make a weird and hoarse voice.

At this moment, the icy wind and snow swept into Guiyi Pavilion, and many people's stiffened bodies shuddered suddenly.

Following the icy wind and snow coming in and blowing in, there was also a murderous white figure.

Donghuang Xiaochen!

He is coming!

No, he is killing!

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